Saturday, May 29, 2021

Bible Study Series: What We Learn From Apostle Peter








*The Jewish children were taught the Torah in the Synagogues starting at 5 years     


*The Jewish child was trained in the oral traditions starting at 15 years



*At 15 years of age, he learned his trade.


*The Jewish males were expected to read the Torah and preach sermons

   In the Synagogues.

*Peter  was married

    Jesus healed his mother in law   Luke 4:38

*He was a fisherman

  Fishermen were gruff, unkempt, used vulgar language,

  And had boisterous tempers.

  He was a Galilean. He grew up in the village of Bethsaida

 As a fisherman, he was strong and determined.



   * Jewish males learned a trade 15 years old

   *He was a Godly man

      The Jews prayed 3 times a day.

        Morning prayer at sunrise

        Afternoon prayer at 3 pm

        Evening prayer at nightfall

       They prayed before a meal

       They prayed after a meal


*Trained in the Word of God from child age.



He was a disciple of John before Jesus

He heard the Word and believed what he learned

He and his brother were looking for the Messiah

Peter and his brother Andrew were the first disciples Jesus called.  Mark 1:16


At the call of Jesus, Andrew and Peter left their trade and followed


Peter was trained under Jesus for 3 ½ years.

Peter was vocal and opinionated. He was bold.

When he was wrong, he was all wrong

When he was right, he was all the way right.


When Jesus said He was going to Jerusalem to be crucified, Peter

Rebuked Jesus in private.  Jesus said to Peter get behind me Satan   Mark 8:33


 Jesus asked the question, who do you say that I am?  Peter said thou are

The Christ.  Mark 8:29


When the disciples were in the boat tossed by waves and saw Jesus

Walking on water, It was Peter who said to Jesus if It is you. Called me out

On the water. Matthew 14:28


Peter became one of Jesus favorite disciples.

It was Peter, James, and John who Jesus took to the mount of

Transfiguration.   Matthew 17:1



The Lord had to do a number on Peter to break down his pride.

At the last supper, Jesus told Peter, that He had given Satan permission

To Shift him like wheat.   Luke 22:31


Jesus told Peter before the cock crowed, he would deny Him three times.

Matthew 26:34

When he did this, Peter knew his sin and was grieved in the heart.

Matthew 26:75




Peter became a powerful apostle when he received the Holy Spirit on

The day of Pentecost.


From that day on, Peter took the lead of the disciples.

After Peter's first sermon, 3000 were converted.   Acts 2:40


Peter and John become preaching partners.


When confronted by a beggar at the temple. He said silver and gold

I have none, But what I do have I give you. He took the beggar

By the right hand and helped him up. The beggar leaped into the temple. Acts 3:6


When there was a problem with the food distribution to the widowers,

Peter directed the disciple to chose 7 men to handle that problem

Creating the first deacons of the Church.   Acts 6:3


Peter established the Job of the Preacher; Pray and study the word.

Acts 6:4


What can we learn from Peter’s relationship with Jesus?


1.     We are a work in progress.

2.     Peter was anointed as an apostle on the day of Pentecost.

3.     We need the study of the Word.

4.     We need to be trained for our call to service.

5.     We need to bold about the Gospel.

6.     Do not take offense when you are chastised by the Lord.

7.     We need to take our call to service with our whole heart.

8.     We need to prepare to teach and preach the Word.

9.     We need an active prayer life.

10.We must trust Jesus for all our needs.

11. We must drop our agenda and take on Christ's agenda.

12. Take the job of discipleship as a blessing from God.

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