Saturday, October 28, 2023

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Joshua's Farewell Address To Israel, Joshua 24

 Joshua's Farewell Address, Israel's Promise to God

Joshua 24

It is important to know your history. Your history gives you a sense of family.

When you know your history, you know whose shoulders you are standing on

You can see what God did with your ancestors to bring you to the present.

Israel has a rich history directed by God. They are blessed to have God

guiding their past to their presence. Tracing your past, you can see your

ancestors shaping who you are. Our past is full of trials, mistakes, joys,

and successes. Most of all our past shows the goodness of God and how

He planned our lives.

Joshua 24:1-2

Then Joshua assembled all the tribes of Israel at Shechem. He summoned the elders, leaders, judges, and officials of Israel, and they presented themselves before God.

Shechem was an ideal place for Joshua to give his farewell address to the nation

of Israel. It was at Shechem that God promised the land to Abraham over 430 years

earlier. God called their father Abraham from among heathen nations not because

he was good, but because of God's grace. God allowed Israel to grow into a

great nation in Egypt starting with Jacob and his 12 sons.

Starting with Abraham, Joshua reviewed the history of Israel with the leaders

so they would know they were chosen by God to exhibit His righteousness to ‘

the world. Israel was the only nation God chose at that time to give His

written Word.

God delivered the nation of Israel from slavery in Egypt and built a

Tabernacle for worship in the desert. He established the office of priests to offer

sacrifices to Himself for their sins. He gave directions to build the

The Tabernacle and the Arch of the Covenant represent His presence.

Israel had a promise of success in the promised land if they followed

God’s commands and worshiped Him only.

Having grown as a nation in Egypt, Israel became accustomed to the worship

of idol gods. They brought with them their idols into the promised land.

The inhabitants of the promised land were all idol god worshipers.

Their failure to drive out the inhabitants of the land as commanded by God

was their desire to worship the idol gods of the land. They had a history of

failure and control by the nations of the land because of their disobedience.

In Joshua's farewell address, he urged Israel to put away their idol

gods and serve the Lord only. After Joshua reviewed the history of

God's protection, provisions, and destruction of the enemy before them,

they realized it was God on their side that gave them salvation.

They vowed to put away their idol gods and serve God only.

Joshua warned Israel if they served idol gods it would be a disaster

for them.

As a good faithful leader, Joshua set an example. As for me and my house

we will serve the Lord.

Israel served the Lord until Joshua died, and soon returned to their worship

of idols.

There is but one message in this lesson. Successful living is guaranteed with

our praise and worship of the Lord.

The lesson we learn from Israel is turning from God is a turn to disaster.

Trusting God is the road to His blessing and success.


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