Friday, March 31, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Lord Is My Shepherd", 4/3/2017


Psalms 23:1-6

V:1. " The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
A. The "Lord is" what ever you need Him to be.
    1. King David had been a shepherd.
    2. He knew what it took to be a shepherd.
    3. Some say David wrote this Psalms after He was King of Israel
        reflecting on what God had been to him.
B. Every Christian can relate to God based on their own experience.
   1. We should be able to fill in the blank of what the "Lord is_____"
   2. According to David He was Jehovah - Raah, my shepherd.
   3. He could be your Jehovah- Rapha,  the Lord who heals.
   4. He could be your Jehovah- Jireh, the Lord who provides.
   5. He could be Jehovah Shammah, the Lord is there.
   6. He could be Jehovah Shalom, The Lord is peace.
   7. When you are in trouble, He could be your Jehovah Sabaoth, The Lord of Hosts
   8. To every Christian He should be El Shaddai, Lord God Almighty.
   9, He should be your El Elyon, The Most High God.
   10.  He should be your Adonai, Lord Master.
C. David said the Lord is my Shepherd.
    1. The my makes God personal to you.
    2. The my claims God for yourself.
    3. The my says you have a personal relationship with God.
    4. The my says you have some experience with God.
D. In order for God to be your shepherd, you have to decide to be His sheep.
    1. In John 10:11, 10:14, Jesus say He is our shepherd.
    2. In order for God to be your shepherd, you have to decide that you are
        going to act like a sheep.
    3. A sheep is property, it is brought with a price.
        a. Jesus paid our sin debt with His death on the cross.
        b. Jesus is our legal owner.
    4. An owner take care of his property.
        a. You have to decide that you want to be dependant on Jesus.
        b. You have to have an attitude of not worrying, because you know
            Jesus is going to take care of you.
     5. A shepherd is the leader of his sheep.
        a. You have to decide that you want to be led by Jesus.
        b. To be led, you have to decide that your are going to follow
            Jesus instructions, i.e, His commandments.
     6. According to Spurgeon, in order to be a sheep , you have to
         know that your are a sheep by nature.
         a. You have a tendency to wander.
         b. There are times when you are foolish.
         c. You can't change directions unless driven to change.
         d. If left to yourself, you will perish.
         e. You are blind and can't see two steps ahead of you.
E. "I shall not want".
     1. In order to be a sheep, you have to the accept the fact, that Jesus is your
     2. You have to accept the fact that you need Jesus help.
     3. You have to accept the fact that Jesus is willing and able to provide
          all you need.
     4. You have to decide that what the Lord gives is sufficient for you.
V:2. " He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters."
A. Jesus knows the best place for us.
    1. Jesus know how to get us to the best place.
    2. Jesus will not lead us to a desolate place, but will lead us to
        a place of abundance.
B. Jesus knows how to makes us rest when we need to rest.
    1. Since Jesus owns us, He has the authority to make us rest.
    2. He makes us rest, because rest is necessary for rejuvenation.
    3. He makes us rest, because rest is necessary for meditation.
    4. He makes us rest, because rest is necessary for reflection.
    5. If we want rest when He wants us to rest, Jesus know how to put us
        flat on our backs.
C. He leads me beside quiet waters.
    1. Jesus knows the best time for us to get out of the hustle and bustle.
    2. Jesus knows when our stress level is to high.
    3. Every once and awhile we need to get away from our normal routine. 

V:3. " He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's
 A. We need some quiet time to meditate on the Lord for our soul's sake.
      1. We need some quite time to refocus.
      2. In Hebrew, the word restore means to turn back or repent.
      3. Sometimes we need some quite time to talk to Lord to get new directions.  
B. The Lord's guidance  will always be in the path of righteousness.
     1. We can get so involved in our mission for the Lord that we can't see the sin
          that has crept into our life.
     2. Sometimes  we are so close to the mission that we can't see that it is off track.
     3. The Lord guides us according  to His commands so that He get the glory.

V:4. : Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for
       You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. "
A. Life is a journey through time.
    1. There will be some good times and there will be some difficult times.
        There maybe even be some terrible times.
    2. It is down in the valley when our faith is tested.
B. We must remember that a shadow is not real.
        1. If there is a shadow, there must be some light.
        2. A shadow is a reflection of light over a solid object.
            a. The object may not be a threat and it may not be real.
            b. The shadow highlights something that you are mindful of.
            c. It is the light of God that highlights your fears
            d. It is also the light of God that arrests your fears.  
            e. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, love and
                sound mind.
C. If there is a valley, there must be a mountain.
    1. The light of God shine above the mountain.
    2. No matter how big your problem may seem, God is much bigger.
    3. Relying on God is the solution to your fears.
    4. God may put you in the valley to make you realize how much you need
D. God is everywhere all the time.
     1. God is with you in the valley.
     2 God has twins who comfort us while we are in the valley; His
        rod and His staff.
       a. His rod protect us from all danger.
           The rod is His Word.
       b. His staff supports us   through the dangers that we face.
 E. God can set our minds at ease in perceived and real dangers.
     1. We can take comfort that the almighty God is constantly at our side.
     2. He is the Good Shepherd that protect us.
     3. He is the Good Shepherd that shields us from dangers we can't see.

V:5. " You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed
        my head with oil; My cup overflows. "
A. Even in our most difficult times, God provides for us,
    1. God is good to us, even when our circumstances seem bad.
    2. We can sit with confidence when our enemies are all around us.
    3. God does not eliminate our enemies, He puts a wall of protection
        between us.
    4. God allows our enemies to see us enjoying His presence.
B. God anoints us for the position of Glorifying Him in the
     presents of our enemies.
    1. Faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
    2. When our enemies see us in the presence of the trouble they caused,
        worshipping God, they are affected.
    3. When we face troubles, we need to testify that we serve a God who
        make all situations work out for our good.
C. What is meant by the cup?
    1. Maybe it is a cup of peace.
    2. Maybe it is a cup of joy.
    3. May be it is a cup contentment.
    4. Maybe it is a cup of confidence.
    5. Maybe it is all the above and more.
 D. When our cup runs over we should be prepared to let the overflow
       run on brothers and sisters in need.
   1. God has been good to us, we must in turn be good to others in need.
   2. When others are going through the valley of life, we must be there
       to encourage and to uplift so that God gets glorified.

V:6. " Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I  
       will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
A. This is a declaration of confidence and obedience.
    1. It is confidence because we have the twin towers following us; surely goodness
        and mercy.
    2. God's goodness is sure to us all the time.
       1. God is good to those who love Him.
       2. When we are faithful to God, His goodness flows in our lives.
B. God's mercy is His wiliness to forgive the guilty.
       1. God forgives those who confess their sin and repents.
       2. Our relationship with the Lord is strengthen when we recognize our sins
           and experience His forgiveness.
C. We have to make a conscience decision to abide in the Word of God.
      1. Dwelling in the House of the Lord means following all of His commands.
      2. Jesus said that if we abide in His Word, He would abide in us.
      3. We have to continue in God's Word daily.
      4. We should wake in the morning with our daily agenda to continue in
          God's Word.
D. The final declaration in this verse is eternal salvation.
    1. By our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are assured
        of an eternal life with Him.
    2. Eternity begins the moment we confess Jesus.
    3. While we are here in the land of the dying, we should live like
         the heavenly beings that we are.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Park Way
Houston, Texas 77040

For more Lesson, follow me on Facebook
or visit my blogs, and

Thursday, March 23, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "God's Plan Of Redemption", 3/26/2017


Joel 2:12-13,18-19, 28-32

In studying Scripture, sometimes we need to do "a who, what, when and why" question
and answer section to get a better understanding of the text.

Who: The prophet Joel is speaking a word  from God to Judah, the southern kingdom of Israel

What: The message to Judah was to repent of their evil ways and turn back to God.

Why. God had use locust to destroy all their crops as a wake up call to
          impending judgment.

When. The text was written to Judah around 800 BC.
            God gave Israel the prophecy of the End Times when Christ will come again
            to the Judge the world for their sins.

V:12." That is why the Lord says, "Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning."
A. Time is not on our side.
    1. We do not know how long we have to live.
    2. It is uncertain everyday we get up if we will be alive at the end of the day.
B. John 9:4 tells us to work while it is day, because the night comes when no man
    can work.
    1. Since we cannot count on tomorrow, we should obey God's commands today.
    2. God does not want just an outward change. but inward change that begins in the
    3. There is only one way to escape the vengeance of the Lord and that is
         repentance and turning to the worship of the Lord.
    4. The normal outward sign of repentance at that time was fasting, weeping and  
        a. This could be done without any intention to change.
        b. God wants our hearts and souls.
        c. We should fear the Lord so our weeping mourning will be heart changing.

V:13. " Don't tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead." Return to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish."
A. We cannot fake the Lord with our outward show of emotions and pitiful
    1. The Lord sees our hearts.
    2. The nation of Israel had a habit of making an outward appearance of change doing
         times of crisis but reverting back to their sinful ways, once God resolved their
 B. God is full of grace and mercy
     1. He is longsuffering.
     2. He will tolerate our sinful ways for a season.
     3. Because of God's love for us, He gives us time to turn to Him.
     4. God's longsuffering is not without consequences.
         a. For hundreds of years, Israel ignored God's commands and
             worshipped idol gods.
         b. To get their attention, God allowed locust to destroy all of their
         c. He then gave them a message encouraging   them to repent.
   5. When we look at our lives we can probably see similar ways God
        has used to get our attention.
      a. I thank God that He has been tolerate with me.
      b. God uses various ways to show us His Love in the mist of our   

V:18, " Then the Lord will pity his people and jealously guard the honor of his land."
 A. Thank God that His plan of redemption is not dependant on our obedience.
      1. Before the foundation of the world, God planned our existence on earth.
      2. He knew beforehand that we would be disobedient and need a savior.
      3. We were elected to be part of the body of Christ.
B. Our choice of disobedience determines the trials and tribulations we face.
     1. God chastises those that He loves.
     2. Jesus said, those that the Father gave Me, I lose none.
     3. Since all of us are disobedient from time to time, all of us will
        be chastised by the Father.
C. The Lord is jealous for those He loves.
    1. We should always be thankful for the chastisement of the Lord.
    2. It is His chastisement that keeps us on our knees and draws us closer to Him.
    3. The Lord honors us with His love.

V:19. " The Lord will reply, "Look! I am sending you grain and new wine and olive oil, enough to satisfy your needs. You will no longer be an object of mockery among the surrounding nations."
A. The Lord promises to restore what we have lost when we repent and turn
     to Him.
   1. God promises to restore the old things we lost with new things.
   2. It is the Lord who controls our prosperity.
   3. He promises to supply all of our needs.
 B. When we turn back to the Lord, He promises to protect us from our enemies.
     1. When we abide in the Lord, He will abide in us.
     2. The Lord gets the glory when we face our enemies with faith in Him.  

V:28 "Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions."
A. After the death and the resurrection of Jesus, the Spirit of the Lord was made
    available to everyone who believe in Jesus.
   1. The young and the old alike  who confess Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit.
   2. God has no preference for gender.
   3. The Spirit of the Lord enable each believer to understand
       the scripture.
   4. The Lord loves us so much that He pays close attention to our prayers.
B. Knowledge to the Word of God gives us insight into future events
     that God has planned for us.
   1. The Word of God also gives us inspiration to proclaim the Gospel
        to all people.
   2. When the Word is in our hearts, the Spirit of God is available to enlightens
        the Word to us.

V:29. " In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants—men and women alike."
A. This is the prophecy of the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
     1. The out pouring of the Holy Spirit was first given to the Jews at Pentecost.
         (Acts 1:8, 2:1,  2:39).    
    2. Christ was rejected by the nation of Israel and the Gospel was preached to
        the Gentiles (Rom 1:16)
    3. The Church was formed after the resurrection of Jesus and empowered
        with giving of the Holy Spirit.   (Act 1:8)
B. God is no respecter  of person.
      1. Everyone is equal in God's eyes.
      2. Apostle  Paul was called to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.  Acts 13:2
      3. The downward spiral of Israel began with them rejecting God's rule
          and requesting a king to rule them.    1100 BC
     4. The Downward spiral was magnified when the Nation of Israel
         rejected Christ as their personal Savior   33 AD (See my chart)
     5. After the formation of the Church, the Gospel has spread to all parts
         of the World.

V:30-31. " And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth— blood and fire and columns of smoke.
31 The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives.".
A. The End times will began with the second coming of the Lord Jesus.   1 Thess 4:14-17
     1. There will be a 7 year tribulation in which God will destroy most of the
          earths inhabitants doing battle with Satan and His demons. Daniel 9:24-27
     2. The destruction will be so bad that if God don't stop it , no flesh will
          survive. Matt 24:21-22
B. Before the tribulation began, all believers will be taken up to heaven to be
     with Christ.
   1. After tribulation, Christ will reign on earth for a thousand years.   Rev 20:4
   2. A new Israel will be born in Christ fulfilling God's promise that
       all Israel will be saved.    Rom 11:26

V:32. " But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord  will be saved, for some on Mount Zion in Jerusalem will escape, just as the Lord has said. These will be among the survivors whom the Lord has called."
A. During the tribulation period, some Jews will confess Christ as Lord and Savior.
     1. Those who confess Christ will be saved.
     2. Those reject Christ will die during the tribulation
B. This is the same confession of faith as proclaimed in John 3:16
    1. Confession of faith in Jesus will not prevent trials and tribulations in your life.
    2. Faith in Jesus will carry you through tribulations.
    3. Tribulation are designed to strengthen us in Christ.  James 1:2-6
    4. As James chapter 1 states, we should have joy in the mist of our tribulations.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston. Texas 77040

For more lessons follow me on facebook and

visit my blogs, and

Thursday, March 16, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "We Are The Branches Of The True Vine: Jesus", 3/19/2017


John 15:1-17

V:1-2 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 "Every branch in Me that
       does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so
       that it may bear more fruit."
A. God the Father is the owner of the vineyard.
    1. He takes full responsibility of the vineyard.
    2. He is the creator of the vineyard.
    3. God the Father is the cause that vineyard has vines
    4. God the Father is the good steward of the vineyard.
    5. God the Father Loves His vineyard.
B. God the Son is the true vine.
    1. In other words, there are other  vines that are imposters.
    2. There are other vines that are not the Fathers vines.
    3. Jesus is the root of all fruit.
    4. Jesus is the one through which all fruit is  produced.
C. The church is the branches of the vine.
    1. Each believer in  God the Son, is a branch of the true vine.
    2. There are two types of branches, those that bear fruit and
         those that do not bare fruit.
    3. Those branches that bear fruit, the Father prunes to bare
        more fruit
    4. Those branches that do not bear fruit, the Father removes them from the vine
D. The objective for every believer is to bear fruit.
    1. We were call out of the world and given the gift of salvation because of
        God's divine  love.
    2. Every believer is call and equipped to produce fruit.
    3. Spiritual growth and development of each believer can be measured                               
        by the volume of fruit produced.
    4. There are three levels of fruit; fruit, more fruit and much fruit (verse 5).
    5. The fruit of the spirit are found in Galatians 5: 22-23:
                  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,                     
                  goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control.

 V:3 "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you."
 A. Any time you buy fruit from the market you should wash it to rinse of
      any dirt and impurities.
    1. God called us out of the world in our sinful and impure state.
    2. It is the Word of God that cleans us from our impure state.
    3. The washing is continuous as we study and meditate on the  Word.
    4. Positionally, our sins have been washed clean by the blood Jesus shed on the cross.
    5. But experiencally, there is much washing to be done to present us in the
        image of Christ.
B. Any man in Christ is a new creation.
    1. Our desire to sin is being constantly replaced with the desire to
         be righteous before Christ.
    2. We have the potential to be like Christ when we first believe.
    3. We have to continue to work on our soul salvation.

V:4-5.  "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it
        abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. 5 "I am the vine, you
        are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart
        from Me you can do nothing."
A. If you take a branch from a tree, it is no longer connected to it's source of nutriments
     and it soon will dry up and die.
   1. A branch cannot exist on it's own.
   2. A branch cannot produce any fruit on it's own.
B. The word abide means to continue, remain or dwell.
   1. If we continue in Christ, He will continue in us.
   2. The more we study and meditate on the Word, the more we learn
       about Christ.
   3. Abiding means constant communication with Christ.
   4. When we take our focus off Christ, we put our focus on the World.
C. We can do no deeds acceptable to Christ outside of the body of Christ.
     1. If you disconnect a limb from the tree, it can no longer receive the life
         giving sap from the tree.
     2. If we separate ourselves from God we cannot do the work of God.
     3. The life giving sap for the believer is the Holy Spirit.
     4. Any spirit operating in us other than the Holy Spirit is the spirit of
         the devil.
 D. If we submit ourselves to the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit,
      we will produce much fruit.
    1. Without the guidance and direction of the God that dwells in us, we
        can produce no fruit.
    2. Galatians 5:22-23 list nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, which cannot be manifested
        in us without a connection with Jesus.
    3. For example; we can say we love, but without Jesus true love does not exist.
        a. True love is unconditional.
        b. By the world's standard, love exist if someone has an acceptable behavior.
        c. By the world's standard we can select those we want to love.
        d. By Jesus standard, love is commanded for everyone, and is unconditional.

V: 6 "If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and
      they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned."
A. There are two ways looking at this verse.
    1. A outward confession of Jesus without belief in Jesus,
         keeps one in a state of condemnation.   (Judas for example)
    2. A believer that has no spiritual growth. One who is backsliding.
        a. He has no good works which will tested by fire at the judgment day.
        b. He is a branch that has no fruit.
   3. Christ does not abide in a non productive believer.
B. In either case, there is a judgment for one who fails to abide in Christ.
    1. A believer who abides in Christ leads a successful life.
    2. A believer who does not actively continue in Christ will lose blessings
        God has for him.
V: 7 "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will
      be done for you."
A. You are assured that your prayers will be answered.
   1. Your will and the will of Christ will be the same.
   2. Your desires will be the desires of CHRIST.
B.  The success of your mission is assured.
   1. God will work on your behalf.
   2. All your needs and desires will be supplied.
   3. You will have confidence when you call on the Lord.

 V:8 "My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My
A. Life is not all about you.   
    1. Our lives were designed to give God glory.
    2. When our desire is to bear fruit, we will please the Father.
B. Abiding in the  Lord demands;
     1. Prayer:  We must be in constant communication with the Lord.
     2. Worship:  We must honor the Lord in all that we do giving
                          Him credit for our well being.
     3. Meditation:  We must study the Word but also meditate on the Word for
                              enlightenment by the Holy Spirit.
     4. Sacrifice:  Jesus sacrificed His life for our sins, therefore we must make
                          sacrifices for the good of others.


ABIDE IN THE LOVE OF JESUS                                                                                                            
V.9.-10. "Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. 10 "If
           you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My
           Father's commandments and abide in His love."
A. A prerequisite for abiding in Jesus love, is keeping His commandments.
    1. We must reverence God enough to keep His commands before we
         can love Him or anyone else.
    2. Jesus is our role model for love and obedience.
        a. He loved us enough to sacrifice His life for our salvation.
        b. He love the Father enough to keep His commands.
 B. God's love for us is shown in what He did to His Son.
     1. Even though Jesus knew no sin. It pleased God to bruise
         Him for our sins.
     2.. Jesus delighted in the task of the cross; He did not fail
           or get discouraged,   Isa 42:1-4

 V:11. "These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your
           joy  may be made full. "
     A. Jesus wants us to have the complete joy in Him that He has in the Father.
         1. His objective of teaching the Word is that we have knowledge of Him,
            the Father and have complete joy.
         2. The road to complete joy begins and continues with abiding in Jesus.
    B. Life presents us with trials and tribulations each day.
        1. The key is to renew your joy in Jesus each day.
        2. The world describes joy as being happy with your circumstances.
        3. Jesus Joy has nothing to do with circumstances.
        4. Jesus Joy is joy in mist of your circumstances.
        5. Abiding in Christ gives us confidence that our circumstances
            are there for our benefit and will work out for our good.

V:12-13 "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
             13 "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."
A.  Jesus spoke to His disciples about His sacrificial death on the cross.
     1. True love always require a sacrifice.
     2.  We have to give up something of ourselves to love our brothers and
          sisters in Christ.
          a. We may have to sacrifice some time to listen and encourage.
          b. We may have to step in and help one that is in need.
          c. We may to have give council and direction.
          d. We may have to use our hard earn money to assist another person
          e. We have the mission to proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior.

B. Jesus loves us by taking time to teach us the truth.
     1. Jesus loves us by showing us compassion in times of need.
     2. Jesus loves us by opening closed doors.
     3. Jesus loves us by His protection, provisions and forgiveness.
     4. Jesus greatest love for us is His death on the cross.
         a. Jesus death on the cross elevates us to a new level; friendship.
         b. Since Jesus is our friend, we can call on Him anytime.
         c. Since Jesus is our friend, we can ask him anything.

 V:14-15 "You are My friends if you do what I command you. 15 "No longer do I call  
           you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called
           you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to
A. The prerequisite for friendship with Jesus is obedience to His commands.
     1. Relationship and friendship are two different things.
     2. Our relationship with Jesus was established when we confessed with our mouth
         and believed in heart that Jesus was our Lord and Savior.
     3. Friendship with Jesus is developed as we commit to obeying His commands.
B. Jesus owns us with His payment of His life to satisfy God demand for justice
     for our sins.
    1. Legally we are His slaves.
    2. Legally we have an obligation to do what He tells us to do.
    3. But Jesus don't want slaves, He want friends.
    4. A slave is kept in the dark about the desires of the Father.
    5. But Jesus tells us everything we need to know about the plans of the Father.
C. One of the commands of Jesus is that we study the Word to show ourselves approved.
    1. When we study the Word, we are abiding in Jesus.
    2. When we study the Word, we gain knowledge of  Jesus and the Father.
    3. When we study the Word, we gain knowledge about the plans of the Father.
    4. When we study the Word, we know what the Lord expects of us.
    4. As friends of Jesus, we know how our story ends.
 D. Jesus said you are my friend IF, IF you do what I command.
     1. How unfriendly have you been to Jesus?
     2. What are you going to do about your friendship with Jesus?

 V:16-17 "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go  
             and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the
             Father in My name He may give to you. 17 "This I command you, that you love       
             one another."
  A. We were chosen by Christ to be His disciples.
      1. Our salvation has noting to do with our goodness.
      2. Salvation is a free gift from the Lord according to His grace
          a. It is mercy because He look past our sins with the atoning blood
              of His Son.
          b. It is grace because He favored us before the foundation of the World.
  B. Jesus appointed us the mission of bearing fruit.
      1. The fruit that we bear is though obedience to His commands.
      2. The fruit that we bear is through abiding in His Word and Jesus
          abiding in us.
      3. The fruit that we bear is through submission to the will of the Father.
 C. There is a promise that our fruit will remain.
     1. As we serve the Lord we are storing up treasures in heaven.
     2. Because we are serving according to the will of the Father, our
         fruit will stand the test of the fire on judgment day.
 D. Jesus gives us promise of a successful prayer life.
     1. What we ask in Jesus name will be done for us.
     2. The Lord reemphasizes His command that we love each other.


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way
Houston, Texas 77040

For more lesson, follow me on facebook and visit my blogs; and

Thursday, March 9, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Made Alive In Christ" 3/12/2017


Ephesians 2:1-10

V:1-2. " And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, 2 in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience."
A. We were born in sin, therefore dead to eternal Life.
    1. Because Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, sin became universal in all mankind.
    2. The author of sin and the originator of sin is Satan.
    3. Satan is the hidden force in the nature of man.    John 8:44
    4. The unregenerate man has no power over Satan.
    5. Under Satan, sin and disobedience is the order of our lives.
B. Satan came to steal, kill and destroy.
    1. Since Satan is against God, under his control, we are against God.
    2. Satan is the evil spirit that operates in us.
    3. Satan knows our lust, our desires and our weak areas.
    4. He operates on the areas that leads us into sin.
    5. Satan's job is to temp us into sinful behavior.

V:3 "Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest."
A. Before we were called out, we were involved in all the worlds activities.
    1. We were controlled by the spirit of Satan.
    2. We had no control over our lust or fleshly desires.
    3. We were not aware of the devastating effects of our sins.
    4. We were not concerned about heaven or hell.
    5. We enjoyed the moment without regard to our to our eternal state.
B. The world is corrupt, and having been influence by the world, we were
    1. The world exists in darkness.
    2. Evil exists in the cover of darkness
    3. Jesus is the light of the world which the world rejects.
V:4-5. " But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)."
A. God does not look at our history to determine what He will do for us.
    1. God loves us regardless of our history and our present conditions.
    2. God's love for us did not originate with us.
    3. God's love for us is from everlasting to everlasting.
B. Before the foundation of the world we were chosen in Christ.
     1. Christ death on the cross covered our sins past, present and future.
     2. We were baptized in his death and resurrected into the newness of life.
     3. Before our relationship with Christ we were dead in our sin.
     4. But because of God's mercy were made alive in Christ Jesus.
C. God's mercy covered us in our sins
   1. God's love is the motivation for His mercy.
   2. God's mercy covered us in our sins until He called us out of
       the world.
   3. His mercy is boundless
   4. God's mercy is directed at us.
   5. If it were not for God's mercy, from the cradle to the grave we
       would remain unsaved, condemned in our sins.

V:6-7. " And raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."
A. Before Christ, we were in the world condemned to an eternal hell.
    1. Because of His great love, the Father drew us to Jesus.   John 6:44
    2. God raised us up out of our sins and cleanse us with His Word.    John 15:3.
    3. The Lord gave each believer a measure of faith so we could accept
         Christ as our personal savior.    Romans 12:3
B. Christ changed our position from the world to heaven
    1. Not only that, but  He prepared a place for us in heavenly places.
    2. Christ assumed total responsibility for us with His blood on the cross.
    3. God made us one with Christ in His body.  Romans 12:5
C. Christ death on the cross has secured our future.
    1. God mercy and kindness covers us from day to day.
    2. God is rich in mercy and generous in kindness.
    3. What does all this mean to me today?
        a. I can move through life with confidence that God is on my side.
        b. When trouble show up at my door, I can smile because God promised
             to make it work out for my good.   Romans 8:28
        c. I have been equipped with spiritual gifts to the do the work that
            he has assigned to me.      Romans 12:6

V:8-9. " For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."
A. This is the evidence of God's love for us.
     1. First, He predestined us before the foundation of the world to be in Christ.  Eph 4:1
     2. Second, He protected us in our sins while we were in the world.  Romans 5:8
     3. He called us out of the World.     Romans 8:30
     4. Forth, He drew us to Himself.     John 6:44
     5. Fifth, He gave us a measure of faith as He was drawing us to Himself.
         Romans 12:3
     6. Sixth, He baptized us in to Christ death and made us alive in
         the resurrection of Christ.
     7. Seventh, He made us a new creation in Christ Jesus.    2 Cor 5:17
     8. He continues to regenerate us to be more  like His Son.   Titus 3:5
B. You cannot be good enough to deserve God's mercy.
    1. No one can claim because of their good works they earned salvation.
    2. It is not about you, but about the Love of God for you.
    3. We ought to raise up and shout that God called us out of the world.
    4. The Lord mercy for us endures forever.    Psalms 106:1

V:10. " For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."
A. Every believer was called with a purpose; for good works.
    1. The work that God has for us was prepared before we were called out of the world.
    2. We were call to serve so that we could grow spiritually as we serve.
B. We are the work of Christ.
   1. Christ died on the cross to make atonement for our sins.
   2. Christ will complete the work He has begun in us.     Phil 1:6
   3. The work of God is that we confess Jesus Christ to others so that
       they might believe in Him.     John 6:29
   4. Believers are the light of the world through which Jesus should be made known.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 77386

For more lessons follow me on facebook  and visit my

blogs; and

Friday, March 3, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "God Is Love", 3/5/2017


1 John 4:7-19

V:7. " Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."
A. One of the key doctrines of the Bible is Love.
     1. God's creative process begin out of His Love.
     2. It is clear from the first three verses of this chapter that God has two types of
        a. Those who love Him.
        b.  Those who oppose His commands.
        c. Those who love and those who hate.
B. A relationship with the Lord begins with our Love for Jesus manifested by
    faith in His death and resurrection.
    1. The word Beloved or friend says that all believers are related.
    2. The evidences of our love for God is our love for each other. 
    3. The word love is the Greek word agape which mean moral affection.
       a. In my mind John 3:16 gives a better definition of God's love.
       b. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
       c. So, God's love (agape) is the sacrificial unconditional giving of
           one's life for the salvation of all those who believe.
    4. We certainly cannot approach God love, but we can exhibit moral
         affection toward each other.
 C. To love we must be born again.
     1. Any man in Christ is a new creation.
     2. The new creation in us loves and knows God.

V:8 The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 9 By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him."
A. Again, the text points out that there are two groups of people in the world:
     those who know God and those who do not know God.
    1. The first group; those who do not know God can be put into two
       a. Those who were not predestined to be called out of the world before the
           foundation of the world.
       b. And those who were predestined, but not yet called out.
       c. All of us at some point fit into the second subgroup before our call out.
 B. Since Saint John is talking to believers, we must realize that at some point                
      in our lives, we did not know God.
      1. It was by God's grace that when we did not know Him, Christ died for
        our sins.
    2. We did nothing to deserve the blood shed on the cross covering our
    3. About now should be a Shout for Joy, because He elected us by no
        good deed of our own.
    4. Christ death is a free gift of eternal life to those He chose.

V:10-11. " In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
A. Here we have God's definition of His divine Love.
   1. The sacrifice of the life of God's Son, Jesus Christ for our sins is divine Love.
   2. God does not ask us to give up our life for one another, but see and treat
       each other with respect and service.
B. Jesus lowered Himself from the heavenly throne and took on human flesh
    to be a servant to us.
  1. To love others as we love ourselves, we must see others as equal to us and one
      with us in the body of Christ.
  2. Through our faith in Jesus, we are one with the Father who dwells in us.

V:12-13. " No one has seen God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us. 13 By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit"
A. This is the evidence of the existence of the Holy Trinity.
    1. We have God the Father.
    2. We have God the Son.
    3. And we have God the Holy Spirit.
B. We have never seen God, but we know God because He abides in us through
     the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
    1. God is infused in our consciousness.
    2. Even if we have not grown spiritually from acceptance of Christ as our
        personal Savior, God is still in us.
C. The text presents a problem that affects us all; the love of another person.
   1. It is easy to love some one you like, but difficult to love someone you
   2. We partially shut God out of our lives when it comes to someone we can't
       get alone with.
       a. That is the reason we can act unchristian like sometimes.
       b. We draw a line in the sand which love can't cross when it comes
          to someone we don't like.
   3. It is not that God is not in us, but it is that we want allow our love
       for God to be shared with a person we can't get alone with.
D. Since we are in Christ, we know if our actions  do not line up with the Word,
     they are not of God.
   1. It is in verse three that informs us that if the spirit does not confess Jesus Christ
       it is not of God.
    2. The truth is that there are times when we let our flesh over rule the Spirit of God
         that indwells us.
    3. We have to began to know that when we are upset with another person, to the
         point where we cannot love them, that it is not of God.  Luke 6:32
    4. One of the fruits of the Spirit is self control.
     5. Love should be in control at all times.

V:14-15. " We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God."
A. It is the Word of God and the Spirit of God that testify to our hearts that Jesus is the
     Son of God.
   1. No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws him.   John 6:44
   2. It is the Father that draws us to a belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.
B. Since our confession of faith in Jesus seals us by the Holy Spirit until the day
    of redemption, we have God abiding in us.
   1. Since we have the enlightening of the Holy Spirit, it is a conscience decision to
       obey the Word of God or to disobey the Word.
   2.  John 14:15- 23  states that Love is obeying God's commands.
   3. Ignorance of God's commands is one of the causes of our disobedience.
   4. It is our ignorance of the importance of God's commands that we use to
       pick the part of God's Word we will obey.
   5. God still loves us, but He does not love our disobedience.

V:16. " We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.
A. Abiding in the Word of God should be a key focus of our spiritual growth.
    1. The word abide or dwell, is the Greek word meno which means "to be presence".
    2. Since God is present with us, He has made known His love for us.
    3. Here is where we mix our old world thoughts with the ,Word of God.
       a. We fail to realize the ever presence of the Lord.
       b. Because we ignore His presence in us, we give ourselves license to
          do what we want regardless of God's commands.
 B. We operate outside of the abidance of God when we ignore His commands.
     1. Abiding in God is to keep His commands,
     2. Our love for God is defined as keeping His commands.
     3. If we want God to abide in us, we must make up our minds to study His
        Word to know what He expects of Us.

V:17. " By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world."
A. It is the knowledge of the Word of God that is the beginning of our perfection in God.
    1. Acting according to the Word of God perfect our abiding in Him.
    2. The Holy Spirit cannot help our lack of study of the Word but
        does enlighten us as we study the Word.
   3. The more we know of God's Word, the more confidence we will have in
   4. The more we act according to the Word of God, the more we will see
        God working in our lives.
B. The more confidence we have in God keeping His promises to us,
     the more boldly we will rely on the Word of God.
  1. When we conduct ourselves according to the Word of God, the
       love of God is perfected in us.
  2. We must practice being a Christian.
  3. Practice makes perfect.

V:18. " There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."
A. Fear is sin.  1 John 4:1-3
    1. It is not from the Spirit of God. 
    2. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, love and sound mind.  2 Tim 1:7
    3. Fear is a learned reaction to uncertainty.
    4. Fear grows in our lack of total trust in the Word of God.
    5. Fear grows in our lack of obedience of the Word.
    6. Fear grows in our ignorance of the Word of God.
    7. Our love for God will not be perfected in fear because it
        springs from disobedience, distrust and God's wrath.

B. When we are confident that God will take care of us in all situations, our fear is
   1. When we reflect on our past, we can see how God has worked in our lives.
   2. We must carry our history with God into our present situation.
   3. God want stop being God because we have a new situation.
   4. What He did for us in the past, He will do for us in the future.
   5. Fear has no place in our love for God.
C. When we know we are loved, it is easy to love others.
    1. When we have nothing to fear in the Lord, we can encourage others not to
         be fearful.
     2. The more we trust God, the more our love for Him is perfected.
     3. The more we live by the promises of God, the more our love for
          Him is perfected.
     4. The more we trust God the more our love for others is perfected.

V: 19. " We love, because He first loved us."
A. Love does not begin with us.
   1. Love has it origin in God.
   2. Before our relationship with Christ, we learned love from the
       world's way of thinking.
   3. According to the world, love is an affection we have based on how
       we feel about someone.
B. We get our first glimpse of true love from our parents
    1. They loved us unconditionally because we belong to them.
    2. Love involves discipline and obedience.
    3. Love involves caring and compassion.
    4. Love involves respect and trust.
    5. Love involves a level of sacrifice.
C. The love  we received from our parents get distorted with worldly
   1. Those outside the family does not receive the same love
       as those in the family.
   2. Those outside the family receive our liking based on how we
       feel about them.
D. God's love is universal.
    1. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
        that who ever believes in Him shall not parish, but have
        everlasting life.   John 3:16
   2. Before we were born, Christ died for us.
   3. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
   4. God's love is universal because Christ died for the whole world.
   5. God's love is first because He chose us in Jesus before the
       foundation of the world.
   6. The blessings of God's love are conditional because they are                                           
        based on our belief in the  death and resurrection of His Son.
E. God's love has nothing to do with us but everything to do with Him.
   1. Our love for God is based on Him drawing us to Himself.   John 6:44
   2. Our love for God is based on the change He created in us so we
      could love Him.
      a. Any man in Christ is a new creation.   2 Cor 5:17
      b. God sealed us to the day of redemption so we cannot return to
          our formal selves.    Eph 4:30
F. We are commanded to love others because He loves us unconditionally.
   1. Our light must shine so the world will know how to love.
   2. We must walk in the light so others can see our light.
   3. Our light shines brightest when we love unconditionally.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Park Way
Houston, Texas 77040

For more of my lesson follow me on facebook and
visit my blogs: and