Wednesday, August 31, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus The Messiah", 9/4/2016


Isaiah 11:1-9

From the giving of the Law, God promised Israel that if they followed His commands,
that they would be prosperous in the land that He had promised them through
Abraham.  Lev 26:3-7

Through out Israel's history as recorded in the Old Testament, they refused to keep
God's commands. As a result, God planned  the destruction of Jerusalem, the temple
and a seventy year captivity by the Babylonians.  Jer 25:9

Isaiah's prophecy to Israel was just prior to the Babylonian captivity.
God promised the destruction of Israel and at the same time the restoration of the people
and the reconstruction of the nation. This text deals with the redemption of the
people of Israel through Jesus Christ.

This complete redemption will not take place until the Millennium reign of Christ.
This nothing more than the reconfirming of the promise that God made
in the Garden of Eden.   Gen 3:15

V:1. " A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit."
A. God promised King David in 2 Samuel 7:16 a kingdom forever,
" Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be
 established forever."

   1. The descendant from Jesse, David's father is Jesus Christ.
   2. Jesus came as a spiritual King, not a physical King.
B. A tree that dies is cut down, leaving a  stump in the ground.
   1. Sometimes there is still life in the stump because the root is not dead.
   2. The root of Jesse is Jesus Christ.
   3. Even through Israel was cut off, God planned their redemption through
       Jesus Christ.
C. This indicates God's foreknowledge of our troubles and victories.

V:2. " The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him —  the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord"
A. This is a Holy Trinity verse.
    1. You have the Father, referred to as the Lord.
    2. You have the Holy Spirit that rest upon Jesus.
    3. And You have Jesus, the Son referred to as the shoot.
B.  Jesus, the Messiah, Israel's redeemer came equipped with seven spirits.
     (According to Keil and Delitzsch)
   1. The Spirit of Jehovah, The Devine Spirit
        a. The creative process for fullness of the Divine powers
        b. Jesus was equipped with power to act with super human wisdom
            and strength.
        c. The spirit that makes nothing to hard for God.

  2. The Spirit of Wisdom
       a. The power to understand the nature of things through appearance
       b. Technical skills or special abilities  Ex 28:3
       c. We can only get wisdom through the study of God's Word.
       d. Jesus is the author of the Word.

  3. The Spirit of Understanding
      a. The power to discern the difference of things in their appearance
      b. The act of understanding; the sphere of wisdom.          
  4.  The Spirit of Counsel.
      a. The gift of forming the right conclusions.
      b. To give design and purpose

 5. The Spirit of Might.
     a. The ability to carry out God plans and purposes.
     b. Power and strength

 6. The Spirit of Knowledge
     a. Perception or skill through a close relationship with the Father.
     b. Understanding what could be gained with a close relationship with
         the father.

 7. The Spirit of Fear of the Father
     a. The reverence of the Father
     b. The respect of the Father
     c. Complete obedience to the Father.

V:3-4. " And he will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; 4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked."
A. Jesus, the Messiah followed the Divine Will of the Father.
   1. He only spoke the Words of the Father.
   2. While He lived on earth, He did only what was the will of the Father.
   3. He responded to the Father with trust and obedience.
B. Jesus delighted Himself in  obedience to the Father.
   1. Jesus constantly seeks the will of the Father.    Luke 22:42
   2. It pleased Him be chosen as the redeemer of man.    Isa 53:10
C. Jesus does not judge on what He sees, but judges from what is in the heart of man.
    1. Jesus is not partial to any person.
    2. He is no respecter of person.
    3. Jesus  judges according to what is right but with love and kindness.
 D. The poor and the needy are judged with righteousness.
    1. The wicked will be judged and condemned.
    2. The Word of God is a two edged sword; it can cut and convict the hearts
        of man.   Heb. 4:12
    3. When we study God's Word we will be convicted of our sins and
         redeemed from them by our confession of faith.

 V:5 "Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist."
  A. The Lord Jesus has a zeal for righteousness.
      1. Jesus is the father of righteousness.
      2. Jesus is faithful and just to forgive all who come to Him in faith.
  B. After His second coming,  will rule in righteousness.
      1. He will rule in spirit and in truth.
      2. We should worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.
      3. We should live this life  in love for God and our neighbors.

V:6-7. "The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. 7 The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox."
A. After the second coming of Christ, during His millennium reign, He will establish
     peace on earth between man and all God's creatures.    Rev 20:2-6
   1. God will restore the peace that originally existed in the garden of Eden before
        the fall of man.
   2. Adam was given authority over the Garden and all God's creatures.  Gen 1:28
   3. Animals did not fear man or other animals.
   4. Adam was given the job of naming all of the animals God created.
      a. Adam had to have close contact will them to name them.
      b. There is no indication that was any conflict in the Garden of Eden.
B. Jesus will have domination over the Millennium Kingdom that man lost through
   1. There are several things we can learn from this text about God.
   2. He is a God of Peace.
   3. He is a God of order.
   4. He is a God of Love.
   5. He is a tolerant.  
   6. He is a forgiving God.
   7. He is a God of righteousness.
    8. God is in control of all creation and all events.
    9. God has planned our lives from the beginning to the ending.

V: 8. " The infant will play near the hole of the cobra, and the young child put his hand into the viper's nest."
A. During the millennium reign of Christ, he will change the nature of animals.
    1. The natural hostility and fear between man and animals will be removed.
    2. God will maintain the rights of the defenseless and the poor.
B. The indication is that man and beast will return to being  vegetarians.
    1. Man will return back to the diet God originally designed for him.   Gen 1:29
    2. God original diet for man was all sufficient.
    3. The first animal was killed as a covering for man's sin.      Gen 3:21

 V:9.  They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be
      full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
  A. Jesus will rule from His holy mountain.
      1. Jerusalem will again become the center of religious activities and the center
          all knowledge.
      2. Knowledge will be guided by the righteousness of God.
 B. With Satan bound for a thousands years, there will be no influence of sin.
     1. Jesus will rule with righteousness.
     2. There will be complete harmony on earth during the millennium reign.
 C. It is one of the goals of Christian education to pursue harmony between man
      and God.
    1. We can only live the blessed life that God has designed for us through
         obedience to His Word.
    2. Even though the world today is not at peace, we can enjoy the peace of
        the Lord in our lives daily.

Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

For a complete list of my lessons, visit my blogs


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