Friday, September 27, 2019

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, :Stirred Up For Freedom",Exodus 5:1-10, 9/29/2019



Ex 5:1-10

V:1. Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 'Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the desert.'"
A. What God has for us to do will take time and
    1. When we answer God’s call to serve, He
        may send us to places we may not want to go.
    2. We can be sure, if God send us to do a job
        He has equipped us with what we need to
        accomplish it.
  B. Moses did not want to go alone, so he asked
      God for help.
     1. He felt he was deficient in the area of 
         communications, so God prepared Moses brother, Aaron
         to go with him to Pharaoh.
     2. God will open doors for you to do what He called you to do.
     3. The door was opened for Moses to speak God’s command
          to the Pharaoh of Egypt.
    4. Moses a humble shepherd sent by the living God,
        met with the proud Pharaoh of Egypt.
C. God intended for His people to be free from bondage.
    1. God commands us to worship Him in a place
        away from idol gods.
    2. It is God’s design for us to bring sacrifices to him.
    3. Our fellowship with God should be a festive occasion
        of worship and prayer.
   4. Worship does not need to be in a building, but a place
       where we assemble to dedicate ourselves to God.

V: 2. Pharaoh said, "Who is the Lord , that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord  and I will not let Israel go."
A.   We should not always expect that the people we are sent
          to proclaim the Word of God will except Him immediately.
1.    Moses was sent to a king who saw himself as god of
His nation.
2.    Moses request was unreasonable to the Pharaoh.
a.    The Hebrew people were his slaves and his free
Labor force.
b.   They were to numerous to set free and could
rise up against Him.
3.    The Pharaoh didn’t know  Moses’ Lord and had
no respect for Him.
a.    Moses walk with God wae the development of his
relationship with God.
b.   Walking with his brother may have comforted to him.
c.    Certainly they could compared notes about what
each had learned about God.
d.   In the confrontation with the Pharaoh, was Moses
     learning to trust God.
e.   The indication we have is the first personal
                      encounter with God was the burning bush.
4.    The nation obeyed Pharaoh. He obeyed no one.
a.    Certainly Pharaoh was not going to obey the God
Of Moses who he never knew existed.
             b. In his eyes, the Pharaoh was god of his people.

V:3. Then they said, "The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Now let us take a three-day journey into the desert to offer sacrifices to the Lord  our God, or he may strike us with plagues or with the sword."
A. God is concerned about our worship of Him.
    1. The Israelites for 400 years had learned the worship
         of many gods of Egypt.
     2. They were probably not allowed to publicly worship their
          God for fear of developing an opposition to the Egyptians.
B. Moses gave the Pharaoh God’s direction for His people.
    1. Notice Moses said the God of the Hebrews, not any
         Egyptian god.
    2. A minimum of seven days away from Egyptian labor
        was required for God’s worship
    3. God may have wanted a three day journey from Egypt
        so that the Hebrew nation could focus on Him alone.
5.    Jesus spent three day in the grave before His resurrection.
              He spent 40 days in the desert before He started His

V:4-5. But the king of Egypt said, "Moses and Aaron, why are you taking the people away from their labor? Get back to your work!" 5 Then Pharaoh said, "Look, the people of the land are now numerous, and you are stopping them from working."
A. Moses headed to Egypt, had to deal with his own fears.
    1. In the eyes of the Egyptians, he still was a murderer.
    2. He killed an Egyptian 40 years earlier.
 B. As He entered the Egyptians palace, memories of his
     Training by an adopted Egyptian mother could have
     been triggered.
    1. All of his 40 year Egyptian training as a prince
         came to his memory.
    2. His mother, father sisters and brothers were slaves
        but Moses was never a slave.
   3. He ran away from a life of luxury to another life
      of luxury living 40 years as a midianite  shepherd. 
   4. Moses had always been a free man while his people
      were badly treated as Egyptian property. 
   5. Moses saw the pain of his people, but never experienced
      their pain.
   6. He left Egypt as an outsider to the Hebrew family and
      came back as an outsider.
C. Moses and Aaron had a Word from the Lord, but were
    treated by the arrogant Pharaoh as lazy Hebrews.
  1. The Pharaoh saw Moses and Aaron as trouble makers
      and ordered them to get back to the position of being
      his slaves and his free laborers.
  2. Men sees us in the light of their opinions.
  3. God see us in His righteousness with His power to
      glorify Him.
  4. It is not how men sees us that matters.  It is how we see
      ourselves as children of the most Holy God that matters.
  5. Our potential with man is limited but with God our
      potential is unlimited.

V:6-8. That same day Pharaoh gave this order to the slave drivers and foremen in charge of the people: 7 "You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw. 8 But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; don't reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, 'Let us go and sacrifice to our God.'
A. At first glance, Moses left Egypt 40 years earlier as a trouble
   maker to the Egyptians, and came back a trouble maker to the
   Egyptians and his Hebrew brothers.
  1.  Instead of making thing better for his Hebrew family, he
       causes more hardship.
  2. When God is your guide, sometimes thing get worst before
      they get better.
  3. Moses may have felt awful that his campaign for God only
     increased the burdens on his Hebrew family.
  4. Instead of having straw brought to them they had to go get
     the straw to make bricks.
  5. Moses campaign for freedom doubled their hardship.

V:9-10. Make the work harder for the men so that they keep
  working and pay no attention to lies."
    10 Then the slave drivers and the foremen went out and said to  
       the people, "This is what Pharaoh says: 'I will not give you any
       more straw. 11 Go and get your own straw wherever you can
       find it, but your work will not be reduced at all.'"
A. Growing in the Lord requires us to trust Him.
   1. When the situation looks out of control, God is in control.
   2. The burdens on the people increased, but God was in
B.   More than likely, Moses people became angry and upset
with him and Aaron because of the extra work.
1.  When you are going through a trial, it difficult to the see its worth and benefits. 
2.  It is difficult to see God working in the middle of your hurts.
3.  We pray to God to get rid of our burdens not to
bring on more pain.
C.   Moses looked like the enemy and not the friend.
1.  There are times when you are trying to help,
that you cause more pain.
2.  The work of God is designed  to shake us from
     complacency to a desire  to be the best we can
3.  The Hebrews had settled into being slaves forever.
4.  The new heavier burdens made them realize that
the Egyptians valued them less than animals.
5.  The Hebrew nation needed to awaken to their
desire to be free.
             6. Moses needed to learn to trust God’s plan.

Rev. M. Mitchell
Assistant Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway North
Houston, Texas 77041

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