Thursday, June 26, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "A Call To Unity", 6/29/14



1 Corinthians 1:10-17


V:10. " I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought."

A. This is a call to the members of the Church to be unified.

    1. If we can't get together on the inside of the Church, how can we expect someone

        from the outside to join in with us.

    2. This call is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

        a. Jesus is the head of the Church.

        b. Jesus is the authority of the Church.

 B. God wants the members of the Church to be in complete agreement.

     1. For us to be in complete agreement, we have to ensure that Jesus is the center

         of our activities.

     2. To be in complete agreement, we have to study the Word together.

     3. We have to put aside our differences and first find where we agree.

          a. If we can find where we agree, maybe we can work around our


          b. If we can agree on Jesus Christ and Him crucified, then everything else

              is minor.

          c. There are some things that are not worth arguing about. 

          d. If our disagreements does not involve Christian doctrine, we can

              compromise or let the disagreeing party have his/her way.

      4. We should all strive to have the mind of Christ.

         a. Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.   Phil 2:5

         b. If we all strive toward the mind of Christ, all our differences will


 C. We should make it our business to pursue unity among the brethren. 

     1. Satan and his demons are unified in seeking to destroy the Church.

     2. Satan is on a mission to corrupt that which he can't destroy.

        a. Disunity in the Church is a means to Satan's end.

        b. If Satan can create enough mess in the Church so

            nothing gets done, he will have been successful.

        c. We must see disunity for what it is, a tool to disrupt the forward

            progress of the Church.


  V:11. " My brothers, some from Chloe's household have informed me that there are

   quarrels among you."

 A. The results of disunity is quarrels.

      1. Disunity divides the Church.

      2. Disunity can drive people away from the Church.

 B. Disunity in the Church has a way of getting outside the Church.

     1. If our disunity gets outside the Church, who would want to join

         the Church?

      2. Disunity can interrupt the spiritual growth of those in the Church.

      3. Disunity can affect our ability to draw unbelievers to the Church.

  C. Problems that are in the Church can only be resolved in the Church.

      1. You only have three people you should take your disagreements to.

      2. Take it to Jesus.

         a. Jesus can fix it.

         b. If Jesus don't fix it, it may not need to be fixed.

         c. Check yourself to make sure you are not the problem.

     3. Take your disagreement to the person you have a problem with.

         a. We should be able to resolve the problem among ourselves.

         b. How can you edify Christ if you can't edify your brother?

     4. As a last resort, if it affects the Church, take it to the pastor.

         a. The discussion stops at the Pastor.

         b. The Pastor is the anointed Angel of the Church.

     5. We should never discuss our issues outside the Church.

         a. The moment you do, you are spreading disunity up and down

             the street.

         b. You become the Devil's tool to break up Christian unity.

         c. You become a stumbling block to Christian growth and maturity.

  D. I say this out of Love and respect.

       1. If you can not find it in your heart to make peace between you and your

           brother or sister, it would be better for you to leave him or her alone.

       2. If you sow seeds of disunity among the brethren, you will reap the same in your



V:12 "What I mean is this: One of you says, "I follow Paul"; another, "I follow Apollos"; another, "I follow Cephas"; still another, "I follow Christ."

 A. We must be careful to separate Biblical matters from none Biblical matters.

     1. We do not argue Biblical matters.

         a. Biblical matters require careful Bible study to obtain the correct


         b. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

         c. We preach no other Gospel but Jesus Christ.

         d. The Word is the authority. Our opinions are not the authority.


      2. The Good News is not centered around any preacher.

         a. Preachers are the servants God uses to teach Jesus Christ.

         b. Preachers come and preachers go.

         c. The Gospel is forever.

  B. Paul, Apollos and Cephas were God's preachers.

      1. They were shepherds of the flock of Jesus Christ.

      2. They were given the authority to preach Jesus.

      3. Preachers are not to be worshipped.

      4. Preachers are selected to lead us in the Worship of Jesus Christ.

  C. We should not be concerned about whose preaching, but who he is



V:13. " Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name   of Paul? "

  A. No preacher can save you.

      1. Preachers can only lead you to Christ.

      2. The job of a preacher is to help the sheep of Jesus Christ grow in Christ.

  B. Christ who is the Son of God and one with God, stepped down out of heaven

       to die on the cross for the atonement of our sins.

       1. Christ was without sin and therefore the only one acceptable to God, the Father

           as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.

        2. It is through Christ and Him only that we can stand justified before the Father.

  C. Salvation is obtained through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus


      1. We are baptized into the death of Jesus and resurrected into a new life with


      2. Baptism is not obtained through any other person.

      3. There is no Savior other than Jesus Christ.

 D. There is but one Lord, one spirit and one Jesus.

      1. All three are one.

      2. Lordship is not given to any man.

      3. There is only one to be worshipped.


V:14. " I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius. "

  A. The Apostle Paul, the preacher of Jesus Christ was careful to claim that baptizing

       by him would save no one.

      1. Water baptism is just an outward sign of a spiritual baptism into Jesus Christ.

      2. It is the Holy Spirit that does the baptizing.

  B. Paul had the gift of healing and the Gift of raising people from the dead.               

       (Acts 20:9-10)

      1. Paul could not save.

      2. His job was to teach salvation through Jesus Christ.

      3. Paul was careful not to claim any honor for himself, but to give all honor

          to Jesus.


V:15. " So no one can say that you were baptized into my name."

  A. It is the job of the preacher to baptize believers in the name of Jesus Christ.

      1. This water baptism is out of obedience to the command of Jesus Christ.

           Mat 28:19.

      2. The angels of the Church are God's pastors who deliver the message of the

           baptism of Jesus Christ.

      3. By no other name can believers be baptized.

  B. The spiritual Baptism takes place when a believer accepts Christ as his personal


     1. This spiritual baptism is not by human hand.

     2. All the pastors can do is to  lead the God elect's to Christ, where He takes over.

         a. The new man begins in Christ.

         b. Regeneration begins in Christ.

         c. Sanctification begins in Christ.

         d. Purification begins in Christ.

         e. Atonement of sins begins in Christ.

         f. Christ finishes all that He begins.


V:16. "(Yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don't remember if  I  baptized anyone else.)

 A. Paul's focus was not on what he had done, but what Christ had done through him.

     1. Paul wanted no popularity for himself.

     2. Paul did not want the praise of men.

     3. Paul did not want to be lifted up by man.

 B. All Paul wanted was for us to see Jesus through his preaching of the cross.

     1. My brothers and sisters in Christ our ultimate objective is to see Jesus.

     2. We need to see Jesus in our lives.

     3. We need to see Jesus in our work.

     4. We need to see Jesus in our praise.

     5. We need to see Jesus in our prayers

     6. We need to see Jesus as our heavenly Savior.


17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel — not with words of

 human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

 A. There is POWER in the Word.

     1. That POWER is the Holy Ghost Power.

     2. That POWER is the wisdom of the Lord.

     3. That POWER is the saving power.

     3. That POWER is the light of the world.

     4. That POWER is preaching power.

     5. That POWER is cleaning power.

     6. That POWER is loving power.

     7. That POWER is forgiving power.

     8. That POWER is uplifting power.

     9. That POWER gives hope for eternal life.

     10. That POWER is Jesus Power.

 B. Paul had a love for the Church of Jesus Christ.

     1. Paul didn't want our focus wasted on him.

     2. Paul didn't want our praise wasted on him.

     3. Paul didn't want our praise wasted on man

     4. Paul wanted our praise and honor focused on Jesus.


My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, strive for unity in the Church.

If we can keep our focus on the reasons for our call into the Body of Christ, there

would be find joy in the in being unified in Christ.

    1. We were called to be Holy.

    2. We were called  to fellowship.

    3. We were called to Glorify God.  


We all must work together to accomplish the mission that God purposed for us.




Rev. Mitchell, Asst Pastor of GMBC

Thursday, June 19, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Encouragement From The Lord", 6/22/14




Haggai 2:20-23, Zechariah 4:5-14


Haggai 2:20 - 23

V:20. " The word of the Lord came to Haggai a second time on the twenty-fourth day of the month."

 A. The Lord speaks often to those who listen to Him and follow His command.

      1. As often as the Lord spoke to Haggai, he willingly responded in obedience.

      2. God does not reveal to us all He has planned for us at once.

      3. He gives us as much as we can handle at one time.

 B. We should be open at all times to hear a word from the Lord.

      1. We never know when God will speak to us, but what we know for sure is

           He will speak to us.

      2. What God tells us to do is not only good for us, but also for those around us.


V:21 "Tell Zerubbabel governor of Judah that I will shake the heavens and the earth."

 A. Sometimes, God gives us a word of encouragement for others.

     1. Zerubbabel was on a project to rebuild the Temple and he need encouragement

         to keep moving forward.

     2. The devil always steps in to discourage us from following God.

     3. God is more than the whole world against us.

 B. Whatever God tell us to do, He make provisions for us to do it.

     1. God provides the environment for our success.  I will shake the heavens.

         a. God can rain down all the resources we need.

         b. Our blessing can come from unexpected places.

         c. We don't have to see how we can accomplish something.

         d. We should believe that God will provide what we need.

   C. The resources we need are all around us. God will shake the earth.

       1. Sometimes Bible prophecy speaks too the present situation and at the same time

           events that will take place in the far distance future.

        2. Immediately after the death of Jesus on the cross, there was an earthquake

            in Jerusalem.

            a. At the same time, there was darkness in the middle of the day.

            b. God shook the heavens and the earth.



V.22. " I will overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of the foreign kingdoms. I will overthrow chariots and their drivers; horses and their riders will fall, each by the sword of his brother."

A.  At the time of the rebuilding of the Temple, Israel was under Babylonian control.

     1. During the same time frame, God gave Daniel a similar prophecy of the fall of the

         Babylonian empire.

     2. By the time Jesus was born in the flesh, Israel was under the control of the Roman


     3. When we can't control ourselves because of our disobedience, God will put us

          under the control of someone who can control us as a punishment.

 B. While we are under the chastisement of the Lord, He encourages us with the

      promise of a future restoration.

     1. Israel was under Babylonian control because of their continuous disobedience.

     2. Zerubbabel was from the royal line of David.

        a. God promised David that His kingdom would have no end.

        b. This was a prophecy concerning the coming of Jesus in the flesh as the king of

             Israel; the king forever.

    3. Through Haggai, Zerubbabel was encouraged to keep the faith in the promises of


        a. While we are going through tough times, it is important to trust God.



23 "'On that day,' declares the Lord Almighty, 'I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,' declares the Lord, 'and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,' declares the Lord Almighty."

 A. God has a purpose for our troubles.

     1. Zerubbabel was chosen and given the authority to lead Israel through the tough

         times of rebuilding the temple and restoring the confidence of Israel in their God,

         the Lord Almighty.

     2. The signet ring was the sign of Zerubbabel's authority over Israel.

         a. His official position was governor, but his spiritual position was King.

         b. His official position assigned by the King of Babylonian.

         c. His spiritual position was assigned by the Lord Almighty.

     3. God reminds us that man has no authority over His people.

        1. He allows local governments, but He is the only authority.

 B. The nations around Israel were big and powerful.

      1. The pagan nations threaten the very existence of Israel.

      2. God has more power in the fingers of His hands than all the nations


      3. What God has chosen us to do cannot be stopped by man.


Zechariah 4:1-4

1. Then the angel who talked with me returned and wakened me, as a man is wakened from his sleep.

2 He asked me, "What do you see?" I answered, "I see a solid gold lamp stand with a

   bowl at the top and seven lights on it, with seven channels to the lights.

3 Also there are two olive trees by it, one on the right of the bowl and the other on its left."



Zechariah 4:5-14

V:5. " He answered, "Do you not know what these are?" "No, my lord," I replied. "

 A. Sometime God reveals His plans for us through dreams and visions.

     1. Sometimes God gives us encouragement through dreams and visions.

     2. The golden lamp stand could represent the Word of God.

          a. Gold is a valuable commodity. The Word of God is the most valuable

              resource we have in our lives.

          b. We can stand on God's Word with confidence.

    3. At top of the lamp stand was a bowl with seven lights.

         a. Seven is the number of completion.

         b. We are made complete in the Word of the Lord.

         c. In God, we lack nothing.

    4. The seven lights may represent the Word as the light of the world.

        a. We have complete knowledge of the Lord through His Word.

        b. All believers serve as a light to a darken world.

    5. Notice that from the bowl there were seven channels to each light.

       1. The Word of God is an unlimited resource to all who believe in Him.  

    6. The two olive trees provide and unlimited source of oil for the lights.

       1. Once we have Word we have an unlimited source of wisdom for our


       2. Our source of wisdom will never be used up or dry out.

       3. The Lord we serve is unlimited in the resources He provides for us.

    7. God will never direct us to do something with out the resources to complete

        the task.


V:6. "So he said to me, "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty. "

 A. We cannot complete our mission in life by our limited strength or power.

      1. We have to depend on the Lord to give us what we need when we need it.

      2. The Spirit of the Lord is the power of the Church.

 B. The vision God gave Zechariah may have been a prophecy of the coming of Jesus

      Christ and the giving of the Holy Spirit to the Church.

     1. We need the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit to complete

          the task God has placed before us.

     2. Zerubbabel needed the word of encouragement that God was the unlimited

         resource behind all his efforts.


V:7 "What are you, O mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of 'God bless it! God bless it!'"

 A. Zerubbabel was facing a mountain of discouragement.

      1. There were enemies outside of Jerusalem intent on preventing the rebuilding

          of the nation.

      2. There was the discouragement of the people who did not want to commit

          to the rebuilding of the Temple.

      3. There was the problem of rebuilding to Temple with limited resources.

      4. There was the discouragement of the Israelites because of their failing crops.

 B. God encouraged Zerubbabel with the message that He had all the resources they

      needed to complete the temple.

      1. God is more than all the problems we face.

      2. God is able to deliver us through troubling time.

      3. If we could only see God as our high tower, we would not worry.


V:8 Then the word of the Lord came to me:

V:9 "The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands will also complete it. Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you. "

 A. When we are working according to the will of the Lord, success is guaranteed.

     1. What God causes to start, He will ensure it's completion.

     2. Zerubbabel was commanded to rebuilt the Temple by the Father.

         a. The Father set the environment, prepared the hearts of the people and

             provided the resources to ensure the completion of the Temple.


V:10. "Who despises the day of small things? Men will rejoice when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. "(These seven are the eyes of the Lord, which range throughout the earth.)"

 A. This new Temple was not as big or lavishly furnish as Solomon's Temple.

     1. Some of the older members who remembered Solomon's Temple wept

         at the sight of the new temple.

 B. God is not interested in the size of the Temple, but the quality of worship in the


    1. It is not the size of wallet, but the size of our heart that God is interested in.

    2. Jesus said where two or more are gathered in my name, He would be in the mist.

    3. We should rather have Jesus in the House than a crowd of none believers.

 C. Men should rejoice at the sight of the Temple of the Lord.

     1. David said, I glad when they said, let's go into the House of the Lord.

     2. When we gather to praise the Lord, He inhabits our praise.

 D. The seven means the eyes of the Lord is everywhere all the time.

     1. God knows the condition of His people and the thought of those who oppose them.

     2. God will protect His people from all harm and danger.

     3. God will cause the world to rejoice when believers start being the Church of
        Jesus  Christ.

V:11 "Then I asked the angel, "What are these two olive trees on the right and the left of the lamp stand?"

 A. In heaven we are told that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father.

      1.There is no mention  of the person seated at the left had of the Father.

      2. It is the Holy Spirit who intercede for us on earth.

      3. Perhaps the Holy Spirit is seated at the left hand of the Father.

  B. The Father is our lamp stand.

      1. Zerubbabel the governor and Joshua the high priest were the two

          servants of the Lord represented by the olive trees during the temple


      2. The servants of the Lord are the sources of light to the world outside

           the Church.

V:12. " Again I asked him, "What are these two olive branches beside the two gold pipes that pour out golden oil?"

 A. The olive branches represents the servants of the Lord.

     1. We should always be considered of those who serve the Lord in spirit and truth.

     2. We should ask ourselves are we God's servants?

     3. Are we playing our part in building the Church of Jesus Christ?

     4. Do we sit on the sidelines while others work for the Lord?

 B. We will be held accountable for our service or lack of service.

     1. We have no need to be discouraged because God assures our success.

V:13.  "He replied, "Do you not know what these are?" "No, my lord," I said."

  A. The prophet replied that He did not know what was represented by the

       olive branches.

       1. It may be that we are not serving the Lord because we don't know what

           our  role is in building the Church of Jesus Christ.

       2. It may be that we are not serving the Lord because we don't consider

           ourselves important in the body of Christ. 

   B. The Israelites were called to rebuild the temple.

        1. They were called to reestablish true worship of the Lord.

        2. They were called to rededicate themselves to the Lord.

        3. They were called to submit themselves to the service of the Lord.

        4. We have that same call today.

V:14. " So he said, "These are the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all the


   A. The two olive branches represent the Word and the Holy Spirit.

      1.  Jesus is the Word.

      2. Jesus is the light of the World.

      3. The Work of Jesus was completed on the cross.

      4. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father, making intercessions

          for us.

   B. The Holy Spirit indwells us, giving us the power and the authority to do

        work of the Lord.

       1. The Holy Spirit continues to work in us, reminding us of the Grace of our

           Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "A Spiritual Checkup", 6/15/2014



Haggai 2:10-19

When an alcoholic or a drug addict is on the path of recovery, he/she needs

continual check ups and encouragement. They  need a support group.

Old habits die hard. An addict need regular attendance in their support group.

They need regular drug test to ensure that they have not slipped back into their

old habits.


All believers are recovering sin addicts. Our support group is the Church.

We need regular attendance in church for encouragement.


The nation of Israel had a habit of disobeying God's commands and following the

world down the path of destruction. They hit rock bottom when God allowed the

Babylonians to destroy  Jerusalem, the temple and take them into captivity.


Now back in the promise land, God had started a recovery program by commanding

them to rebuild the temple. They were having a hard time in their recovery

because they had not committed themselves to God. We have to be cleaned up on the

inside before there can be any real change.



Haggai 2:10-19

V:10. " On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Haggai."

 A. From time to time God brings a word to his people for them to consider their

      attitude toward Him. It had been two months since the last word from the Lord

      through Haggai the prophet.

    1. God identifies the time of the restoration of Israel in terms of the reign of

        Darius the King of Babylon.

    2. This gives a Biblical and  historical record of the time of the start of temple.

    3. This time confirms the prophecy God gave to Daniel concerning the first coming

         of Jesus Christ. At the decree to rebuild the temple, the 490 year count down

        to Christ began. Daniel 9:25

 B. God's plan of redemption through Jesus Christ is not dependant on any generation

      of people.

     1. The Israelites were God's choice, so He never gave up the continued

         chastisement and teaching because they never gave up their disobedient behavior.


 V:11 "This is what the Lord Almighty says: "Ask the priests what the law says."

  A. The priest were given the duty to study and to know the Law. They were

       given the authority to teach and interpret the Law.

      1. We can not teach what we don't know.

      2. We need to challenge our knowledge of the Word from time to time.

 B. We should never get to the point where we think we completely understand

      the Word.

    1. There is always more to learn about the Word.

    2. God gives us  more enlightenment about the Word as we mature spiritually.

    3. Our life's experiences are the platforms God uses to explain the Word to



 V:12.  If a person carries consecrated meat in the fold of his garment, and that fold touches some bread or stew, some wine, oil or other food, does it become consecrated?'" The priests answered, "No."

 A. When we have trouble understanding the Word, some times God inspires us with  

       simple illustrations.

     1. God used a physical example to explain a spiritual concept.

     2. The question could be answered  by referring to the Law.

         a. If meat which has been purified according to the Law and is carried

             in the hem of a garment, touches something which is unclean, does that

             which it touches become clean.

         b. The answer is no.

         c. If you pour clean water into a dirty glass, does the glass become clean?

         d. If a Christian shake the hand of a non believer, does the none believer

             become a Christian?

     3. The answer to all of these questions  is no.

     a. Holiness is not transferred by association.

     b. Going to Church does not make you a Christian.

     c. Accepting Christ as your personal savior makes you a Christian.

     d. It is the renewal of the mind though a relationship with Jesus that

         makes us holy.


 V:13 Then Haggai said, "If a person defiled by contact with a dead body touches one of these things, does it become defiled?" "Yes," the priests replied, "it becomes defiled."

A. This second question is also answered according to the Law.

     1. According to the Law a person is defiled if he/she touches something that is dead.

     2. Bad company can corrupt a good person.

     3. Going to a church does not make you obedient,

     4. Touching the Pastor does not make you a Christian.

 B. A disease is contagious, but health is not.

     1. Weed will grow without cultivation

     2. Roses will not grow without cultivation.

 C. Holiness is not transferable, but evil is.


 V:14. " Then Haggai said, "'So it is with this people and this nation in my sight,' declares the Lord. 'Whatever they do and whatever they offer there is defiled"

 A. If a person is not right with God, whatever he does is not acceptable  to God.

     1. If a man's heart is not right, his clean appearance will not be acceptable to God.

     2. God is not concerned with the outside but He is concerned with the inside.

 B. A disobedient person cannot please God with his works.

     1. God would rather obedience than sacrifice.

     2. An obedience person will continue to offer acceptable sacrifices to God.

     3. A disobedient person soon cease to offer sacrifices to God.  


V: 15. "Now give careful thought to this from this day on—consider how things were

  before one stone was laid on another in the Lord's temple."

 A. There is a starting point for righteousness.

     1. There is a starting point for obedience.

     2. The starting point is when we accept Christ as our personal Savior.

     3. The starting point is when we give ourselves completely over to Christ's control.

 B. When we accept Christ, a new man is born.

     1. We must put away bad behavior and take up the behavior of Christ.

     2. The time to start following the commands of Christ is today.

          a. Tomorrow may be too late.

 C. Jesus is the Chief corner stone and we are the building blocks of the Church.

      1. The problem is, we want to be in the Church, but not the Church.

      2. We want the title of Christian without Christian behavior.

      3. We cannot build the Church if we are not the Church.

      4. Building a building and attracting people to a service, does not make those who

          come, a Church.

         a. A building full of disobedient people is not the Church of Jesus Christ.

         b. A building full of obedient people is the assembly of the Church.


 V:16. " When anyone came to a heap of twenty measures, there were only ten. When anyone went to a wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were only twenty."

A. The evidence of our Christian behavior will show up in the fruits of our labor.

     1. The evidence of our disobedient behavior will show up in the lack of fruits of

          our labor.

B. Those who are disobedient will find the fruits of their labor decreased when they

     are expecting an increase.

    1. A disobedient person will always come up short of their expectations.

    2. God will multiply the works of an obedient person.

    3. The favor of the Lord is upon the obedient person.

    4. Eventually those who disobey God will fail.

C. Not all who believe in Jesus are obedient to Jesus.

    1. God says He chastises those He loves.  Due 8:5

        a. This means some of those He loves have periods of continuous disobedience.

    2. We must be careful to continue to consider our ways unless we become



 V:17. " I struck all the work of your hands with blight, mildew and hail, yet you did not turn to me,' declares the Lord."

 A. God reminds us that we are the cause of much of the bad that happens to us.

     1. God reminds us that our disobedient behavior cause Him to put hardship and

         trouble in our lives.

     2. God is longsuffering, but He will not tolerate our disrespectful attitude.

 B. It is because He loves us, that He lets us fall on bad times to get our attention.

     1. No matter how good we think we are, we need a continual check up to see if we

         are following God's commands.

     2. We cannot take the Word of God for granted as if it does not apply to our lives.

     3. Everything we do that is not according to the will of God affects our financial,

         physical and mental health.  


 V:18.  "From this day on, from this twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, give careful thought to the day when the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid. Give careful thought."

 A. There ought to be a day when you made up your mind to be obedient to the Lord.

     1. There ought to be a day when you say, I have had enough of failure and


     2. There ought to be a day when you say, I can't make it on my own.

     3. There ought to be a day when you say, I need the Lord in my life.

     4. There ought to be a day when you say, I am going to let the Lord guide my feet.

B. There ought to be a day when you say, I am going to let the Word be my foundation

     for living.

    1. There ought to be a day when you say, I am going to study my Bible daily.

    2. There ought to be a day when you say, I am going serve the Lord until the day I

 C. There ought to be a day when you say, before I make any decisions or take any

      actions, I am going to seek the Lord's will first.

    1. There ought to be a day when you say, if what I want to do,  don't agree with the

        Word, I want do it.


V:19. " Is there yet any seed left in the barn? Until now, the vine and the fig tree, the pomegranate and the olive tree have not borne fruit. From this day on I will bless you."

 A. The day you decide to put the Lord first in your life, is the day Lord will began

     to fulfill his promises to you.  Deuteronomy 7:9,13

   1. We must never forget that without the Lord in our lives we are bankrupt.

        a. We are bankrupt spiritually.

        b. We can become bankrupt of joy.

        c. We can become bankrupt of peace.

        d. We can become bankrupt of friendship.

        c. We can become bankrupt financially.

 B. The Lord promises to bless our dedication and devotion to Him.

     1. The Lord will bless our coming in and our going out.

     2. The Lord promises that if we seek Him first, all that we ask Him in Jesus name
          will be done for us.


Rev. M Mitchell