Thursday, September 15, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "God Is In Control", 9/18/2016


Isaiah 40:21-31

V:21-21. "Have you not known? Haven’t you heard about him? Hasn’t it been told to you from the beginning? Haven’t you understood it ever since the earth was made?22 God sits on his throne high above the earth. Its people look like grasshoppers to him. He spreads the heavens out like a cover. He sets it up like a tent to live in."
A. We need to have a clear understanding of who God is.
    1. We know that God is the creator of everything.
    2. We need to know that He has all power and all authority.
    3. We need to understand that there is none equal to Him.
B. We need to understand that He is eternal.
   1. God has no beginning or ending.  He is Alpha and Omega
   2. There is none equal to Him
C. This verse can be viewed in this manner;
 "The whole world may be considered as a house built up; heaven its roof; the stars its lamps; and the fruits of the earth its table spread. The Master of the house is God, blessed forever; and man is the steward into whose hand all the business of the house is given. If he always consider in his heart that the Master of the house is continually over him, and that he keeps his eye upon his work, and if in consequence he acts wisely, he shall find favor in the eyes of the Master of the house. But if he find wickedness in the house, then will he remove him 'from his stewardship. "  (Adam Clark).

V:23-24. " He takes the power of princes away from them. He reduces the rulers of this world to nothing.24 They are planted. They are scattered like seeds. They put down roots in the ground. But as soon as that happens, God blows on them and they dry up. Then a windstorm sweeps them away like straw."
A. God is the source of all good.
    1. From the beginning, God placed Adam in His creation and gave him dominion
        over it.
    2. Adam had unlimited freedom to do good.
    3. Adam was given stewardship of God's creation in the Garden of Eden.
 B. It was when Adam disobeyed God's command not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge
      and of Good and Evil that he lost his freedom and his authority.
    1. God allowed sinful man to populate the earth, establish kingdoms and to govern
    2. From time to time, because of man sins, God destroyed kingdoms and reduces
        those in authority to nothing.
 C. God is in complete control of His universe at all times.
     1. He allows good and evil to exist.
     2. God's people endure hardships because of their sinful behavior.
     3. Trouble don't last always and evil will not prevail over God's people.  

V:25-26. “So who will you compare me to? Who is equal to me?” says the Holy One.26 Look up toward the sky. Who created everything you see? The Lord causes the stars to come out at night one by one. He gives each one of them a name. His power and strength are great. So none of the stars is missing"
A. God is Sovereign.
    1. There is none like Him or equal to Him.
    2. God is unique in all His attributes.
    3. God would not be God if there was anything comparable to Him.
B. God proclaims His holiness
    1. God is sacred and pure.
    2. There is no shadow of sin around Him.
C. We know the glory of God by observing our environment.
     1. If you look to the sky, you can see how vast and limitless He is.
     2. We see God's glory in the sun during the day and in the moon and stars
         at night.
     3. By observing the sky we can understand the limitless of His power.
     4. By observing the sky we can understand that God is bigger than anything
         we can imaging.
     5. God is omniscience; He knows everything about everything.
     6. God keeps track of everything and looses track of nothing.  
 D. It is God's power that keeps the universe in order.
     1. God is omnipotent.
     2. We can't imagine how much power God's has.
     3. Any number we can imagine is not big enough to describe God's power.

V.27. " Family of Jacob, why do you say, “The Lord doesn’t notice our condition”? People of Israel, why do you say, “Our God doesn’t pay any attention to our rightful claims”
A. The reason we question God is because we are unaware of His divine plan for our
   1. We must consider that God knows the end from the beginning.
   2. Believers must come to the conclusion that everything that happens in our
       lives will work out for our good.
   3. The trouble we face in our lives serve several purposes.
       a. Our troubles are allowed to disciplines us.
       b. Our troubles are allow to lets face the consequences of our actions.
       c. Our troubles are allowed to cause us to repent
       d. Our troubles are allowed to draw us closer to God.
       e. Our troubles are allowed to strengthen our faith.

B. Since God is omniscience He cannot be unaware our condition.
    1. God has an intimate knowledge of everyone.
    2. God has an intimate relationship with each believer.
    3. God pays enough attention to each us to number the hairs on our
    4. It is devils influence that causes us to say God does not care when He
      has not answered our prayers on our schedule.
  5. It takes faith to stand on the promises of God in difficult times.

V:28. " Don’t you know who made everything? Haven’t you heard about him? The Lord is the God who lives forever. He created everything on earth. He won’t become worn out or get tired. No one will ever know how great his understanding is"
A. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
    1. Only a fool would say in his heart that there is no God.
    2. We hear from God every moment of our lives.
         a. Every heart beat is a word from God.
         b. Every breath we take is the glory of God.
         c. Every thought we have comes from the knowledge of God.
         d. The blood that flows warn in our bodies is the power of God.
   3. The flowers, the trees, the birds of the air and all Gods creatures
       give God praise.
   4. Man can claim nothing in God creation.
B. God never sleeps or slumbers.
C. God's eyes sees all and knows the heart of every person individually.
     1. His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways.
     2. We have a finite mind and cannot understand His infinite wisdom.

V:29-30. " He gives strength to those who are tired. He gives power to those who are weak.  Even young people become worn out and get tired. Even the best of them trip and fall."
A. In God we live, move and have our being.   Acts 17:28
    1. God is our strength and our salvation.
    2. God provides strength for our minds and our bodies.
    3. In Jesus, when we are weak, He is strong.
B. The human body gets tired and will eventually become worn out.
   1. The good news is God never changes and His immeasurable power
        never diminishes. 
   2. The body declines  but the spirit is renewed in the Lord

V:31. " But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as  
  eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak."
A. The operative word is "trust".
   1. You not only have to know the Word, but you must rely on the Word of God
       in everyday actives.
   2. We are burden down with worry and trying to rely on ourselves.
   3. Trusting God frees us from the burdens of life.
   4. We have to trust that what we can't handle, God will handle for us.
   5. It is God who renews our strength each day to handle the concerns of the day.
B. For believers who trust God, the sky is the limit.
   1. There is nothing to hard for God.
    2. If God is for us, He is more than the whole world against us.
    3. If we set our minds to do God's will, He will enable us to accomplish
      all that He has planned for us.
C. For the Christian, life is a journey with Jesus that ends in heaven.
    1. The steps of a good man/woman are ordered by the Lord.
    2. Since God's power is unlimited, the power in us is only limited by our
        desires to please God.
    3. Gal 6:9 states, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall
        reap, if we faint not.
       a. This is God's promise that our efforts to serve Him will be successful.
       b. This is also a promise of comfort. As we go through the trials of life,
            He is there to strengthen us.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 

For a complete listing of my lessons, visit my blogs


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