Thursday, March 12, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Work Of The Holy Spirit", 3/15/2015


John 16:4-15

V:4. " I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you this at first because I was with you."
 A. Jesus prepared His disciples for the time when He would die on the cross and return
      to the right hand of the Father.
      1. They witness the cruelty of His death on the cross.
      2. They  started the Church without His physical presence.
      3. They were hated by their own people for preaching Jesus Christ.
      4. They were run out of their own synagogues by the religious leaders.
      5. They were lied on by the leaders of the religious community.
      6. Some were persecuted for their belief in Jesus.
 B. When Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, they  did not fully understand
      them, but would in a short period of time.
     1.  It is good to be warned about things to come.
     2. One of the jobs of the resident  Holy Spirit is to warn us about the devices of
         the Devil. 
     3. The Devil is always busy and we need to recognize his work.
         a. If we don't recognize the Devil's work, we  will get up set with his workers
             and not do battle with him.
         b. Another Job of the Holy Spirit is to strengthen us for the battle.
 C. God does not reveal to us everything about His mission  because we are
      not able to handle all that He has planned for us a one time.
     1. If we were told early in our lives all that would happen to us throughout
         our lives, we would be overwhelmed.
     2. God reveals to us only that which we can handle at one time.
     3. We have to trust God to empower us to handle that which He allows  to
          happen in our lives.

V:5.  "Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, Where are you going?"
 A. The disciples of Jesus were so involved  in the mission of Jesus, that they could not
      understand the vision of Jesus.
     1. The disciples were so involved in the mission of Jesus that could not understand the
         plan of Jesus.
     2. The disciples were so involved in their agenda for the mission, that they understand
         God's agenda.
    3. The disciples were so involved with the physical work of Jesus that they could not
        see spiritual work of Jesus.
    4. The disciples were so involved with what they wanted Jesus to do that they could
        not hear what He told them He was going to do.
B. The disciples of Jesus did not want to hear about the cross, they wanted hear about
     the victory.
   1. The disciples wanted to hear about the kingdom, but did not want to do what it would
       take to get to the kingdom.  
   2. The disciples were excited about the movement, but not interested in where
        movement would take them.
 C. The disciples missed it.
      1. Jesus told His disciple He was going away, and they did not ask where He was
      2. Jesus told His disciples He was going to the Father and they didn't ask how He
          was going to get to the Father.
      3. Jesus told His disciples that He would suffer at the hands of men and they didn't
          ask what men.
      4. Jesus told His disciple that He would be killed, but would rise again in three days.
          a. And they didn't ask who would kill him and when He would be killed.
          b. It did not occur to them to ask how He would he be raised.
 D. If we don't listen to Jesus, we will not hear Him.
     1. If we try to over ride the Word with our agenda, we will miss the mark.
     2. If we are doing too much talking and too much thinking, we may not be able to
         hear Jesus when He is speaking to us.
         a. There is a time to speak.
         b. There is a time to shut up and listen.
         c. When the Word is being taught, is the time to listen.
     3. We must believe every Word of Jesus and take Him seriously.

V:6. " Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief."
 A. The disciples were like us, they heard what they wanted to hear.
     1. Jesus told His disciples He was going away, but they did not hear
         that he would come again.
     2. They were grieved at His leaving, but they could not find joy in His statement
          that He would return.
 B. The disciple knew that Jesus could resurrect people from the dead.
     1. He had raised several people from the dead in their presence.
     2. They could not see Jesus being raised from the dead,
          even though He said, "I am the resurrection and the life".
     3. They did not want to entertain the thought of their leader dying.
     4. They missed the mark because of their unbelief.
     5. They missed the mark because they failed to listen to the Word.
         and take it seriously.

V:7. " But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you."
 A. The Counselor, Jesus Christ, referred to another Counselor, the Holy Spirit who
      would take His place in the hearts of men.
     1. The Word is the truth, you either receive it or reject it.
     2. The Word is the truth, you either trust it or trust yourself.
 B. Whatever Jesus does is for our good.
     1. We don't have to understand the Word to believe it.
     2. You don't have to understand the Word to act on it.
     3. You don't have to understand  the Word to know that it is for your good.
 C. Our life with Jesus goes in stages.
    1. When we complete one stage, Jesus moves us to the next stage.
    2. We have the unbelief stage, the infant stage, the child stage, the mature
        stage and the out of here to heaven stage.
    3. Each stage has it's problems, but each stage is designed for our growth and

V:8. " When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment."
A. There is a purpose for the giving of the Holy Spirit.
    1. The Holy Spirit was given for believers and for none believers.
    2. To believers, the Holy Spirit was given to be a help.
    3. To none believers, it was given to be a warning and a judge.
B. The Holy Spirit will convict the world.
   1. No one can claim that they don't know right from wrong.
   2. Everybody was given a mind to know right from wrong.
   3. The Holy spirit uses our minds to point and convict us of our sins.
C. The Holy Spirit is the believer's teacher of the righteousness of God.
      a. Once we know Jesus, we know the guilt of our sins.
      b. Once we know Jesus, we know the Mercy of God that covers our sins.
      c. Once we know Jesus, we know the Grace of God in redeeming us.
D. Everybody will come to the realization that there is a day of judgment.
    1. God created governments to remind us of our wrongful behavior.
    2. The law was given for those whose intent is to do wrong.

V:9. " In regard to sin, because men do not believe in me."
 A. Jesus died at the hands of sinful men presenting themselves as God's judges.
    1. After the death of Jesus, some who rejected Him came to know Him
       as the true and living God.
    2. The greatest sin of man is to reject Jesus as Lord and Savior.
    3. The Holy Spirit will convict those who rejected Jesus of their sins and
        their need of atonement for their sins.
 B. Others who reject Jesus and never repent will be convicted into the eternal hell.

V:10. " In regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer."
A. The resurrection of Jesus would be proof to His disciples that He came from God,
     that He was God and was exalted to the right hand of the Father.
    1. The proof of the resurrection of Jesus would convict His disciples of His
        innocence and perfect righteousness.
    2. They were convicted of their need for the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.
B. All disciples of Jesus are convicted by the Holy Spirit that the righteousness of Jesus
     is imputed to them because of their faith.
   1. We are sinful by nature, but the Grace of God makes us right before the Father
       through our faith in Jesus.
   2. We are convicted daily of our sins by Holy Spirit that resides in us.

 V:11. " And in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands
 A. It is because of our faith in the Word, powered by the Holy Spirit that we know that
      Satan is doomed and Jesus is  the victory over sin.
    1. Death has no reign in our mortal bodies because we live in Jesus.
    2. Satan has been judged and found guilty of rejecting God the Father.
 B. By the grace of God, believers are not judged for their sins, but counted
     righteous by the atoning blood of Jesus.

 V:12 "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear."
  A. We can only absorb a limited amount of information at one time.
      1. God will not put more on us than we can handle.
      2. The entire body of the Word is too much for us to comprehend. 
      3. It is only by faith that we understand God's Word.   Heb  11:3
  B. As our faith grows, our understanding of God's Word will increase.
      1. When I first began to study God's Word, I didn't understand most of
           what I read.
      2. As I matured in the Word, my understanding increased.
      3. Every time I study God's Word, I understand more.
      4. I do not believe we will ever fully understand all of the Bible.
      5. For me, there is always more to learn.
      6. You don't get too old or too educated to learn more about God.

 V:13. " But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come."
 A. The work of the Holy Spirit in us is awesome.
     1. Every thing that is true that we need to know we will know through the
         guidance of  the Holy Spirit.
     2. The Holy Spirit is the supreme teacher of the Word of God.
     3. The Holy Spirit will not teach us anything that Jesus has not taught.
     4. The Holy Spirit does not dwell in us on His behalf, but on the behalf of the
         Father and the Son.
    5. The Holy Spirit did not come own His own but was sent by the Father and the Son
         to us, for the purpose of sealing us.
 B. Some of the prophecies of the Bible has been fulfilled.
     1. There are some prophecies of God that have not been fulfilled that the Holy Spirit
          will teach us.
     2. The Holy Spirit is our understanding of the past and our insight into the future.  
     3. The Holy Spirit is our guide in both good times and troubled  times.

V:14. " He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you."
A. Another job of the Holy Spirit is to bring glory to Jesus, by making known to us
    His Word.
   1. The Holy Spirit was given to guide the work of Jesus through us.
   2. We were given the great commission to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
   3. We were given the authority of making disciples and baptizing new
        disciples in the name of the Father, The Son And the Holy Spirit.
B. The Power of the Church of Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit.
   1. The Holy Spirit is the great reminder of Word of God.
   2. The Holy Spirit is the great keeper of The Church.
   3. The Holy Spirit is the great teacher of the Word of God.

 V:15. " All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you."
 A. We belong to Jesus and we belong to the Father.
      1. The Word is Jesus and the Father at the same time.
      2. There is unity between the Father and Jesus.
 B. The Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son are one God in three persons.
     1. They are all equal and there is no division.
     2. They are the triune God.  1 Peter 1:2
 C. One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is make known to us all that is Jesus.
     1. Joy is Jesus.
     2. Peace is Jesus.
     3. Love is Jesus.
     4. Forgiveness is Jesus.
     5. Tolerance is Jesus.
     6. Salvation is Jesus.
     7. Wisdom is Jesus.
     8. Abundance is Jesus.
     9. We have a friend in Jesus.
     10. Heaven is Jesus.
     11. We belong to Jesus.

Rev. M. Mitchell,   Asst Pastor of GMBC

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