Thursday, January 9, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "How To Be Happy", 1/12/2014



Luke 6:20-31



V:20. " And turning His gaze on His disciples, He began to say, "Blessed are you who  are  poor, for yours is the kingdom of God."

 A. The Lord's focus is always on His disciples.

      1. Jesus is concerned about every aspect of our lives.

      2. Everything that has to do with our wholeness is the concern of Jesus.

 B. Jesus teaches us through His Word.

     1. To know Jesus , requires continuous Bible Study.

 C. Blessed= markarious= fortunate, well off, happy

     1. It is Jesus desire that His disciples be happy.

     2. He describes Happy in terms of having less now for more  in Heaven.

     3. Poor= ptochos= beggar.

     4. We beg to get an understanding of the Word.

          a. We have a longing to be close to the Lord.

          b. It should be our desire to apply the Word to our daily living.

 D. The Kingdom belongs to those who trust the Lord.

     1. Those who follow the Lord must learn to be content with what they have.

         a. Riches and fame are not the product of righteousness.

         b. Trials and tribulations are the product of following Jesus.

     2. Those who follow Jesus are fortunate because they have Jesus as their

          Lord and Savior.

         a. Jesus is their protector and provider.

         b. Jesus promised to give us that which we need but not always in excess.

     3. Those who follow Jesus are fortunate because they are promised a place in


         a. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness there of.

         b. We have this confidence in the Lord that whatever we ask in Jesus name

              will be done for us according to His will.  1 John 5:14

         c. We must learn that true happiness is not based on what we have in this world

             but what we have in Jesus.


 V: 21 "Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you
     who weep now, for you shall laugh."

  A. Those who follow the Lord make sacrifices and often go without for the benefit of


     1. We rise early in search of the good we can do for the sake of Christ.

     2. We hunger for what is right, but evil is always present.

 B. We are blessed because whatever we do for Christ is counted in heaven and held

      in reserve for us in times of need.

    1. We are satisfied because we know in our hearts that the Grace of God is always

        sufficient for us.   2 Cor 12:9

    2. We have this testimony that the God we serve has always supplied our needs.

        a. We have this testimony that when we could not see the way, God made a way.

        b. We have this testimony that when we were sad and broken, in time God will
            made  us whole again.

 C. There are times when we weep because our efforts to make a difference in the lives
      of  families and others seem never to be enough.

     1. There are times when our trials and tribulations overwhelm us because there
         seem   to be no end in sight.

     2. But in the sweet "By And By" as we and our families grow and mature, God
        reveals  to us that our efforts have not been in vain and that we have made a

     3. We find Joy in the victories that the Lord has guided us to.

     4. We find Joy when God brings an end to that which troubles us.

     5. There is joy when we look back over our lives and discover that God has used all

          that we have been through to grow us into mature and happy Christians.


V: 22.  "Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and cast insults at you,

 and spurn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man."

 A. To follow Jesus you have to take up a cross.

      1. The cross is the burden we bear for the sake of Christ.  

      2. Men hated Christ for all the good that He did.

          a. He was condemned and crucified because evil men despised the Lord of


          b. Following Christ, we will suffer some of the same troubles and insults that

              He endured for our salvation.

 B. We are blessed because Jesus is our advocate in Heaven and the Holy Spirit is

      our advocate that indwells us.

      1. When we decide to devote ourselves to the Lord, the Devil gets busy trying to

           bring us down.

      2. The Devil is creative in his efforts to steal, kill and destroy our work for the

      3. We are strengthen and adequately equipped with gifts and talents to endure the

           wise of the devil.

      4. We will find joy in the victories we win through our faith in the Lord Jesus.

      5. We are happy because the Devil and his demons are no match for Jesus.   


 23 "Be glad in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven;
       for  in the same way their fathers used to treat the prophets."

  A. We have the testimony of the Word that all the prophets of the Lord in their efforts

        to serve him were abused and mistreated by evil men as they proclaim His Word

        to the world.

      1. We also have the testimony of the Word that a place in heaven was reserved for


      2. We have the testimony of the Word that the Lord strengthen them to endure the

          trials they faced while they lived.

 B. We should be joyful because we are counted among the prophets suffering as they
     did  for the Lord.

      1. We should not be ashamed for our suffering because we walk in the same spirit

          and have the same cause of uplifting Jesus as the prophets of the Old and New


     2. Surely as the prophets were rewarded in heaven, so will we be rewarded.

         a. God took care of His prophets and He will take care of us.



 V:24 "But woe to you who are rich, for you are receiving your comfort in full."

 A. There is a disadvantage of being rich.

      1. The rich get all their accolades on earth, but none are reserved for heaven.

      2. In heaven, the first will be last, and the last will be first. 

 B. The problem with being rich is that it causes one to be over confident and self


     1. It is easy for the rich to forget the God who provides and assume that they made
         it by their own efforts.

    2. Those who have everything they need have little to drive them to their knees in


    3. Those who are rich and don't know the Lord have little to drive them to the

        a. They are rich in stuff, but empty in the spirit.

        b. They have all of their desires here and nothing stored in heaven.

        c. They have a home on earth and a home in Hell. 


 V:25. "Woe to you who are well-fed now, for you shall be hungry. Woe to you who

   laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep."

   A. Those who don't know the Lord have some troubling times ahead of them.

       1. From the world's point of view, they do well now.

       2. They have all the world's goods and happy times.

       3. They live as if tomorrow is promised and there will be more of the same.

       4. They are unaware that what they have come from the Lord and will soon

            return to Him.

       5. They are unaware that what they have today can be gone tomorrow.

 B. The well- to- do spend their days in glory of themselves and give no credit

      and  glory to the Lord.

     1. They are unaware that a time will come when there will be sorrow in their lives
         and  the  laughter will stop.

     2. Having no relationship with the Lord and no foundation in the Word, they will
         not  know how to find joy in troubling times.

     3. In sickness, and the prospect of death their laughter will turn to sorrow.

        a. There is a place called hell where there will be no laughter.

        b. They spend no time preparing for an eternity with the Father, so hell is their



V: 26. "Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for in the same way their fathers  

  used to treat the false prophets."

 A. Preachers and teachers of the Word must be careful not to seek to please men.

     1. The world is opposed to the doctrine of Jesus Christ.

     2. When the world speaks well of your teaching perhaps you are not preaching the

         penalty of sin and the need to repent. 

 B. The job of preachers and teachers are to preach the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ.

     1. It is easy to preach for the praise of men.

     2. We can teach all the promises of God without teaching the sacrifices required

          to obtain the promises.

     3. We can teach "Ask and You Shall Receive" without teaching to ask according to

         the will of God.  John 16:23

     4. We can teach the salvation of Jesus Christ without teaching the renewal of the

 C. We can teach the goodness of God without teaching the sure troubles that come
      from taking up the cross.

      1. We must be careful to teach Jesus and the cross required to follow Him.

      2. When the world knows that to follow Jesus is to die for Jesus, the praise will




 V:27 "But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you."

  A. Believers are taught to love their enemies.

      1. That is a new language that is different from the world.

      2. To love your enemies require a renewal of the mind.

      3. To love you enemies require a new attitude.

      4. To love our enemies require us to realize that we were once enemies of Christ,

          who loved us enough to give up His life for our salvation.

  B. Believers are taught to do good to those who hate them.

     1. That is a new language.

     2. To do good for our enemies requires a renewal of the mind.

     3. To do good for our enemies requires a new attitude that is different from the



V: 28. " Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."

 A. To bless those who cruse you requires a new attitude.

      1. Bless = eulogeite = speak well of.

      2. To speak well of someone who speaks bad of you requires the love of Jesus

      3. A good word from a believer may be the encouragement needed for a none
         believer to come to Christ.

         a. It takes as much effort to say something good as it does to say something bad.

         b. It takes as much effort to build up a person as it does to tear down a person.

         c. We don't have to let the ugliness of  another person to cause us to act ugly.

 B. To pray for those who mistreat you require a new attitude.

     1. It is not normal to pray for someone whose intention is to bring you down.

     2. The old man in the believer is dead and a new man in the believer is alive in
         Christ .          Col 3:10

     3. Because of the newness we have in Christ Jesus, we can pray for the one who

         mistreats us with love. Col 3:13

     4. It maybe possible that the one who mistreats you have never been treated with


        a. Acts of kindness can change a person's way of thinking.

        b. Acts of kindness can open the door to changed relationships.

        c. Acts of kindness can be the light that draws people to Jesus.

     5. Hurting people say hurting things.

        a. It is possible that God allows us to face hurting people to build them up.

        b. Our job is to introduce the sick to a doctor (Jesus) who can heal them.

            Mat. 9:12


 V:29.  "Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes   

   away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either."

 A. God is our revenge.

     1. We must never be in a hurry to get revenge for any wrong done to us.

     2. Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek.

         a. The meaning here is to pass it off. Just let it go.

         b. Do not let your anger get the best of you.

     3. By trying to get revenge, we may cause the person to be more violent towards us.

        a. God is equipped to handle our enemies better than we can.

        b. God knows how to avenge our case in ways we cannot think of.

 B. We can afford to be generous to those who take from us.

     1. God can return to us much more than that which is taken from us.

     2. We have to trust God to take care of our enemies.

 C. It is best for us not to provoke a thief, but let God get the justice. 


V:30. "Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not demand it back."

 A. God is generous to us everyday in ways we are not aware of.

     1. When we do acts of kindness to others, God rewards us out of his abundance.

     2. When we do not expect anything in return for our kindness, God has a return,

         greater than our imagination.

 B. We are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves.

     1. There are people who have never known love.

     2. We may be the first to show them Godly love.

     3. When someone takes from us, there is the opportunity to show them the love

          of God.

     4. Love is it's own reward.

         a. The love we show our enemies is unforgettable to them because they are

             not expecting love.

         b . Love and kindness draws people to us.

         c. Through us, others can learn about Jesus Christ.


 31 "And just as you want people to treat you, treat them in the same way. "

      A. People don't know your love unless you show your love.

          1. We must show ourselves friendly for others to know a true friend.

          2. We have a true friend in Jesus.

          3. If others can see Jesus in us, they may be drawn to accept Jesus as their


     B. We should be Christian role models to everyone; friends and enemies.

         1. When we let our light shine to someone in the dark, they can never

              go back to the point having not seen the light.





















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