Friday, January 29, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Dead Folk Come Alive In Jesus", 1/31/2016


John 11:38-44

This is the ending of the story of the raising of Lazarus, the brother of Mary and
Martha. The text tells us that when word came to Jesus that Lazarus was sick,
He waited four days before He responded to the request of Mary and Martha to
come to heal him. By the time Jesus got to  the home of Mary and Martha, Lazarus
had been dead four days.

Mary, Martha and Lazarus loved Jesus. Jesus loved them. Jesus was entertained at their
home from time to time. They had a close relationship with Jesus. Yet Jesus, didn't show
up until Lazarus was dead. Jesus didn't show up until there was sorrow, crying, grief and
unbelief. Jesus didn't show up until the man he loved was in the grave.

When Jesus heard that Lazarus was on his death bed, He said, this sickness is not
unto death. It was like Jesus was saying, death is no big deal.  WOW!     John 11:4
Sometimes, God uses our grief to draw us to Him.

V:38. " Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. "
A. Jesus was deeply moved not by death, but by unbelief.
     1. Jesus was deeply moved because we put so much emphasis on this life in the flesh
         and little on our heavenly home.
     2. Jesus was deeply moved because our focus is on this  world and not on heaven.
     3. Jesus was deeply moved because our focus is on this short life not the eternal life
         that only He can provide.
     4. Jesus was deeply moved because we are focus on what is temporary rather than
         what is permanent.
     5. The text says Jesus groaned because we know about Him but have not taken the
         time to get to know Him.
     6. We weep, cry and are sorrowful for that which is unimportant, but we don't
          groan in our spirit for our heavenly home.
B.  Lazarus was dead in his grave, locked in a tomb.
   1. We start our lives dead, locked in a tomb of sin.
   2. We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity.
   3. We were born dead. There was no life in us.
   4. We were born in darkness, blocked from the eternal light.   Isa 42:7
   5. This scene at the tomb is us at our  physical birth.

V:39 "Take away the stone," he said. "But, Lord," said Martha, the sister of the dead man, "by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days."
A. The Good News about the tomb is that  it is not a permanent position.
     1. The Good News about the tomb is that it is not the final resting place.
     2. The Good News about the tomb is that it is man made.
     3. The Good News about the tomb is that it belongs to God.
     4. The Good News about the tomb is that it is a place of transition.
     5. The Good News about the tomb is that it is under the control of God.
     6. The Good News about the tomb is Jesus has overcome the tomb.
     7. The Good News about the tomb is that Jesus is on the outside.
B. The only one who can open our tombs is Jesus.
     1. The only one who can bring light into our lives is Jesus.
     2. At the command of Jesus, light is made available to us.
     3. You need a relationship with Jesus to get out of the tomb.
     4. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the Life".      John 11:25

V:40. " Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"
A. The truth is, we are waiting for God to do some great miracle as a sign of His presence
     in our lives.
    1. But, Jesus is doing miracles every moment of our lives.
    2. All we have to do is open our eyes and we will continue to see His miracles.
       a. When you woke up this morning it was a miracle.
       b. Go into any hospital room and you will see those who are sick because they have
           something in their bodies that has quit functioning and the doctor don't
           know what to do.
       c. It only Jesus that maintains good health.
 B. We have to believe what we see in creation are miracles of God.
    1. When you consider that all that you see here on earth was called into
        creation by the Jesus that you serve, you will  understand that you live
        in the Glory of God.
   2. Look at the sun in the morning and see the glory of God.
   3. Look at the moon and the stars and see the Glory of God.
   4. Look in the mirror now and see the Glory of God.
C. The bad news about tomb is it stinks.
   1. The stink in the tomb is the sins of mankind.
   2. The stink in the tomb is man's unbelief.
   3. The stink in the tomb is man's disobedience.
   4. The stink in the tomb is all the bodies destined for hell.

V:41. " So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, "Father, I thank you that you have heard me."
A. There is nothing you can think or say that Jesus does not know about.
    1. When we begin our prayers, we ought to begin with thanks.
    2. We ought to thank Jesus for hearing us.
    3. The Lord always hears us.
B. Notice, our blessing begins with our obedience.
    1. Some miracles are daily and available to everyone.
    2. Some miracles are specific to the prayers of believers.
    3. Some miracles are specific to the prayers of believers who are obedient
        to God's commands.
   4. I think some miracles are specific to the prayers of believers who love
      the Lord.

V:42. " I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me."
A. We have to speak confidence into our prayers.
    1. We should let others know that we are confident that God will answer our
    2. There is someone weak in their faith that will be encouraged by your trust in God.
B. Notice, the text says our faith in Jesus not only benefits us, but the faith of others
    standing by.
   1. Our testimony about Jesus ought to be shared with others.
   2. Someone may be going through what you went through and just need some
       conformation that God does answer prayers.

V:43. " When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!"
A. It is on the command of Jesus, that we are called out of our sins.  Eph 4:4
    1. Jesus elected the time to call Lazarus from the dead.
    2. Jesus elected the time to call each of us out of darkness into His marvelous light .
B. Lazarus sisters had him on their mind and took the time  to call on Jesus.
   1. I believe we all know some one who needs our prayers.
   2. Lazarus knew Jesus, but he needed the prayers of his sisters.
   3. Sometime others can see out need for prayer in a specific    area before
       we see it.
      a. Something unexpected can happen when others pray for us..

V:44. " The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go."
A. Anyone that does not know Christ as their personal Savior is bounded by the sins
     that entangles them.  Heb 12:1
   1. Sin blinds us from the light of Jesus.
   2. Sin keeps us in the darkness of the world.
B. Only Jesus has the power to lose us from our sins.
   1. Faith in His death on the cross is our way to salvation.
   2. His blood shed on the cross atones for our sins.
   3. His Word washes us clean of  our sins.      John 15:3
   4. The blood of Jesus can never lose it's power.
C. It is faith in Jesus that provides eternal life.  John 11:26
   1. The job before us is tell those around us the Good News about Jesus.
   2. The job before us is to tell others about our love for Jesus.
   3. The job before us is to tell someone what Jesus has done in our lives.
   4. The Job before us is point others to Jesus
   5. The job before us is to tell others that the consequence for unbelief is
         eternal separation from God.
   6. The job before us is to tell others that the way to heaven is through faith in
   7. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life".   John 14:6


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway

Houston, Texas

Friday, January 22, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Ask Jesus Anything", 1/24/2016


John 2:1-10

V:1-2. "On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding."
A. On the third day.
1.     It was the third day after He called His first disciples.
2.     It was the third day after the initialization of Jesus ministry.
3.     It was the third day after the ministry of Jesus ordained by His Father began.
B. Three is a divine number.
1.     There are three in the God head.
2.     God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, one God in three persons.
C. Family is important to God.
1.     Family was the first human institution of God the Father.
2.     God created marriage with Adam and Eve.
3.     God designed the Church with marriage in mind.
4.     Jesus is the bridegroom. The Church is the bride.
5.     It is fitting that the first miracle was at a wedding.
 D. Jesus should be the center of the marriage.
1.     Jesus should be actively involve in our family life
2.     Marriages ought to have Jesus at the center.
3.     Family and friends should include those who believe in Jesus.
4.     New marriages need the support and sometimes council of Church members.

V: 3 "When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine."
 A. Parents ought to expect great things from their children.
1.     We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
2.     From birth, we ought to expect our children to exceed in their lives.
3.     Before the birth of Jesus, an angel visited Mary with a word from the Lord of the greatness of Jesus.
a.      At Jesus dedication, His greatness was confirmed by Simeon who claimed Jesus as his salvation.
b.     When Jesus was 12 years old, Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem discussing scripture with the teachers.  Luke 2:42
4.     Parents should look for greatness in their children.

B. At the wedding, Mary expected Jesus to produce wine when the family ran out of wine.
1.     Mary, the mother of Jesus had never seen Him do a miracle.
2.     But she expected Jesus to provide more wine.
3.     She didn't know how, but she knew Jesus could handle the problem.
4.     We should expect more out of our children than the average.
5.     We should believe the Word about our children; they are more than conquers.
 C. I would never think to ask Jesus to provide wine for my celebration.
1.     Personally, I see wine as a desire and not a need.
2.     However, the Word says the Lord can provide for our desires if we delight ourselves in Him.   Psalms 37:4
3.     The Word also says we have not because we ask not.   James 4:2
4.     This indicates that there is no request to small or to large for Jesus.
5.     God gave us His best and we ought to expect His best.

 V:4 "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied. "My time has not yet come."
A. Jesus response to His mother seems quite rude.
1.     However, Jesus would never disrespect His mother.
2.     His response seems rude because our customs are different.
B. My time has not come yet.
1.     This represents His mission on earth.
2.     The wine represents His blood which would be shed for the remission of sin.
a.      The cross would not take place for another three and a half years.
b.     Jesus stepped down out of heaven to die on the cross for our sins.
c.      Faith in His blood is the way to the Father.

V.5 His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."
A. Parents have to express confidence in their children before others.
1.     Our children know and feel when we see them as failures.
2.     We should see the struggles of our children as their way to success.
3.     We should encourage them by pushing them to give their best.

B. It takes Faith in Jesus for Him to fulfill His promises to you.
1.     James 1:6-8 says if you doubt you should not expect any thing from Jesus because you are double minded.
2.     You should have faith that the Word is true and true to your situation.

V:6. "Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons."
A. The water in the jars was used for their ritual washing of their hands, feet, bodies and items used for cooking and eating.
1.     Seven to nine gallons were enough to wash their bodies. Ex 30:18-20  Mark 7:2-4
2.     Jesus may have chosen the water pots because they symbolize the cleaning we receive when we are obedient to His commands.   John 15:3
3.     The Jews were more concerned about how clean the outside of the body was than how clean the mind was.   Luke 11:39
 B. Sometimes what we have is all we need when it is placed in the hands of Jesus.
1.     There were probably no merchants available to buy more wine.
2.     They had no wine, but they had plenty of water.    
3.     When we put our problems in Jesus hands, we will find that He can do for us what others can't do.

 V:7. "Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water"; so they filled them to the brim."
  A. When we go to Jesus for help, we have to be ready to do exactly what He says.
1.     You can't take time to question Jesus commands.
2.     I am glad; I was not there, because I would ask what does water have to do with wine?
3.     When we question God we show our lack of faith.
4.     Our lack of faith could cause us to lose the blessings God has for us.
 B. When you think about it, most liquids we drink are mostly water.
1.     Without water, nothing would grow.
2.     Without water nothing would live.
3.     Jesus is the living water.  John 4:10, 7:38
4.     Water is a basic ingredient for life.
 C. The servants fill the jars to the top.
1.     Six pots holding 20 to 30 gallons each is 120 to 180 gallons of water.
2.     The Lord can do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or conceive.
3.     God's resources are unlimited. 

V:8-9. " Then he told them, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet."  They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew."
A. A good servant does not question his master.
1.     A good servant does what he is told and sees the miracles unfold before his eyes.
2.     Being a good servant blesses not only ones self but others too.

B. There was a potential for 120 to 180 gallons of wine.
1.     Certainly this was much more than the wedding party needed.
2.     The Lord we serve is not wasteful.
3.     Let me suggest, that the water only became wine as it was taken out of the water pots.
a.      Wine uncapped would lose it's taste in a short period of time.
b.     Once the wine goes flat it is good for nothing.
4.     We know the water was turned into wine because it was taken to expert, the master of the banquet for tasting.
C.  We don't need to know how and when God is going to bless us.
1.     We need to trust and expect that He will take care of our needs.
2.     God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
3.     If the master of the banquet had known that the wine had come out of the wash pots, he may not have tasted it and may not have served it.

V:10. "Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wines after the guests have had too much to drink, but you have saved the best till now."
A. Our customs are not important to God unless they follow His commands.
1.     We cannot limit God by what we know.
2.     The master of the banquet would have served the best wine first.
B. God saves the best for last.
1.     The best of our life will never be in this lifetime.
a.      This life is full of pain and sorrow.
b.     This life is full of worries about tomorrow.
2.     The best of our life will be our eternal life in heaven with Jesus.
a.      In heaven, there will be no pain and sorrow.
b.     In heaven, there will be nothing but the praises of God.
C. Jesus saved the best of His miracles for last.
1.     The best of His miracles was His atoning blood that was poured out for us.
2.     The best of His miracles was the removal of the separation of sin between God the Father and us.
3.     The best of His miracles was He becoming the head of all believers.
4.     The best of His miracles for me was Jesus becoming my salvation.


Rev. M, Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway

Houston, Texas

Friday, January 15, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Unfaithfulness Loses Blessing", 1/17/2016


Hosea 1:1-11

In general, we don't think of ourselves as being the bride of Christ. Jesus is
the bridegroom and His Church is the bride. All believers have been brought
with a price; the blood of Jesus. We are His forever. Anytime we sin, go
against His commands or ignore His commands we are being unfaithful.
Unfaithfulness has consequences.

V:1 The word of the Lord that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and during the reign of Jeroboam son of Jehoash king of Israel:
A. The Lord uses faithful people as messengers to bring a word to His people.
    1. God identified His prophet by his father.
    2. He fixed the time of His message by the reining kings of that time.
    3. Our history books can confirm the time and the names of the kings.
B. The only word worth repeating is a word from the Lord.
    1. In studying God's Word, we will find the truths for successful living.
    2. In studying God's Word, we will find reproofs for our sins.
    3. In studying God's Word, we find examples of how God deals with sin.
    4. In studying God's Word, we will find the tools for successful living.

V:2. " When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, "Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the Lord."
A. Following God's Word is not always easy.
    1. Sometimes following God's Word will appear to go against our traditions and His
    2. It takes faith in the Word of God to do what He says do.
 B. God directed Hosea to marry an adulterous woman or a woman brought up in a
      society where adultery was common practice.
     1. This went against the doctrine of marrying a virtuous woman.
     2. Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers. 2 Cor 2:14
     3. God's command to Hosea, had nothing to do with him but everything to do with
         the  unfaithfulness of the people of Israel.
     4. God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
 C. Hosea's marriage was an example to Israel of their adulterous state.
     1. Israel had rejected God in favor of idol worship.
     2. God made a covenant with Abraham which was based on Israel faithfulness to
     3. Israel failed, not God.

V:3-4. " So he married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.
4 Then the Lord said to Hosea, "Call him Jezreel, because I will soon punish the house of Jehu for the massacre at Jezreel, and I will put an end to the kingdom of Israel."
A. Without hesitation Hosea allowed his life to be used as an example for Israel.
    1. Obedience to God's commands is best even when we don't understand them.
    2.  The name Gomer means, corruption or rotten figs.
    3. God commanded Hosea to marry a women who He knew would be unfaithful
        to him.
   4. Jesus the bridegroom is married to the Church in our unfaithful state.
   5. While we were yet sinners, Christ died on the cross.
B. Gomer gave Hosea a son.
   1. God commanded Hosea to name the son Jezreel.
   2. The name Jezreel was used as a prophecy that the unfaithful of Israel would no
        longer be called  Israelites but Jezreelites,
   3. Jezreel means scattered.
   4. Instead of being God's people settled in the promise land, they would be scattered
       outside the promise land.
  5. Obedience to God's commands provides comfort, protection, security and provisions.   
  6. Disobedience leads to a separation from God and a lost of blessings.

V:5 In that day I will break Israel's bow in the Valley of Jezreel."
 A. This is a prophecy of God's wrath on the nation of Israel.
      1. Because of Israel's disobedience, God allowed the Babylonians to destroy
          Israel, burn down the city and take the people captive for seventy years.
      2. There is always a consequence for disobedience.
B. God knows beforehand that we will be disobedient.
     1. He punishes us in our disobedience to draw us back to Him and to
         strengthen our faith.
     2. By ourselves, we are unable to keep His commands.
     3. His wrath is designed to break us down so that He can reshape us in the image
         of His Son. 

V:6 ."Gomer conceived again and gave birth to a daughter. Then the Lord said to Hosea, "Call her Lo-Ruhamah, for I will no longer show love to the house of Israel, that I should at all forgive them. "
A. The worst thing that can happen to you is for God to withdraw His love.
   1. When  God takes His hand of protection from you, Satan is allowed to destroy you.
   2. It is by the love of God that we continue to exist.
   3. It is by God's hand of protection that our enemies cannot do to  us what they planned.

B. God will tolerate our disobedience for a while.
   1. God is longsuffering.
       a. He tolerated   Israel's disobedience for 700 years.
   2. God gives us time to repent and get right with Him.
   3. There comes a time when God allows us to suffer  the consequences of our sins.

V:7. " Yet I will show love to the house of Judah; and I will save them — not by bow, sword or battle, or by horses and horsemen, but by the Lord their God."
A. In 701 BC, God delivered the southern kingdom from the hands of the Assyrians.
     1. God killed 185000 Assyrian soldiers
     2. The Lord sent an angel into the camp of the Assyrian army to kill them.
         2 Kings 19:32-36
     3. Tough times sends us to our knees in prayer.
         a. Hezekiah prayed to the Lord when the city was threaten by the Assyrian
    4. Prayer works. You and God is the majority.
    5. One angel of God is more powerful than 185000 armed men.

 B. The battle is not yours, it is the Lord.
    1. It is out of the tribe of Judah that Joseph and Mary were descendants.
    2. Jesus took on human flesh in the body of Mary a virgin,
    3. God's promises are not changed by the sins of any group of people.

V:8-9. " After she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, Gomer had another son.
9 Then the Lord said, "Call him Lo-Ammi, for you are not my people, and I am not your God."
A. The third child of Hosea was called Lo-Ammi.
    1. Those who reject the Lord are not His people.
    2. Jesus said, If you love me, keep my commandments.  John 14:15
    3. Jesus also said My mother, brothers and sister are those who obey my commands.
        Mark 3:33
B. The nation of Israel continued their disobedient behavior after entering
      the Promise Land (1490 BC)
    1. God promised a redeemer in the Garden of Eden after the sin of Adam.
    2. The promise of a redeemer was fulfilled with birth of Jesus.
    3. God has a history of keeping His promises and being tolerant with us.
C. It is by the Grace of God that we were drawn to Christ.
    1. It is by the Grace of God that we were given a measure of faith to accept Jesus
        as our personal Savior.
    2. The world cannot receive Christ and are left in a state of damnation.

V:10 "Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' they will be called 'sons of the living God."
A. When Jesus established His Church with His death and resurrection, both Jews
      and Gentiles became the new Israel.
   1. The members of the body of Christ can not be numbered.
   2. Everyday the Church adds new members as God's elect are drawn to Him.
B. In Jesus Christ we are new creations in Christ Jesus.
   1. We have been adopted in to the body by our faith in Jesus.
   2. We are sons and daughters of the living God.

V:11. " The people of Judah and the people of Israel will be reunited, and they will appoint one leader and will come up out of the land, for great will be the day of Jezreel.
A. This prophecy will have it's ultimate fulfillment in the Millennium Kingdom.
    1.  Christ is the Head of the Church.
    2. The Nation of Israel has rejected Christ as their head.
    3. They believe in God but not the Holy Trinity.
    4. They follow the Old Testament Laws but not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
B. After Christ returns for His Church, He will establish the Millennium Kingdom
    in which He will be ruler on earth for a thousand years and all Israel will be saved.
    1 Thes 4:16-18,  Rev 20:4, Rom 11:26
  1. God will take the remnant that come out of the tribulation and grow up a new
      nation of Israelites who will worship His Son.  Mic 2:12, Jer 23:3
 2. At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow.  Phil 2:10.


Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

Thursday, January 7, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Marriage Courtship Continues", 1/10/2016


Song of Solomon 6:4-12

When you consider the Song of Solomon, it is good to view it as a marriage between a
man and his wife and to view it as the marriage between Jesus and His Church. Jesus is
the bridegroom and we, the church are His bride. In each case, you will see the adoration
the bridegroom has for the bride and adoration the bride has for the bridegroom.

V4. " You are beautiful, my darling, as Tirzah, lovely as Jerusalem, majestic as troops with banners."
 A. We are attracted by the outward  appearances  of a person first. It is only when
       we get to know a person that we see the inward beauty.
      1. Christ focuses on the heart and not any outward appearances.
      2. The word "Tirzah" means delightsomeness.
          a. Jerusalem is the center of religious activities.
          b. The Word Jerusalem means peaceful.
          c. The phrase "army with banner"  means conspicuous or flaunt.
      3. Every Word describes the love of bridegroom  for his bride.
         a. She is dear to him; his darling.
         b. He describes her beauty with a series of adjectives.
         c. She is delightful, righteous, and her beauty is conspicuous.
 B.  Every man ought to see the beauty in His bride as Christ sees the beauty in
       his church.
       1. No marriage is without its flaws. But the good should always overshadow
           the bad.
       2. If we focus on the good, we will never see the flaws.
       3. The bad should not be ignored, because the bad is an opportunity for improvement.

 V:5. " Turn your eyes from me; they overwhelm me. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead."
A. The eyes can sometime tell a story by themselves. The gleam in the eyes can show
     affection and compassion. When ones eyes are focused on the eyes of another person,  
     it can sometimes  indicate truthfulness.
    1. The pupils of the eyes open wide when someone is interested in what you are saying.
    2. The pupils stay dilated when love and affection is involved.
B. The flock of goats indicates that there are many witnesses to this love.
    1. Someone excited about their relationship will tell others.
    2. There are many witnesses in heaven to the love Jesus has for His Church.
    3. There are many witnesses to our love for Christ.
    4. A person in love with Christ will be active in the ministry of the Gospel.
C.  Gilead is a rugged mountain east of the Jordan river.
    .1. Solomon, the bridegroom saw his bride descend down from the mountain.
     2. She was a gift from God.
     3. Jesus the bridegroom of the Church descended from heaven to receive His bride.
     4. He will ascend back into heaven with his bride.
D. One writer describes Jesus as overwhelm with joy in this way:
    1. Jesus is overwhelm when the eyes show repentance.
    2. Jesus is overwhelm when the eyes mourn over sin.
    3. Jesus is overwhelm when the eyes look to Him for salvation
    4. Jesus is overwhelm when the eyes trust Him.
    5. Jesus is overwhelm when our prayers are genuine.

V:6, " Your teeth are like a flock of sheep coming up from the washing. Each has its twin, not one of them is alone."
A. Solomon found beauty in his wife everywhere he looked.
    1. There was beauty in her teeth.
    2. Men should appreciate every part of his spouse's body.
    3. Every part makes up who she is
    4. It is the package that is attractive.
    5. The more we find to love, the more in love we will be.
B. Sheep are animals that need a shepherd to lead, provide and protect them
    1. They are totally dependant on the shepherd,
    2 . God made man the head of the woman
C. The shepherd represents man's responsibility to lead.
   1. The sheep represents the woman expectation to be led by the head of the household.
   2. The man has a head, who is Jesus Christ.
   3. The man must lead the wife as Christ leads the Church.
D.. When the husband is excited about his wife, there will be many witnesses.
   1. Our love for Christ is evident by what we do for Him.
   2. There a cloud of witnesses in heaven and on earth to our love for Christ.

V:7. " Your temples behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate"
   A. The Hebrew word for temple means thinness on the side of the face.
       1. In America the ideal model is thin from head to toe.
       2. A pomegranate is red on the inside.
       3. Solomon wife may have been thin with rosy cheeks.
  B. Perhaps Solomon  described the outward beauty of his bride.
      1. Every husband ought to describe the beauty of his wife in
          his heart.
      2. Out of the his heart he should express the beauty he sees to his wife.
      3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and has its value when expressed
          to your spouse.
      4. A marriage grows strong when the couple find constant approval in each other.

V:8-9 " Sixty queens there may be, and eighty concubines, and virgins beyond number; 9 but my dove, my perfect one, is unique, the only daughter of her mother, the favorite of the one who bore her. The maidens saw her and called her blessed; the queens and concubines praised her."
A. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. 
   1. Out of all of them only one was special and unique.
   2. He described his love for her and neglected to mention the others.
B. God did not approve Solomon's decision to have relationships with
    many wives.
    1. He allowed it to show him the foolishness in vanity.
    2. His love for women drew him away from God and caused him much pain.
    3. From the beginning of man's creation, marriage was designed to be permanent
        between one man and one woman.  Gen 2:23
C. The Church is special to Jesus.
    1. There is only one Jesus and one Church of Jesus Christ.
    2. The body of Christ, the Church has been washed clean with His Word
       and redeemed with His blood.
    3. The Church has been made acceptable to God the Father through the work
       Christ did on the cross.
 D. The road to salvation is a narrow way.
    1. The road to salvation is through the righteousness of the Jesus.
    2. The way of the world is wide and leads to destruction.
    3. Those who know the Lord are blessed by Him.
        a. Blessed with his love.
        b. Blessed with his grace.
        c. Blessed with his mercy.
        d. Blessed with his protection.
        e. Blessed with his provisions.
        f. Blessed with eternal life,

 V:10. Who is this that appears like the dawn, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, majestic    
   as the stars in procession?"
A. Christ describes His Church born in the morning hours of His resurrection.
   1. The sun is the source of light for the universe.
   2. The moon only has a partial light from the Sun
   3. Christians are in the light of God but not perfect yet, because we are housed
       in the flesh.
  4. As beautiful as the stars are at night, they derive their light from the sun.
  5. Jesus is the source of spiritual light of the world.
  6. We derive our light from Jesus.
  7. It is our job to reflect the light of Jesus to others.

B. The source of love in a marriage is the love of Christ.
   1. Our love for each other is just a shadow of the love of Christ.
   2. The best man can do is to try to imitate the love of Christ.
   3. Man is commanded to love his wife like Christ loves the Church.  

V:11-12. " I went down to the grove of nut trees to look at the new growth in the valley, to see if the vines had budded or the pomegranates were in bloom. 12 Before I realized it, my desire set me among the royal chariots of my people."
A. The grove or the garden is the place of new life and continued growth.
    1.There should be continued growth in the Church.
    2. There should be continued growth in the marriage.
    3. Christ looks to see if we are following the great commission.
    4.  We are to make new disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father
         the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Matt 28:19
B. We should grow from babes in Christ to mature productive Christians.
   1. All marriages should grow from the surface love at first sight to
      to a deep abiding love.
  2. Marriages fail when the two do not become one flesh.
      a. Marriages flourish when Christ is at the center.
      b. Goals and aspirations should be shared
      c. There should be one shared  voice based on the Word of God.
  3. Christian growth and development stalls when we fail to seek to be one with
C. When we seek the love of Christ we will have a desire to fellowship with other
     believers in Christ.
   1. Christ is the King among us.
   2. He said when two or more come together in my Name, He would be in the midst.
   3. We have constant and continuous access to Jesus.



Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway

Houston Texas