Thursday, September 8, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "A New Beginning", 9/11/2016


Isaiah 25:6-10

The prophet Isaiah was given a vision of the end times; a vision of the future reign of Christ.

The time  is  after the second coming of Christ, when the church will be taken up to be
with Christ. It is a time when Satan has been bound and can no longer influence
man to sin. It will be just man and Christ or man and the righteousness of God.

Jesus said, Heaven is near (Matt 11:11).  The Church ought to be enjoying this                  time with Christ today. The problem is that we go through life with the
blinders of sin.

We see life as a journey to the grave. Everyday we see a casket being driven to
a grave site, with people weeping and mourning following the funeral car.

Image a life when all your worries are stripped away. When the desires of the flesh
has been laid to rest and you have no desire to sin. Image a time when the journey
does not include a grave, just a life with Christ. This is Isaiah's vision of a glorious
life with Christ. For the believer, this is the life when everyday is a banquet with Christ.

V:6. "On this mountain the Lord of Armies will prepare for all people a feast with the best foods, a banquet with aged wines, with the best foods and the finest wines."
A. The scene on earth take's place in Jerusalem where Christ will have His
     earthly reign.
    1. Some commentaries see this mountain as the heavenly Zion, or the mountain of
        the Lord's house.
    2. Those invited to this banquet are all the redeemed of Christ. Jews and Gentiles of
         every nation.   Matt 22:2-12.
B. At the banquet we will be served  spiritual food and spiritual drink
    1. The bread of Life.    John 6:35
        a. The Word of God is the bread that fulfills all hunger.
        b. God's provision are all filling and all sufficient.
        c. Our hope and strength comes from the Word of God.

    2. Living water.    Rev 7:17
       a. The fine wine is the spirit of the Lord
       b. Wine influences the mind and the heart.
       c. The spiritual wine bring peace and joy.   
   3. In this verse, pay attention to three Hebrew phrases.
       a. Fat things (shemen) = rich
       b. Wine on the lees (shemer) = preserved, settled
            i. When wine is fermented, there is a settling at the bottom .
               Wine that stands on that settlement is considered especially strong.
            ii. We are especially strong when we summit ourselves to the Spirit of  God.
       c. Full of marrow (machah) = smooth, consoling the mind
  4. God has saved the best for last for us.
      a. That which God serves in His kingdom will be rich, strong and consoling.
      b. When we are settled on the Word of God, life is rich and powerful with the
          spirit of the Lord.  

V:7. " On this mountain he will remove the veil of grief covering all people and the mask covering all nations."
A. The covering over us is death caused by our sinful nature.
    1. We cannot see clearly because of our sin and fleshly desires.
    2. Sin blinds us to the truth that is in the Word of God.
    3. The shadow of death hangs over our unbelief and disobedience.
B. Jesus paid the price for our sins with His death on the cross.
    1. Our sin debt is paid in full.   Romans 3:25
    2. God has removed the covering of death and replaced it with eternal life.

V:8. " He will swallow up death forever. The Almighty Lord will wipe away tears from every face, and he will remove the disgrace of his people from the whole earth. The Lord has spoken."
A.  Once saved, always saved.   Eph 4:30
    1. All of our sins has been atoned; past, present and future.
    2. Not only that, but we are sealed to the day of redemption.
B. It is a sin for us to worry about death.  This shows a lack of faith.
    1. Our physical death is the means to the end which is eternal life with Christ.
    2. Certainly we have disgraced ourselves before the Lord.
    3. The Lord has covered our disgrace with the blood of Jesus on the cross.
C. Since death has no power over us, all tears should be dried up.  1 Cor. 15:55-56
   1. In this life we are enabled to endure all suffering with the joy of the Lord.
   2. We put on the Christian badge, but it does not help us unless our life
        reflects our faith in everyday living.

V:9. " On that day his people will say, "This is our God; we have waited for him, and now he will save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for him. Let us rejoice and be glad because he will save us."
A.   "That day" is second coming of Jesus Christ.
    1. For the Church, The Day of Lord" has already taken place.
    2. Jesus death on the Cross paved the way for all tears to be dried up and
       all sorrow to be removed.
    3. The Lord Jesus is our salvation.
    4. The earth is the Lord and the fullness there of, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
B. Unbelieving souls are still waiting on the salvation of the Lord.
   1. We wait on the second coming of the Lord  to reign with Him
        doing the millennium. Rev 20:2-7
   2. We wait on the coming of the Lord to spend eternity in the new heaven and the new
   3. Every day for a Christian is a day to rejoice and to be thankful.

V:10. " The Lord's power will be on this mountain. Moab will be trampled beneath him   
  like straw that is trampled in a pile of manure."
 A. God is on His throne and is in control of the universe.
     1. God allowed sin in His creation to give Him glory through His chosen people.
     2. Moab represents the enemies of the Lord.
     3. All the enemies of the Lord will be destroyed.
 B. Satan and His demons will be put in check and doomed to an eternal hell.
     1. Everyone whose  name is not written in the Lambs book of Life will be
         judged and condemned to the eternal hell.   Rev 20:15
     2. There will be peace and joy forever.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

For a complete list of my lessons visit my blogs


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