Thursday, January 30, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Controling My Mouth", 2/2/14


James 1:19-27


V:19. " This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear,

    slow  to speak and slow to anger."

 A. Controlling the tongue is a very important trait of Christian living.

     1. One way of controlling the tongue is to listen first.

     2. The problems with our hearing are our desire to be heard.

         a. It is possible to misinterpret what someone says. 

         b. If we don't respect what the person has to say, we will tune them out.        

         c. We have Pride in what we think we know.

         d. Sometimes it is hard to listen to comments that may be considered by the

             receiving person as a criticism, an attack or a put  down.

          e. The person  listening may be intimidated by the person doing the talking.

          f. Sometimes there is a lack of trust.

          g. We normally prefer our own opinions.

  B. There is a solution to hearing.

      1. We must have a change in our attitude.

      2. We must first consider that we don't know everything.

      3. We must consider that everyone has something important to say.

      4. We must seek spiritual maturity.

          a. We should value the person speaking.

          b. Consider that person speaking may have notice something about you

              that you are not aware of.

          d. Consider that the person speaking may have some knowledge or experience

              that you lack.

          c. Consider that the person speaking is looking out for your best interest.

          d. Love the person enough to listen.

 C. Don't get in a rush to speak.

    1. The person may have a lot more to say.

    2. Take time to evaluate the other person's conversation.

    3. Give the person time to completely express their opinions and ideas.

    4. Make sure you completely understand what the person is saying.

    5. If there is any anger or hostility built up in you, don't speak if it is not

        required. Give yourself time to calm down.

    6. Sometimes a response is not necessary.

    7. You can learn more by listening.

 C. Learn to control your anger.

     1. Anger stems from a dislike of a persons attitude, position, or actions.

         a. Our dislikes promotes hostility.

         b. Our hostility grows our anger.

     2. Anger stems from a lack of forgiveness and tolerance on our part.

     3. The Solution to our anger is;

        a. To forgive

        b. To love

        c. To value the person because he was created by God.


 V:20.  "For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God."

  A. Anger is a normal human emotion.

      1. We must not allow our anger to control what we think.

      2. We must not allow our anger to control what we say or how we act

          or react to another person.

      3. We must not allow our anger to exist within us any length of time.

          a. Don't go to bed with your anger.

          b. Don't wake up with your anger.

          c. Arrest your anger quickly so you can remain peaceful.

          d. Don't allow your anger to lead you to sin.

      4. Anger is a tool the devil can use to tempt you to hate, disrespect

          or abuse another person.

      5. Anger can cause you to disregard the commands of God.

 B. When one acts out of anger, it is usually to get even with or to bring down the

      person  the anger is directed at.

    1. An angry person is irrational and can't be sure he is doing the right thing.

    2. An angry person will sin against man and God to satisfy his pride.

    3. Sometimes an angry person would rather walk away from the problem

        than face it.

    4. People sometimes get angry with another person because the truth is told about

        them and they don't want to hear it or want the truth exposed to others.

    5. Never make any decisions or form any opinions while you are angry.



V:21. " Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls."

 A. In order for the mind to receive the righteousness of God, you have to put away

      all unrighteous thinking, talking and acting.

     1. Putting clean water in a dirty bucket, will make the clean water unclean.

     2. Dropping fresh cooked bread on the ground contaminates the bread.

     3. Mixing the Word of God with the words of man leaves the mind corrupt.

 B. In order for there to be a changed mind, there has to be a change in attitude.

    1. You have to put off the old, to put on the new in Jesus Christ.

    2. Put off vile and abusive language and take on encouraging and uplifting language.

    3. Put off negative thinking and take on hopeful thinking.

    4. Put off anger and put on love.

    5. Put off holding grudges and take on forgiveness.

    6. Put off complaining and put on thankfulness.

 C. Study and meditate on the Word of God.

    1. Humbly submit yourself to the commands of God.

    2. Trust God to be the solution to your problems.


V: 22. " But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves."

 A. For every worldly action, there is a guiding word from the Lord.

     1. Once we know the Word, we have an obligation to follow the Word.

     2. We cannot profit from the Word unless we follow the commands given

         in the Word.

     3. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

     4. We can not be as good as we could be unless we let God guide our steps.

 B. To be a good steward, we must allow God to use the gifts and talents He blessed

       us with.

     1. A  tool is useless unless it is put to use.

     2. The Word of God is useless unless we act according to the Word.

     3. Knowing the Word and being able to recite the Word does not make us


 C. We must recognize our short comings and weakness before we can receive divine

      wisdom and guidance.

     1. A humble spirit is open to criticisms and instructions from others.

     2. Sometimes the person close to you are more aware of your faults and

        shortcomings than you are.

         a. Anger is often directed at the bearer of truth.

         b. A humble spirit is grateful for the incite of others.  

 V: 23. " For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror."

 A. The just live by faith and not by sight.

     1. Those who do not act according to the Word have little faith.

     2. It takes courage to act according to God's Word.

     3. Unless we live by the Word, we can never be like the Word.  

 B. The Word of God gives us the nature and character of Jesus Christ.

     1. Studying the Word, we view Jesus living according to the righteousness of the


     2. Once we closed the Bible and walk into the world, we must put the principles of

         God into action in our daily activities.

        a. If the Word is not put into practice, we will soon lose sight of the Word.

        b. We actually learn the true meaning of the Word when we put it into practice.

        c. We experience the joy of living the Word when it is put into practice.

        d. We experience the trials of living the Word when it is put into practice.

        c. Our faith grows when God delivers us through our troubles.

 V:24. " For once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was."

 A. It is the Word put in practice that facilitates Christian Living.

     1. One will not know what a true Christian is unless the Word is put into practice

         in his/her life.

     2. One will not know that living a Christian life brings trials and tribulations unless

         he/she is living a Christian life.

     3. One will not know that the promises of God are true unless he/she has called on

         God to keep his promises.

 B. A Christian not living according to the Word will think and act according to the


   1. A Christian not living according to the Word will not credit God with the good and

      the bad that happens to him.

   2. A Christian not living according to the Word will not count the bad that happens

       to  him as God's good.



V:25. " But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does."

 A. The ingredients of a blessed life.

     1. Study and meditate on the Word of God.

     2. Studying the Word gives incite to real liberty.

         a. The best freedom we will ever have is following the commands of the Lord.

         b. Christian start out with true freedom; freedom from the penalty of sin.

         c. Because we are free from the penalty of sin, we are free to ask God to supply

             all our needs.

 B. Having a knowledge of the Word, we have the ability to abide in the Word.

    1. We must let the Word guide our thoughts and actions.

    2. The Word must be the rule by which everything is measured.

    3. The Word sets boundaries on what we can do and want we can't do.

 C. We must consider it our duty to follow the commands of God.

    1. When the Word is stirred up with action it grows in our hearts.

    2. When the Word is stirred up with action it becomes our attitude.

    3. The more we make the Word active in our lives the more God like we become. 


V:26. " If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless."

 A. As Christians, we have already settled the big issue of life.

    1. The big issue is Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

         a. The big issue is our redemption from sin.

         b. The big issue is where we will spend eternity.

         c. Heaven is assured for us.

   2. It's the smaller issues that trips us up in this life.

      a. God is still working on us.

      b. We still got some baggage we are carrying from our former life as sinners.

      c. We are still in this process of presenting ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and

           acceptable to the Lord.

 B. One of the main issues, we are dealing with is how to control the tongue.

    1. The tongue is a small part of the body, but it can cause some major problems in

        our lives.

    2. The tongue can hurt folks, defame folks, and undermine folks.

    3. The tongue can be vile and unruly.

        a. The tongue can hurt the very folks that love us the most.

        b. The tongue can drive folks away that are trying to be most helpful to us.

    4. Jesus said, it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes

        out of the mouth that defiles a man.

 C. The tongue is just an instrument that verbally expresses what is still in the heart.

    1. It is out of the heart that flows the issues of life.

    2. If it is not in the heart, it will not flow out of the mouth.

    3. If it is in the heart, sooner or later, it will flow out of the heart.

 D. As Christians, we have to be careful what we say, because what we say can be


     1. As  Christians, we  have to be careful what we say, because what we say can be

        taken the wrong way.

     2. Christians have to choose the right time and right way to say something, even if it

        is intended to be helpful, uplifting and to express corrective incite.

  E. One of the key indicators that we have weaknesses and faults in our Christian walk

      is  our inability to control our tongues.

     1. We say we are Christians, but sometimes we talk like we have never been in a


     2. It is not that we are not Christians, it just we still learning to be a mature  


     3. The key is to recognize that we have some faults and that we need the help of our

         brothers and sisters in Christ to improve.

         a. We need to humbly go before the Father and express our faults and ask for

             his guidance and strength to control our tongue.



 V:27. " Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit  

  orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

  A.  Our faith in Jesus should inspire us to act different from the world.

      1. Our faith in Jesus ought to inspire us to develop a life style of unselfishness.

      2. Our faith in Jesus ought to inspire us to develop a life style of helpfulness.

  B. The Lord Jesus recommends that we be big brothers and sisters and family to

       1.The Lord loves children.

       2. These are among the least that He expects us to show love and compassion.

  C. The Lords  recommends that we look after those who He defines as widows who

       have no family in their distress.

  D. The recommends that we separate ourselves from worldly desires and worldly


     1. We have been called out of the world to serve the Lord.

     2. We have a higher calling that requires us to seek the righteousness of the Lord.

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