Friday, March 4, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Doing Battle With Satan", 3/6/2016


Mark 9:14-29

V:14. " When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. 15 As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him."
A. Jesus took Peter, James and John up to Mount Hermon  where He was transfigured.
    The three disciples heard a voice from the Father in Heaven saying, This is my Son,
     whom I love, listen to Him".
  1. As Jesus and the three disciples came down the mountain, they heard an argument
     between the Scribes, the teacher of the Law and the nine disciples.
  2. It was an argument between the traditionalists and the fundamentalists.
  3. The Scribes were the traditionalists and the disciples were the fundamentalists.
  4. It was an argument between nonbelievers and believers.
  5. It was an argument between the non spiritual and the spiritual
  6. It was an argument between the authority of man and the authority of God.
B. The traditionalist, the Scribes were opposed to the teaching of Jesus.
   1. They were opposed to any action that was not authorized by them.
   2. God had not sent a prophet in 400 years, so they took it upon themselves to
       be the interpreters and the authority of the Law.
   3. The ruling Jews had the approval of the Roman Government to be the authority over
        the Jewish civil laws. 

 V:16-19. "What are you arguing with them about?" he asked. 17 A man in the crowd answered, "Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. 18 Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not."
A. The Disciples of Jesus had the fundamentals of healing down pat.
     They had witness  Jesus  healing and casting out demons from those who came
      to Him.
   1. Jesus had given them the power and the authority to heal and cast out demons.
   2. Jesus had sent the twelve disciples out two by two to heal and cast out demons.
       a. They had come back and reported to Jesus that they healed the sick and
            cast out demons.
       b. When the man brought his son to the nine disciples, they readily accepted
           the call to help.
      c. While they had caste out demons before, they failed in this case.
B. The traditionalist standing by immediately got into an argument with the disciples.
   1. The Scribes along with the Pharisees had ask Jesus, who gave Him the authority
       to heal and cast out demons.
   2. The traditionalists did not want change of any kind.
      a. They opposed the healing of anyone.
    b. They were not concerned about the welfare of their  people.
    c. For them it was a political failure for any one other than themselves to exercise
 3. God does not tell us, but the argument was probably about the authority to heal.
    a. It was  proof to the traditionalist when the disciples failed, that only they had the
        authority over the lives of the Jewish people.
    b. They used their traditions to override the power of the Word of God.   
    c. They knew Jesus, they knew his power, but they hated Him.
    d. They hated the influence Jesus and His disciple had on the people.
C. When the disciples failed to cast out the demon from the child, they
     allowed themselves to get distracted by the Scribes.
   1. Instead of regrouping, they allowed themselves to be drawn into an argument.
   2. Instead of reviewing the Words of Jesus, they started listening to the voice of
   3. Instead of calling on Jesus, they leaned on their own limited understanding.
   4. Arguments open the door for Satan to take charge.
   5. There is no rationalization in an argument.
   6. You should never argue with unbelievers about the Word of God.

V:19 "O faithless generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me."
A. The disciples had missed the mark because of the weakness in their beliefs.
    1. There are three levels of faith; no faith, little faith and great faith.
    2. The Scribes had no faith in Jesus.
    3. The disciples had faith as long as Jesus was in their sight.
    4. The disciple had faith as long as what they did worked the first time.
        The disciples express little faith by not calling on Jesus
B. Jesus had great faith. His faith is perfect.
   1. Jesus recognized the lack of faith in His disciples because they had not called on Him
       in prayer.
   2. Sometimes the Lord allows us to fail, so we can realize our need for Him.
       a. There is a difference between faith and belief.
       b. I can believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but not have faith that He can
           deliver me out of my troubles.
       c. Faith in Jesus means total surrender or total dependence.
       d. Taking nothing for granted, I can do all things through Christ who
           strengthens me.
 C. When Jesus arrived, the man took his son to Jesus.
     1. The man took His son to the source of faith.
     2. We only have access to the source if we are totally dependant on Jesus.  
     3. Without total dependence on Jesus, the Church is powerless.
     4. The disciples fail to take the problem to Jesus.

V:20 "So they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth."
A. The devil knows that Jesus is the source of power.
    1. The devil recognizes Jesus when He shows up.
    2. Christ wants us to be  one with Him.
    3. There is no room for self when we are serving God.
    4. Before Jesus, the devil  showed his power over man.
        a. The devil had power over the boy and he displayed his power by throwing the
            the boy violently on the ground.
        b. In  Jesus, we are released from the power of the devil
   5. The devil knows when you are faking and shaking.
   6. In the face of the devil, you got to show up with Word of God.

V:21 "Jesus asked the boy's father, "How long has he been like this?"  "From childhood," he answered. 22 "It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." 23 "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."
A. Notice, Jesus engaged the man in a conversation with the Word.
    1. If you want help someone, you got to tell them about Jesus.
    2. People outside the Church need to hear the Gospel truth.
    3. They don't need to know what you can do, they need to know what Jesus can do.
B. Notice, Jesus engaged the man in prayer.
    1. That was the reason the disciples were ineffective.
    2. They did not start out with prayer.
    3. The father was interceding for his son.
    4. The father needed a personal relationship with Jesus.
    5. The father needed total dependence on Jesus.
C. Jesus is ready to take care of your problem.
    1. The Lord Jesus has to get you to understand that this simple truth,
        "Everything is possible to him who trust God."
    2. In order to get you to understand this simple truth, God sometimes take
        you through difficulties, to bring you out victorious.

V:24. " Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my
     1. Before there can be  healing, there has to be a confession of FAITH.
     2. Jesus is not going to step into you life without faith.
     3. Jesus will not step into your problem with out faith.
     4. The reason the  disciple couldn't help the man, is because they didn't
         bring the man to a confession of faith in Jesus.
     5. Before we try to tackle any issue we have, we need to affirm our faith in Jesus. 
     6. Notice  the simple prayer; Lord help my unfaithfulness.

V:25. " When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the evil spirit. "You deaf and mute spirit," he said, "I command you, come out of him and never enter him again." 26 The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, "He's dead."
A. Unbelieving folk are always around.
    1. The "I told you it will not work folk" are always watching the Church
    2. People want to be entertained, so they will show up.
    3. Some people come to Church for the show, and not for spiritual growth.
    3. Some people want believe unless they see a display of  the power of Jesus.
B. Not only is Jesus watching  you,  but He is also watching the unbelievers.
   1. Somebody need to hear your testimony about what God has done for you.
   2. Somebody need to see a change in you.
C. The crowd saw the boy violently disturbed by the devil.
    1. The crowd saw a dead boy.
    2. The crowd saw the evidence of a devilish situation.

V:27. " But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up."
 A.  "But Jesus"
     1. When Jesus gets control of your life, a change is going to take place
     2. When Jesus takes control of your situation, your situation is going to change.
 B. When you put your hand in Jesus hand, He will lift you up.
    1. In Jesus, there is life.
    2. In Jesus, the dead come alive.
    3. In Jesus, violent people become peaceful people.
    4. The devil wants to enslaved to you, but Jesus wants you free to worship Him.
C. Just because you are in the Lord, don't stop the devil from attacking you.
    1. You have to be on your guard at all times.
    2. The devil  goes to and fro seeking who he may destroy.

V:28-29. " After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, "Why couldn't we drive it out?" 29 He replied, "This kind can come out only by prayer."
A. The problem with the disciples, was they forgot to pray.
   1. The problem was "WE" was tying to cast out a demon without Jesus.
   2. They got into themselves and forgot  to include Jesus.
   3.  They went to battle without their armor.
   4. The Bible says, "Put on the full armor of God."    Eph 6
   5. You can't do battle with Satan without the full armor of God.
   6. Satan does not move on your word. but he does move on God's Word.
B. Put on the full Armor of God:
   1. The helmet of salvation
   2. The breast plate of righteousness
   3. The shield of faith
   4. Sword of the Spirit
   5. Feet fitted with the Gospel truth

When you are dealing with Satan, he an easily spot any weakness in your


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 W Sam Houston Parkway

Houston, Texas  77041

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