Thursday, January 31, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Awesomeness of Jesus", 2/3/13



Colossians 1:15-20


V:15: "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature."

 A. The image of the invisible refers to the divine nature of Jesus.

      1. Jesus is the perfection of the Father.

      2. Jesus and the Father are one.

      3. The image and nature of God is perfectly revealed in Jesus.

      4. Because of our belief in Jesus, we are being transformed into His likeness.

 B. "The First born of every creature" shows Christ relationship to creation and His


      1. Christ was first to be in communion with the Father before any other
         communion began.

      2. Christ was first to be in a relationship with the Father before any other
          relationship began.

      3. In Christ were the first thoughts of creation before any creation began.

      4. Christ was first in eternity past with the Father which has no beginning.

      5. Christ is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.


V:16. "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him."

 A. " For by Him were all things created."

     1. The origin of creation is Christ.

     2. Everything came into being because of His creative thoughts and His creative


     3. Christ is the first cause of everything.

B. "That are in heaven and that are in earth"

    1. It is beyond my comprehension to know that if Christ has no beginning,   also

        heaven and the throne of God has no beginning.

    2. The Apostle Paul said , I was called up to the third heaven. He did not explain the

         three heavens. 2 Cor 12:2

         a. Some say that the sun, the moon, the stars and  all  of the planets occupy the
            first heaven.

         b. Some say the abode of the Angels occupy the second heaven.

         c. Some say the throne of God is the third heaven.

   3. Perhaps in His creative order, Christ allocated space for the three heavens.

       1. Everything that exists, has its beginning with Christ.

       2. We have not discovered everything that exists.

            a. We are discovering more and more of Christ creation in the earth, in the seas

                 and in space as science and technology improves.

       3. The vastness of Christ creation is well beyond my limited knowledge.

 C. "Visible and invisible"

       1. One of the reasons we cannot know the awesomeness of Christ creation is
           because  he made some things invisible to us.

       2. The earth is visible, but heaven is invisible.  

           a. Air is invisible. I exist in it, but I can't see it.

           b. People we can see, angels we cannot see.

  D. "Weather they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities or powers"

      1. The reference here may be to angels; the rank, power and authority entrusted

          to them. (Eph 1:21)

          a. God created an unnumbered host of angels with different positions and rank.

          b. There are the Seraphim and the Cherubim.

          c. Three are called by name; Michael, Gabriel and Satan the fallen angel.

     2. God used angels as His messengers throughout the Old and the New Testaments.

  E. "All things were created by Him and for Him".

      1. All things were created by Christ for His glory.

   2. We exist in this earth for the glory of Christ.

       a. The earth was created by Christ with the right environment for the life of man.

       b. To this date, we have not discovered any other planet with the right

           for life. All planets were created for His glory.

       c. It should be our desire to give Christ glory and honor for creating us.


V:17. "And he is before all things, and by him all things consist."

 A. Christ existed eternally and everything flows from Him.

     1. Christ is before all things in time and above all things in rank.

 B. The word "consist" is the Greek word " sunistao" which means to strengthen or

      stand with.

    1. Everything is maintained by Christ.

       a. Everything has its beginning in Christ and cannot continue to exist without
    2. Christ is active in His creation.


V:18. "And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence."

A. Christ is the head of the body and the body is defined as His Church.

     1. Christ is the head of all who believe in Him as their personal savior.

     2. The Church has many leaders, but Christ is the head of all of them.

         a. It is Christ who guides and governs the Church.

         b. The Church is the assemble or congregation of the redeemed people of God.

     3. Membership in the body comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

 B. "Who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead."

     1. The Church began with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

         a. Christ was the first to be raised from  the dead into immortality.

     2. We who believe, die to self and are resurrected into a new life with Christ.

 C. "In all things He might have the preeminence"

     1. Christ is first in rank, power , honor and dignity in the Church.

     2. Christ is the first to be raised from the dead into immortality and is seated at the

         right hand of the Father.

     3. All power over heaven and earth was given to Christ.

     4. All believers were given to Him by the Father.

     5. He is the Shepherd, the provider and protector of all believers.

     6. He made all believers so that they would know His voice and follow after Him.


V:19. "For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell."

 A. In the original Greek wording, the word "Father" is not present in this verse.

      1. But whom would Jesus please other than the Father?

          a. A voice from heaven was heard which was, "This is my Son whom I love,

              with Him I am well pleased." Matt 3:17

      2. It pleased the Father that His creation and plan of redemption were complete

          in His Son.

          a. The Father reconciled the world to Himself through Jesus Christ. 
              2 Cor 5:18-19

 B. The sin of Adam, separated man from God.

      1. The death and resurrection of Christ reconciled man back to God.  Gal 4:4

 C. Christ is the fullness of righteousness.

      1. Christ is the fullness of wisdom.

      3. Christ is the fullness of power.

      4. Christ is the fullness of all blessings.

V:20. "And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven."

 A. The awesomeness of Christ is that His shed blood on the cross is the payment for
      the sins of the world.

    1. We cannot count the sins committed by all men against God in the past, the
         present or the future.

    2. Yet all sins are covered by the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross one Friday


    3. Christ who is spirit, had to take on human flesh filled with blood to die for the
        sins of man.

    4. There is something special about His blood, because not animal blood or

        any other human blood has the power to save.

    5. There is something special about this blood because it never dries up.

    6. There is something special about this blood because it never looses it power to

    7. There is something special about His blood because there is no sin to big or to
        awful that it cannot reconcile the sinner to the Father.

 B. Sin has it origin in Heaven.

     1. Lucifer, an angel of God, a cherub in the host of angel, made perfect by God
        sinned against God. Isa 14:12

     2. This Lucifer was cast down from heaven and is now known as Satan, the father
         of lies.  Eze 28:12-16   

     3. The blood of Jesus atoned for all the sins that separated man from God in




Thursday, January 24, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Focused On The Perfection Of Christ", 1/27/2013



Philippians 3:12-16


V:12. "Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow
      after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ

 A. We should never get to the point where we think we are perfect in the Lord.

     1. As long as we are in the flesh, we are subject to the temptation of evil.

     2. We have to continue to beat the flesh into submission.

     3. When we get up in the morning we have to put on the full armor of God.

          a. Satan is always on his job.

          b. Satan will not lose an opportunity to temp the believer into sinful behavior.

          c. Armed with a knowledge of the Word, we have the power to resist the devil.

 B. Even though we are not perfect, we should keep our eye on the goal of perfection.

    1. We should never get weary in our pursuit of being like Christ Jesus.

    2. Perfection is our goal and nothing less should be in our sights.

    3. When we are weak, and weary, Christ is our strength.

C. Christ has hold of every believer and they will not be lost.

    1.Even though salvation cannot be lost, the believer has the responsibility to
       continue his pursuit of Christ' perfection.

    2. With Jesus as our guide and protector, we can continue making gains on His



V:13. "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before."

 A. Don't ever get to proud of yourself.

     1. Keep a truthful assessment of yourself.

     2. Perfection is our goal but there are always gains to be made.

 B. Don't beat yourself up on past failures.

     1. You can't do anything about your past.

     2. You can't change your past, but you can learn from your past.

 C. Looking in the rear view mirror, keeps your focus off the goal of perfection.

     1. You have to let go of the past to move into the future.

     2. Meditation on past failures dampens our outlook for the future.

     3. Vain glory about past successes makes us complacent  about our need to push

         ourselves to improve.

  D. Consider how a farmer reacts to what God has done for us in nature.

       1. God gave us four seasons; spring, summer, fall, and winter.

       2. For a farmer, the spring is the time to plant.

       3. The Summer is the time when that which was planted comes into full growth
           and  is readied for harvest.

       4. The Fall is the time when that which was harvested is stored.

       5. The Winter is the time when God gives rain and snow and the land lies dormant.

           a. God prepares the ground for the spring season and the cycle starts over again.

        6. The farmer can't focus on seasons gone by, but must focus on seasons ahead.

           a. The farmer can't focus on past seasons.

           b. The farmer must focus on the possibilities of the new season.  

       7. God gives us new grace and new mercies each day for what lies ahead of us.

           a. We can't waste our time on yesterday, but we must focus on the task ahead.

           b. Yesterday is done and each day begins fresh in the Lord.

  E. What is before us is our perfection in righteousness and our heavenly home.

      1. We must never forget that there is much work to be done for Christ.

      2. In Christ is the power to succeed in all work to Glorify the Father.

      3. We are His workmanship and He made us for good works.


V:14. "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

 A. Good athletes never give up.

     1. A good athlete prepares himself to compete in the championship round.

     2. Christians are in the championship round and victory is assured.  

 B. The question is how do you finish the race.

     1.We have to strive toward  the high calling of Jesus Christ.

     2. God has given us a training manual, the Bible.

     3. By following the Commands of Jesus, we are pressing toward the mark.

 C. We haven been summoned by God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to

       secure the crown of eternal life.

      1. The crown is ours through faith in the promises of Jesus Christ.

      2. Because we are grateful, we should use our time on earth to glorify the Father

          in all of our activities.


V:15. "Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye
      be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you."

 A. "Let us therefore, as many as be perfect."

     1. Our perfection is in Jesus Christ.

     2. If we abide in Christ, He will abide in us. John 15:4

     3. Keeping the commands of Jesus in love is abiding in Him.  John 15:10.

 B. "Be thus minded"

      1. The mind of Christ must be our goal. Phil 2:5

           a. A mind of love.

           b. A mind of forgiveness.

           c. A mind of compassion for one another.

           d. A mind of service.

           e. A mind to sacrifice for the love of Christ and the love of the brethren.

   C. The world has a mind that is different from Christ.

        1. It cannot be our will but the will of the Father.

        2. We can know the will of the Father by studying His Word.


V:16. "Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule,
      let us mind the same thing."

 A. What we have already obtained is God's favor through faith in Jesus Christ.

     1. We have already obtained eternal life.

     2. We have already obtained a place in heaven.

     3. We have already obtained the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.

     4.  We obtain each day God's grace and mercy.

     5. We have already obtained kingdom blessings.

  B. Because we are children of the King, we ought to walk worthy of the King.

    1. Our daily thoughts ought to be the thoughts of the king.

    2. Our daily walk ought to reflect Christian values.

 C. Joy and peace is ours through our relationship with Jesus.






Thursday, January 17, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Life In Christ Jesus", 1/20/2013



Philippians 3:5-11


V:5. "Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee."

 A. The Apostle Paul gave us his genealogy and his education as a true Israelite.

     1. He had all the elements to be elevated in the Jewish System.

     2. Because of his Hebrew ancestry, he enjoyed every advantage of being a Hebrew.   

 B. He was trained in the law by the best teacher of that time (Gamaliel).  Acts 22:3


V:6. "Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless."

 A. Based on his training and understanding, he did everything to comply with the law.

    1. He jealously guarded the law and persecuted the church because he believed it to
       be against the law.  Acts 22:4

    2. Paul lived what he believed.


V:7. "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ."

 A. Paul admits that his ancestry, training and education was a gain to him while

      he was in the world.

    Defn: lost= zemia= detriment ( the idea of violence)

    1. But when he met Jesus, he gave all his worldly desires.

    2. He had to lose his worldly gain to gain Jesus.  Matt 19:21

        a. Not only was it a lost but he suffered hardships as a result.

        b. He was stoned and left for dead in one city, beaten and jailed in another and

            falsely accused and imprisoned in Rome.

        c. Paul concluded that his suffering for Jesus gave him his greatest delights.

        d. In our weakness, Christ provides strength.  2 Cor 12:9

    3. He gladly gave up his worldly desires for Jesus.

    4. Things are temporary, but Jesus is eternal.

 B. Paul realized that his soul was more important than the esteem of man.

    1. Paul concluded that to seek the esteem of man was violently detrimental to him.

    2. God hates the proud.

    3. Eternal separation from God is violence to the soul.

 C. Paul did not say that family, education and training was not important.

     1. These things do not provide salvation but they are part of who we are.

     2. We must study the Word to know Christ and to be useful in the ministry.

     3. Our history, education and training should be used to glorify God and not us.

     4. Paul did say, he would rather lose everything to gain Christ Jesus.

     5. What we have gained in life, we gained because of Christ Jesus.

         a. All that we have should be used to His glory.

V:8. "Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ."

 A. When Paul confessed Christ as Lord and Savior, he lost all of his official and social

      standing in the Jewish hierarchy.

     1. Before Christ, he was a Pharisee held in high esteem.

         a. Both of his parents were Hebrew with no mixing of other races.

         b. He was from the tribe of Benjamin who could trace their descendants back to


     2. After accepting Christ as his Savior, he was considered a traitor and was hunted

         down to be killed.

     3. Paul was not focused on his personal circumstances, but his eternal status
        with Christ.   

   B. Paul considered his knowledge of Christ more important than his status and
       position in the World.

     1. The word "lost" in this verse has the idea of violence.

     2. Paul considered any hindrance to his love for Christ as violence.

     3. He considered every worldly loss as his gain for Christ.

         a. Paul considered anything he suffered as a result of his love for Christ, as gain.

  C. Paul considered his worldly pursuits before Christ as dung.

     1. The word "dung" means that which is worthless or what you would throw to a
         wild dog.

     2. We have to be careful to not let our stuff become our god.

  D. Every Christian suffers lost for Christ.

      1. There is a change in our thoughts, habits and our focus.

      2. Our thoughts become more spiritual and less worldly.

      3. We are careful to give God the praise for our successes and thanks for our

      4. We dedicate our time to serve others rather than ourselves.

      5. We are careful to fellowship with other Christians.

      6. Every lost is a gain in our relationship with Jesus.


V:9. "And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith."

 A. Now that we are in Christ, our focus should be His will.   

     1. It is not any goodness in us but the blood of Jesus that covers our sins.

     2. Paul was trained in the law and perfect in it's execution.

         a. Yet Paul knew the law could not provide the righteousness of God.

         b. Paul concluded that righteousness is obtained  only through faith in Christ.       

             Rom 3:22

 B. Jesus is the author and the finisher of our salvation. Heb 12:2

    1. The death of Jesus on the cross is the atonement for the sins of the world.
       Rom 3:25

    2. His shed blood continues to cover our sins.

    3. We are justified before the Father through our faith in Jesus Christ.

    4. The Righteousness of Jesus is imputed upon all believers. Rom 4:22-24

 C. The faith we have in Jesus originated in Jesus.

     1. No man can come to Jesus unless he is drawn by the Father. John 6:44

     2. Each believer was given to Jesus by the Father. John 6:37


V:10. "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death."

 A. "That I may know Him."

     1. To know Jesus is to suffer with Him.

     2. We cannot understand the suffering of Jesus unless we experience some suffering
        in our lives.

     3. We cannot know the love of Jesus unless we love others unselfishly.

     4. We cannot understand the compassion of Jesus unless we are compassionate

          toward others.

     5. We cannot understand the forgiveness of Jesus unless we are able to forgive.

 B. "That I may know the power of his resurrection."

    1. Jesus died on the cross, was raised on the third day and is now seated at the right

        hand of the Father.

    2. We have hope in the resurrection powers of Jesus.

     a. Jesus said to his disciples that He was going back to the Father to prepare a place

         for us.  John 14:2

     b. Jesus also said, "Where I am, there you will be also."  John 14:3

 3. "That I may know the fellowship of His suffering."

     a. Suffering for Christ identifies us with Him.

     b. Jesus gives each believer gifts to be used in edifying the body of Christ resulting
        in glory to the Father.

     c. The believer should labor with his gifts to serve others.

     d. Jesus said that "The poor will always be with us."

     e. There is always work to be done for Jesus.

     f. The world will know we love Jesus when they see us love one another.

D. "Being made conformable unto His death"

    1. The greatest desire of a believer ought to be an imitation of Christ.

    2. Jesus sacrificed his life for us.

    3. It is the duty and the obligation of the believer to sacrifice his life for Jesus.

       a. Luke 17:33 states,  "Whoever seeks to keep his life will lose it, and whoever
          loses his life will preserve it. "

       b. The greatest freedom of a believer is to be a slave for Jesus.


V:11. "If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead."

  A. What we believe as Christians is that life in the spirit with Christ begins with

        our death on earth.

      1. We have to keep in mind that earth is not our home and that we are just passing


      2. Heaven is our home which we have already been positioned with our first belief

          in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

  B. All believers will be resurrected with an immortal body at the second coming of

       Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 15:54, 1 Thes 4:16-17.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "An Inmitation Of Christ", 1/13/2013



Philippians 2:5-11


V:5. "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."

 A. What is the mind of Christ?

    1. Christ is love.

    2. Christ is forgiving.

    3. Christ is patient.

    4. Christ is long suffering.

    5. Christ is compassionate.

    6. Christ is righteous.

    7. Christ is eternal life.

B. Paul suggested that we imitate Christ.

   1. We were made in the image and the likeness of God ( Elohim)  Gen 1:26

   2. Our hearts ought to reflect the heart of Christ.

       a. Out of the heart flows the issues of life.  Prov 4:23

       b. We should always be in harmony with Christ.

   3. Our motives and actions ought to imitate Christ.

       a. Our lives will be most productive if we are in unity with Christ.  John 12:23

       b. Christ took on humanity and performed the most lowest office to benefit us.

       c. As Christ did, we must become a servant to benefit others in the body.



V:6. "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God."


  A. He rendered His claim of being equal with God.

       1. Jesus and the Father are one.

       2. Yet Jesus did not see a problem with giving up His equality with the Father for
           our  salvation.

 B. Form = morphe= shape, nature.

     1. Jesus has the same nature of the Father.

        a. He is Spirit as God is Spirit.

        b. He is the great I Am.

        c. He is Alpha and Omega.

        b. He is divine.

     2. Jesus was with God in the beginning.  John 1:1


V:7. "But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men."


 A. He made Himself of no reputation.

     Defn: made= kenoo= make empty, void

     1. Jesus is God and the creator of all things.  

     2. He took off His robe of glory to become common with us.

     3. He made himself empty of His glory.

     4. He volunteered to empty Himself before He came down out of heaven.


 B. He took on the form of a servant.

     1. Jesus came down from heaven to become a servant to all mankind.

     2. He could have set Himself up as a king on earth for the world to serve Him.

         a. He set Himself up on earth to be a servant to the world.

         b. Only by being a servant could He be the salvation of man.

     3. He laid aside the glory He had with the Father before the world was.  John 17:5

         a. He laid aside the splendor of Ruler, King of Kings, Lord of Lords to be a
             servant to all men. 1 Tim 6:15-16


 C. He was made in the likeness of man.

    1. Likeness= homoioma= form, shape

    2. He is God, but He formed Himself in the shape of a man to identify with us.

        a. His spirit was clothed in human flesh and blood.

    3. Before Jesus was incarnated to human flesh, He placed His Word in the hands of
        the  Jewish nation.

       a. Jesus in the flesh was the living example of the Word for the World to see.

       b. Jesus is the light of the world that only believers can understand.  John 17:14


V:8. "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross."

 A. He fashion Himself as a man.

      1. He was God, yet He took on all the infirmities of human flesh.

      2. He was born of a woman by the power of the Holy Spirit.

          a. Laid in the womb for nine months.

          b. Grew in stature, shape and size as ordinary men.

      2. God in the spirit needs no food, clothes of shelter.

      3. God in the spirit does not get tired or sleep.

      4. Jesus became man and subjected himself to all these needs.


  A. He humbled Himself.

      1. He humbled himself first to the Father then to man.

      2. Even though He is equal to the Father, He subjected Himself to the will of the


      3. He took the lowly position in the body of a man.

          a. He is the parent of all mankind, yet He submitted Himself to human parents.

      4. He subjected Himself to the laws and rules of nature and man.

      5. He was above all law, yet submitted to the laws and traditions of man.

      6. He was the author of all the commandments and He kept them all.

 B. He is the creator of the universe and is every where in it.

     1. Yet He centered Himself in one place.

 C. He is eternal life.

     1. Yet He channel His life into one body.

 D. He "kenoo", made Himself nothing so we could have everything good.

      1. He is the good shepherd. We are his sheep

      2. Jesus the good shepherd has an intimate relationship with us.

          a. Through His suffering as our shepherd, He knows our suffering and

              comforts us.


  A. He became obedient unto death, even the death the cross.

      1. He committed no sin, yet He allowed Himself to be judged as a sinner by sinful


      2. Wrongly convicted, He sacrificed His life on the cross for the atonement of the
           sins of the whole world.  Heb 2:17

         a. No one took His life, He gave it up freely.  John 10:18

         b. He is the unblemished lamb whose shed blood satisfied God's demand for

     3. Death on the cross was considered just punishment for the worst criminals.

         a. He counted Himself among the worst so we could have the best.



V:9. "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name."

 A. As a reward for His humiliation, God the Father elevated Him above all others.

     1. As a result of Jesus supreme sacrifice, God (theos) elevated Him to the supreme


        a. He is raised to the throne of glory.  Heb 1:3

        b. He is seated at the right hand of the Father.  Mat 26:64

        c. He is the mediator between God and man.    1 Tim 3:5

  2. He is given a name above every other name.

        a. No other name can be compared with the name of Jesus.

        b. He alone is the Redeemer of mankind.

        c. He alone is Savior.

        d. He alone is the Christ, the anointed one.

        e. He is the only begotten Son of God.

        f. He is the only one who laid down His life and took it up again.

        g. He is the only one we can call to forgive sin.

        h. In Him is all grace and mercy.


V:10. "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth."

 A. It is God's design that every one honors Jesus.

     1. Just the mention of His name should cause us to give Him praise.

         a. He is our King, our Prophet and our Priest.

     2. The name Jesus means, Jehovah is salvation.

         a. Jesus is what His name suggest; our salvation.

         b. No other name deserves or can claim this honor.

 B. All things were made by Jesus and is His glory.

    1. The heavens and the earth are the glory of Jesus.

    2. The rocks cry out the glory of God.

        a. Man can dig up a rock, but can't make one out of nothing.

        b. Man can only marvel at it's composition and structure.

    3. Every living animal, plant and tree are the works of His voice.


V:11. "And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

 A. Confession of faith in Jesus Christ is key to the believers salvation.

     1. Jesus is Lord.

        a. Lord is the Greek word "Kurios" which the supreme authority, controller, 

     2. Jesus is the creator of everything, therefore the owner of everything.

 B. Everything that Jesus does is to glorify God the Father.  John 13:31-32

     1. God= theos= supreme being

     2. Father= pater= parent

 C. When we honor Jesus, we honor the Father.

     1. The parent of all of us is God the Father.

     2. The savior of all of us is Jesus the Son.

     3. The Enlightenment of all of us is the Holy Spirit.


We should give God praise and honor for our presence on this earth and for our

 heavenly home made possible through faith in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.



My notes are posted on Face Book and my blog


Rev. M. Mitchell