Thursday, March 10, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Your Choice, Jesus Or The World" 3/12/2016


Mark 10:17-31

V:17 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
A. The text says the man ran to Jesus.
     1. We really don't know how much time we have to live, so it is an urgency
         to establish a relationship with Jesus.
     2. We can prepare for tomorrow, but we cannot determine what will happen
     3. We can be prepared for the final outcome if we have a relationship with Jesus.
         a. If you don't know Jesus, you should run to Him as quick as you can.
         b. If you do know Jesus, you should  run the race with Him.
B. The man asked  the most important question .
    1. The answer to this question determines the quality of your present, and the quality
        of your future on earth.
    2. How you respond to the  answer of this question determines your final
        destination, heaven or hell.
C. The man came to Jesus, the one who is the answer to this question.
   1. He humbled himself before the Lord Jesus.
   2. He gave Jesus the respect as a teacher who knew the answer.
   3. He gave Jesus a double honor.
       Not only did he call Jesus "teacher", but he call Him "Good".

 V:18 "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good  except God alone."
 A. Jesus humbled Himself before the Father in the presence of man.
     1. Even though He was God in the flesh, He would not allow others to think of Him
         as Good.
     2. Even though He was equal to and one with the Father, He made Himself
         submissive to His Father in heaven.
 B. Jesus set the example for us to follow.
     1. Jesus wants us to be one with Him as He is one with the Father.
     2. Man was created in the image and likeness of the Father.
     3. Our image was damaged when Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden.
     4. Only Jesus can restore our image.

V:19-20. " You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.'" 20 "Teacher," he declared, "all these I have kept since I was a boy."
A. First, Jesus tested the man's obedience to the law.
    1. He was a good man.
    2. He had a good character.
    3. He was obedient to the law.
 B. He was satisfied with who he was.
     1. He was not content with where he was going.
     2. Since the man called Jesus his teacher, he had heard Jesus talk about eternal
     3. He considered himself knowledgeable   about the law but he was not sure about
         eternal  life.
    4. We have the Word in front of us, but are we sure about our eternal life?
    5. The question is, if you die today are you sure you have a place in heaven? 
C. The law is not specific about how to get to heaven.
    1. The Law was tutor to live a life of obedience and as a result how to obtain
         the promises of God in the promise land.
    2. The man was confused because heaven was not specifically addressed in the
    3. He knew how to be good according to the law, but not how to be perfect in
    4. Good according to man's concepts, want get you into heaven.   

V:21-22. " Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
A. Jesus was sent down from Heaven, because God is love.
    1. Jesus loves His creation.
    2. Jesus look at the man without judgment, but with love.
 B. The man had everything he needed.
     1. He was satisfied with his material possessions.
     2. He trusted in his possessions.
     3. He was satisfied with his goodness because of his possessions.
     4. He probably gave to the poor, but made no sacrifices to support the poor.
 C. The man had it going on earth, but he had nothing in heaven.
    1. Jesus gave the man three  unexpected requirements to gain a place in heaven.
    2. First, he was required to sell all he had.
    3. Second, he had to give all the proceeds from the sell to the poor.
    4. Third, he had to follow Jesus.
    5. That is what Jesus requires of us, to sacrifice our lives for Him.
        a. If anyone try to save his life, he will lose it.
        b. If anyone looses his life for Jesus, he will find it.    Mat 16:25

V: 22-23. " At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth. 23 Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!"
A. The man who came looking for salvation, was not willing to give up his wealth
     to obtain it.
  1. Jesus requires us to completely  surrender ourselves to Him.
  2. Jesus does not want partial surrender.
  3. The man trusted the wealth that Jesus made available to him, more than the Word
      of Jesus.
    4. The rich man was not willing to make sacrifices for eternal life.
    5. He wanted heaven but at a minimal cost.
  B. He was an almost Christian.
      1. He was materially rich, but spiritually poor.
      2. He was materially fixed on earth and spiritually doomed to hell.
      3. He could see wealth on earth, but he couldn't see wealth in heaven.
      4. He went away sadly back to his wealth, when he could have went forward
          gladly with Jesus.
C. Jesus gave the man a choice; Heaven or hell.
   1. He chose  to keep his wealth and life in hell.
   2. We have a choice, heaven or hell.
   3. We have a choice to follow the flesh or to follow Jesus.
   4. We cannot follow two masters, it is either the world or Jesus.

V:24-25. " The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
A. Man is caught up in his fleshly desires and cannot enter heaven on his own merits.
   1. Those who have much, rely on their wealth.
   2. Since the rich have every thing, they can't see how relying on God is
   3. It is easier for the poor to rely on God for their health and strength.  
B. To explain His doctrine, Jesus uses an example that we can see as
     physically impossible.
   1. When man has wealth, he is blinded to the one who provided  the wealth.
   2. A rich man's wealth becomes bigger than Jesus.
   3.  A rich man's wealth is more important than Jesus.
   4. A rich man sees his wealth as the way into everything and the way out of
   5. The man's wealth is the camel, the eye of the needle is the Kingdom of Heaven.
   6. The ways of the world is wide, but the way into heaven is a straight and narrow path.

V: 26-27. The disciples were even more amazed, and said to each other, "Who then can be saved?" 27 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."
A. Jesus left the door open for the rich man to be saved.
   1. He came to Jesus with an attitude of pride.
   2. He left with a more humble attitude.
   3. He came with confidence in himself, he left Jesus with doubt.
   4. He came to Jesus ignorant, but He left enlighten.
   5. He came to Jesus not knowing how to obtain eternal life, he left with
      with the knowledge of what it takes to get into heaven.
   6. He came thinking Jesus was just a teacher, he left knowing Jesus was the
      way to eternal life.
   7. He came thinking he was on the right path, he left knowing Jesus was the
       right path.

 V:28-30 " Peter said to him, "We have left everything to follow you!" 29 "I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel 30 will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields — and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life."
A. Making sacrifices for Jesus has rewards in this life while we live and in the heaven to
   1. Following Jesus, has a 100 fold increase in this life.
   2. God loves a cheerful giver.
   3. When we serve Jesus faithfully with our time and resources, God will make
       blessings available to us, that we cannot conceive or think.
   4. The disciples left every thing to follow Jesus but will gain everything in Jesus,
B. Our mission on earth is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    1. That means talking, walking and living,
    2. We have the proclaim the Gospel with our mouths.
    3. We have to walk according to the ways of the Lord.
    4. We have to trust the Lord in all our circumstances.

 V:31. " But many who are first will be last, and the last first."
  A.  Those who are first in this world, will be last in the kingdom of
        heaven if they should make it.
     1. The rich are first in this world and have the best of everything.
     2. They have their reward on earth.
     3. The poor on earth who confess their faith in Jesus have the best reserve for
          them in heaven.
 B.  The rich will have to loose their dependence on their wealth to
       have any chance of relying on Christ.
     1. The rich will be the last to come to Christ.
     2. The rich will be the last to find true joy which is only found in Jesus.
     3. The rich will be the last to find true peace which is only found in Jesus.
     4. The rich will be the last to find true love which is only found in Jesus.
     5. The rich will be the last to find forgiveness which is only given through
          faith in Jesus.
     6. The pursuit of wealth pushes the rich away from Jesus.
     7. The Word says seek the kingdom of heaven first and all we need will be added
         to us.
C. Another way to look at this statement, "The first will be last and the last
    will be first" is to consider a race.
   1. All the runners start out together and only one can finish first.
   2. The one who crosses the line first is first.
   3. The one who crosses the line last is last.
   4. There could be a case where all the runners cross the finish line at the same time.
       a. Everybody is first and nobody is last.
       b. Or, everybody is last and nobody is first.
   5. In the kingdom of heaven, everybody is equal.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Texas  

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