Friday, March 27, 2020

Bible Study Series 23 Psalms Verse 1

The 23 Psalm Verse 1

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The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
We have three nouns in this verse
The Lord, The Shepherd  and I, which is the sheep

A. The Lord is_______
    1. Can anybody define the Lord?
    2. How would you complete the sentence, “the Lord Is _______?
 B. Moses ask the Lord, who shall I tell the Pharaoh sent me?
       1. God replied, tell him I AM sent you.   Exodus 3:14
           In Hebrew  the translation is “I will be who I will be”
           God will be who He is and God will be what we need Him to be
       2. What God was saying, you can’t really describe me.
       3. God say I am the Lord    Exodus 6:3
           a. the definite article “the” means I am the only Lord.
           b. I am alpha and omega, the first and the last, the beginning
               and the end.   Rev 22:13
       4. I am omnipresence. Where can I go and not find the Lord
           Psalms 139:4
       5. I am omnipotent. I have all power.   Matthew 28:18
       6. I am omniscience.  Who can council me?    Isaiah 40:23
       7. I am love.       I John 4:8
       8. I am grace.     Full of grace      John 1:16
       9. I am mercy      Great mercy     Psalms 25:6
      10. God is good       Psalms 73:1
      11. God is forgiveness       Matthew 26:28
      12. I change not.            Mal 3:6
      13. I am righteous.        Ezra 9:15
      14. I am holy.   Lev 11:44      

The Lord is My Shepherd

What is a shepherd?
It come from the Hebrew word ra-ah which has several related meanings;
Tend, keeper, ruler and friend of.

A shepherd is the provider, preserver, director and owner.
The sheep are brought at a price. Christ died on the cross for us 
He is the great Shepherd.

In order for the Lord to be shepherd, we have to be sheep.
Does anyone want to be known as sheep?

Sheep are weak, defenseless, have poor eyesight. Can
Be considered foolish and dumb. They get lost.

Notice the word  “My”. It is a personal statement.  
Sheep take the shepherd as their own.
We have to own Jesus as Shepherd. It’s personal.

1. It is a leadership statement.
2. It is a qualifying statement.
3. It is a selective statement.
4 It is a positional statement.     Shepherd and sheep
5. It is a statement of residence. The Shepherd lives with his
      Sheep.  The Holy Spirit takes up residence with each believer
6. It is an authoritative statement.  The Shepherd is in charge.
7. It is a statement of ownership   He is  “MY” shepherd
    Sheep are purchased at a great price;   His death.
    We belong to Christ.
8. Sheep have worth.
    a. You are worth the price the Shepherd paid.
    b. Sheep produce wool.
        It is the Shepherd’s job to make sure the sheep have
        food, water and rest.
        It is the Shepherds job to shear the wool from the sheep
        at the right time.
    c. Wool is a continuing, valuable commodity.
    d. Every believer should use their gifts to glorify God
    e. It is the Jesus job to chastise us to produce fruits of the

9. It is a statement of humility.
10. It is a statement of recognition; you are nothing, He is everything
11. It is a headship statement.
12. It is a statement of supremacy.
13. It is a statement in the presence tense.
14. It is an ongoing statement.
15. It is a never ending statement.
16. It is statement of surrender.
17. It is a statement of dependence.
18. It is a statement of weakness.
19. It is a statement that brings peace .
20. It is a statement that gives joy.
21. It is a statement that gives honor to the Lord.
22. It is a statement of service.
23. It is a statement of my ignorance.

The Hebrew word for want is chaser which means be lacking
1. A statement of confidence
2. A statement of trust
3. A statement of relationship with the Lord
4. Statement of security
5. A Statement claiming the blessings of God
6. A. statement believing in the stewardship of the shepherd
7. A statement that takes into account my change from being
    Impatient to being patient with the Lord.
8. A statement that takes into account a change from being on
    my time to being on God’s time. 
 9. This is a statement that puts faith in action
10. a statement of the Lord’s sufficiency . Whatever the
      Lord provides is enough for me.
Rev. M. Mitchell 

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