Thursday, March 26, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The King Makes Himself Known", 3/29/2015


Mark 11:1-11

V:1. " As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples."
 A. Before you plan a trip, you should check to see if it is where Jesus would want you to
    1. Before you take a trip you ought to seek the blessings of God.
    2. There are all kinds of dangers in our path that we need the protection, the guidance
         and the direction of the Lord.
    3. Jesus is our travel agency.
    4. Jesus has all the foreknowledge of what we will encounter on any trip.
    5. Perhaps, if you check with Jesus first, there are some trips you would not take.
 B. Jesus and His disciples were traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate the passover feast.
     1. He stopped at Bethany about 1.5-2 miles from Jerusalem.
         (Jerusalem= the capital of Palestine, the religious capital of Israel)
         a. Bethphage may have been at the peak of the Mount of Olives (orchard).
         b. Bethphage is at an elevation of 2600 feet which provides an excellent
             view of the Holy City.
             Bethphage= house of unripe figs
         c. Bethany was a little lower on the Mount of Olives
             Bethany= house of depression, misery
         d. Bethany was the village where Mary and Martha lived and the site of the tomb of
         e. Bethany is also thought to be the place for the almshouse for the poor.
     2. Jesus selected two of His disciples to send ahead of Him to Jerusalem.
 C. Why did Jesus select two of His disciples?
      1. I can only suggest that by two witnesses a thing can be confirmed.
      2. Maybe with two and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, a cord is made strong.
      3. Maybe the two could support and comfort each other.
      4. Maybe the task ahead of them would require two men.
      5. The only truth that is relevant is Jesus sent two.
      6. When Jesus sends you out, you are on His mission and under His care.

V:2. " Saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here."
 A. Jesus is omniscience. He knows everything.
     1. Jesus knew that there would be a colt tied up.
     2. Jesus knew where the colt would be.
     3. He knew the condition of the colt.
     4. Jesus knew the colt would be tied with his mother. Mat 21:2
     5. Jesus knew that the colt and his mother would be available for His use.
 B. Jesus knows the future, so He knows what is ahead of us.
     1. Jesus will make available to us whatever we need to do His will.
     2. When Jesus sends us on a mission, He send us with His authority and His power.
     3. The disciples had the authority to untie the colt and it's mother and bring them
          to Jesus.
     4. Maybe one of the reasons Jesus sent two disciples was because they were to bring
         two animals for His use.

  C. We support the mission of Jesus by being obedient to His commands.
      1. We may not know the reason God called us to do something, but we can be
           sure that it will work out for our benefit.
      2. The two disciples didn't ask Jesus "why", they immediately started their journey to
          do what Jesus told them to do.
      3. Perhaps Jesus chose a colt that had never been broken, because He would not be
          broken by men.
         a. When we come to Jesus by faith, we are made new in Christ, never to be broken
             by  men or circumstances.
         b. The colt was loosed as we are loosed from the sins that binds us.
         c. Before we met Christ, we were tied up in our sins, but now we are free.
         d. Jesus said that we would know the truth and the truth would set us free. Jn 8:32
V:3. " If anyone asks you, 'Why are you doing this?' tell him, 'The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly."
 A. Jesus knows the thoughts and actions  of men before they think or act.
     1. Jesus prepared the hearts of men who don't know Him to serve Him.
     2. When we are doing the Lord's work, the Holy Spirit will guide our conversation
          when we are confronted by men.  Mat 10:19
 B. Jesus do not need what we have, but we must allow Him to use what we have so that
      the Father gets the glory.
    1. The Lord will always return what we sacrifice for Him.  Mat 19:29
    2. The Lord does not just return what we give to Him, He multiplies the return.

V:4. " They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway."
  A. In time, God will confirm to us that His Word is the truth.
      1. The two disciples found the colt  just as Jesus said.
      2. God does not always reveal everything about His mission to us at one time.
      3. He will in His time confirm His mission to us.
 B. Obedience is the key to the success of any Church mission.
     1. We have to eliminate what we want, to do what God wants us to do.
     2. It takes courage to follow the commands of God, when you can't see the outcome
         before you act.
     3. The just live by faith and not by sight.
     4. In all things, we should act on the council of the Lord.      
V:5. " As they untied it, some people standing there asked, "What are you doing, untying
  the  colt?"
  A. It was the owners of the colt and the ass who asked the disciples why they were
       untying what belong to them.   Luke 19:33
      1. Jesus knew the owners of the colt would be present when His disciples
          untied the colt.
          a. He prepared the disciples with an answer to give the owners.
          b. Jesus prepared the hearts of the owners to accept His answer.
 B. Your confidence in Jesus will be tested.
      1. People will ask why you follow a Jesus that they can't see.
      2. All we are instructed to do is to proclaim the Word of Jesus.
      3. The Word will convict the hearts of man to do what Jesus ask.
      4. The Word will cause others to follow Jesus.
V:6. " They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go. "
  A. To be successful in the ministry of Jesus Christ, you have to stand on His Word.
      1. Our conversation should be all about Jesus.
      2. People in the dark need a conversation with someone in the light.
  B. Don't allow your circumstances to cause you to stray from the Word of God.
      1. Use your circumstances to test the Word of God.
      2. You circumstances may be allowed for you to get closer to God.

V:7 "When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it."
  A. Jesus didn't tell His disciple why He needed the colt before they brought it to Him.
      1. We will eventually know the plan of God as we follow His commands.
      2. Perhaps Jesus discussed the purpose of the colt when they brought it to Him.
 B. They honored Jesus with their obedience and their substance.
      1. They honored Jesus by following His command to get the colt.
      2. They honored Jesus by placing their coats on the back of the colt for Him to ride.
 C. The colt had similar characteristics  as Jesus.
      1. The colt was a lowly animal esteemed by his works.
      2. Jesus came in a lowly, humble form and is esteemed by what He has done for us.
          a. He was king but He allowed Himself to be treated as a criminal  for our sakes.
 B. Jesus rode on the colt as the lowly King of the Jews.
     1. He took off His robe of glory, stepped down from Heaven to become the
         shepherd of mankind.
     2. He took the position of King by getting on the donkey.
         a. The ride to Jerusalem was a triumphal entry as the anointed King and Savior.
         b. The donkey was considered an animal fit for a king to ride.  1 Kings 1:33
     3. He and the colt still low and humble began the journey to the cross.
     4. Jerusalem and the temple was a temporary stopping point.

V:8. " Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields."
 A. When you get excited about Jesus as your King, others will become excited.
     1. Everybody at some point in their lives seek the excitement of life.
     2. Some people need to be directed toward the excitement in Jesus.
     3. Some people need to be reminded of the excitement of having a relationship with
 B. The world needs to see you as the Church, serving Jesus.
      1. The world need to see you praising Jesus to know that they need to praise Jesus.
      2. We are God's ambassadors called to lead others to Jesus.
      3. When the crowd saw the disciples worshiping Jesus, they started worshipping
           Jesus in the same manner.
      4. The crowd made a carpet of branches cut from trees to worship Jesus.
      5. All you got to do is to start the worship and others will follow.
      6. Some people need to be led in the worship of the Lord.
      7. God will always present you with an opportunity to worship His Son.  

V:9 Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, "Hosanna!"  "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
A. Once the Church shows up for worship, others will come and join in.
     1. Some will become leaders.
     2. Others will be followers.
     3. Some will bring new praise and worship songs.
     4. Others will add their voices to the new songs.
 B. The Word "Hosanna" means "save now".
     1. Israel was looking for a King to replace the Roman government.
     2. Israel want to have a king from the line of David to rule over them.   John 6:15
     3. Israel was looking for the Messiah promised in Daniel 9:25:
         "Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment
          to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the prince shall be seven
          weeks and threescore and two weeks." (483 years). Three decrees were given
          concerning the rebuilding of the Temple, 2 Chronicles 36:22, Ezra 1:1-3, Ezra

V:10 "Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!" "Hosanna in the highest!"
 A. Jesus chose a donkey to ride into Jerusalem to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9:
      " Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion: shout, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold thy
         King cometh unto thee; he is just, and having salvation; lowly and riding upon an
         an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass." 
 B. In fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah, Jesus claimed Himself to be King of Israel
      and the Messiah.
     1. He again, angered the religious authorities of Israel which led to His trial and
     2. With the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross, God's plan of redemption for man was
V:11. " Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the temple. He looked around at everything,
 but since it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve. "
 A. Jesus rode into Jerusalem with much praise from His followers.
     1. He made no attempt to claim Jerusalem or the Temple as belonging to Him.
     2. He went into the Temple looked around and then went back out of the city.
 B. Jesus probably was not impressed with what He saw.
    1. The Temple was not His design; It had been modified by Herod.
    2. The Temple had become a house of commerce rather than a House of prayer.
    3. The religious leaders were involved in their traditions rather than the righteousness
        of God.
    4. He grieved for Israel because they would reject Him in favor of their traditions.
 C. Jesus came into the city with much praise from many so called worshippers,
      but left with only the twelve.
    1. True worshipers of Jesus worship Him all the time, not just during Church
    2. True worshipers of Jesus do not follow the crowd, they follow Jesus.
    3. True worshipers of Jesus are not moved by the emotions of the crowd, but by
        a spirit of gratefulness.
 D. The Jews missed Jesus, because He did not look like the king they expected.
     1. Do not miss out on life because God does not give you the answer in the form
         fashion that you seek.
     2. God answers prayer in His way and His time.


Rev M. Mitchell, Asst Pastor of GMBC

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