Thursday, July 28, 2016

This Week's Sunday Lesson, "The Power Of Change" 7/31/2016


Romans 6:1-4,12-14,20-23

V:1-2. " What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?
2 By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? "
A. An old life style is hard to change.
    1. The Apostle Paul is  talking to Christian folk.
    2. He is really talking to us today.
    3. We have been redeemed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    4. We have been saved, justified, and sanctified by the blood of Jesus.
    5, We have an election, an adoption and are now sons and daughters
         of the Father in heaven.
B. Our position has changed, but we are still operating in the flesh.
    1. It is like being trained and licensed to practice medicine but there
        there is no practice.
    2. It is like being trained and certified to fix cars but you are not
        working on any cars.
    3. The Lord, Himself said that harvest is plentiful but laborers are few.
C. We have the title of the Church, but there is little Church service taking
    1. We have been saved from our sins by the Grace of our Lord and Savior, but
        we are still operating in sin.
    2. We have the knowledge of God's Word but there is no practical application
        in our lives.
 D. We are struggling with this position of Christianity, when we ought to be
      growing in Grace.
     1. The sin we practice blocks spiritual growth and development.
     2. We first must understand what is "sin".
     3. Sin is rebellion against God's commands.
     4. Sin is magnified among us, because we know God's Word, but refuse to
         practice what we know.
         a. God's Word includes all of His commands.
         b. We neglect His commands willfully or out of ignorance.
         c. Willfully means you know,  Ignorance means you have not studied His Word.
 E. Our position has changed (from the world to Christ) so our intentions must
      change (from sin to the righteousness of God).
    1. Old habits die hard. But old habits can be broken by the power of the Holy
        Spirit that indwells us.
    2. We don't have to stay the same, because we have been given the authority
         and the capacity to change by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.    

V:3-4. " Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. "
A. This is the operation that has taking place in us that sets us apart from the world.
    1. Upon our call out of the world, we were emerged in the death of Jesus.
    2. Baptism means emerged or covered up with the blood of Jesus.
    3. All sins, past present and future have been covered or atoned for by the
        blood of Jesus.
 B. We have a new life because we have come spiritually alive in the resurrection
      of Jesus.
    1. We have been gifted with the power to resist sin and to pursue the righteousness
        of God.
    2. It is as if God has performed a heart operation in us.
    3. We are still recovering from that operation.
    4. We are recovering from the  wounds of our sins.
    5. We are in a  therapy section with God.
    3. Healing from our sins is an on going process. 

V:12-13. " Therefore, do not let sin rule in your mortal bodies, so that it makes you obey its desires;  and do not offer any part of yourselves to sin as an instrument for wickedness. On the contrary, offer yourselves to God as people alive from the dead, and your various parts to God as instruments for righteousness. "
A. Verse 12 tells that we have the power to wipe sin out of our lives.
    1. We have the power to shut the door on Satan.
    2. If you give Satan an inch, He will take over your life.
    3. Notice the second part of verse 12.
        a. The sin in your life originates from the desires that are in your heart.
        b. We have a tendency to act on our desires without consulting the Word.  
B. Verse 13 says we make a choice to sin.
   1. We make the choice to allow Satan to use us as instruments of sin.
   2. Now that we are in Christ, Satan is no longer in charge.
   3. Jesus is in charge.
   4. We have to make a decision to let Jesus use us as  instruments of His righteousness.
   5. It is our decision not to operate according to the flesh, but according to
       the spirit.

V:14. " For sin will not have authority over you; because you are not under legalism but
         under grace."
 A. Verse 14 states  that God has given us authority over  the temptation to sin.
      1. It is by God's Grace that we are who we are.
      2. Ephesians 1:4 states , " For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to
          be holy and blameless in his sight. In love  he predestined us to be adopted as his
          sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will."
      3. From the start, Satan never had authority over those God chose (that's us) to
          be His sons and daughters.
      4. God allowed us to be born in this world in sin to redeem us from our sins.
      5. The text says it pleased God to work with us in this way.
 B. We were not born under the Law. We were born under Grace.
     1. All the requirements of the Law were fulfilled in the death of Jesus
         on the cross.
     2. The Law points to the sin in our lives.
     3. But Grace points to the blood of Jesus that covers our sin.
V:20-21. " For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in relationship to righteousness;
21 But what benefit did you derive from the things of which you are now ashamed? The
     end result of those things was death. "
A. Were born in sin and shaped in iniquity.
     1. Were born in a condemned state.
     2. In that state, the righteousness of God had no effect on us.
     3. There is no advantage of a sinful life.
     4. The end result is eternal death.
B.  The unredeemed state is a state of slavery.
     1. In the unredeemed state we were held captive by sin.
     2. The unredeemed state was under the influence of Satan.
C. There ought be spiritual growth in us.
    1. We know that there is spiritual growth when we reflect back on
        our unredeemed state and are ashamed of the things. we used to do.
     2. Knowing the righteousness of God, we know the magnitude of
         our sins.
     3. We know the point when God turned us around and put us
          on the right path.

V:22. " However, now, freed from sin and enslaved to God, you do get the benefit — it consists in being made holy, set apart for God, and its end result is eternal life. "
A. We are out of one slave position and into another.
     1. We are out of slavery to sin and now in slavery to God's righteousness.
     2. We are freed from the penalty of sin, but enslaved to eternal salvation.

B. There are immediate benefits to our slavery to God.
    1. We are made holy in Jesus Christ.
         a. Not that we ourselves are holy, but the holiness of Jesus covers our sins.
    2. We have been set apart from the world for God's own use.
        a. We have been separated from the world.
        b. We are now an elect group of Christ's servants.
   3. We have inherited eternal life.
        a. We have a place in heaven
        b. We are employed in the glory of God.
        c. Our lifestyle ought to be one of a servant to God.
        d. We are in the business of lifting Jesus.

V:23. " For what one earns from sin is death; but eternal life is what one receives as a
  free gift from God, in union with the Messiah Yeshua, our Lord.
 A. Any person separated from Christ is earning his/her way to hell.
     1. The wages of sin is death.
     2. At birth in the flesh our final destination was the eternal hell.
     3. We did not earn hell in the womb, we inherited it from Adam
     4. The good news is our inheritance from Adam is not permanent.
 B. The good news is that before the foundation of the earth, God had
       already decided your eternal destination in Christ Jesus.
     1. Any man in Christ is a new creation.
     2. God created a new reality for us in Christ Jesus.
     3. God gave us the free gift of eternal life by joining us with Christ.
     4. We cannot earn our way into heaven. It is by His Grace only.
     5. And for this new position in Christ we ought to show our gratefulness
         by honoring God with our lives.


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

For a complete list of my lessons, visit my blog

Thursday, July 21, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Holy Spirit At Work In Your Life",7/24/2016


Romans 5:1-11

V;1-2. " Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,  through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. "
A. We have been Justified before the Father.
      1. Justification means rendered innocence.
      2. Before the Father, it is as if we never sinned or our sins have been removed.
B. The justification is through our faith in the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.
     1. Before our faith in Jesus, we were enemies of God.
     2. Before Jesus we were held captive by Satan.
C. We have peace with God through Jesus Christ.
    1. Because we have peace with God through Jesus, we can have peace within
    2. We have access to God's Grace, that is access to the favors of God.
    3. All the promises of God are available to us.
    4. God is the supplier of all our needs and is our protector
D. Because we have faith in Jesus, we find Joy in God's glory.
   1. We can recognize God's glory in creation.
   2. We can recognized the hand of God in our lives.
   3. We can recognize and appreciate what God is doing for us
       in the  present.
  4. Since we have a history with God, we have hope for tomorrow.
      a. Hope that everything is going to work out for our good.
      b. Hope to have faith to do the best I can do and  leave the rest to Jesus.

V:3-4. " Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope. "
A. Because of our relationship with Jesus, we can see the advantage of our troubles.
   1. Our troubles serve to strengthen our faith.
   2. A strong faith enables us to endure tough times.
   3. Because we have faith in Jesus, we are targets of Satan and should expect
       trouble to come our way from time to time.
   4. Because we know Jesus, we know He will make our troubles work out for
       our good.

V:5. " And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. "
A. Our testimony encourages others to hope in Jesus.
    1. We are not ashamed to promote the Gospel of Jesus because  we know that He died
        on the   cross to save our souls.
    2. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever
        believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
B. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that helps us understand God's love
     displayed through the death of His Son.

V:6-7. " You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. "
A. Christ death on the cross was a planned death. Christ died at just the right time.
    1. Christ death on the cross was a purposed death. He died for the ungodly.
    2. Christ death on the cross was a selected death.  He died for God's elect.
        a. He was selected by the Father because He was righteousness.
        b. He was selected because there is no sin in Him and He is one with the Father.
    3. Christ death is power enabling . The powerless gained power .
B. Christ death on the Cross is true love.
    1. I am not sure I would die for a good man.
    2. Christ died to save us form our worst sins.

V:8. : But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
 A. God's love for us has noting to do with anything we have done.
     1. God's love for us has everything to do with Him.
     2. God is Love.
     3. There is no comparison between our love and God's Love
     4. Any love we have is motive driven.
     5. Any love we have is flesh driven.
     6. Any love we have, has self in it.
     7. Any love we have is corrupted.
 B. God showed His Love for us by sacrificing what He Loved.
    1. God's Love for us is eternal.
       a. It has no beginning time.
       b. It has no ending time.
       c. God  gave us time to show us how original and  independent
           His Love is.
       d. The time He gave us for a beginning of His Love is before the foundation
            of the earth, which really is no definite time.   Eph 1:4-5

 C. God's Love for us has no cause.
      1. He chose us in Jesus before the foundation of the earth.  
      2. Therefore we have no part in His Love.

V.9. " Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him!"
A. God's Love for us has it origin in God Sovereign desire to save us from His eternal
   1. We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity, deserving His wrath.
   2. But according to His will, He sent His Son  as  payment for our sins,
       rendering us innocence of all charges.   .
B. It is the Blood of His Son shed on Calvary that is the atonement for our sins.
    1. Calvary  is the evidence of God's love for us.
    2. Calvary is the evidence of God election of us.

V:10-11. " For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!  Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. ":
A. Our former unredeemed life was an enemy of God.
    1. We were oppose to God's way.
    2. We hated his commands.
    3. We were violent toward God and His principles.
    4. We were selfish with hate in our hearts.
    5. We ran toward sin seeking the darkness of the world.
    6. We sought temporary happiness with no thought of lasting joy.
B. Our redeemed state is one of reconciliation with God.
   1. Any man in Christ is a new creation.
   2. Through the death of Jesus we are made one with God.
   3. Our character is changed to be in harmony with God.
   4. We now have an eternal relationship with God.
   5, That relationship we have is eternal and perpetual..
   6. We have fellowship with God through confession of our sins and repentance,
C. Jesus, through God's election gave up His earthly life so we could inherit
     eternal life.
   1. Jesus death on the cross was the beginning of  His intercession before the
      Father on our behalf.
   2. Being reconciled with the Father, we have peace with Him.
   3. Being reconciled with Father, we are enabled to experience Jesus Joy.
   4. Our Joy in the Lord   is our confidence in His ever presence in our lives.
D. The Holy Spirit that indwells us reminds us continuously of the debt
     that Jesus satisfied with the Father for us.
    1. The Holy Spirit that indwells us reminds us of what God has done for us
        through His Son, which should inspire us to an attitude of gratefulness.
    2. The Holy Spirit that indwells us reminds us of the Word of Jesus and
        the command to be His disciples in service and dedication.

The Holy Trinity, One God in Three Persons work together to draw us in
the likeness and the image of them. God the Father planned our eternal
existence. God the Son died  to atone our sin debt. God the Holy Spirit
reminds us of every Word of God and empowers us to be grateful for His
Grace and Mercy. 


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

For a complete list of my lessons visit my blog


Thursday, July 14, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Doctrine Of Salvation", 7/17/2016


Romans 3:21-31

V:21. " But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. "
A. This verse speaks of the first coming of Jesus Christ.
    1.Jesus is the author and the finisher of the Law.
    2. The Law was given to show man the righteousness of  God, which could not
        be obtained by keeping it.
    3. The Law was not given to save, but to condemn.
B. The Law and the Prophets spoke of the coming of the Messiah.  John 1:1-5, Dan 9:26
      Gen 3:15
   1. We are beneficiaries of the promises that God made in the Garden of Eden, and the
        promises God made with Abraham and confirmed with Daniel.
   2. God's plan  set before the foundation of the world included our redemption
       through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.   Eph 1:4-5

V:22-23. " This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference.  For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
A. We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity.
    1. It is not our fault, but it is our inherited unredeemed state.
    2. Through Adam's sin all flesh is sin. Rom 5:12
B. The  righteousness of Christ is imputed upon us immediate  at our
     faith in the death of Jesus on the Cross as our redeemer.
C. Those who believe, which includes us, are an elect group.  Matt 24:31
    1. The elect of God were predestined before the foundation of the world.
        Eph 1:4-5
    2. Our faith is not of ourselves since our election happen before man was
    3. After we were called out of the world, we were drawn to Christ. Rom 9:24
        John 6:44

V:24. " And are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ
         Jesus. "
 A. The word "justified" is from a Greek word which means "rendered innocence."
      1. It is the atoning blood of Jesus which covers our sins and makes us innocence
          before the father.
     2. Our justification is a voluntary effort on the part of Jesus.
     3. Jesus submitted Himself to the will of the Father for our sakes. Luke 22:42
     3. Our justification is a free gift from the Father.
 B. Grace is God's favor.
     1. God has favored us, His elect over the world.
     2. God does not tell us why He elected us.
     3. We should show Him  gratitude  for His favor.
     4. The word "redemption" is from a Greek word which means  "ransom in full."
     5. We were held captive by our sins until God favored us with His Son.
     6. The blood of Jesus set us free from our sin debt.

V:25-26. " God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished. He did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. "
A. The Father selected the Son for the cross.
     1. The Father selected the Son for our redemption.
     2. Life is in the blood.
     3. The life of the flesh is  in the blood.
     4. The spiritual life of man is in the Blood of Jesus.
     5. Jesus the Just, is the justifier of all believers.
B. Without a perfect sacrifice, there would be no payment for sin.
    1. God established this concept in the garden of Eden.
    2. After Adam and Eve sinned, they realized they were naked.
        a. They covered themselves with leaves.
        b. God killed an animal and made a covering of animal skin for them.
        c. The covering of their sin was from a blood sacrifice.
   3. The covering of our sins is the blood  sacrifice of Jesus.  Romans 5:9
   4. Jesus is the only perfect sacrifice acceptable to God.
C. Prior to the death of Jesus, sin was covered by the promised redeemer, Jesus.
   1. By the Law no flesh is justified.
   2. Justification or innocence before the Father is through faith in the blood of

V:27-28. " Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith.  For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law."
A. Faith is what you believe, not what you have done.  Eph 2:15
    1. Salvation cannot be by your works because you were chosen to believe in Jesus
        before the foundation of the earth
    2. Salvation cannot be by your works because you were given to Jesus as His servants
        by the Father.
       John 6:39 states, "And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all
       that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day."
B. Faith in Jesus is not a human characteristic.
    1. Romans 3:11 states that there is none that seeks after God.
    2. Romans 12:3 states "   to each is given a measure of faith."
C. Faith in Jesus is spiritually derived.

V:29-30. Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too,  since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith."
A. Circumcision was the sign of a covenant God made with Abraham 400 plus
     years before the Law was given.  Genesis  17:11
   1. The covenant God made with Abraham included many nations, not just Israel.
       Genesis 17:4
   2. Jews and Gentile were included in the covenant with Abraham from the start.
   3. The physical circumcision was God way of separating Israel, the one He gave
       the Law, from Gentile nations
   4. Circumcision became part of the Law not to indicate salvation but to
       indicate dedication to God.
B. It is the circumcision of the heart , the doing away with sin that God promotes.
    1. Due 10:16-17 states; "Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no
        more stiffnecked.  For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great
        God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward."
    2. The Law was given so man would know his sins, not to save.
        Gal 2:16 states: " know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith
        in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be
        justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the
        law no one will be justified."

V: 31. "Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law."
 A. Jesus death on the cross fulfilled all the requirements of the Law.
      1. Matthew 5:17 states: " "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the
          Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
      2. Because of the BLOOD of Jesus, Man is not under the penalty of the Law.
      3. We are under Grace.
 B. The Law still stands to show us our sinfulness and our need for a Savior.  
      Romans 7:7 states: " What shall we say, then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! Indeed I
      would not have known what sin was except through the law. For I would not have
      known what coveting really was if the law had not said, "Do not covet."
C. The sum of the matter of the law is this;
     Galatians 3:24-25 " So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be 
     justified by faith.  Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of
     the law.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst. Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Texas.

For a complete list of my lessons visit my blog


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Mission Of Discipleship, 7/14/2016


Matthew 28:18-20

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  

Before Jesus ascended by into heaven He gave this final command to His disciples.
This is the mission of the Church.

Every group or organization in the Church ought to have a mission. The mission
can't be just to come to meetings. The mission can't be Christians talking to other
Christians. The mission can't be the sale of chicken dinners of fish sandwiches.
All these are helpful to support the mission, but they are not the mission.
Outreach is the mission.

God measures the success of the Church by it out reach programs.
A Church without an active outreach program is not fulfilling the
mission of Christ.

Acts 1:10-11 is a picture of the young Church not moving.
After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciple were standing still gazing into
heaven. It two angels to get them moving. Why are you standing here? Jesus
will come again just as you saw Him leave.

The  young church stagnated again in Jerusalem after gaining many disciples.
God allow the persecution of the church to scattered the disciple to other areas
so that Gospel could be preached.   Acts 8:4

Jesus is not coming back until the last Christian is saved.   John 6:39-40
We are part of God's plan of preaching the Gospel to the lost.

We have the authority to preach the Gospel to everyone we meet. (Verse 18).
We have the commission from Jesus to teach the congregation how to witness
for Christ outside these four walls.

How do you get men involved and committed to serve God?


    A. You have to teach God's commands to witness out side the Church
    B.  You have to teach God's definition of discipleship.
    C. You have put God's command for discipleship into action.
    D. You have to seek opportunities to witness in different places around the city.

II. Verse 19 says GO.
    A. The verse didn't say sit down and talk about it. It said GO.
         GO does not include waiting around for some lost person to show up at
         Church door steps.
    B. The next verb in verse 19 is MAKE.
        1. We have to make disciples.
        2.  How do you MAKE disciples?
             a. You have to spend time teaching and preaching.
             b. You have to go out witnessing and encouraging others to come
                 to your Church.
             c. You may have to entice people to come to your Church.
             d. If people have a need, maybe you find programs to supply
                 those needs while teaching the Word.
     C. In doing this, you make opportunities for your members to be involved in mission
        1. We can't men interested if we don't have any program for them to be
            committed to.
        2. We can talk about what need to be done, but if there is no evidence of doing
             something, then interest can't develop.

III. The next verb in verse 19 is BAPTIZE.
      A. If you don't make any new disciples, you want have anyone to Baptize.
      B. May be you can put out a sign, "FREE HOMES IN HEAVEN", come
           sign up for yours.
      C. May be you can put out a sign, "FREE BAPTISM NEXT MONTH" come
          sign up to be baptized.
      D. May be you can put up a sign, FREE BABY DEDICATIONS", come sign
           up to get you baby dedicated to the Lord.

      A. The first thing we need to do is to teach our current members to obey
           God's commands.
         1. One of the thing we need to do is to teach classes on personal finance.
         2. We need to teach our members how to tune their finances to God's
              commands for investment.
         3. This is one area where a commitment to trust God that will reap immediate
    B. We cannot teach new members God's Word if the current members are
          not obedient to the Word.
        1. The current members are the role models for the outside world to see.
   C. Pastors can't worry about upsetting the members by teaching the Word
        that they don't want to hear.
        1. Jesus said He would be with you always.
        2. You are going to upset some members and lose some members when
            teach ALL the WORD according to Jesus commands.
        3. The Apostle Paul was no stranger to rebuking his churches with the
            Word when he saw disobedience.
       4. Preaching and teaching ought to make people feel uncomfortable in
           their sins.

     A. God has a vested interest in us.
          1. Philippians 1:6 states, " Being confident of this, that he who began a good work
               in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. "
          2. We have a vested interest in Heaven.
          3. We should be storing up treasures in heaven with our good works. 
     B. The Church has to be taught that there is a value in serving God.
         1. The church has to be taught that not being committed to serve
              loses many blessings.  
         2. The Lord says if man don't work he should not eat.

Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

For a complete list of my lessons visit my blog


Fear God Not Man, 7/13/2016


2 Timothy 1:7

2 Timothy 1:7
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

   A. Unholy fear
       1. Fear is a feeling induced by a perceived danger or threat.
       2. The word fear is used in the KJ Bible 400 times.
       3. We are commanded not to fear man or our circumstances.  Proverbs 29:25
       4. When we fear man, it is unholy.
  B. Holy fear.
       1. The phrase, "fear of the Lord" is used 144 times in the Bible.
       2. Fearing God is holy fear.
       3. Exodus 20:20 states " And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come
           to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not."
       4. Holy fear is an emotion designed to keep us from sinning against God.
  C. The unholy fear can immobilize us and hinder the work of God.
       1. Unholy fear promotes sin against God.
       2. Unholy fear stops us from doing the work of God

    A. The phrase, "the spirit of fear" is a devil related statement.
        1. It prevent us from being obedient to God's commands.
        2. It prevents us from trusting completely in God.
        3. That "spirit of fear" block us form experiencing the all the blessing of God.
        4. It is a selfish reaction to the commands of God.
        5. You cannot be the best disciple of God that you can be with "spirit of fear".

      A. Power to do what is impossible for man.
          1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
      B. Power to endure tough times.
          1. Power to push on when everybody else has given up.
          2. Power to be joyful when sadness is all around me.
          3. Power to be peaceful in mist of troubling situations.
       C. Power to heal the sick.
          1. If any man is sick, let him call the elders, pray for him and
              he will recover.
       D. Power to change lives with Gospel of Jesus Christ.
       E. Power to go through closed doors.
       F. Power to forgive
       G. Power to be tolerant of faults of others.
       H. Power to see the glory of God in creation.  

     A. God has given us the love of His Son
     B. God has given us the spirit to love Him.
     C. God has given us the  spirit to love our neighbors.
     D. God has given us the spirit to love our enemies.
     E. God's love is presence in lives ever moment of every day.

   1. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge.
   2. Sound mind can only be found in God's Word.
   3. The only true wisdom is in the Word of God.
   4. It is the study of the Word that enlightens us to the wisdom of God.
   5. You remember the story of the prodigal son: the Bible says when he came
        to himself, he returned to the Father.
   6. A man without God is headed to insanity. 

Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

For a complete list of my lesson, visit my blog


God's Disciples, 7/11/2016


Isaiah 6:8-9

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
9 He said, "Go and tell this people: "'Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.'

   A. Study and meditate on the Word of God.  Psalm 119:48
       1. Listen to God
       2. Know the voice of the Lord.
   B. Pray without ceasing.
       1. Talk to God continuously.

   A. Make yourself available to the Lord.
       1. Volunteer your service.
       2. A sense of gratefulness
       3. A sense of mercy
       4. A cheerful offering

      1. Divine call
      2. A call to duty
      3. It is a purpose call.  
      4. A call of obedience

       1. Cheerfully
       2. Willfully

     1. Put God's Agenda First
     2. Schedule time to serve
     3. Don't make excuses
     4. Commit your resources to God's service

     1. Encourage others
     2. Recognize and appreciate your teachers
     3. Warn and strengthen others
     4. Seek the good of others
     5. Be joyful, prayerful and thankful
     6. Be willing to listen

      A. Worship
           1. Prayer   Phil 4:6
           2. Song  Eph 5:9
           3. Offering   Mal 3:10-11
           4. Study the Word    2 Tim 2:15
     B. Evangelism     Matt 28:19

      C. Benevolence   

Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

For a complete list of my lesson see my blog

Settle The Issue Of Who God Is, 7/10/2015


The Book Of Job
Job 1:6-11

A. God knows all about you.
     1. He knows all your habits
     2. He knows what you know about Him.
B. We know God is good.
    1. We know His power.
    2. We know His authority.
    3. We know He is a God of Love.
    4. We know the blessings of God.

C. Did you know that the God you serve still communicates
     with Satan?
    1. He does not Change. He is the same today as yesterday.

D. Did you know that God you serve sometimes puts trouble in
     your life?

   The story of Job is a perfect example of God troubling the life
    one of His servants to take him to higher heights.

    A. Job was perfect in his pursuit of the righteousness of God.

    B. Job was upright. He was straight or just
    C. He feared God
        1. He reverence God.
    D. He hated evil.
         1. Turn off
         2. He was grieved by evil

     A. Family man
         1. 3 Daughters
         2. 7 sons
     B. His possessions were great
         1. 11000 livestock
         2. He had many servants
         3 Job was living the good life

      A. To take you to a higher level of spirituality
      B. To draw you into a closer relationship with Him.
      C. To strengthen your faith.

       A. He will use your circumstances
            1. .Job lost all his live stock
            2. All his sons and daughters were killed.
       B. He will turn family and friends against you
            3. His wife turned against him.
            4. His close friends tried to convince Job to admit he
                deserved his troubles.
       C. All things work together for those who love the Lord and are
            called according to His purposes.
       D. God will take away your health to test your faith.
           1. Job's body was covered with sores.
           2. God will appear to be silent for quite some time.
           3. The events in Job's life lasted a year.

    A. Job offered sacrifices for the sins of his sons and daughters.
        1. There is no mention of Job offering sacrifices for his sins.
        2. There is no mention of Job offering sacrifices for his wife's sins.
        3. There is no mention of Job offering sacrifices for his servants sins.
   B. The purpose of your troubles is to make you realize that you cannot
        tell God how to do His job.
        1. God's grace is in the mist of your troubles.
        2. You have to praise God for the good and the bad.
        3. You need to be grateful for the bad times.
        4. God uses your troubles to make you realize that He is Sovereign.

        A. The purpose of your troubles is to bring you to the knowledge of your state
              of worthlessness.
         B.  God does not need you. You need God.
             1. "  The Lord said to Job:
                  will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who              
                  accuses  God answer him!"        
                  Then Job answered the Lord:  "I am unworthy — how can I reply to you? I
                  put my  hand over my mouth."   Job  40:1-4
            2. There is none righteous, no not one.  Romans 3:10
            3. Even the good that we do is nothing but a filthy rag.  Isa 64:6
         C. We see  only see our circumstances.
            1. We cannot see how God is using our circumstances to benefit
                His Church.
            2. Life is not all about us, it is about the Glory Of The Lord.

       A. God is pleased.
           1. Through out all Job's trouble, he never sinned or cursed God.
           2. Through out his troubles, Job kept his focus on the goodness of God.
       B. God gave back to Job double what he lost.
           " After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and
              gave him twice as much as he had before."  Job 42:10
      C. Job is a Testimony for all generations
       D. It is our relationship with God through Jesus Christ that gives us worth.

Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

For a complete list of my lessons see my blog

Sunday, July 10, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Are We Better Than Non Christians?", 7/10/2016


Romans 3:9-22

V:9-11. " What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin.
10 As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one; 
11 there is no one who understands,
      no one who seeks God. "
A. Are we better than those who say there is no God or those who have no faith
     in God?
    1. Yes we are. But not because we are more righteous or that we do more good
    2. We have the advantage of having the commands of God.
    3. We have the advantage of the wisdom of God.
B. We have the advantage of being chosen by God before the foundation of the world.
    1 We have the favor of God.
    2. We have Grace rather than justice.
C. God said that there is none righteous, NO not one.
    1. We were born in sin, shaped in iniquity.
    2 .We are better than non believers because our sin are covered by the blood of Jesus.
    3. We are better than none believers because we have the Holy Spirit to guide
        our understanding of the Word of God.
    4. If we yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He will direct us in the application
        of God's Word to our lives.

V:12 -16. " All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one  
      who does good, not even one."
13. Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit."  "The poison of vipers is
     on their lips."
14. Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness."
15 Their feet are swift to shed blood.
16.  Ruin and misery mark their ways.
A. The unredeemed man is subject to the ways of the world.
    1. The unredeemed man cannot control his thoughts or actions because he is under
         the influence of Satan.
    2. The unredeemed may at time, do some good, but their flesh is in control of all
        they do.
    3. Out of the heart of the unredeemed comes evil thoughts.
    4. Evil thoughts lead to evil activities.
    5 . Their evil activities eventually lead to their own destruction.
    6. The unredeemed man eventually destroys himself.
B. The redeemed man is a new creation in Christ.
    1. His heart is now subject to the conscience of his relationship with Christ.
    2. The redeemed man has the strength of God to restrict his thoughts to
         the  righteousness of God.
    3. The redeemed man has the strength of God to resist evil activities.

    4. The unredeemed has turned away from God, but the redeemed is drawn to
    5. Because we have Christ in our lives, we are on the way to recovery from
        our sins.
    6. Thank God that He gives us time to change from our sinful behavior.
V:17-18. " and the way of peace they do not know."
18 "There is no fear of God before their eyes."
A. Are we better than the those who reject God?
    1. Yes we are.
    2. Peace is an aspect life that come only from God.
    3. We are no longer  enemies of God because Jesus settled our sin state
         with His death on the cross.
    4. Our sins, past, present and future have been covered by the blood of Jesus
         on the cross.
    5. Even though we are still subject to sin from time to time it is no longer
        our natural desire.
    6. We have the Word of God to guide our way into His righteousness.
B. The unredeemed man has no peace with himself.
    1. We the redeemed, can have peace within ourselves.
    2. We have the assurance that God has forgiven our sins.
    3. We have the assurance that Christ is at our side at all times.
    4. We have the assurance that Christ will take care of our needs.
    5. We have the assurance that Christ will protect us from all harm and
    6. We have the assurance that even if we suffer, that it is going to
         work out for our good.
 C. Are we better than non believers?  Yes we are.
    1. We have the mind set to fear God.
    2. W have the mind set to reverence God.
    3. We have the mind set to love God.
    4. We have the mind set to be conscience of God commands and to be obedient
         to them.
    5. We have the mind set to love our neighbors as ourselves.
    6. We have the mind set to love our enemies and bless those who despitefully
         use us.
    7. We may not do everything right all the time, but at least we have the mind set to
        be righteous before God and to ask for forgiveness.

D. We have the mind set not to fear the actions of man.
     1. We have the mind set not to fear our current circumstances.
         a. Fear implies that you think something dreaded is going to happen.
         b. Fear implies a lack of a control on your part.
     2. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, love and sound mind.
     3. It is a sound mind that does not break down or give up in troubling times.
     4. When troubles come, the sound mind calls on God and relies on Him.

V:19-20. " Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God.
20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. "
A. Are we better than unbelievers?  Yes we are.
    1. We are not under the Law, but under grace.
    2. We are not subject to the penalties of  law.
    3. Jesus death on the cross satisfied all the requirements of the Law.
    4. The Law was never designed to save, but to condemn man of his sins.
B. Without Jesus, man is subject to penalty of disobeying God's commands.
   1. Even though man may claim no knowledge of God, he is still subject to
       the penalty of disobedience, which is eternal death.
   2. We are better than non believers because we know that there is a heaven and
       a hell.
    3. We are better than non believers because we have Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
    4. The Bible says at the name of Jesus  every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth.
         Phil 2:10
        a. In other words, it is not your choice, it is your predicament.
        b. It is better to bow before Jesus and be granted eternal life, than to bow before
            Jesus and be condemned to the eternal hell.

V:21-22" But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify.
22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference."
A. Are we better than non believers?. Yes we are.
   1. God has given each of us a measure of faith to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.
   2. We have a measure of faith to believe in the Word of God as the only
        truth to live by.
B. We have a consciences to pursue the righteousness of God.
   1. We have the knowledge to know that the only way to heaven is through
        faith in Jesus Christ.
   2. We have the knowledge to know that obedience to God's commands is
        profitable to our living to day.   
  3. We have the power of Word that tells we can enjoy heaven on earth to day.
  4. We can have joy in our lives every moment of every day if we believe God.
      a. Joy is not based on our circumstances, but it is the characteristic of a faithful
      b. Peace is not based on our circumstances but it is the characteristic of a
          faithful Christian.
C. Tomorrow is not promised, but heaven is.
     1. Tomorrow is not promised, but joy is.
     2. Tomorrow is not promised, but peace is.
     3. Tomorrow is not promised, but God's comfort is.
     4. Tomorrow is not promised, but God's protection is.
     5. Tomorrow is not promised, but God's provisions are.
     6. Tomorrow is not promised, but God's love is.
     7. Tomorrow is not promised, but God's forgiveness is.
     8. Tomorrow is not promised but God's glory is.
     9. Tomorrow is not promised but heaven is.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Texas

For a complete list of my lessons, visit my blog at
