Friday, April 3, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus Christ, The Risen King", 4/5/2015


1 Corinthians 15:1-11, 20-22

V:1. " Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand."
A. We need to remind ourselves of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    1. We can get so busy in our daily activities that we can forget about the GOOD
        NEWS that indwells us.
   2. We must take a stand for Jesus each day.
   3. When we get up in the morning we should immediate take a stand for Jesus.
   4. We have Jesus in our minds, but do we consult Him before we take any
   5. Jesus can't be an after thought, but should be a forethought.
 B. The Apostle Paul wrote to believers.
   1. The Bible is for believers.
   2. Non believers are not equipped to understand God's Word.
   3. Although, we as believers are equipped, we must constantly study the Word to
       build our understanding of the Word.
   4. We must practice standing on God's Word to make it a lifestyle.  

V:2. " By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you.
 Otherwise, you have believed in vain."
 A. Faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, saves us from our sins.
     1. The death and resurrection of Jesus is the completion of God's plan of
          redemption for man.
     2. Before the foundation of the world, God had decided on the redemption
         of man. Luke 6:49
     3. Before the foundation of the world, God knew Adam would sin in the
         garden of Eden destroying the fellowship with Him.
     4. Before the foundation of the world, Jesus was chosen to be the redeemer.  Eph 1:4
 B. Those who claim Jesus without faith in Him, claim the Gospel in vain.
      1. There are many  Church goers and truly religious people who do not see Jesus
          as their redeemer or have not accepted Him as their redeemer.
      2. We can't just have a passing knowledge of Jesus. we must establish a relationship
          with Him through faith to know Him.

 V:3. " For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for  
   our sins according to the Scriptures."
 A. The death of Christ was witnessed by His disciples, devout Jews from every nation
      under the sun  ( Acts 2:5) and the entire city of Jerusalem
     1. The death of Jesus was marked by a violent earthquake in the city of Jerusalem that
         caused the veil in the Temple separating the Holy of Holies, to split from top
         to bottom.  Matt 27:51
     2. There was an eclipse of the sun that cause darkness in the city in the middle of the
         day.  Matt 27:45
    3. Dead  saints were released from their graves and walked the streets of Jerusalem
        Matt 27:52-53
    4. The death of Jesus was confirmed by a Roman soldier who pierce Him in the side
        with a  sword. Matt 27:54
         a. The death of Jesus was marked by the miracle of blood and water flowing from
             His side at the same time.
B. Proof of the death of Jesus was marked by a limp lifeless body taken down from
     the cross.
   1. Proof of His death was a lifeless body wrapped for burial.
   2. Proof of His death was a lifeless body wrapped for burial and placed in a tomb.    
C. Proof of the death of Jesus was His final statement, "It is finished".
   1. Proof of the death of Jesus was the women disciples at the tomb on resurrection day.
   2. Proof of the death of Jesus was the testimony of Angels on resurrection day.
V:4. " That he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the
 A. The death of Jesus was the means to an end; His resurrection.
    1. Everything about the life and death of Jesus was prophesied and recorded in the
        Old Testament Scriptures.
    2. When the Scribes and the Pharisees asked for a sign, Jesus pointed to
         Jonah's experience in the belly of a fish for three days, before being
         vomited out on dry land.
   3. Jesus was bruised for our iniquities  Isa 53:5, 12
 B. Jesus discussed His death and resurrection at least three times with His disciples.
     Matt 16:21, 17:23, 20:19    
    1. Jesus told His disciples that no one takes His life, He has the power to lay it
        down and the power to take it up again. John 10:18
    2. Jesus told Mary and Martha that He was the resurrection and the life.  John 11:24
    3. Scripture is a testimony to the resurrection of Jesus.

V:5. " And that He appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve"
   A. Jesus left the evidence of His resurrection.
      1. The evidence of the resurrection was the empty tomb.  Luke 24:3
      2. The evidence of the resurrection  was the strong arm of the law, the Roman
          soldiers  acting like dead men on Sunday Morning.  Matt 28:4
      3. The evidence of the resurrection was the massive stone covering the tomb's
          entry, rolled away.  Matt 28:2-4
      4. The evidence of the resurrection was the Chief Church folk lying that the body
           had been stolen  to keep the church members from knowing the truth.  Matt 27:64
      5. The evidence of the resurrection was the women being drawn to the tomb
          on Sunday morning. Mark 16:1
          a. Jesus said if I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me.
      6. The evidence of the resurrection was the two Angels in dazzling white
          proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus.  Luke 24:6
      7. The evidence of the resurrection was the fulfillment of the prophecies of His

  B. Jesus provided eye witnesses to His death and resurrection early Sunday Morning.
      1. Mary Magdalene met Jesus early Sunday morning at the grave yard.   Mark 16:9
      2.  Two disciples on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus on Sunday morning,
           discussed the Old Testament Scriptures with Jesus concerning Himself.                              
           Luke 24:13-15

V:6. " After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep."
 A. Where were these five hundred disciples when Pilate made His decision to crucify
    1. At the trial it was the voice of the people that led Pilate to His decision.
    2. He was looking for these five hundred disciples to cry out that Jesus was innocence.
        Luke 23:20-24
    3. These 500 brothers missed an opportunity to stand up for Jesus.
 B. When you don't stand up for Jesus, the voice of Satan is heard.
    1. When you don't stand up for Jesus, foolish things take place.
    2. When you don't stand up for Jesus, the voice of wisdom is silence.
    3. When you don't stand up for Jesus, those who are innocence are betrayed.  

 V:7. " Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostle."
 A. Some say this James was the Lord Jesus half brother  Gal 1:19, Barnes Notes
    1. This James ( the Lord's brother) was not among the followers of Jesus while He was
        alive.  Mark 6:3,  Luke 8:20.
    2. Jesus indicated that a prophet may be without honor in his home town and his own
        house.       Matt 13:57
       a. It is not unusual for some one who had little to say about a person when he was
           alive, to have something good to say at his death.
       b. We ought to compliment a person while they are alive and can appreciate the
 B. Jesus appeared to the Apostles several times to console them, remind them of His
      teaching and to get them prepared for the mission ahead of them.
   1. The Church, in it's infant stage needed all the disciples to proclaim the
        Gospel of Jesus Christ to an unbelieving world.
   2. The Apostles became the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ, establishing new
        Churches and ordaining Pastors and ministers.

V:8. " And last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born."
 A. The Apostle Paul was originally an enemy of the Church.
      1. He went about persecuting Church members and dragging them to jail.
      2. On the road to Damascus to persecute the Church, he met Jesus and became a
          follower of Jesus,
 B. The Lord can change the hearts and minds of anyone He chooses, to serve
   1. Paul had witness the persecution of Stephen, urging others  to stone Him.
   2. He was zealous in his mission to destroy the Church.
   3. Jesus changed His heart from wanting to destroy the Church to wanting to build
       up the Church.
   4. Jesus changed Paul from an enemy to a friend.
C. We all have been enemies to the cross.
   1. We couldn't help it, we were born that way.  1 Cor 15:22
   2. Christ died while we were enemies so that we could become His disciples. Rom 5:10
   3. A relationship with Christ is a life changing event.

V:9. " For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God."
A. One thing we must understand, is no one deserves to be saved.
    1. We cannot earn salvation, it is a free gift.
    2. We cannot earn the love of God, it is freely given.
 B. We were messed up in the mind with no way to Christ until Jesus offered Himself
      as a sacrifice for us.
    1. God is love.
    2. God so loved the world, that anyone who believes in Him will not perish, but
        inherit eternal life.

 V:10. " But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them — yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me."
 A. We cannot take credit for who we are, what we are or what we have a accomplished.
      1. We have to give praise and honor to God.
      2. God favored us to be His servants.
      3. He favored us to do His will.
      4. He equipped and empower us for the mission of Jesus Christ.
 B. We need a desire to serve God.
     1. We have to be willing to serve.
     2. We have to make ourselves available to serve.
     3. We have to be committed to serve.
     4. We have to be grateful that God gave us an opportunity to serve.

 V:11. " Whether, then, it was I or they, this is what we preach, and this is what you
 A. It does not make any difference what church you belong too, as long  as Jesus Christ
      and Him Crucified is preached.
     1. Do not get excited about a preacher unless He is preaching Jesus.
     2. If the Church you are going to is preaching a Gospel other than Jesus, you need
         to find  another Church.
 B. The Word should be taught just as God intended without making it fit our
     lifestyle or beliefs.
    1. Jesus said that man shall not live by bread along, but by every Word of God.
    2. You have to study the Word for yourself to know it.
    3. Your study and meditation is aided by the Holy Spirit who is
         your resident teacher of God's Word.

1 Corinthians 15:20-22
V:20. " But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep."
 A. If Christ had not risen from the dead, then our faith would be in vain.
    1. If Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no resurrection at all.
    2. If Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no forgiveness of sin.
    3. If Christ had not risen from the dead there would be no regeneration of the
   4. If Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no eternal hope.
   5. If Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no victory over sin.
B. When Christ comes back for His Church, the dead in Christ will rise first.
   1. Many of the saints of the Old Testament were dead before the resurrection of
       Christ, but they believed in the eternal hope.
   2. Christ is the first to be raised from the dead providing eternal life for all who
       obeyed God's commandments.
   3. Christ is  the first fruits of their eternal hope. 
   4. Jesus is the first of the harvest for His Church.
       a. Jesus said the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
       b. We are all workers in the harvest.

V:21. " For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. "
A. Adam's disobedience in the Garden of Eden started the chain of events that led
     to man's separation from God.
   1. Adam yielded to the suggestion  of the his wife to eat from the Tree of Knowledge
       and of Good and Evil which led to the condemnation of all men before God.
   2. Before Adam ate from the tree he was innocence before God.  
   3. After Adam ate from the tree, he had knowledge of good and evil, which
       was not the will of God.
   4. God intends for us to know good, do good and hate evil.
B. Before Jesus came into our lives we were dead in our sins.
   1. Now that we have a relationship with Jesus through faith, we are alive in Him.
   2. If we abide in His Word, Jesus will abide in us.

V:22. " For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. "
 A. Christ died that we might live.
    1. The death of Jesus on the cross is the only death that affects the eternal
        life of others.
    2. Christ resurrection made it possible for all believers to be resurrected.
B. Other good and faithful men have died but have no effect on your eternal life.
    1. Noah was captain of the first ship. His ship survived the great flood,
        but afterwards He died.
    2. Abraham is the father of Faith and he died, and is still dead.
    3. Moses was a great general in the Lords army. He died  and is still dead.
    4. David was great King, a man after God's own heart, but He died and is still dead.
    5. Solomon was the wisest king of all times, but he died and is still dead.
    6. Job endured tremendous hardships standing on God's Word.
       a. He said, I know my redeemer lives.  Job 19:25
       b. But He died and is still dead.
 C.  Jesus Christ died, but He didn't stay dead.
    1. He was raised on the third day and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
    2. Jesus died to live again.
    3. He died so you and I could have the right to eternal life



Rev. M. Mitchell,   Asst pastor of GMBC

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