Thursday, April 23, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Ministry Starts At Home", 4/27/2015


2 John 1 - 13

 V:I. "The elder, To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth — and
  not I only, but also all who know the truth."
 A. John writes to the matron of the Church at Ephesus.
     1. The phrase "chosen lady or elect lady" is from the Greek phrase Eklektee Kuria.
         a. Eklektee means honorable
         b. Kuria is a woman name, Kyria
     2. It was not uncommon for the traveling Apostles to stay at the homes of faithful
         women of the church.
        a. The Apostle Paul stayed at the house of Mary and Martha.
        b. In Philippi, Paul stayed at the home of Lydia a merchant of purple. Acts 16:4
     3. John was well acquainted with this Elect Lady
        a. Worship in the early church was held in the homes of believers.
        b. The elect lady, Eklektree Kuria probably held worship services in her home
             (Adam Clark Commentary)
     4. Since no husband is mentioned, she probably was a widower.
         a. The text mentioned her children but no husband.
 B. She was well established in her community and in the Church.
     1. John knew her and other believers in the truth (the Word) knew her.
     2. Her Children were also known in the community as lovers of the Truth.
  C. Just because you are a single parent does not mean you can't make a difference in
       your community.

TELL THE TRUTH          
V:2. " Because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever"
A. When our lives reflect the Word of God, others will come to know the truth.
    1. The only lasting truth is the Word of God.
         a. Jesus said heaven and earth will pass away, but my Word is forever.
    2. The only thing that does not change with time is the Word of God.
 B. When we live according to God's Word. God lives in us.
    1. God said if you love me, keep my commandments.
    2. Jesus told Peter, If you love Me, feed my sheep.
        a. The food that  God's sheep need is the Word of God.
        b. We are all in the business of feeding sheep.
    3. When we study the Word of God, we are studying that which is eternal.
        a. The Word of God has no beginning or ending.
        b. Because God lives in us, we are living an eternal life.

 V:3. " Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, will be with us in truth and love."
A. Three aspects of God's love is His Grace, His Mercy and His peace.
    1. A relationship with God through Jesus Christ bring grace, mercy and
        peace into our lives.
    2. The world cannot receive these because they reject Jesus Christ.
B. Grace is God's favor toward believers.
    1. Grace is the aspect of God's love that causes Him to forgive the guilty
    1. We were favored by God before the foundation of the earth.
    2. God foreknew that we would be called out of the world into the marvelous
        light.  Rom 8:28-29
    3. God continuously favors us with His wisdom ,His protection, His provisions,
        His guidance, His directions and His immeasurable love.
    4. We do not deserve God's Grace, but His love for us demands it.
 C. Mercy is the aspect of God's love that cause Him to help the miserable.
    1. God shows mercy upon us when He forgives us for not keeping His commandments.
    2. God comes to our rescue when there are circumstances beyond our control. 
D. We gain peace with God through our relationship with Jesus Christ.
    1. While we were yet sinners, Christ died on the Cross for our sins.
    2. Through the blood of Jesus, we are at peace with God.
E. Because we know the truth; God's Word, we know to accept God's love for us.
    1. Without the truth, we cannot know God's love.
    2. Without the truth, we cannot know Jesus.
    3. Without the truth we cannot have peace with God.
D. This Elect Lady, because of Her faithfulness continued to receive God's love.           

V:4. " It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us."
 A. The evidence of this elect lady's teaching of the Gospel  was found in her children.
     1. It was wide spread knowledge that some of her children were walking in truth.
     2. Her children had a Christian life style that was known inside and outside the
 B. The Bible says, train up a child in the way that he should go and when he
      is old, he will not depart from it.  Prob 22:6
    1. This women of God saw her fruit displayed for the world to see.
    2. As parents, it should give us joy to see our children living according to
        God's commands.
 C. The Apostle John said he had knowledge of some of her children.
     1. Some of the elect lady's children, may or may not have been walking
         with God at the time of the writing of this letter.
     2. The fact is children with the same parents and the same training may walk
         1. Some may respond to the Word of God early in life and some late in life.
         2. When you train  your children in the Word of God they have the tool to
             make proper choices.

V: 5. " And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another."
A. We cannot be selective in our love.
    1. Love bring unity to the body of Christ.
    2. Divisions springs from our selfish desires to gratify ourselves.
    3. We don't have to love what someone does to love them.
         a. We can hate what they do and still love them.
 B. John may have revisited  God's command to love to encourage the church
     to continue in love or because there were some problems regarding love for
     one another.
   1. I think it is good to be reminded that God is love and that one of His most
       important commands is to love one another.
   2. We can get so busy doing God's work, that we can  forget that others still need to be
       encouraged in love.
   3. We can get so busy in the Church that we forget to be the Church to those closest to
   4. You can work beside a person and not notice that they are going through something
        that requires your loving attention.

V:6. " And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love."
 A. John started his letter to the elect lady with the encouragement  that some of her
      children were walking in truth.
    1. It is possible that some people may have the wrong definition of love.
    2. Love is not how I feel about someone, but what I do in the name of Jesus Christ
        for them.
 B. There are some of God's commands that we have to have a change of heart to obey.
     1. To love your enemies as yourself, takes a change of heart empowered by the
          Holy Spirit.
     2. To turn the other cheek takes a change in heart.
     3. To forgive a repeated offender takes a change of heart.
     4. To love a family member that is a continuous trouble maker takes a change of heart.
 C. When we find ourselves going contrary to God's commands, we have to ask God to
      help us keep them.
     1. I really believe that sometimes we don't know God has a command in a particular
     2. Then there are times when we don't understand God's command in a particular
          area of our lives.
     3. Then there are times when we know the command, but don't know how to apply
          it to our lives.
     4. The important thing is to continue to grow in the knowledge of  the Word.

V:7. " Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist."
A. To know Jesus Christ, you must continue to study His Word.
    1. To know the Devil, you have to know what he looks like and what language
        he speaks.
    2. If you are expecting the Devil to show up in a red suit with horns on his head,
        you may never see him.
    3. The Bible says he disguises himself as an angel of light.  2 Cor 11:1
    4. We must remember that Satan knows the Word, because He was Lucifer an
         Arch Angel before he fell from grace.
         a. The name Lucifer means Bright Star
         b. He knows how to "look good".
 B. The language of the Devil, is that there is no Christ.
     1. There are many religions that believe in gods, but not Jesus as the Christ.
     2. There are religions that believe in the heavenly Father, but not Jesus as the Son
         of God.
 C. Any religion that does not confess Jesus as Lord and Savior is a deceiver and
      is a religion of the antichrist.
     1. The language of the antichrist is to deny Jesus as  Lord and Savior.
     2. Some religions recognize Jesus as a prophet, but not the Messiah.
     3. Some religions recognize Jesus as a man but not the Son of God.   
V:8. " Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully."
 A. We have to be careful who we listen to in the circles of religions.
     1. There are some who proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior but who do not believe
         in the total body of Truth. 
     2. There are some who preach Jesus Christ, but who do not believe in living a humble
     3. There are some Preachers who believe in you living a humble life while they live an
          extraordinary  lavish  life on your humble means.
  B. I know of no Pastor in Biblical history who live an extravagant life out of the pockets
       of the Church members.
     1. Peter and John, two of God's great pastors, said silver and gold we have none.
     2. Some Pastors pride themselves on the size of their congregation rather than the
         the spiritual growth of their members.
    3. Some Pastors preach a message that make you feel good at the expense of helping
        you to be good.
    4. Any Church can be religious, but not every church is spiritually motivated.
    5. Any Church can preach the Word, but not every church will preach the delight and
        love of God's Word.
    6. Any Church can preach the Word but not every Church will teach you How to
        live according to the Word.

V:9. " Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son."
A. Any Church that preaches against any doctrine of Christ is preaching against Christ.
    1. Any Church that preaches the acceptance of a lifestyle that contradicts the Word
        of God is not preaching Jesus Christ.
    2. Any Church that does not preach change, conviction and spiritual growth is not
        preaching Jesus Christ.
       a. No person should come in the Church and leave out the same.
 B. A life with Christ is a life of constant change, molding and reshaping.
    1. You cannot ever get enough of the Word of God because there is more
         to the Word that you can't get in you life time.
    2. Continued study of the Word of God empowers you for the next season of
        your growth and development.
    3. If you are not into the Word of God , you are not growing in the Father and the

 V:10. " If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into
 your house or welcome him."
 A. You have to watch who you keep company with.
     1. Don't bring anyone into your house that does not believe in Jesus Christ.
     2. Going forward, a believer should not keep company with a non believer.
         a. If a person is not for Christ, than he/she is under the influence of the devil.
         b. The devil should never be welcome in your house.
 B. We have to chose who we make friends with.
     1. A person might be popular, look good and sound good, but have hell on the
     2. It is better to be along with Jesus than have many friends of  the devil.
         a. The devil is no one's friend.
         b. The devil comes to steal, kill and to destroy. And this means his target is you.

 V:11. " Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work."
  A.  If you make friends with the devil, you will end up being devilish.
        1. You can't put your hand on a hot stove and not get burnt.
        2. The devil is a hot stove ready to burn you.
  B. Would you chose to share your home with a robber?
       1. Would you chose to share your home with an arsonist?
       2. Would you chose to share your home with a liar?
       3. Would you chose to share your home with a disrespectful person?
       4. If you chose to partner with the devil, all evil will come your way.

 V:12. " I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I
  hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete."
A. Notice the importance of the assemble with the saints.
    1. There are some doctrines of Christ that are better learned in the company of a
    2. A teacher can make a better impression on you in person, than on paper.
    3. When two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus, He is in the mist.
    4. It is Jesus that stirs up the conversation and motivates the learning.
 B. When you get together with other saints, you can find joy in the Lord.
     1. The Holy Spirit prepares the teacher to present a message specifically
         designed for the listeners.
     2. If the teacher allows the Holy Spirit to guide the conversation, it will fit
         your particular need. 

 V:13. " The children of your chosen sister send their greetings. "
  A. It is a rewarding thing when your children leave home and stay involved in the
      1. Apparently, the Elect Lady's children had a close relationship with the Apostle
      2. Her children may have been involve in ministry with John.
 B. It is good to hear the good work of your children through the mouths of others.
      1. Your reputation always precede you.
      2. What ever you do in public travels through the mouths of others


Come join us for Wednesday Night Bible Study,  Sunday Services beginning at
9 AM (Sunday School)  and Regular Services at 11 AM

See you there

Rev. M Mitchell, Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

Thursday, April 16, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Proof That Jesus Lives In Us", 4/19/2015


1 John 4:13-5:1-5

V:13.  We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit."
  A. One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to make known to us the Word of God as we
     1. Without the Holy Spirit the Word of God would be foolish to us.  1 Cor 2:14
     2. The Word itself, tell us that world cannot receive it.   1 Cor 1:27, John 14:7  
 B. Not only has God given us His Word, but He has given us His power to
      understand His Word.
     1. It is a privilege to be included in the Body Of Christ.
     2. It is a privilege to know that we are included in the Body of Christ.
     3.  None of us deserve this Grace of God, because we were born in sin and shaped in
          iniquity.  Titus 2:14
    4. Because of God's love, He favored us before the foundation of the world.
 C. It is my opinion that we have the proof that God lives in us.
     1.The fact that the Word of God is not foolish to us, is the proof 
        that  Jesus lives in us.  John 14:7
     2. If the Word of God was foolish to us, we would not be continuously drawn to it.

 V:14. " And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of
   the world."
 A. We have not seen Jesus, but we do have three that testify to His existence.
     1. We have the Word of God.
         a. Through out the Bible, over a history of thousands  years we have the testimony
             of the Word of God that Jesus is the Son of God.
         b. From cover to cover, the Bible does not contradict itself.
         c. From cover to cover, the Bible proclaims Jesus as Lord and Savior.
  B. We have the Holy Spirit that indwells us that convicts us that Word of God is true.
      1. God sent the Holy Spirit to be our advocate on earth.
      2. God sent the Holy Spirit to remind us that Jesus lives.
  C. We have the testimony from our parents and grandparents that Jesus lived in their
       1. We have our own testimony.
       2. There are things that have happen in our lives that we know Jesus was involved.
            a. We know that we are where we are, because we could not have made it on our
             b. We know we have been in some situations that we could not have gotten out of
                  if it had not been for the Lord on our side.

 V:15. " If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in
 A. Jesus asked Peter, "who do you say that I am?" Peter replied, you are the Christ,
      the Son of the Living God. Jesus replied that flesh and blood did not reveal that to
      you, but the Father who is in heaven.   Mat 16:15
    1. Jesus also said that no one can come to Me unless the Father draws him.                           
        John  6:44
     2. To confess from the heart that Jesus is the Son of God is not humanly possible.
     3. The confession from the heart that Jesus is the Son of God , only comes by the
           inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
   B. When we believe in our heart, and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, we
        have eternal salvation.
       1. The Father would not have drawn us to His Son, if  He were not to dwell in us.
       2. The evidence of this is knowledge of the Word is the conviction of the heart.

 V:16. " And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives
    in love lives in God, and God in him."
   A. Trusting in God is key to living the abundant life that Jesus promised us.
        1. Confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior is one thing, relying on Him is another
        2. To rely on Jesus is to trust Him with your life.
        3. To rely on Jesus is to trust Him with every situation of your life.
  B. We must understand and believe that God's love covers  every situation
       that can happen to us.
      1. God's love covers the good and bad events in your life.
      2. I have had some things that I was sure was bad that happen to me, that in the long
          run, turn out to be for my good.
      3. Since God is omniscience, He knows how to arrange our circumstances to get us
          where He wants us to be.
   C. To live in love is to live in obedience to God's commands.
       1. Jesus said if you love me, you will keep my commandments.
       2. The only way we can keep God's commands is by the power of the Holy Spirit
            that He has invested in us.

 V:17. " In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him."
 A. For Love to be made complete, we have to practice loving Jesus.
     1. Not only that, we must practice loving our neighbors.
     2. We have to practice long enough, for love to become a habit.
 B. Doing good to others ought to be our first thought
     1. Speaking well of others ought to be our first out of our mouths.
     2. Finding good in others ought to be what we seek first.
 C. To be like Jesus, we have to do what the Fathers tells us.
     1. To be like Jesus we have to act in obedience like Jesus.
     2. To be like Jesus, we have to be compassionate like Jesus.
 D. It is the Lord's intent that we be confident in our salvation.
    1. If someone ask where you are going when you die, you should
        say with assurance that you home is with the Lord.
    2. If someone ask how do you know that there is a heaven, you should
        respond with confidence that you believe that the Word of God is
    3. If someone ask how do you know that Word is true, you need to respond
       with  enthusiasm that you believe it in your heart.

 V:18. " There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
 A. Those who love the Lord have nothing to fear.
       1. In this world we will have many trials and tribulations, but nothing to fear.
       2. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, sound mind and love. 2 Tim 1:7
       3. With Jesus on our side, He is more than the whole world against us.
 B. The biggest fear one should have is weather at death he will enter heaven or hell.
      1. Those who have no relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ can be
           sure that hell is their final destination.
      2. Those who have a relationship with Jesus  can be sure of heaven.
      3. Believers and non believers will face Jesus on judgment day.
          a. Non believers will be judged for their unrighteousness and cast into the
              lake of fire.
          b. The sins of believers have been covered by the blood that Jesus shed on the cross.
          c. Believers will be judged for they did that was good on earth and taken into
              heaven to be with Father forever.
 V:19. " We love because he first loved us."
   A.  While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
        1. God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone
            who believes in Him. shall not parish, but have ever lasting life.
        2. Jesus loved us before we had the capacity to love.
        3. It was the Father who drew us to his Son and gave us the capacity to love.
  B. With Jesus as our Savior, we are under the influence of His love.
       1. We should have a sense of obligation and gratitude to love Jesus
            because He loved us first.
       2. If we truly love Jesus, we will love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

V:20. "If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen."
 A. No one has seen God at any time, yet He commands us to love Him.
     1. The love of God includes His protection, His provision, His guidance and
         His directions.
     2. The most important gift resulting from the love of God is the sacrificial death
         of His Son for our soul salvation.
 B. To hate is against the nature of God.
     1. Since we are in Christ, hate is against our nature.
     2. Hate results from the sins of man.
     3. God loves man, but hate his sins
 C. God commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves.
     1. When we hate our neighbor, we sin against God.
     2. The word brother in the text is from the Greek word "adelphos"
         a. This word is derived from delphus which mean womb, which means near or
             much like.
          b.  To hate our brother is to hate or detest someone much like us.
          c. To hate our brother in a sense, is to hate ourselves because we are
               in Christ. 
          d. To live in Christ is to live in love.
          e. We cannot live in love and hate at the same time.

V:21. " And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother."
A. The concept we have to take hold of is that to hate our brother is to hate God's
     commands which is to hate God.
   1. Sometimes we confused the man with his actions.
   2. We have to separate the man from his actions to love the man.
   3. I can hate what you do, but still love you.
B. God never told us to love someone's sinful behavior.
   1. He did tell us to love the man.
   2. Behind every act of sin, is the hate for God's commands.
C. Jesus, in His love for us, separated us from our sins with His blood.
    1. Jesus does not love our sinful behavior, but He does love us.
    2. For us to hate someone is to forget what Jesus did for us.

Chapter 5:1-5
V:5. " Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well."
 A. The Father and the Son are one.
      1. To love the Father, we automatically love the Son.
      2. While on earth, Jesus in the flesh spoke the words given to Him by the Father.
      3. While in the flesh, Jesus was in complete obedience to the Father.
      4. Even His death was in obedience to the Father.
 B. We cannot claim we love God without loving His commands.
      1. If we love His commands, we love His Son, who is the author and the finisher of
          our faith.
      2. Faith in the Lord, requires us to go the extra mile and love our enemies.

 V:2. "This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying
  out his commands."
 A. The natural man does not have  the capacity to keep God's commands.
     1. The natural man is in the dark to God's command to love Him first and love his
          neighbor second.
     2. The natural man is under the influence of Satan.
 B. Believers are under the influence of the almighty God.
    1. Therefore, we are under the influence of love.
    2. We know we  belong to God when we can love the unlovable.
    3. We know our hearts are moved to pray for those who hate us and abuse us.
        a. We know we are God's children, because we love our enemies.
 V:3-4. " This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not
   burdensome, 4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world."
  A. It is not hard to follow God's commands when we know that following God's
       commands will work to our benefit.
     1. We need to come to a point in our lives when we are confident that God knows
          what is best for us.
     2. We need to come to a point in our lives when we partner with God to do His will.
     3. Success in life is found in doing God's will.
 B. We are already on the side of victory when we let God lead our lives.
     1. We have already overcome whatever the world tried to do to us.
     2. Our Faith in God and obedience to His commands makes us overcomes of
         this world.

V: 4b-5. "This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. "
 A. Faith in Jesus is the key to life on earth and life in heaven.
     1. The world has it's problems, but heaven has it's joys.
     2. The world has it's sins, but heaven has it righteousness.
     3. We are children of the light and not children of the darkness.
     4. While we live in this world, but heaven is in our mist. Matt 10:7
 B. We have the victory over sin.
     1. We have the victory over death.
     2. We have the victory over all of  life's problems.
     3. We have the victory over hate.
     4. We have the victory over our enemies.
     5. We have a mansion prepared for us in heaven.


Rev. M. Mitchell  Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

Thursday, April 9, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "What Love Is", 4/12/2015


1 John 3:11-24

V:11 "This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another."
 A. God is Love.
    1. The greatest doctrine of the Bible is Love.
    2. God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that who ever
        believes in Him shall not parish, but have everlasting life.
    3. God has no beginning and no ending.
    4. I supposed, It was His great love that caused Him to create and include man in His
    5. He created man in His own image and His own likeness.
    6. He created us to be the image of His love.
 B. Because God is love, we ought to love one another.
    1. When God gave Moses His commandments, the first one He gave was,
         "Thou shall have no other gods before me."
    2. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments".
    3. Jesus said the first greatest commandment is to love the Lord and the second is
        to love your neighbor as yourself.
    4. We were created in love to love.

 V:12. " Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous."
 A. A person without love in his/her heart is full of evil thoughts.
      1. Hate, jealousy, envy, selfishness and anger are common attitudes of a person
          who don't know true love.
      2. God never describes love as a feeling or an emotion.
          a. Love is what you unselfishly do for another person for their best interest.
          b. Love is what  you do for another person who is in need.
 B. Cain killed his brother because he became angry that God was pleased with His
      brothers offering and displeased with his.
     1. Cain loved his self evaluation more than he loved his brother.
     2. Caught up in his anger, Cain killed his brother.
     3. A person without love in his heart, is capable of doing the unthinkable.
 C. God commands us to love, because love is the key to building relationships.
     1. God commands us to love, because love is the foundation of family.
     2. God commands us to love, because love over looks our differences.
     3. God commands us to love, because love  draws us together.

 V:13. " Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you."
  A. The world hates Jesus.
       1. Jesus   own people hated Him because He preached the truth.
           a. The world  loves the lies and devices of Satan because they agree with their
               thoughts and opinions.
          b. Jesus is the light of the world.
          c. The world loves darkness and hates the light.
  B. Being related to Jesus has it's hazards.
      1. Being hated by the world is one of the hazards.
      2. Satan knows that your salvation is secure.
          a. The best Satan can do for believers is to try to persuade us that
             the  abundant life promised by Jesus is a lie.
          b. Satan is the voice of doubt that says that unanswered prayers are proof
              that God does not care about you.
         c. Satan is the voice of hopelessness that says you not going to make it or
            you are not going to achieve what you desire.
    3. One of the hazards of loving Jesus is the attacks by Satan.
       a. That is why we have to put on the full armor of God to stand against
           the devices of Satan.
       b. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers in high places.
       c. People will attack you for the way you look, the way you talk, the way you
           dress and many other things that make them feel good.
       d. Some people think by putting you down that it lifts them up.
 V:14. " We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers.
  Anyone who does not love remains in death."
 A. Jesus said that anyone who is not for me is against me.  Matt 12:30
    1. We are commanded to love our enemies and to do good to them that
         hates us.  Luke 6:35
        a. We don't have to be ugly and do ugly because others are ugly.
        b. We have been born again in Christ and are now headed to a different world.
    2. Any man in Christ is a new creation. Our lifestyles have been altered.
        a. Therefore, we do not love as the world loves, but as Christ commands.
        b. The world loves those who love them , but we love because God loved us
            when we were enemies to Him.
    3. On the cross, Jesus prayed for those who were responsible for His crucifixion;
        "Father forgive them for they know not what they do".
 B. We have to practice love for those around us and those who are against us.
     1. The evidence of our love for God is our love for our neighbors.
     2. Our neighbors are everyone we come in contact with; friend or enemy.  

 V:15. "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him."
 A. Jesus considers murder not just having committed the act, but also having cherished it
      in the heart.
   1. We have eternal life, because we have Jesus in our hearts.
      a. Jesus  does not dwell where there is hate.
      b. Jesus said "abide in me and I in you".   John 15:4
      c. We cannot produce any fruit unless we abide in Jesus.
   2. Fruitful behavior is love and not hate.
 B. We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which reminds us and convicts us
      of our sins.
   1. It is not possible for mature believers to consider hating someone without being
       convicted of the sin.
   2. When we consider the love of God for us, we have to consider the victory we
       have over all sins.
   3. We have  the power not to sin.  

 V:16. " This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."
 A. Jesus gave us the true meaning of love. He sacrificed His life for our eternal
    1. We should be willing to make a sacrifice to bring others to Christ.
    2. We can go out of our way to bring others to Christ.
    3. We can sacrifice our time to proclaim the good news about Jesus Christ.
    4. We can put our needs aside to show compassion for others in need.
B. Christian love is personal and active.
   1. There are three conditions that should drive us to show Christian love to another
     a. God has blessed us with the means to help.
     b. We know a person has a need.
     c. We have a compassionate heart and want to share.
 2. Through out the New Testament, Jesus made it a point to see the
     needs of other, be moved with compassion to heal and make the needy whole.
    a. Jesus was constantly aware of the needs of others.
    b. Jesus made Himself available.
    c. Jesus got involve in the problems of others.

 V:17.  "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on
  him, how can the love of God be in him?"
 A. Jesus said that it is more blessing to give than to receive.    Acts 20:35
     1. We could be limiting our future blessing by not  giving to those in need,
         when we have been blessed to do so.
     2. Our purpose is not to give so we can receive, but to give without expecting
         anything in return.
 B. What we do for others in private, God will reward us in public.  Mat 6:6
    1. Love is an unselfish act to help another person in need.
    2. We are God's channel of blessing to others.

 V:18. "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. "
  A. This was Jesus complaint to the Jews: Matthew 15:8
  "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips;
    but their heart is far from me."
    1. Church is more than praise and worship.
    2. We worship the Lord with our time and our resources.
 B. God wants us to be active in the mission of spreading the Gospel.
    1. Sometimes it is our kindness to others that draws them to Christ.
    2. The needs of others is an opportunity for us to show Christ in us.
 C. Jesus drew large crowds to Himself by healing every person that came to Him.
     1. He used every opportunity to express the faith of those who He helped
     2. One of Jesus common statements was, " your faith has made you whole".
     3. This was a message heard by all who stood by.
     4. And this is the message of the Gospel, "Your Faith Makes You Whole".

V:19. " This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence."
 A. We are always in the presence of God when we set our minds on doing good for
     1. It is the will of God that we help our brothers and sisters in need.
     2. We know we are doing the right thing when we serve the needs of others in the
         name of Jesus Christ.
  B. Unselfish acts of kindness has a way of adding joy and peace to our lives.
     1. When we take our minds off of ourselves and put it on the needs of others, purpose
          and direction is added to us.
     2. When we focus on others, God focus on us.

V:20. " Whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything."
A. If we study God's Word, our hearts will convict us of our sins.
    1. All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.
    2. We have this confidence, that if we ask for forgiveness, God is just and faithful to
 B. God is greater than any problem that we have.
    1. We are on the road to recovery when we focus on God's Word and doing good.
    2. God knows our needs and desires and will give us both if we focus on doing
        his will.

 V:21,22. " Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before
  God (22) and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do
  what pleases him."
 A. If we make it our desire to please God with our actions toward one another, God
      will make it His desire to give us what we ask according to His will.
    1. The evidence of our love for God, is the keeping of His commandments.
    2. To keep God's commandment we must study to know them.
    3. There are commands of God that applies to every area of our lives.
    4. Before we act, we must simply ask ourselves, would this please God?
B.  Pleasing God does not mean that our lives will be boring.
    1. We never know where God will lead us or who He will place in our lives.
    2. If everyday we wake with a desire to please God, He will provide the opportunity.
    3. We will quickly learn to be excited about life because we can expect God to do
        great things with us.

 V:23. "And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to
  love one another as he commanded us"
  A. Two commands for living a godly life
      1. Believe in Jesus.
          a. Accept Jesus as your personal savior.
          b. Believe that the Word is to be applied to your life.
          c. Trust Jesus with all your decisions and problems.
     2. Love your neighbor as yourself.
         a. Help others in need.
         b. See helping others in need as an obligation.
 B. Trust the outcome of each situation to Jesus.
     1. Do what you can, but leave the rest to Jesus.
     2. Remember that Jesus has all the resources you need.

V:24. " Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us. "
A. There are three that testify for Jesus, the Spirit, the water and the blood.   1 John 5:7
   1. The Spirit of God that indwells us constantly reminds us to keep God's commands.
   2. The water that flowed from the side when He was pierced with a sword on the
        cross reminds us that we have been purified by belief in the Word,
   3. The blood Jesus shed on  the cross reminds us that our sins have been forgiven.
   4. The fact that we know this is a testimony that Jesus lives in us.
B. There are three that testify to the works of Jesus, the Law of Moses, the Prophets and
   1. We have a host of witnesses that live in our life time that testify to the goodness
        of Jesus.
   2. We have parents, grand parents, aunts and uncles who believe in Jesus and can
        testify to what He did in their lives.
C. We live because He lives.
   1. Our own lives is a testimony that disobedience to God's commands leads to trouble. 
   2. We know in our hearts that when we are consistently obedient to God's commands
        that He blesses us in ways we can't imagine.


Rev M. Mitchell,  Asst Pastor of GMBC 

Friday, April 3, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus Christ, The Risen King", 4/5/2015


1 Corinthians 15:1-11, 20-22

V:1. " Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand."
A. We need to remind ourselves of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    1. We can get so busy in our daily activities that we can forget about the GOOD
        NEWS that indwells us.
   2. We must take a stand for Jesus each day.
   3. When we get up in the morning we should immediate take a stand for Jesus.
   4. We have Jesus in our minds, but do we consult Him before we take any
   5. Jesus can't be an after thought, but should be a forethought.
 B. The Apostle Paul wrote to believers.
   1. The Bible is for believers.
   2. Non believers are not equipped to understand God's Word.
   3. Although, we as believers are equipped, we must constantly study the Word to
       build our understanding of the Word.
   4. We must practice standing on God's Word to make it a lifestyle.  

V:2. " By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you.
 Otherwise, you have believed in vain."
 A. Faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, saves us from our sins.
     1. The death and resurrection of Jesus is the completion of God's plan of
          redemption for man.
     2. Before the foundation of the world, God had decided on the redemption
         of man. Luke 6:49
     3. Before the foundation of the world, God knew Adam would sin in the
         garden of Eden destroying the fellowship with Him.
     4. Before the foundation of the world, Jesus was chosen to be the redeemer.  Eph 1:4
 B. Those who claim Jesus without faith in Him, claim the Gospel in vain.
      1. There are many  Church goers and truly religious people who do not see Jesus
          as their redeemer or have not accepted Him as their redeemer.
      2. We can't just have a passing knowledge of Jesus. we must establish a relationship
          with Him through faith to know Him.

 V:3. " For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for  
   our sins according to the Scriptures."
 A. The death of Christ was witnessed by His disciples, devout Jews from every nation
      under the sun  ( Acts 2:5) and the entire city of Jerusalem
     1. The death of Jesus was marked by a violent earthquake in the city of Jerusalem that
         caused the veil in the Temple separating the Holy of Holies, to split from top
         to bottom.  Matt 27:51
     2. There was an eclipse of the sun that cause darkness in the city in the middle of the
         day.  Matt 27:45
    3. Dead  saints were released from their graves and walked the streets of Jerusalem
        Matt 27:52-53
    4. The death of Jesus was confirmed by a Roman soldier who pierce Him in the side
        with a  sword. Matt 27:54
         a. The death of Jesus was marked by the miracle of blood and water flowing from
             His side at the same time.
B. Proof of the death of Jesus was marked by a limp lifeless body taken down from
     the cross.
   1. Proof of His death was a lifeless body wrapped for burial.
   2. Proof of His death was a lifeless body wrapped for burial and placed in a tomb.    
C. Proof of the death of Jesus was His final statement, "It is finished".
   1. Proof of the death of Jesus was the women disciples at the tomb on resurrection day.
   2. Proof of the death of Jesus was the testimony of Angels on resurrection day.
V:4. " That he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the
 A. The death of Jesus was the means to an end; His resurrection.
    1. Everything about the life and death of Jesus was prophesied and recorded in the
        Old Testament Scriptures.
    2. When the Scribes and the Pharisees asked for a sign, Jesus pointed to
         Jonah's experience in the belly of a fish for three days, before being
         vomited out on dry land.
   3. Jesus was bruised for our iniquities  Isa 53:5, 12
 B. Jesus discussed His death and resurrection at least three times with His disciples.
     Matt 16:21, 17:23, 20:19    
    1. Jesus told His disciples that no one takes His life, He has the power to lay it
        down and the power to take it up again. John 10:18
    2. Jesus told Mary and Martha that He was the resurrection and the life.  John 11:24
    3. Scripture is a testimony to the resurrection of Jesus.

V:5. " And that He appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve"
   A. Jesus left the evidence of His resurrection.
      1. The evidence of the resurrection was the empty tomb.  Luke 24:3
      2. The evidence of the resurrection  was the strong arm of the law, the Roman
          soldiers  acting like dead men on Sunday Morning.  Matt 28:4
      3. The evidence of the resurrection was the massive stone covering the tomb's
          entry, rolled away.  Matt 28:2-4
      4. The evidence of the resurrection was the Chief Church folk lying that the body
           had been stolen  to keep the church members from knowing the truth.  Matt 27:64
      5. The evidence of the resurrection was the women being drawn to the tomb
          on Sunday morning. Mark 16:1
          a. Jesus said if I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me.
      6. The evidence of the resurrection was the two Angels in dazzling white
          proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus.  Luke 24:6
      7. The evidence of the resurrection was the fulfillment of the prophecies of His

  B. Jesus provided eye witnesses to His death and resurrection early Sunday Morning.
      1. Mary Magdalene met Jesus early Sunday morning at the grave yard.   Mark 16:9
      2.  Two disciples on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus on Sunday morning,
           discussed the Old Testament Scriptures with Jesus concerning Himself.                              
           Luke 24:13-15

V:6. " After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep."
 A. Where were these five hundred disciples when Pilate made His decision to crucify
    1. At the trial it was the voice of the people that led Pilate to His decision.
    2. He was looking for these five hundred disciples to cry out that Jesus was innocence.
        Luke 23:20-24
    3. These 500 brothers missed an opportunity to stand up for Jesus.
 B. When you don't stand up for Jesus, the voice of Satan is heard.
    1. When you don't stand up for Jesus, foolish things take place.
    2. When you don't stand up for Jesus, the voice of wisdom is silence.
    3. When you don't stand up for Jesus, those who are innocence are betrayed.  

 V:7. " Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostle."
 A. Some say this James was the Lord Jesus half brother  Gal 1:19, Barnes Notes
    1. This James ( the Lord's brother) was not among the followers of Jesus while He was
        alive.  Mark 6:3,  Luke 8:20.
    2. Jesus indicated that a prophet may be without honor in his home town and his own
        house.       Matt 13:57
       a. It is not unusual for some one who had little to say about a person when he was
           alive, to have something good to say at his death.
       b. We ought to compliment a person while they are alive and can appreciate the
 B. Jesus appeared to the Apostles several times to console them, remind them of His
      teaching and to get them prepared for the mission ahead of them.
   1. The Church, in it's infant stage needed all the disciples to proclaim the
        Gospel of Jesus Christ to an unbelieving world.
   2. The Apostles became the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ, establishing new
        Churches and ordaining Pastors and ministers.

V:8. " And last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born."
 A. The Apostle Paul was originally an enemy of the Church.
      1. He went about persecuting Church members and dragging them to jail.
      2. On the road to Damascus to persecute the Church, he met Jesus and became a
          follower of Jesus,
 B. The Lord can change the hearts and minds of anyone He chooses, to serve
   1. Paul had witness the persecution of Stephen, urging others  to stone Him.
   2. He was zealous in his mission to destroy the Church.
   3. Jesus changed His heart from wanting to destroy the Church to wanting to build
       up the Church.
   4. Jesus changed Paul from an enemy to a friend.
C. We all have been enemies to the cross.
   1. We couldn't help it, we were born that way.  1 Cor 15:22
   2. Christ died while we were enemies so that we could become His disciples. Rom 5:10
   3. A relationship with Christ is a life changing event.

V:9. " For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God."
A. One thing we must understand, is no one deserves to be saved.
    1. We cannot earn salvation, it is a free gift.
    2. We cannot earn the love of God, it is freely given.
 B. We were messed up in the mind with no way to Christ until Jesus offered Himself
      as a sacrifice for us.
    1. God is love.
    2. God so loved the world, that anyone who believes in Him will not perish, but
        inherit eternal life.

 V:10. " But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them — yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me."
 A. We cannot take credit for who we are, what we are or what we have a accomplished.
      1. We have to give praise and honor to God.
      2. God favored us to be His servants.
      3. He favored us to do His will.
      4. He equipped and empower us for the mission of Jesus Christ.
 B. We need a desire to serve God.
     1. We have to be willing to serve.
     2. We have to make ourselves available to serve.
     3. We have to be committed to serve.
     4. We have to be grateful that God gave us an opportunity to serve.

 V:11. " Whether, then, it was I or they, this is what we preach, and this is what you
 A. It does not make any difference what church you belong too, as long  as Jesus Christ
      and Him Crucified is preached.
     1. Do not get excited about a preacher unless He is preaching Jesus.
     2. If the Church you are going to is preaching a Gospel other than Jesus, you need
         to find  another Church.
 B. The Word should be taught just as God intended without making it fit our
     lifestyle or beliefs.
    1. Jesus said that man shall not live by bread along, but by every Word of God.
    2. You have to study the Word for yourself to know it.
    3. Your study and meditation is aided by the Holy Spirit who is
         your resident teacher of God's Word.

1 Corinthians 15:20-22
V:20. " But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep."
 A. If Christ had not risen from the dead, then our faith would be in vain.
    1. If Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no resurrection at all.
    2. If Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no forgiveness of sin.
    3. If Christ had not risen from the dead there would be no regeneration of the
   4. If Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no eternal hope.
   5. If Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no victory over sin.
B. When Christ comes back for His Church, the dead in Christ will rise first.
   1. Many of the saints of the Old Testament were dead before the resurrection of
       Christ, but they believed in the eternal hope.
   2. Christ is the first to be raised from the dead providing eternal life for all who
       obeyed God's commandments.
   3. Christ is  the first fruits of their eternal hope. 
   4. Jesus is the first of the harvest for His Church.
       a. Jesus said the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
       b. We are all workers in the harvest.

V:21. " For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. "
A. Adam's disobedience in the Garden of Eden started the chain of events that led
     to man's separation from God.
   1. Adam yielded to the suggestion  of the his wife to eat from the Tree of Knowledge
       and of Good and Evil which led to the condemnation of all men before God.
   2. Before Adam ate from the tree he was innocence before God.  
   3. After Adam ate from the tree, he had knowledge of good and evil, which
       was not the will of God.
   4. God intends for us to know good, do good and hate evil.
B. Before Jesus came into our lives we were dead in our sins.
   1. Now that we have a relationship with Jesus through faith, we are alive in Him.
   2. If we abide in His Word, Jesus will abide in us.

V:22. " For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. "
 A. Christ died that we might live.
    1. The death of Jesus on the cross is the only death that affects the eternal
        life of others.
    2. Christ resurrection made it possible for all believers to be resurrected.
B. Other good and faithful men have died but have no effect on your eternal life.
    1. Noah was captain of the first ship. His ship survived the great flood,
        but afterwards He died.
    2. Abraham is the father of Faith and he died, and is still dead.
    3. Moses was a great general in the Lords army. He died  and is still dead.
    4. David was great King, a man after God's own heart, but He died and is still dead.
    5. Solomon was the wisest king of all times, but he died and is still dead.
    6. Job endured tremendous hardships standing on God's Word.
       a. He said, I know my redeemer lives.  Job 19:25
       b. But He died and is still dead.
 C.  Jesus Christ died, but He didn't stay dead.
    1. He was raised on the third day and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
    2. Jesus died to live again.
    3. He died so you and I could have the right to eternal life



Rev. M. Mitchell,   Asst pastor of GMBC