Friday, May 1, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Exercise Your Gifts" 5/3/2015


3 John 1 - 14

V:1. "The elder, To my dear friend Gaius, whom I love in the truth."
 A. John, the elder wrote to Gaius, a friend in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
     1. Gaius is not known for great preaching, teaching or writing.
     2. Gaius is known for his generosity to other preachers.
     3. The name Gaius is of Latin origin, Gaios, meaning a Christian. 
B. Each believer should use the gifts God has given him/her and not
    be envious of the gifts of others.
    1. Every gift was given for the purpose of edifying the body of Christ.
    2. Every gift was given to be used to give God glory in some way.
    3. Whatever gift God has given to you is unique in its purpose.
 C. Gaius was faithful to the truth of Jesus Christ which John  loved.
    1. Your reputation for the love you show others precedes you .
    2. When  you use your gifts, others will be blessed.

 V:2. " Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well."
 A.  When you show love for others, God returns the favor by having other's pray for you.
    1. John took the time to pray for the success and the welfare of Gaius.
    2. We don't always know  others need.
    3. One thing we know, is that everyone needs our prayers.
 B. Those who work in the ministry need the support from others in the body of Christ.
    1. The apostle prayed for his fellow worshiper's physical success and his spiritual
        well being.
    2. The ministry of Jesus Christ requires both physical strength and spiritual strength.
        a. Being able to go where God sends you take physical strength.
        b. Being able to deal with what God places before you takes spiritual strength.
    3. We should be in the habit of praying for our pastor's physical capacity and His
        mental stability.  

V:3.  " It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth."
A. When the Gospel is being maintained in the lives of others, in their walk and their
     conversation, we should rejoice.
    1. We never know how many lives we are influencing by our life style of godliness.
    2. There are no walls or distances that can block the truth about you.
    3. You can't get away from your reputation, good or bad.
B. The text says Gaius walked in truth.
    1. He had a lifestyle of being truthful.
    2. He had a lifestyle of being faithful to God's commands.
    3. Other brothers in Christ took the word of His faithfulness and broadcasted
        it to others.  
    4. The word of Gaius's faithfulness brought joy to the Apostle John.

  C. I am sure it would give any parent joy to hear from others that their children
       behave with a generous and faithful spirit.
      1. I am sure that it would give any parent joy to hear from others that their children
          are well thought of by others.
      2. Sometimes a good report about your children is a reflection on their reverence to
          the Lord.

V:4. " I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."
 A.  Those we teach about God become our children in Jesus Christ.
     1. The Word tells us the elders ought to teach the younger generation  1 Pet 5:5,
         1 Tim 5:1-2
      2. As we get older, the wisdom that we have gained in life should be taught to
          to the younger generation.
 B. Parents ought to be a constant source of encouragement to their children.
     1. If we don't encourage our children in the Lord, who will?
     2. Any encouragement our children get from the world is likely to be wrong.
     3. Our children need to know what others see in them.
         a. Anything good could be for encouragement.
         b. Anything bad could be a cause for correction.
         c. Our children need to know how to distinguish between being encouraged to
             do the will of the Father and encouraged to go against  the will of the

 V:5. " Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, even though they are strangers to you."
A. Everyone must use the gifts that God has given them to give Him glory.
   1. Not everyone has the same gifts.
   2. Every gift is important in the body of Christ.
B. Gaius is not known for his preaching, his teaching or any miracles that he did.
    1. Gaius is known for his support of traveling ministers.
    2. Gaius is known for his charity to others.
C. You don't have to know someone to be kind to them.
    1. If you have a loving heart, you will be kind to everyone.
    2. You should not be kind to someone expecting something in return.
D. In the Church there are many silent participants who never get recognition.
    1. The ones who work in the nursery want get a plaque for outstanding service,
         but they serve keeping your babies anyway.
    2. The ones who work in culinary ministry want get a plaque for outstanding service,
         but they volunteer  their time to serve at every funeral or special event. 
   3. The one's who clean the bathrooms only get mentioned when there is an overflowing
       toilet or the bathrooms don't look as clean as we like, but they continue to serve.
  4. Not every  job in the Church gets recognition, but every job is important.    

V: 6. " They have told the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God."
A. When you serve those who preach the Gospel, God looks out for you.
    1. If you want a friend, you have to show yourself friendly.
    2. The good word about Gauis was spread from Church to Church by those
         he showed kindness.
 B. It is the responsibility of the Church to support those who minister the Word of God
     to them .  1 Cor 9:11,14
    1. If you do well to God's ministers, God will do the same for you.  Mat 10:41
    2. What goes around comes around.  Luke 6:38

V:7. " It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans."
A. It is a Christian duty to support those who preach the Name of Jesus Christ.
   1. Everything we do ought to be in the Name of Jesus Christ.
   2. Every act of charity ought to be in the name of Jesus Christ.
B. The Church is made perfect through love.
   1. The ministers of Jesus Christ, minister in love, therefore we ought to receive
        them in love.
   2. Jesus, doing His ministry on earth was supported by believers.
C. Our pastors should not have to receive support outside the Church.
    1. Our pastors should receive their support from those who  believe in
         Jesus and honor His name.  1 Cor 9:7-14
    2. God has made available to us what is needed to promote His Gospel.

 V:8. " We ought therefore to show hospitality to such men so that we may work together for the truth."
A. If our pastors  receive there support outside the Church, then they become  obligated to the world.
   1. If our pastor's receive their support from the world, then they are obligated to take
       on the world's views and compromise the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
   2. For example, if their support comes from drug dealers, then they are obligated
       to turn their heads on drug use.
       a. If their support comes from arms dealers, then they are obligated to turn their
           heads and not talk about illegal gun purchases and community violence as a
           result of gun use.
       b. If their support comes from abortion rights advocates, then they are obligated
           to  ignore God's command; you shall not kill.  Ex 20:13
 B. The ministry has to be supported by the Church so that we can all work together
      in love.
     1. The strength of the local Church is it's unity to God's commands.
     2. The evidence of love in the Church is our support of  the ministry of Jesus Christ.

 V:9. " I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will have nothing to
   do with us."
  A. There are always those in the Church who want  to be the center of attention.
       1. It is either there way or no way.
       2. There are those who can't agree on anything that is not of their opinion.
  B. There are those who like to have the spot light shining on them all the time.
      1. Their ministry is not about love, but about position and status.
      2. They are like crabs in a bucket; they will pull any one down who tries to
           to excel more than they do.
  C. There are those in the Church that will not fellowship with you if you can't agree
       with them.
      1. In the name of Jesus, there are some who go against the doctrine of unity.
      2. In the name of Jesus, they go against the doctrine of love and compassion.
      3. The name "Diotrephes" means an opponent of Christianity.
      4. There are some in the Church who are not about the Church.

 V:10. " So if I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, gossiping maliciously about
  us. Not satisfied with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers. He also stops those who
  want to do so and puts them out of the church."
  A. Trouble makers in the Church have their own agenda.
       1. Trouble makers in the Church are not about God's business, but their own business.
       2. The Diotrephes, an opponent of the Church did all he could to destroy the unity of
           the church.
  B. John listed the attributes of this trouble maker.
      1. He did a lot of gossiping.
          a. He had an evil mindset.
          b. He spoke evil about other brothers.
          c. Instead of building up others, he made a point of bringing  down others.
          d. He use his tongue to destroy other members of the Church.
      2. He was not satisfied with the progress and the direction of the Church.
          a. He did not welcome traveling preachers of the Gospel who came to the Church.
          b. He opposed other members of the Church who were generous, compassionate
              and hospitable to strangers.
          c. He even put members out of the Church who were generous to strangers.
  C. The Bible says, be kind to strangers, because you never know when you are
       entertaining an angel. Heb 13:2
      1. We don't know why God sends people into our lives.
      2. Sometimes God puts people in our lives to point to an error in our lives.
      3. Sometimes God puts people in our lives to show us a more perfect way of serving
      4. Sometimes God gives us an opportunity to show love and be compassionate  to

 V:11. " Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God."
A.  Be careful not to fall under the influence of those who are evil.
    1. The Church has to take a stand against evil influences in the Church.
    2. There are some in the Church who proclaim to know God, but have
        no knowledge of His Word.
B. You have to study the Word to know if a member is acting according to
     God's commands.
    1. You have to have faith in Jesus to openly opposed those who are teaching a
        different gospel than Jesus Christ.
    2. You can expect to be talked about when you oppose those who are acting
        contrary to the doctrines of Christ.
    3. Standing on the Word of God in all situations will test and strengthen you faith.

V:12. " Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone — and even by the truth itself. We also speak well of him, and you know that our testimony is true."
A. In the Church, there will be those who you can rely on to stand on the truth.
    1. Demetrius had a lifestyle of  following God's commands.
    2. He was well known throughout the city.
    3. His reputation was known outside the city.
B. We should associate with other Christians who are following God's commands.
   1. We can be known by our friends.
   2. Christians should influence each other in the righteousness of God.

V:13. " I have much to write you, but I do not want to do so with pen and ink."
 A. It is a good thing for Christians to sit and talk face to face.
     1. There are some things best said in person.
     2. You can learn more about a person when you look into their eyes and
          see the expressions on their face.
 B. When you sit in front of someone, you can tell if they are serious about
      something said or just joking.
    1. When you really know someone, the expression on their face and the tone of
        their voice tells a story of it's own.
    2. Sometimes we react to people based on what we see in their face or the tone in
       their voice.

V:14. " I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends
 here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name." 
A. It is good to end a conversation peacefully and not in anger or confusion.
    1. It is good to know that others in distant places are also thinking about you
        and wish you well.
B. We should be considerate enough to let others close to us know that we
     heard from a distant friend and that he/she sends greeting.


You are invited to come join us for Sunday Service. Sunday School
at  9 AM and regular service at 11 AM

Join us for Wednesday night Adult Bible Study and Youth Bible Study.

Look forward to seeing you.


Rev M. Mitchell,   Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church.

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