Thursday, April 16, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Proof That Jesus Lives In Us", 4/19/2015


1 John 4:13-5:1-5

V:13.  We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit."
  A. One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to make known to us the Word of God as we
     1. Without the Holy Spirit the Word of God would be foolish to us.  1 Cor 2:14
     2. The Word itself, tell us that world cannot receive it.   1 Cor 1:27, John 14:7  
 B. Not only has God given us His Word, but He has given us His power to
      understand His Word.
     1. It is a privilege to be included in the Body Of Christ.
     2. It is a privilege to know that we are included in the Body of Christ.
     3.  None of us deserve this Grace of God, because we were born in sin and shaped in
          iniquity.  Titus 2:14
    4. Because of God's love, He favored us before the foundation of the world.
 C. It is my opinion that we have the proof that God lives in us.
     1.The fact that the Word of God is not foolish to us, is the proof 
        that  Jesus lives in us.  John 14:7
     2. If the Word of God was foolish to us, we would not be continuously drawn to it.

 V:14. " And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of
   the world."
 A. We have not seen Jesus, but we do have three that testify to His existence.
     1. We have the Word of God.
         a. Through out the Bible, over a history of thousands  years we have the testimony
             of the Word of God that Jesus is the Son of God.
         b. From cover to cover, the Bible does not contradict itself.
         c. From cover to cover, the Bible proclaims Jesus as Lord and Savior.
  B. We have the Holy Spirit that indwells us that convicts us that Word of God is true.
      1. God sent the Holy Spirit to be our advocate on earth.
      2. God sent the Holy Spirit to remind us that Jesus lives.
  C. We have the testimony from our parents and grandparents that Jesus lived in their
       1. We have our own testimony.
       2. There are things that have happen in our lives that we know Jesus was involved.
            a. We know that we are where we are, because we could not have made it on our
             b. We know we have been in some situations that we could not have gotten out of
                  if it had not been for the Lord on our side.

 V:15. " If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in
 A. Jesus asked Peter, "who do you say that I am?" Peter replied, you are the Christ,
      the Son of the Living God. Jesus replied that flesh and blood did not reveal that to
      you, but the Father who is in heaven.   Mat 16:15
    1. Jesus also said that no one can come to Me unless the Father draws him.                           
        John  6:44
     2. To confess from the heart that Jesus is the Son of God is not humanly possible.
     3. The confession from the heart that Jesus is the Son of God , only comes by the
           inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
   B. When we believe in our heart, and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, we
        have eternal salvation.
       1. The Father would not have drawn us to His Son, if  He were not to dwell in us.
       2. The evidence of this is knowledge of the Word is the conviction of the heart.

 V:16. " And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives
    in love lives in God, and God in him."
   A. Trusting in God is key to living the abundant life that Jesus promised us.
        1. Confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior is one thing, relying on Him is another
        2. To rely on Jesus is to trust Him with your life.
        3. To rely on Jesus is to trust Him with every situation of your life.
  B. We must understand and believe that God's love covers  every situation
       that can happen to us.
      1. God's love covers the good and bad events in your life.
      2. I have had some things that I was sure was bad that happen to me, that in the long
          run, turn out to be for my good.
      3. Since God is omniscience, He knows how to arrange our circumstances to get us
          where He wants us to be.
   C. To live in love is to live in obedience to God's commands.
       1. Jesus said if you love me, you will keep my commandments.
       2. The only way we can keep God's commands is by the power of the Holy Spirit
            that He has invested in us.

 V:17. " In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him."
 A. For Love to be made complete, we have to practice loving Jesus.
     1. Not only that, we must practice loving our neighbors.
     2. We have to practice long enough, for love to become a habit.
 B. Doing good to others ought to be our first thought
     1. Speaking well of others ought to be our first out of our mouths.
     2. Finding good in others ought to be what we seek first.
 C. To be like Jesus, we have to do what the Fathers tells us.
     1. To be like Jesus we have to act in obedience like Jesus.
     2. To be like Jesus, we have to be compassionate like Jesus.
 D. It is the Lord's intent that we be confident in our salvation.
    1. If someone ask where you are going when you die, you should
        say with assurance that you home is with the Lord.
    2. If someone ask how do you know that there is a heaven, you should
        respond with confidence that you believe that the Word of God is
    3. If someone ask how do you know that Word is true, you need to respond
       with  enthusiasm that you believe it in your heart.

 V:18. " There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
 A. Those who love the Lord have nothing to fear.
       1. In this world we will have many trials and tribulations, but nothing to fear.
       2. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, sound mind and love. 2 Tim 1:7
       3. With Jesus on our side, He is more than the whole world against us.
 B. The biggest fear one should have is weather at death he will enter heaven or hell.
      1. Those who have no relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ can be
           sure that hell is their final destination.
      2. Those who have a relationship with Jesus  can be sure of heaven.
      3. Believers and non believers will face Jesus on judgment day.
          a. Non believers will be judged for their unrighteousness and cast into the
              lake of fire.
          b. The sins of believers have been covered by the blood that Jesus shed on the cross.
          c. Believers will be judged for they did that was good on earth and taken into
              heaven to be with Father forever.
 V:19. " We love because he first loved us."
   A.  While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
        1. God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone
            who believes in Him. shall not parish, but have ever lasting life.
        2. Jesus loved us before we had the capacity to love.
        3. It was the Father who drew us to his Son and gave us the capacity to love.
  B. With Jesus as our Savior, we are under the influence of His love.
       1. We should have a sense of obligation and gratitude to love Jesus
            because He loved us first.
       2. If we truly love Jesus, we will love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

V:20. "If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen."
 A. No one has seen God at any time, yet He commands us to love Him.
     1. The love of God includes His protection, His provision, His guidance and
         His directions.
     2. The most important gift resulting from the love of God is the sacrificial death
         of His Son for our soul salvation.
 B. To hate is against the nature of God.
     1. Since we are in Christ, hate is against our nature.
     2. Hate results from the sins of man.
     3. God loves man, but hate his sins
 C. God commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves.
     1. When we hate our neighbor, we sin against God.
     2. The word brother in the text is from the Greek word "adelphos"
         a. This word is derived from delphus which mean womb, which means near or
             much like.
          b.  To hate our brother is to hate or detest someone much like us.
          c. To hate our brother in a sense, is to hate ourselves because we are
               in Christ. 
          d. To live in Christ is to live in love.
          e. We cannot live in love and hate at the same time.

V:21. " And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother."
A. The concept we have to take hold of is that to hate our brother is to hate God's
     commands which is to hate God.
   1. Sometimes we confused the man with his actions.
   2. We have to separate the man from his actions to love the man.
   3. I can hate what you do, but still love you.
B. God never told us to love someone's sinful behavior.
   1. He did tell us to love the man.
   2. Behind every act of sin, is the hate for God's commands.
C. Jesus, in His love for us, separated us from our sins with His blood.
    1. Jesus does not love our sinful behavior, but He does love us.
    2. For us to hate someone is to forget what Jesus did for us.

Chapter 5:1-5
V:5. " Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well."
 A. The Father and the Son are one.
      1. To love the Father, we automatically love the Son.
      2. While on earth, Jesus in the flesh spoke the words given to Him by the Father.
      3. While in the flesh, Jesus was in complete obedience to the Father.
      4. Even His death was in obedience to the Father.
 B. We cannot claim we love God without loving His commands.
      1. If we love His commands, we love His Son, who is the author and the finisher of
          our faith.
      2. Faith in the Lord, requires us to go the extra mile and love our enemies.

 V:2. "This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying
  out his commands."
 A. The natural man does not have  the capacity to keep God's commands.
     1. The natural man is in the dark to God's command to love Him first and love his
          neighbor second.
     2. The natural man is under the influence of Satan.
 B. Believers are under the influence of the almighty God.
    1. Therefore, we are under the influence of love.
    2. We know we  belong to God when we can love the unlovable.
    3. We know our hearts are moved to pray for those who hate us and abuse us.
        a. We know we are God's children, because we love our enemies.
 V:3-4. " This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not
   burdensome, 4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world."
  A. It is not hard to follow God's commands when we know that following God's
       commands will work to our benefit.
     1. We need to come to a point in our lives when we are confident that God knows
          what is best for us.
     2. We need to come to a point in our lives when we partner with God to do His will.
     3. Success in life is found in doing God's will.
 B. We are already on the side of victory when we let God lead our lives.
     1. We have already overcome whatever the world tried to do to us.
     2. Our Faith in God and obedience to His commands makes us overcomes of
         this world.

V: 4b-5. "This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. "
 A. Faith in Jesus is the key to life on earth and life in heaven.
     1. The world has it's problems, but heaven has it's joys.
     2. The world has it's sins, but heaven has it righteousness.
     3. We are children of the light and not children of the darkness.
     4. While we live in this world, but heaven is in our mist. Matt 10:7
 B. We have the victory over sin.
     1. We have the victory over death.
     2. We have the victory over all of  life's problems.
     3. We have the victory over hate.
     4. We have the victory over our enemies.
     5. We have a mansion prepared for us in heaven.


Rev. M. Mitchell  Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

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