Saturday, November 13, 2021

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Complaining About Meat And Bread On The Table", Numbers 16:1-15, 11/14/2021



Numbers 16:1-15


In America, we have elections every four years to choose new leaders or keep the current ones.

There is always someone who thinks the job can be done better. There is a competition between

Candidates to persuade the public who can do the best job.


Some enter the race for self-esteem and will say anything to discredit others.

The truth too often is not told and the public is misled. The one with the most money and the most lies often wins.


But this is America and we have a democracy. Candidates can claim whatever they want, true or

false. This is free speech. If free speech does not regulate itself, democracy dies.


God is a monarch, His Word is truth and never changes. He allows free speech which is subject

To consequences.


In today's lesson, there is an opposition to God’s chosen leaders. God chose Moses the general

And Aaron the priest to lead His nation of Israelites into the promised land. The Israelites had been

A complaining, grumbling group since they were freed from slavery and brought out of Egypt.


They never learn to trust God. Time and time again this newly freed nation rose against God.  The good thing is God chose a leader to intercede on their behalf.



 V:1. Korah son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and certain Reubenites — Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth — became insolent  2 and rose up against Moses. With them were 250 Israelite men, well-known community leaders who had been appointed members of the council. 3 They came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron and said to them, "You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord's assembly?"

A.    The group opposing Moses claim themselves to be as holy as him and worthy of a leadership position.

1. They claimed that Moses was a monarch denying them their rightful leadership position.

2. All it takes is one to start an opposition, and a crowd will follow.

     B. They opposed God's choice of leadership and God’s priest.

        1. Korah was a Levite and the others Reubenites.

        2. This 250 strong opposition group had position and authority because they had been chosen

            Members of the nation's council.

       3. God had given them privilege, but they wanted more.

    C. Satan, originally an Arch Angel of God, fell from grace because of his

         Pride to be equal to or above God.

1.     When Satan is involved, the pride of man leads his thoughts and decisions.

2.     Satan elevates the pride of man to his downfall.

3.     The BIG LIE influenced by Satan was Moses and Aaron had assumed their position

On their own.

4.     The truth was Moses and Aaron were chosen and ordained by God.

5.     The truth is never on the mind of the evil one.

6.     With God’s authority minimized in the minds of the opposition, lies, and deceptions


7.     The opposition stood in front of a humble servant of God and accused him of

Elevating himself over the people.

     D. As you meditate on evil lies become the way and attitude of the mind.

           1. They claimed Moses as prideful.

           2. They claimed Moses overstepped his position

           3. The whole complaining nation claims itself to be holy and without sin.

           4. Their claim was not against Moses, but the authority of God’s choice.



V:4.  When Moses heard this, he fell facedown. 5 Then he said to Korah and all his followers: "In the morning the Lord will show who belongs to him and who is holy, and he will have that person come near him. The man he chooses he will cause to come near him. 6 You, Korah, and all your followers are to do this: Take censers 7 and tomorrow put fire and incense in them before the Lord. The man the Lord chooses will be the holy one. You Levites have gone too far!"

A.    We ought to grieve at the sins of those around us.

1.     When we grieve, go to the Lord in prayer.

2.     God will give us a word of comfort.

B.     God has a way of letting us know that He is in charge.

1.     Moses was instructed to put the Lord’s authority to test before the opposition.

2.     Incense is what the priest took before the Lord to intercede for the nation.

3.     The man holding the censer that God chose would be the holy one


C.     Moses reminded the Levites in Korah’s group that they had disobeyed God’s command.

 The Levites had no civil  responsibilities.

1.     Levites' principal roles in the Temple included singing Psalms during Temple services, performing construction and maintenance for the Temple, serving as guards, and performing other services. Levites also served as teachers and judges, maintaining cities of refuge in biblical times.

2.     When we take our focus off the charge God has given us, we

Get distracted by worldly concerns.



V:8.  Moses also said to Korah, "Now listen, you Levites! 9 Isn't it enough for you that the God of Israel has separated you from the rest of the Israelite community and brought you near himself to do the work at the Lord's tabernacle and to stand before the community and minister to them? 10 He has brought you and all your fellow Levites near himself, but now you are trying to get the priesthood too. 11 It is against the Lord that you and all your followers have banded together. Who is Aaron that you should grumble against him?"

A. God gifted each of us to do certain jobs.

    1. God did not give everyone the same responsibility.

    2. We should stay in our lane and not want the position of others.

    3. God honored us by calling us out of the world and setting us aside to serve the body of Christ.

    4. Each of us is uniquely qualified to serve in the capacity God called us to.

B. Every Levite was not designated as a priest.

    1. Every Levite was important in God’s service

    2. To deny God His rightful service is thoughtless, ungrateful and selfish.

C. To claim someone else’s position is to call God  incapable of choosing what’s best for

     For His divine plan.

1.     To call God incapable is to deny His sovereignty.

2.     To deny God in any way is to deny your salvation.

3.     Denying God is a death sentence.

4.     Jesus said if we deny Him before men, He would deny us before the Father.



V:12. Then Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. But they said, "We will not come! 13 Isn't it enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the desert? And now you also want to lord it over us? 14 Moreover, you haven't brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey or given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards. Will you gouge out the eyes of these men? No, we will not come!"

A.    Some people have very short memories.

1.     Some people do not see the significance of what God has done.

2.     They do not apply what they have witnessed to themselves.

3.     Some look at their current situation and see gloom and doom.

B.     Dathan and Abiram like most of the Israelites saw the desert as a death sentence.

1.     They witness the 10 plagues in Egypt. They witness the parting of the Red Sea.

2.     They participated in the battle with Joshua against the enemy.     

3.     They were fed daily with food and water in the desert but could not see success in

In the Lord through Moses.

C.     Having heard the negative reports of giants in the promised land, they believed the worst.

1.     Instead of seeing Moses as their advocate, they saw him as their enemy.  

2.     Instead of looking at what had been accomplished, they saw nothing positive.

3.     They could not see the food for their families that they did not have work for.

4.     They could not see security from the enemy that they did not have to provide.

5.     Instead of waiting on the Lord, they wanted relief immediately.

6.     Because of their hostility toward Moses, they denied themselves the opportunity

To listen to reason.

7.     We should always listen to the advice of others that God puts in our midst.

8.     You never know if the words of others will save you from making mistakes.



Rev. M. Mitchell




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