Saturday, December 31, 2022

Bible Study Series: The Early Life Of Jesus: Luke 2:1-17



Luke 2:1-17


In studying God’s Word, we need a method of study that helps us

get the most out of scripture. Here is what I was taught in my seminary



        O   Observe the text

                 Who wrote it?

                 Why was it written

                 Who was it written to?

                 What is it about?

                 When was it written


      I     Investigation

               If there is anything about the text you don’t understand,

               stop and get answers.


              The Bible interprets itself. Look for other scriptures about

              the subject.


             Uses online commentaries.

             Look at sermons on the subject


   A     Application

               How does this topic apply to your life?

               What can you learn from it?

               How will this scripture help you in daily living?


We don’t spend much time talking about the childhood of Jesus.


Until the age of 12 God focused on Mary and Joseph

I think it is worth our time to look at what we can gain from

The parenting of Mary and Joseph.             




Luke 2:8-12


8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.



The notification of the birth of Jesus was given first to shepherds in the field.

Jesus, Himself is the chief Shepherd of all Christians.


Why were they there?

Why shepherds and not religious leaders?


Bethlehem means "house of bread" in Hebrew. The town was known for its grain fields running down its slopes. After the harvest, shepherds were welcome to bring their animals into the fields to eat the remaining grain and stubble. In return, the sheep and goats fertilized the fields for the next planting season. In the first century Judea, being a shepherd was considered a lowly profession. These were the social outcasts. That's what makes this next account in the Gospel of Luke so special.  (DriveThrough History)


Jesus is the bread of life.   John 6:21



We can learn from the characteristics of a shepherd


     They have a low position

     They work in the field

     They are guardians of the flock

     They worked in harsh conditions

     They are leaders of the flock

     They are defenders of the flock

     They tend the flock 24/7.


These are all the characteristics of our Lord and Savior.

The Lord identifies with the poor, the common man, the hard-working, the humble




The Angels gave notification to the shepherds of Jesus' birth

Then taught us how to praise the Lord


Luke 2:16-18

 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.


The Shepherds investigated the Word, then spread the Word


Missed opportunity.  The community didn’t seek Jesus





Luke 2:21


21 On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived.


8th Day Jesus was circumcised according to the law




    The naming of Jesus    The salvation of Jehovah


Luke 2:22-24

When the time of their purification according to the Law of Moses had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 23 (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, "Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord"), 24 and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: "a pair of doves or two young pigeons."


40th day Mary presented Jesus in the temple

      Purification of Mary

      Dedication of the firstborn to the Lord   Colossians 1:15





Matthew 2:1-2


2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."


The Wise men taught us how to worship the Lord






different star


2. THEY WERE MATHEMATICIANS     They were able to determine where the star was pointing


3. THEY WERE BIBLICAL SCHOLARS  They knew Bible scripture   They knew the star represented

                                                                                                                   a King who was born 

                                                                                                                   Numbers   24:17


4. THEY WERE COURAGEOUS             They told a king they were looking for the new king of



5. THEY WERE INVESTIGATORS         They came to prove scripture




7. THEY WERE DETERMINED             They didn’t rest until they found the king




9. THEY CAME TO WORSHIP              They fell down and worshiped 

                                                                  Jesus  Matt 2:2. 2:11


9. THEY WERE SUBMISSIVE TO THE SPIRIT     They were guided by the spirit.

                                                                                      Left Bethlehem without telling Herod








The Magi regained power under Xerxes and were consulted by him. They formed the highest portion of the king's court, the council about the king's person. Gradually the term came to represent divining impostors.


However, Philo uses it in a good sense: "men who gave themselves to the study of nature and contemplation of the divine perfection, worthy of being counselors of kings." So in Matthew 2:1, it is used in the better sense of "wise men," at once astronomers and astrologers "from the E.," i.e. the. N.E., the region toward the Euphrates from whence BALAAM (which see) came (Numbers 23:7; 22:5). Balaam's prophecy seems to have been known to them: "there shall come a star out of Jacob, and a scepter shall arise out of Israel." Accordingly, the very guide they look to is a star (a meteor probably), and the question they ask is "where is He that is born King of the Jews?" Moreover, Daniel, "chief of the Magi," had foretold Messiah's kingdom (Daniel 2:44; 9:25); naturally, the Magi ("wise men") looked for the kingdom and the king among the people of him whose fame as a Magian they had heard of. Zoroaster's predictions led them to look for Zosiosh, the Head of the kingdom who should conquer Ahriman and raise the dead. Their presents, "gold, frankincense, and myrrh," were the usual gifts of subject nations

(from Fausset's Bible Dictionary, Electronic Database Copyright © 1998, 2003, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)



When the wise men got to Jesus, Mary was in a house. Jesus had grown to be a young child

He could have been 2 years old


Matthew 2:16

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.




The church folk was given Good News about the long-awaited Messiah. They were not affected.

They made no effort to find Jesus.


The community had three opportunities to find Jesus.

      1. The Shepherds announced His birth on the day of His birth

      2. The Simoen and Anna praised Jesus in the Temple 40 days after His birth

          during the dedication to the Lord

     3. 2 years after Jesus’s birth, the Wise men gained an audience with King Herod,

         asking for the location of the King of The Jews. They saw a star announcing His birth.

         King Herod demanded the church leaders search the scriptures to determine

         the birth of Jesus.


The Jewish community and the Jewish leaders did not search for Jesus.

They did not take the birth of Jesus seriously even after Herod ordered all

boy babies 2 years and under killed.



Matthew 2:4-5

4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.


5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet.


The Church folk had been informed about the birth of Christ  2 years before the wise                           men got to Bethlehem, but never searched for Him


The religious community in Bethlehem searched the scriptures under the command of Herod

concerning the birth of their king, Jesus the Messiah, but saw no need to worship Him.



Think about this. When you fail to believe the Word of God, you delay the blessing God has for you


It was 33 years before the people of Jerusalem knew who Jesus, the Savior was.

33 years without joy. 33 years without the peace of God.  33 years looking for the

savior that was in their midst.


They were looking for God in all the wrong places. They were looking for

God according to their thought of what a savior would look like.


They knew scripture. They only heard scripture according to their understanding

They ignored all the prophecies that stated the Messiah would born to a virgin.

When the prophecy was fulfilled, they message of the fulfillment was.



When the wise men left, God sent Mary and Joseph into Egypt. Why?



Matthew 2:13-14


V:13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up," he said, "take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him."


God prepared the way for us through our past generations. 586 years before the birth of

Christ, the temple, and Jerusalem were destroyed and a large part of the Jewish community

was taken captive.  After 70 years designed by God because of their disobedience many Jews returned.

Many Jews remained in Egypt,


The Jewish Community grew in Egypt and built a temple to the Lord after 167 BC. We must keep in mind that Egyptians were idol god worshipers. God works in the middle of sinful




Isaiah 19:19-20

On that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the heart of Egypt and a monument to the Lord at its border. 20 It will be a sign and witness to the Lord Almighty in the land of Egypt.




Mary and Joseph return to Nazareth under God's guidance


Matthew 2:19-20

19 After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt 20 and said, "Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead."





Luke 2:39-44

 they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth. 40 And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.


Mary and Joseph spent 2 years in Bethlehem and 3 years in Egypt before returning to

Their hometown of Nazareth.  It is possible that the gold, frankincense, and myrrh

Was used to support them until they returned.


God protects and supports those that are faithful to Him





V:41 Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the Feast, according to the custom. 43 After the Feast was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. 44



Luke 2:46-48

46 After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.


It is our job as parents to be involved in regular worship services.

From an early age, our children should be involved in serving the Lord.

Our children grow as we grow in the Lord.



We know little about Jesus from the ages of 12 to 30 because God did not

Gives any information. What we do know is that his steps were ordered by

The Lord.  At 30 years old what is emerges was a Priest, Prophet and Kings

And our Lord and savior.


His 3 ½ ministry changed the world. He is now seated at the right Hand of

The Father making intercessions for us.


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