Friday, October 23, 2020

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Learning To Trust God", Exodus 24:12-18. 10/25/2020





Exodus 24:12-18



Let’s review the situation of this text.

The Israelites had been delivery our of slavery from Egypt

For three months.


They knew about God but did not know or trust God. All of their

complaints were against Moses.


Getting to know God is a process. God showed them His power and

authority using the 10 plagues and the destruction of the Egyptian

army in the Red Sea.


God led them out of Egypt into the desert. The learned that God is

a God of directions.


God protected them in the desert with a cloud doing the day and

fire at night. They learned that God is a protector.


God provided food and water in the desert for all their needs.

They leaned that God is a provider.


God led them in a war against the Amalekites. They learned that

God is their victory.


They had not learn to trust God, because every time they were in need,

they companied to Moses,


They heard the voice of God when He spoke to them from a cloud.

They learned that God speaks to them.


God establish a covenant with them in which they all agreed to follow

His commands. Moses read to them God’s commands. The job of a

Preacher is the teaching of God’s Word.


Trusting and relying on God takes time.

The only one who trusted and relied on God at this point was Moses.

Moses Had forty years of experience with God in Midian through

His father in law Jethro the priest of Midian.



V:12 The Lord  said to Moses, "Come up to me on the mountain and stay here, and I will give you the tablets of stone, with the law and commands I have written for their instruction."

A. To get close to God, you have to spend time with God.

    1. The more you spend time studying your Bible, the more He will reveal

        to you.

    2. The first thing you have to do is lift God to the  highest place in your


    3. When you humble yourself before God, He can work with you.

B. The Word was put in print as an instruction manual from God on

      How to live a righteous an a successful life.

   1. Notice God wrote His Word on a stone tablet.

   2. Let me suggest that the stone represents the permanent quality of the


   3. Word is unchangeable.

        Heaven and earth will pass away but my word is forever.

B. In order to fully understand God’s Word, you have to meditate on it   

     and committed it to memory.

    1. Writing God’s Word down on paper is a way to commit it

         to memory.

     2. This was the second time God called Moses to record His Word.

     3. God could have written all His Word, but He used Moses

          write all the details.

     4. Christians work in partnership with God.

     5. God does not need our help, but He uses us to encourage and

         teach others about Him.

     6. Without the teaching of the Word, it would stay on a shelf

          covered with dust.


         Matt 13:52

       "Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the

         kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his

         storeroom new treasures as well as old."



V:13 Then Moses set out with Joshua his aide, and Moses went up on the mountain of God. 14 He said to the elders, "Wait here for us until we come back to you. Aaron and Hur are with you, and anyone involved in a dispute can go to them."

A. Joshua  was first introduced as the leader of a group of Israelites

    formed to fight the Amalekites.

    1. Joshua proved himself reliable and became a aide to Moses.

    2. As leaders we must train our replacements.

    3. It would be forty years in the desert after Moses died, before

        Joshua took charge.

    4. We are all being trained by God for the next assignment.

B. Moses set up levels of civil government while he went to

      the Mountain top with God.

    1. He set the priest in charge of the 70 elders.

    2. The 70 elders were probably in charge of the


    3. Any problems were to be solved through this group.

    4. We all have the responsibility of what God has gifted us with.

C. We have to learn to wait on the Lord.

    1. Perhaps Moses knew in advance that he would be on the mountain

        with God a long period of time.

    2.  Sometimes our assignment is to hear the Word of God.

    3. Sometime our assignment is to serve God by serving others.

    4. Sometimes our assignment is to be in prayer while waiting.

    5. We lead by studying the Word.

    7. We can lead by instructing others.

    8. We can lead by encouraging other in prayer.

    9. You Got an assignment, the question is, will you serve.



V:15 When Moses went up on the mountain, the cloud covered it, 16 and the glory of the Lord  settled on Mount Sinai. For six days the cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day the Lord  called to Moses from within the cloud.

A. When God calls, He may not speak immediately.

    1. You and I have been called to meet God in a high place.

    2. We have to wait anticipating His voice.

    3. Moses was called to the mountain and he saw the glory of

        God, but he had to wait in God’s glory for seven days.

    4. It is a blessing to be in God’s glory, even if you don’t hear

        His voice.

    5. We are always in God’s glory.

         a. When I see the different shades of green in my yard, that God’s


         b. When I feel the wind blowing, that’s God’s glory.

         c. When I see the sun shining, that God’s glory.

         d. When I awoke this morning, I was in God’s glory.

  B. There are times when I am studying the Word and have

         nothing to write concerning the lesson. If I wait awhile,

         God will give me words to write.

      1. There are times when I look at the Word and see only what

          I  have taught before. But If I wait awhile, God will show me

            something different.

       2. Sometimes God calls when I have laid my pencil down

           and gone to bed. He will enlighten me with a new insight

           I will have to get up and write again.

       3. Moses waited for seven days after his call before God spoke.

       4. When studying the Word, never lean on your own understand.

       5. You got to learn to wait on the Holy Spirit enlightenment.



V:17 To the Israelites the glory of the Lord  looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain. 18 Then Moses entered the cloud as he went on up the mountain. And he stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights.

1. If you are looking for God, you will see His glory.

2. To one it might look like a consuming fire.

3. To another if might look like bright light from the sun.

4. To another, God’s glory might look like a streaming light across

     sky at night.


     2 Chronicles 15:2-3

     The Lord  is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be   

      found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. 3


          1 Chronicles  16:10

        Glory in his holy name;

        let the hearts of those who seek the Lord  rejoice.


5. Any time you are studying God’s Word, you are in His Glory.

6. Don’t be too quick to leave the study of God’s Word.

7. Anytime you are studying God’s Word you are productive.

8. It never fails, every time I study the same scripture, the Holy

    Spirit will show me something different about the Lord.




Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

5510 West Sam Houston Parkway North

Houston, Texas 77041

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