Friday, August 25, 2017

This Week's Bible Study Lesson, "A Change In House Rules", Acts 10:19-33, 8/26/2017


Acts 10:19-33

There are two main characters in this text; Cornelius and Peter.

Acts 10:1-2
V:1-2. "Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian Regiment,
2 a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always. "

The quality of Cornelius
  1. He was a godly man
  2. He feared God
  3. He taught his household to fear God
  4. He had an active prayer life
  5. He was generous. He gave to the poor
  6. He was a positive role model for his family and friends.

His credentials
    1. He was a Roman Soldier
    2. He was a Gentile
    3. He was more religious than most Jews
    4. He was an unusual man, because the Romans  believed in idol gods .
    5. Cornelius claimed none other than the true living God as his God.

Some key points
1. God is no respecter of person
2. God knows your character
3. God rewards those who are faithful
4. God hears your prayers
5. You can expected the unexpected from God.

Peter the Apostle.
1.  God has a job for those He calls.
2. For you to minister to someone else, you have get rid of your problems
    and hang-ups.
3. Peter by his heritage and training was what we would call today a racist.
   He was trained under the Law which forbade the Jews from
   associating with foreign nations primarily because of their worship of
   idol Gods.    Lev 18:24-30, Due 7:3-12

God put Peter in a trance to visualize to him the change in the dispensation of the Law to the dispensation of Grace.

Peter saw a sheet coming down from heaven full of four footed animals and creepy things.
God told Peter to arise and eat. But Peter said I have never ate anything unclean
and was not about start.

But God responded, what I make clean is clean.. God used this demonstration to
show Peter the end of the age of the Law and the restriction against fellowshipping
with people of foreign nation had been lifted.
Belief in the blood of Jesus under Grace is what make a person clean.
Not the sacrifice of animals by earthly priest, but the sacrifice of our spiritual
priest , Jesus Christ, is what makes a man clean.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

V:19. "While Peter thought about the vision, the Spirit said to him, "Behold, three men are seeking you.
20 Arise therefore, go down and go with them, doubting nothing; for I have sent them."
A. It is the work of the  Holy Spirit that give you an understanding of the Word.
    1. Understanding of the Word of God is activated by your personal meditation
        of the Word guided by the Holy Spirit.
    2. God will prepare your heart to receive those He wants you to proclaim the Word.
    3. God will prepare the hearts of unbelievers to receive His Word from you.
B. When God make plain His mission to you, don't doubt that it is for you.
   1. When unbelievers know that you love the Lord, they will come seeking
   2. We ought to live our lives so that we are the lamp of God that others are drawn to.

V:21 "Then Peter went down to the men who had been sent to him from Cornelius, and said, "Yes, I am he whom you seek. For what reason have you come?"
22 And they said, "Cornelius the centurion, a just man, one who fears God and has a good reputation among all the nation of the Jews, was divinely instructed by a holy angel to summon you to his house, and to hear words from you."
A. When God gives you directions, He will confirm His Word from a different source.
    1. Since the Jews were under Roman authority, Cornelius could summon Peter
        to his home.
    2. Cornelius men identified him as one who loved the Lord and was a friend of
         the Jews.
    3. Cornelius men identified the summon as being from the Lord.
B. The Cornelius men identified Peter's mission was to proclaim the Word
     of God to Cornelius.
    1. God will confirm His mission to you.
    2. God will open doors for your mission to be successful.

V:23. " Then he invited them in and lodged them. On the next day Peter went away with them, and some brethren from Joppa accompanied him.
Peter Meets Cornelius 24 And the following day they entered Caesarea. Now Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his relatives and close friends.
A. When God send some one to you, make them welcome in your mist.
     1. If we are agreeable to the Word of God, we will be agreeable to those He
         sends to us.
     2. Be kind to strangers , because you never know when you are entertaining
         an angel.
B. Peter went to preach to Cornelius, but God bless the mission with
     with Cornelius family and friends.
    1. God's call requires an immediate response.
    2. Here, I am Lord, send me.
    3. To work for the Lord requires :
         a. A willingness to serve.
         b. Making yourself available to serve.
         c. Making a commitment to serve.
C. To serve God you have to go where the mission leads you.

V:25. " As Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped him.
26 But Peter lifted him up, saying, "Stand up; I myself am also a man."
A. Preachers and teachers need to understand that we are not to be worshipped.
    1. Our position in Christ does not make us better than others.
    2. We are all equal in the sight of the Lord.
B. God broke down the racial barrier in Peter's heart.
    1. God instituted the New age of Grace in the blood of Jesus.
    2. Jesus with His death on the cross, ratified a New Covenant in
        His blood.
    3. Peter was instructed to operate not under the Law, but under Grace.

V:27. " And as he talked with him, he went in and found many who had come together.
28 Then he said to them, "You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.
29 Therefore I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me?"
A. God's Grace is more powerful than the Law.
    1. All the requirements of the Law were fulfilled with Jesus death and resurrection.
    2. The Law was a tutor until Grace came.
B. It is the Lord that changes your heart so you can minister to others.
    1. It is the Word of God that convicts us of our short comings.
    2. We were all born in sin and shaped in iniquity..
    3. We cannot judge others because we have not been judged.

V:30. " So Cornelius said,  "Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour i prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing,
31 and said, 'Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your alms are remembered in the sight of God.
A. No one can tell your story like you.
    1. Everyone has a time when God called you to Himself.
    2. Everyone's testimony is different.
    3. Everyone's testimony is important.
B. Cornelius had a had an active prayer life, so his testimony was based on his love
    for God.
  1. He got a message of his acceptance from God during his prayer time.
  2. His fasting indicates devotion and sacrifice for God.

V:32. " Send therefore to Joppa and call Simon here, whose surname is Peter. He is lodging in the house of Simon, a tanner, by the sea. When he comes, he will speak to you."
33 So I sent to you immediately, and you have done well to come. Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God."
Preaching to Cornelius'
A. The heart of Cornelius was prepared to receive a Word from Peter before
      Peter was given the mission.
     1. God's draws us to himself.
     2. No one can come to Christ unless the Father draws them.
     3. We can make plans, but it is God who causes the increase.
B.  We should follow God directions, expecting the unexpected.
    1. According to the word from the angel, Cornelius knew he
        would we receive a word from the Lord through Peter.
    2. He had no idea that he would receive the gift of  eternal life.
    3. He had no idea that he and his family and friends would have a
        friend in Jesus.
    4. He had no idea that he and his family and friends would receive
        the gift of the Holy Spirit.
    5. God can do exceeding abundantly more than you can ask or conceive.


Rev Melvin Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way North
Houston, Texas 77041

For more lessons, follow me on facebook and visit my blogs, and

Thursday, August 17, 2017

This Week's Bible Study Lesson, "An Event To Remember, Your Conversion", Acts 9:1-12, 8/17/2017


Acts 9:1-12
To understand Saul before his conversion, you must view his background and training
in his own words.
Acts 22:3-4
3 "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city. Under Gamaliel I was thoroughly trained in the law of our fathers and was just as zealous for God as any of you are today.
4 I persecuted the followers of this Way to their death, arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison,

Galatians 1:14
14 And I made progress in the Jews' religion above many of my equals in my own nation, being more abundantly zealous for the traditions of my fathers.

Paul was well trained in the in the law of God according to the Jewish tradition. His
training was void of the spirit of God, Jesus and the love for his brethren.

Saul held a high opinion of himself.  He was proud of his heritage and his knowledge
of Jewish tradition. He was convinced that following his interpretation of the
Jewish tradition he was doing God a favor.

V:1-2. "Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He went to the high priest  and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. "
A. Saul used his popularity and status with Jewish leaders to persecute anyone
     who did not agree with his theology. The church was his target.  
     Saul was a Pharisee (Acts 23:6), one of the leaders of the synagogue.
   1. Saul, the elders of the synagogue and the teachers were experts in the
      legality of the law which they used as a hammer for the common population.
   2. They were ignorant of the person of the Holy Spirit and the person of Jesus
       Christ in the Holy Trinity.
   3. They were all blinded by their traditions and their perverse interpretation of
        the Old Testament.
B. Saul's theology followed the ignorance and disobedience of His teachers.
     Mat 15:3
    1. Saul was sincere in the application of his theology, but he was
        sincerely wrong.

V:3 "As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed
     around him.
  A. Saul was on a mission to destroy the members of the young Church call
     "the way".
     1. Saul, with armed soldiers and letters of approval from the leaders
           of the synagogue was on a mission to destroy what God had ordained.
     2. Saul had established himself as an enemy of Jesus.
B. If  the leader are messed up, those who follow will be full of mess.
     1. Saul was only doing what he was taught.
C. Saul was on a mission to destroy what God had put together.
   1. Saul with limited power was fighting a God with all power.
   2. Saul with limited knowledge was fighting a God with all knowledge.
   3. Saul confined to a particular place was fighting a God who is everywhere
       all the time.
   4. Saul was operating in the dark and didn't know it.
D. The Lord turned on the light around Him.
   1. That what happens to us.
   2. We were operating in the dark until we were introduced to Jesus.
   3. Jesus is the light of the world.
   4. Jesus is the light from heaven.
   5. Jesus is the lamp to our feet.
E. Notice the light shown in a limited  area.
   1. God chooses who He wants to enlighten.
   2. Some are chosen and some are not.
   3. Thank God He chose you.

V:4.  He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you
         persecute  me?"
  A. Saul recognized the voice to be from heaven.
      2. He could recite the Word.
      3. Saul knew that God sometimes spoke through angels
      4. He knew that the God spoke to men in visions.
      5. He knew that God spoke to men in dreams.
  B. Notice, Saul was knocked to the ground,
     1. In the presence of Jesus every knee shall bow.
     2. God hates the proud.
     3. The proud in Saul had to be removed to communicate with God.
  C. God knows you by name.
      1. He knows your sins.
      2. He knows who is for Him and who is against Him.
      3. We need to ask ourselves if we are persecuting the Lord by
          the way we treat others.
          a. Are we treating others with kindness and love?
          b. Are we treating others with envy and hate?
          c. Are we treating others as if we are better than them?

V:5 "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he
   A. Saul recognized the voice as being from Heaven.
       1. The Greek word Saul used for Lord is Kurios which means supreme
       2. The voice from heaven responded, I am Jesus whom you persecute.
  B. I cannot image all that was going on in Saul's mind when he
      heard the name Jesus.
     1. He knew about Jesus.
     2. He knew Jesus as the criminal who was crucified on the cross.
     3. He knew Jesus as the trouble maker who claimed to be the Son
         of God.
     4. He knew Jesus as the one who so many Jews were claiming to
         be risen from the dead.
     5. Saul knew Jesus as the one who started the movement call the "way" which
         He was trying to destroy.
     6. To find out that Jesus was actually the Son Of God must have been mind
  C. I can imaging Saul immediate saw Jesus in all the Old Testament scriptures.
      1. I can imaging Saul recalled all the scripture that talked about the coming
      2. I can imagine Saul immediately recognized the lies of the Jewish
          traditions that he had been taught all his life.
      3. I can imagine that Saul recognized his total sinful life
      4. I can imaging that he saw his past as a lie masquerading as
          a righteous man. 
      5. Can you imaging recognizing that you were trying kill those who
V:6. "Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do."
 A. I believe the reason Saul responded immediately and obediently is because he
      was looking for a word from the Lord to confirm that what he was doing was right.
     1. I think with Saul's thorough knowledge of the Law of God that he knew in his heart
         that Jewish tradition opposed the Word of God.
     2. I also believe that even though he had letters of approval to bound members of
         of the "Way" that he was not sure that was right.
 B. After meeting Jesus, Saul was completely converted,
     1. He had a change in direction.
     2, He had a change in leadership,
     3. He had a Change in devotion.
     4. He had a change in lordship.
     5. He had a change in mission.
C. Saul recognized the person of Jesus in the Holy Trinity.
    1. He saw Jesus as Lord.
    2. He saw Jesus as who He said He was, the Son of God.
    3. He saw the purpose of the cross.
    4. He believed the report of the resurrection of Jesus.
D.  He was convicted of the Lordship of Jesus,
    1. Instead of going to kill the church, Saul became part of the Church
    2. Instead of traveling in the name of the Jewish tradition, Saul
        was led in the Name of Jesus.
   3. Instead of giving direction, Saul submitted himself to the
       direction of Jesus.
   4. Saul's journey of faith in Jesus began at this point.
V:7, " The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did
   not see anyone.
A. God chooses who He wants to serve Him.
    1. All the men heard the voice from heaven, but only Saul understood the voice.
    2. God enlighten His chosen to His presence.
B. God speaks in a language His chosen can understand.
   1. Saul spoke many languages.
   2. Maybe God spoke in a language that only Saul knew.
   3. The language that God spoke was foreign to all the other men.
   4. The text tells us the all the men heard a sound,
   5. The text does not tells that men with Saul saw a light.
   6. Saul was enlighten, but the men were left in the dark.

V:8.  Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So
  they led him by the hand into Damascus.
  A. God took away Saul's physical sight and gave him spiritual insight.
      1. Even though the soldiers that were with Saul did not understand the voice
          they heard, they were affected by it.
     2. It was the men with Saul that lead him to Damascus.

What happen to the letters Saul had  with him , that authorize him to
persecute the members of the "Way"? 

B. This Damascus experience was the turning point in Saul's life.

V:9. " For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything. "
A. After the encounter with Jesus, Saul went on a three day fast.
    1. I can image that during the three days, Saul was rethinking
        all of His theological training.
    2. I can imaging that during the three days of physical blindness
        Saul in his mind was reviewing  all Old Testament Scriptures
        concerning Jesus Christ.
B. I can imagine during the three days of blindness, Saul was getting
    to know the Jesus He would serve.
    1. I also believe that Jesus was continuously communicating with Saul.
    2. Galatians 1:11-12 states:
         "For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is
           not according to man.
          For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a 
          revelation of Jesus Christ. "

V:10. " In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, "Ananias!"  "Yes, Lord," he answered.
11 The Lord told him, "Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. "
A. The first thing God does to a new convert is to put him with other believers.
    1. God prepares and selects strong believers to minister to new believers.
    2. There are those in the body of Christ who are ordained to encourage new
B. A disciple of Christ knows His voice.
    1. A disciple of Christ responds to His voice.
    2. A disciple of Christ trust His Word.
C. A disciple of Christ follows the direction of Christ.
    1. Go to the house of Judas.
    2. The house was located on the street call Straight.
    3. Ask for a man from Tarsus
    4. The man's name was Saul
    5. You will find him  praying.
        a. An active prayer life is important in the life of a believer.
        b. Prayer is our direct line of communication with the Lord.

V:12, " In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to  
    restore his sight."
    A. At the same time God gave Saul a vision of Ananias coming to visit him.
       1. Saul saw in His vision, his physical sight being restored.
       2. Saul saw in his vision saw Ananias placing his hand on him before
           his sight was restored.

   B. Lets review Saul's conversion process.
      1. Saul was chosen from his birth to preach the Gospel   Gal 1:15
      2. Saul was trained in the Old Testament by the best teacher of Jerusalem
      3.  He was born in the family of a Pharisee.
      4. He was ordained as a Pharisee.
      5. He saw Jesus crucified on the cross
      6. He participated in the persecution of Jesus disciples
      7. He met the resurrected Jesus Christ and received his sight.
      8. He came to faith in Jesus and the Word of Jesus on the road
          to Damascus.


Rev Melvin Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way North
Houston, Texas 77041

For more lessons follow me on facebook

or visit my blogs, and 

Friday, August 11, 2017

This Week's Bible Study Lesson, "You Have Been Called To Serve", Acts 13:1-12, 8/11/2017


Acts 13:1-12

V:1-2. " In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul.
2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."
A. In the middle of your trouble, you ought to be in Church.
    1. Jesus their leader had been killed.
    2. The church had been run out of Jerusalem because of their faith in Jesus.
    3. Family members had been killed and others imprisoned.
B. Yet, this group of believers continued to serve the Lord
    1. In the middle of their trouble, the church came together in prayer.
    2. In the middle of their trouble, they devoted themselves to the Lord.
C. If you are looking for a word from the Lord, you ought to be in Church.
    1. If you looking for the Lord's help you ought to continue to serve.
    2. If you are looking for some inspiration from the Lord, you ought be
        in prayer.

D. Sometimes God will speak to your Pastor about a job He has prepared you
     to do.
    1. The leaders of the Church were in prayer when God told them what He                
        wanted Paul and  Barnabas to do.
    2. God gives the vision of the Church to the Pastor.
        a. He uses individuals in the Church to accomplish the mission.
        b. God may put you through some trouble times before He tell you
            what He wants you to do.

E. The Working of the Holy Spirit.
    1. He calls.
    2. He separates
    3. He ordains
    4. He empowers
    5. He convicts.

F. The Holy Spirit will equip you for the work, before He call you to
     your mission.
   1. Immediately after his conversion, Saul wanted to go the work
       proclaiming the Gospel.
   2. The Church at Jerusalem didn't believe his conversion and
        opposed him.
   3. Saul was a ring leader in persecuting the Church.
       a. The church did not initially believe he had change,
     b. It was 17 years later before Saul got the call from the Holy Spirit.
  4. God didn't change Saul's name to Paul until after He got the call to serve.
  5. It was probable during the 17 years that Saul grew spiritually to earn the
      name change to Paul.
  6. Sometimes God closes the door on our desire to serve until He has
      prepared and equipped us to do His work.

V:3-4 So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.
4 The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia and sailed from there to Cyprus. "
A. It was the Church through the power of the Holy Spirit that ordain Barnabus and Saul
     to the office of missionaries.
    1. It was the Church through the power of the Holy Spirit that anointed Barnabus and
   2. It was the church who sponsored the missionary journey in obedience to the Holy

V:5 When they arrived at Salamis, they proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues. John was with them as their helper. "
A. It is God who calls, but we have to be willing to serve.
    1. God calls, but we have to make ourselves  available to serve.
    2. God calls, but we have to make a commitment to serve.
B. When we decide to serve, God will add others to the ministry.
   1. Our job is to get started on the mission and God will take care of
       the arrangements.
   2. They started in a familiar place: the synagogue

V:6-8. " They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus,
7 who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God.
8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. "

God sent Saul and Barnabus to Cyprus, an Island deeply rooted in idol worship
complete with temple of idols and prostitutes.
The Gospel has its most powerful effects in the mist of Satan's operations.

The mission of the Church is outside the  four walls  of the Church.
Training for the mission begins in the Church

A. The moment you decide to serve God, Satan will show up in opposition.
    1. When they got to the Island of Cyprus they didn't immediately find the mission.
    2. Sometimes, you have to go searching for the Lost.
    3. Satan will show up with all his devices to distract you from the mission.
B. You can  identify Satan because He will try to block the mission.
   2. Those who are against Jesus will not hear His Word.
   3. Bar-Jesus reputation was base on false statements.
   4. Bar-Jesus was a false prophet, which means he talked a lot,
       a. He was persuasive.
       b. He gained his status by deceiving people.
C. The truth always exposes a lie.
    1. Bar- Jesus met the truth in Saul and Barnabus.
    2. A liar knows he is a liar and will oppose the truth.

D. When you speak the truth about Jesus others will follow.
    1. The deputy of the country heard about the preaching of
         Saul and Barnabus and wanted to hear from them.
    2. Bar-Jesus knew the moment the deputy heard the truth
        his lies would be exposed.
E. The text say the deputy was a wise man
     1. He wanted to hear the Word of God
     2.  Our job is to preach the Word regardless of the opposition.
     3. God will ensure that the Word reaches the right people.

V:9-10. " Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, 10 You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? "
A. The devil looks like us.
    1. Bar-Jesus was a Jew.
    2. Sometime you are the one who God will use to put people in their place.
    3. We cannot speak on our own, but own the authority of the Holy Spirit.
B. Sometime the enemy need to hear a Word from God.
     1. God can change the heart of the enemy to a believer.
     2. We are a testimony, because God did it for us.

V:11. " Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are going to be blind, and for a time you will be unable to see the light of the sun." Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand. "
A. When Facing the devil speak the Word from the Lord.
    1. Bar Jesus was rebuked for his lying.
    2. He was blinded because he sought to blind others from the light of the Word.
    3. Notice that His physical blindness was temporary
    4. Everyone should be given a chance to be redeemed.
    5. Bar-Jesus was given a season to get right with God.
B. You cannot stand against the Word of God

V:12. " When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord. "
A. God prepares others to receive a Word from Him through you.
    1. The proconsul was  living in a world of darkness.
    2. He was surrounded by idol worshippers.
    3. Yet He had a yearning  for the truth.
B. God works in the hearts of men in every situation.
    1. We are commissioned to take the Word to the street so others can
        be drawn to Christ.
    2. It was the presence of God in Saul and Barnabus that brought light
        in a dark situation.


Rev. M. Mitchell

For more lessons follow me on face book or visit my
blogs,  and

Thursday, August 3, 2017

This Week's Bible Study Lesson, "You Are Valuable To The Lord", Luke 15:8-10, 8/2/2017


Luke 15:8-10

Jesus was conducting a Bible Study when some of the highly placed city
leaders began murmuring about who He hung around with. The Pharisees and the
lawyers complained that Jesus taught the Word of God and ate with tax                 collectors and sinners like you and me.

Jesus told a series of three parables indicating the value He places on our souls.
The first parable was about a lost sheep. Sheep follow their noses in search of food
and can easily get lost.
The third parable was about a lost son. The son made a conscience decision to separate
himself from the father.

The second parable is about a coin that got lost due to the carelessness of its owner.
The coin had no conscience of being lost. It was not aware that it was out of place.

8 "Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?
9 And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.'
10 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

The woman represents the local church. The coins represents church members.
The desire to find the lost coin is the power of the Holy Spirit.

There are some important lessons in this parable

1. You are valued by the Lord.
    a You are valued enough for Jesus to select you.    Eph 1:4
    b. You are valued enough for Jesus to put in His select group.
    c. You are valued enough for Jesus to keep track of you.
    b. You are valued enough for God's grace and mercy.
    e. You are valued  enough for God to let you get lost  so you will
        learn the value of being in His company.
2. You are part of an elect group.   Isa 44:1
     a. I can imagine the woman spent some time  putting together this collection.
     b. She chose each piece.
3. You were selected by the Father to be in glory with Jesus
3. You are wanted.      Jesus wanted you enough to select you
4. You have Jesus looking after you.
5. You are loved by Jesus.

 1. Silver in it purified form is bright and shiny.
 2. Sliver reflects light.
 3. It is the Word that polishes you to a bright shine.
 4. We were given the Word to reflect to others.
 5. When others see us, they ought to see a reflection of the owner, Jesus.

The coin was not always lost.
  1. It was part of a collection
  2. In some way, it got lost or separated from the other nine.
       a. In the course of time we can get separated from the church.
       b. Since we live in the flesh, we face the world's opinions, ideas and
           sinful attitudes each day.
       c. We can easily lose our focus and stray away
       d. Even though you stray or  back slide, you didn't lose
          your value, you just lost your focus.

 1. The lost coin was just as valuable as the other nine.
      a. The owner did not seek a replacement.
      b. God does not have a replacement plan, He has a revival plan.
      b. The owner wanted to find the lost coin because it was valuable to the
 2. God has gifted each of us with gifts to spread the
     Gospel of Jesus Christ.
      a.  Ephesians 4:11-12   " And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
          evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
         12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of
          the body of Christ:
      b. Like bricks on a house, each one supports another.
          If one is missing, the structure suffers.
      c. Often times the church seeks replacement members.
          One leaves and we get replacement.
          God don't want replacements, He wants repentance.
     d. When we have not seen someone in a while, we should make
         it our business to check on them .

The text says she turn on the light.
  I am told that during time of this parable, houses did not have many
  windows. The windows they had would have been covered to keep
  out the sun. Therefore a candle light or oil lamp would be necessary
   to see inside the house.
  1. The Word of God is the lamp for our feet.  Psalms 119:105,  Proverbs 6:23
  2. Jesus said I am the light of the World    John 8:12
  3. Some times we needed to turn on the light, that is return to the Word
      of God, so we can see our sins and short coming clearly.
  4. We are responsible for ourselves and others around us.
      a. What could we have done to keep the lost member?
      b. We need to examine ourselves to see why we didn't meet the needs of
           one that is lost.

 1. The text says  the owner swept  the house.
     Since the houses were dimly lighted, dust could accumulate and
     not be noticed.
 2. Since we live in a world that is  blind to the Word of God, we can
     easily be blinded by it dust.
    a. Sometimes, we may be the reason someone gets lost.
    b. We may need to clean up our stuff before we can see the needs of others.
    c. Sweeping may stir up the dust and uncover the light.
    d. When we examine our selves, we will discover that we have
        collected a lot of clutter that has hidden the Word from our hearts.
    e. When our light start shining, other will be affected.

A. Notice the coin was lost in the house.
  1. We have to be careful that the truth is always taught.
  2. We have to be careful that we are not causing confusion.
  3. We need to study the Word to know it for ourselves.
  4.We need to know if those who heard the Word understand the Word
  5. We need to know how to apply the Word to our daily lives.
B. There are at least two reasons that people get lost in the Church
1. They are ignored by other members.
     a. They are made to feel like they are just a number on the roll.
     b. I have some old coins.
         I have not looked at them in quite awhile.
         I really can't tell you how many coins are in the collection.
         In fact, I have lost interest in the collection.
     c. Maybe that is what we do to each other in the Church
     d.  Do you ever sit next to someone in the church and don't ask their name?
     e. Maybe we are not interested enough in others to find out how they are
     f. It is our job to get to know those around us.
     g. Perhaps the lost  were never encouraged by other members.

2. Their are those who don't want to be known, so they hide in the pews
    a. They don't what be part of any activity in the church
    b. They run from the responsibility  of service.
    c. They don't see the value of fellowship.

1. To find the lost, you have to take time and look.
2. To identify the lost you have to know what you are looking for.
    a. The lost are inactive
    b. The lost don't show up for church on a regular basis.
    c. The lost hang around the wrong crowd
    d.  They come to church out of tradition.
    e. The lost come to be entertained.
    f. The lost don't see the relevance of the Word to their lives.

A. We should rejoice when we others come to Christ. 
  1. You have a second chance to make people feel welcome.
  2. You have a second chance to encourage.
  3. You have a second chance to get to know the lost.
  4. You have a second chance to get involved with the lost.

B. We should call our friends to share in the joy of those
     who come to Christ.
   1. The angels in heaven rejoice when one sinner is saved.
   2. In the same light we should celebrate with those
       who come to Christ.
  3. We should make a big deal out of the recovery of the lost.


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way North
Houston, Texas 77041

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