Thursday, May 28, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Love, The Gift That Never Fails", 5/31/2015


1 Corinthians 13:1-13

V:1 "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."
 A. The English word "though" is from the Greek word "ean" which is a conditional
       particle. It is conditional on something else in the sentence, charity or love.
    1. The English word tongue(s) is a translation from  the Greek word "glossais",
        which means  naturally un-acquired languages (the word is plural).
        a. There are many different languages of men, therefore there are many different
            Gifts of languages or tongues of men.
        b. Those who have the gift of language would not all be speaking the same language.
    2. Notice Paul said, though I speak,  not you.
    3. The direct object of glossa is men and angels.
        a. Men is men or anthropos.
        b. The word "angel" is from the Greek word "anggelos" which in this context is
            messenger or pastor.
    4. The ability to speak is what you were born with, but you had to learn.
    5. To speak with a tongue is a Spiritual Gift of an un-acquired language of men,
        not learned by you.
 B. Notice, The Apostle Paul said what makes this gift of language effective is how it is
      used in charity.
    1. Charity is from the Greek word "agape" which means love, affection or benevolence.
    2. If we do not use this gift of language to love another person, it is just unintelligent
    3. If I use my gift of language in the Church of believers who speak a common language, who am I loving on?
    4. The use of a Spiritual Gift has to have a direct object other than me!!  Eph 4:12

V:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing."
 A. Notice the gift of prophecy is a God given ability to understand the deeper mysteries
      of the Bible.
     1. Some of God's Word is  easily understood.
     2. Some of God's Word require you to do some research to understand.
     3. This research has to have as its' objective, the edification of the body of Christ.
 B. Prophecy is the ability to understand the Bible.
      Faith is the ability to trust God while putting the Word in practice.
     1. It is our faith in the truth of the Word that drives us to put it into practice.
     2. The Gift of prophecy and a strong faith are useless unless they are used to exercise
         our love for others in the Church.
     3. Since God is love, He expects us to act with love.    Eph 4:16

V:3. " And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing"
A. It is only what you do for the Lord that counts and stores blessings in heaven.
    1. An act of generosity without love does not count to the Lord.
        a. Any help you do is beneficial to the receiver.
        b. God does not direct us to do anything without love for others as the objective.
 B. Offering yourself up for some great cause does not count in heaven unless it is done
     out of love for the good of others.
   1. Love keeps all Spiritual Gifts working in unity.    Eph 4:13
   2. Love is the foundation of the Christian  faith.
   3. Love is the key element in the Christian family.
   4. Love gives the ministry of gifts it's value.
V.4 "Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,"    Eph 4:2
 A. Love is not affected by my personal problems or the difficulties I face.
     1. Love separates the person from his/her actions.
     2. Love sees the person as a creation from God and his/her actions as a product
         of his/her thoughts and environment.
        a. I do not have to like or agree with what a person does to love the individual.
        b. Love understands that people have issues that causes them to act rationally or
 B. You don't have to be kind to me, for me to be kind to you.
     1. What someone does or does not do, should not affect my love for them.
     2. Any actions on my part should be what is in the best interest of the individual.
C. Love is content in itself and does not want what someone else has.
     1. There will all ways be someone with more than you have and something bigger
          and newer than what you have.
     2. Love rejoices when others excel.
 D. Love always sees the other person as important and equal.
     1. When you lift others up, Christ will lift you up.
     2. Christ said if I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me.
V:5. " Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil."
 A. Love never acts out of place or out of character.
      1. Love seeks a lifestyle of righteousness.
      2. In Love, you should treat everyone the way you want to be treated and
          everyone should be treated the same.
 B. Love is considerate.
     1. In Love, we should make it our aim not to cause anyone pain or distress.
     2. When people are already in pain, we should in love seek to comfort them.
     3. We should not be boastful or hold ourselves to be  more up right than others.
C. We should be slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to anger.
    1. When some people are having a bad day, they sometimes will take their
         frustrations out on you.
    2. Being slow to speak and quick to listen will allow you to come up with an
        appropriate response that may comfort and calm the person down.
D. It is easy to say something bad about someone because we have been programmed
     by the world to find the negative.
   1. It takes the same amount of energy to find something good and uplifting to say
       to someone as it does to say something negative.
    2. The trick is, to see everyone as a child of God with some serious issues that
         Word of God can comfort.
    3. The best of us can have a bad day and in need of a Word from the Lord to calm
         us down.

V:6. " Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth."
  A. When you have that close relationship with Lord, you do not get involved
       in things that do not please Him.
     1. A Christian should not get involved in gossip or negative talk about another person.
        a. We should find it in our hearts to pray for those who are suffering, as a result of
             their wrong doings.
        b. None of us are so good that we can't fall into temptations of some sort.
    2. We should never  get involved in spreading lies and untruths.  Eph 4:29
 B. We should find joy when the truth is told and is uplifting.
    1. None of us are insulated from the hurt of inconsiderate words that
        down play or over look our devoted participation.
    2. With that in mind, we should find joy in spreading the truth about others.

V:7. " Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."
 A. Love always protects the reputation of others.
    1. Love does not broadcast wrongs done.
    2. Love may know something that is true but negative and keep silent about it.
    3. Love does not talk about another person for selfish gain.
 B. Love believes the best about another person.
    1. Love believes that whatever a person sets his/her mind on, can be accomplished.
    2. Love supports and encourages others.
 C. Love knows that God can do the impossible.
    1. Love knows that all things are possible for those who love the Lord and are called
        according to His purposes.
    2. Love never gives up hope.
    3. Hope is the assurance that God will do exactly what He said.
 D. Love endures the discomforts of life.
    1. Love endures the disappointments of life.
    2. Love knows that if we endure, we will soon reap what God promises.

V:8. " Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away."
A. God is love.
    1. God is Alpha and Omega. He has no beginning and no ending.
    2. God does not change. He is the same today as He was in the past and will
        be in the future.
    3. God's love is manifested in what He continuously does for us.
 B. The Bible is closed.
    1. The New and Old Testaments are complete.
    2. There will be no new revelations.
    3. Some of the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled and some are yet to be
    4. There will be no new prophecies.
    5. You can't add anything to the Word and you can't take anything away from it.
 C. The Gift of languages was given to the early Church to translate the Gospel in
      every known language.
    1. We no longer have a need for that gift.
    2. We now have computers, cell phones and Ipads that can translate our voice
        into another language immediately.
       a. I can speak in English and my cell phone can repeat in any language I chose.
 D. We have numerous Bible Commentaries and language tools that help us gain a
       good understanding of God's Word.
     1. We have the super natural knowledge in front of us to use at our will.
     2. This supernatural gift of knowledge is no longer required..
V:9. " For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away."
 A. The Bible contains so much wisdom that we can never grasp all the knowledge that is
      contained in it.
     1. The Bible is the living Word and therefore constantly provides insight into our
          daily lives.
     2. We can study day and night and not know all there is to gain from the Word.
     3. Our minds can only absorb a limited amount of the wisdom that is contained
         in the Word. 
 B. While we are in the flesh, we are constantly under the influence of the world's
       thoughts and ideas.
     1. The world's thoughts can distract from the Word and distort our understanding.
     2. We live in the light of Jesus surrounded by darkness.
     3. When Jesus comes again to receive His Church, we will be in total light with
          no influence of darkness.
         a. Because we will be with Jesus in heaven, we will then have total knowledge.
         b. We will be transformed into immortality. Our Spirit will be released from the
              flesh and we will be one with Jesus.
       4. Being one with Jesus we will have all knowledge.

V:11. " When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
 A. This verse speaks to the maturity of the Church.
     1. A child is immature and filled with foolishness.
     2. A child has to be taught the wisdom of the Lord to make wise decisions.
     3. A child has to be taught the righteousness of God to know God.
 B. When the church was in its' early stage, spiritual gifts such as language, prophecy
      and instant healings were needed to draw men to the Word.
    1. Now that the Church is mature, some of the spiritual gifts given to the
        early church are not needed.
    2. We have no need to claim one gift is more important than another.

V:12. " For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known".   Eph 4:13
 A. Every one of us will has an appointed time to die to be with the Lord.
     1. All of our gifts are temporary, because we will not take them with us into heaven.
     2. We were born naked and will take nothing out of this world.

V:13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
A. The greatest Gift is Love.
   1. We were born in Love and we will die in Love.
   2. God is Love.
   3. To be one with Jesus, is to be one in Love.


Rev. M. Mitchell,   Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

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