Thursday, January 23, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Love Of God", 1/26/2014



Luke 16:19-31


God is Love. The evidence of His Love is Jesus Christ. The Lord summed up the entire Bible with two new commandments. First, Love the Lord your God with all your mind, your heart and your soul. Second, Love your neighbor as yourself.  All  the Law and the prophets hang on these commandments (  Matt 22:27-40 ).


In Houston and probably most large cities, hanging on the streets are people with a sign,

"I am hungry, will work for food." This has become an industry. Not that there are not some legitimate cases but many are there to get your money for free.


These people are stuck in this mind set and so are we. We have either of two reactions;

one of hate or one of pity. We hate to see them there, or we pity them so we give them

a dollar or two.  The real issue is LOVE. We don't know how to love them.  To love, takes time and effort.


The world is filled with two types of people. The Haves and The Have Not. The Lord

presents us with a case of the Haves and The Have Not; The Rich man and Lazarus.


This passage shows us an extreme lack of love.



V:19.  "Now there was a rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen, joyously living in splendor every day."

 A. There was a rich man, a man who was blessed with much more than he needed.

     1. Everyday, he dressed in very expensive clothes.

         a. The reddish purple dye was very expensive and was made from Mediterranean

              purple mussel.

         b. Fine linen was expensive refined white cotton.

     2. He lived a luxuriously life.

        a. He had the best of everything.

        b. The color purple was reserved for kings and nobles.

        c. Every day was a feast for him.

 V:20.  "And a poor man named Lazarus was laid at his gate, covered with sores."

  A. A poor man named Lazarus was laying outside the rich man's gate.

      1. The Greek word for Lazarus means "helped of God".

      2. Notice, God identified the poor man, but not the rich man.

          a. The life of the rich man was of no value to God.

          b. The life of Lazarus, the poor man was valued by God.

  B. Lazarus was not only poor but very sick.

     1. The sores made him unclean and an outcast.

     2. The Lord cares for the poor, the least in the world.

     3. Lazarus was poor, but he did have someone who brought him to the gate of

         the rich man.

     4. Our present situation does not determine our value to God.

          a. Lazarus was poor, but the Lord took notice of him.

          b. Lazarus was suffering, but the Lord knew his condition.

          c. He was poor and he was suffering but the Lord blessed him with life each day.

 C. The earthly blessings of the Lord are not equal among men.

     1. One man was rich and one man was poor.

     2. One man was well and one man was sick.

     3. One man had friends and one man was an outcast.

     4. God kept watch over both men.


 V:21. " And longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table; besides, even the dogs were coming and licking his sores."

 A. Lazarus was laid at the rich man's gate hoping to be fed crumbs from his table.

     1. The rich man did not value the life of the poor.

         a. The rich man came in and out of his gate and ignored the needs of the poor.

         b. The rich man, knowing that Lazarus was sick made no effort to help him.

    2. The rich man was a selfish individual.

         a. The rich man neglected the needs of his neighbor.

         b. He had more than he needed, but he did not provide a meal or medical help to


C. The rich man was blessed with the means to help, but he was concerned only

     for himself.

   1. The rich man had no compassion for the poor or the sick.

   2. The rich man treated Lazarus the same as he treated stray dogs.

       a. The crumbs from the rich man's table were thrown outside his gate.

       b. Stray dogs lived off of food that was leftover and thrown out.

 D. The only comfort Lazarus had doing the day was from the stray dogs licking

      his sores.

       a. These dogs were unclean and made Lazarus more susceptible to disease.

   1. God allowed the dogs to comfort Lazarus but not to harm him.

   2. In our times of need, God is our comforter.

   3. In our times of need, God is our protector.

 E. The rich man was empty.

    1. He was void of compassion.

    2. He was void of love.

    3. God hated the attitude of the rich man.

    4. God  placed before him, his way of salvation, but he ignored it.

    5. God placed before him a reason to open up his heart and bless others, but he was

        blind to it.

 F.  Lazarus did not complain about his condition.

    1. Lazarus did not complain about the rich man.

    2. Lazarus did not complain to God for better conditions.

    3. Lazarus desired the crumbs from the rich man's table, but we hear of no

        a. It would have been good to get a meal from the rich man, but he settled for


        b. Lazarus endured to the end.


 V:22. "Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's
   bosom;  and the rich man also died and was buried."

  A. Even though he was poor and even though he was sick, God loved Lazarus.

      1. At Lazarus death God sent His angels down to carry him into heaven.

      2. Lazarus is comforted because he now rested on the breast of Abraham.

          a. Abraham is the father of faith and the father of Israel.

          b. In heaven, a place of rest was reserved for Lazarus in the Father's house.

          c. In life, Lazarus had no rest from his torment.

          d. In heaven, Lazarus has eternal rest.

          e. The poor can easily find hope in the Father.

          f. Your personal circumstances on earth is no reflection of your reserved 
              position in  Heaven.

          g. Your personal circumstances on earth is not always a reflection of the love the

               Lord has for you.

   B.  The rich man died and was buried.

        1. The rich man had an end to his pleasure on earth.

             a. His death was the end of his pride.

             b. His death was the end of his luxurious living.

        2. The poor and the rich suffer the same fate; they all die.

            a. No one can escape the physical death.

            b. Death is no respecter of person.

        3. Death was the end to the rich man's elevation.

           a. Death was an end to the rich man's fame and fortune.

           b. Death was the end of the rich man's feast.

    C. Death was the beginning of Lazarus elevation.

         1. He was elevated from a poor man on earth to a rich man in heaven.

         2. On earth Lazarus sat outside the gate of the rich.

             a. In Heaven, Lazarus was in the gate with a rich Father.

         3. On earth, Lazarus had to settle for crumbs from the rich man's table.

             a. In Heaven, he sits at the table and feast from the abundance of the Lord.

         4. On earth he suffered and in heaven he rejoices.

         5. On earth, Lazarus had no friends, but in heaven He had a friend in Jesus.

         6. Life on earth is often unfair, but life in heaven is well favored. 


 23 "In Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far away and  

    Lazarus in his bosom."

  A. Hell is a real place.

      1. Hell has many inhabitants.

      2. The inhabitants in hell live in torment.

      3. Life does not end with death, but begins in heaven or hell.

      4. The inhabitants in hell have feelings.   Mat 13:50

      5. The inhabitants in hell have no joy.

      6. The inhabitants in hell can communicate their pain.

      7. The inhabitants in hell can see heaven from a distance.    Rev 20:12-14

      8. The inhabitants in hell can see those they neglected in heaven.

 B. The inhabitants in hell can see pleasure in heaven.

      1. The inhabitants in hell can see those they stepped over on earth in heaven. 

 C. Lazarus has a place of honor in heaven.

      1. The term "Abraham's bosom" describes a person seated at a low table on pillows

          leaning back  toward the breast of the host next to him.

         a. This position at the table is a position of honor.

         b. Lazarus position is next to the Father.

         c. Lazarus was at the feast with the Father.

     2. The term "Abraham bosom" is also used to denote heaven.

        a. Lazarus was taken into heaven at his death and seated at the table of the Father. 

 D. There is a great distance between heaven and hell.

     1. No one can cross over from hell into heaven.

     2. No one can cross over from heaven into hell.

     3. One must decide while he is living where he wants to spend eternity.

     4. Once dead, your destination is fixed.

 V:24 "And he cried out and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame."

 A. The rich man knew about the Father.

      1. The rich man knew the law.

      2. While he lived, he failed to establish a relationship with the Father.

      3. While he lived, the rich man willfully neglected the commands of the Father.

      4. While he lived, the rich man willfully neglected to show mercy to the poor.

 B. The inhabitants in hell will cry out to the Father.

    1. While they were on earth they took the Father for granted.

    2. In their mind, on earth they had no need for the Father.

    3. In hell, the rich recognized that the Father has the power.  Rom 14:11

    4. In hell, they recognized that the Father is in charge.

    5. In hell, they recognized that the Father has the authority to grant requests.

 B. In hell, the rich want mercy. While on earth, he was not merciful.

    1. In hell, the rich man wanted help from those he ignored on earth.

    2. On earth, the rich man refused to provide for the needs of Lazarus, but

        in hell, he requested Lazarus help.


V:25 "But Abraham said, 'Child, remember that during your life you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony."

A. Hell is a place of reflection.  Rev 20:12-14

     1. Hell is a place where God will remind you of  your short comings.

         a. The rich man remained a child all his life.

         b. He never grew to maturity.

         c. He failed to take responsibility for His blessings.

         d. To much is given, much is required.   Luke 12:48

     2. Hell is a place deserved by your actions on earth.

     3. The Lord stood at the door of  the rich man, but he would not invite Him in.

         a. In hell, the rich man saw Lazarus in the rich position.

         b. The rich man is forced to remember his luxurious life style on earth.

         c. The rich man is forced to remember his neglect of the poor.   Rom 14:12

         d. The rich man is forced to remember his selfish behavior.

         e. The rich man is forced to accept his position in hell as payment for his sins.

 B. The rich man is forced to see his neglect turn into a blessing for the poor.


 V:26.  "And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed, so that those who wish to come over from here to you will not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us."

 A. There is a great impassable distance between heaven and hell.

      1. Once you are in heaven, you are in heaven for eternity.

      2. Once you are in hell, you are in hell for an eternity.

      3. Once you die, your destination is fixed.

          a. No one can pray you out of hell.

          b. You must make your peace with God before you die.

 B. The rich man in hell thought to negotiate his condition with the Father.

     1. The time to establish communication with the Lord was while he lived on earth.

     2. There is no redemption in hell.



V: 27. "And he said, 'Then I beg you, father, that you send him to my father's house."

 A. We are role models to those around us, good or bad.

     1. We can influence those around us in a positive or a negative way.

     2. By his actions, the rich man influence his brothers to be like him.

     3. He failed his brothers by not teaching them to love  their neighbors.

     4. He failed his brothers by not following God's commands.

 B. Because of his negative influence, his brothers would follow his lead and

      end up in hell.

     1. His brothers needed a godly person to lead them to the path of righteousness.

     2. His brothers needed someone to tell them about horrors of hell.

     3. His brothers needed someone to tell them about the blessings of heaven.

     4. His brothers needed someone to tell them that there is life after death.


V:28. " For I have five brothers — in order that he may warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment."

 A. The rich man in hell was still selfish.

     1. He wanted Lazarus to warn his brothers but not anyone else.

     2. He did not ask that the world be warned in addition to his brothers.

 B. The rich man, in his torment , if he could, would have disturb Lazarus for his own


     1. He did not ask that an apology be sent to Lazarus for the wrong he did.

     2. He expected Lazarus to show his brothers love when he had no love. 

     3. The rich man expected forgiveness without repenting and asking for forgiveness.


V:29. "But Abraham said, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them."

 A. The word of God was being taught in Synagogues all around them.

     1. It is the Word  that convicts the heart.

     2. There were good role models all around them.

     3. His brothers chose to follow him.

 B. His brothers also closed their eyes to the needs of the poor.

    1. The rich man's brothers walked pass Lazarus and showed no compassion.

    2. The rich man's bothers chose a life style of selfishness.

    3. His brothers closed their ears to the Word of God.

    4. His brothers would have to suffer the consequences of their actions.


 V:30. "But he said, 'No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead,

  they will repent."

  A. The rich man wanted to negotiate with the Father while in hell.

      1. He was accustomed to getting what he wanted when he wanted it.

      2. His money and his popularity got him what want he wanted.

  B. In hell you carry neither fame or fortune.

     1. In hell, there is no communication with the Father except to pronounce your

        condemnation to the eternal fire.

     2. You do not negotiate with the Father.

 C. Only the Word of God has the power to cause one to repent.

     1. Only the Word can change a heart.



 31 "But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.

 A. God has blinded us to the full torment of  souls in hell.

     1. He has given us only a slight view of hell and nothing more.

     2. Our hearts and minds cannot handle the full horrors of hell.

 B. God in His mercy has spared us from full the knowledge of the damned spirits.



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