Friday, February 16, 2018

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "I Was Dead In My Sins Until I Met Jesus",2/18/2018


Acts 9:36-43

V:36. " Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which when translated, means Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and acts of mercy which she did."
A. This text gives us the resume of a disciple.
     1. She was a disciple of Jesus Christ.
     2. She served Jesus by serving her neighbors.
         a. She was full of good works.
         b. She was merciful to those in need.
B. The name Tabitha means gazelle or clear sighted.
    1. A gazelle was considered a beautiful animal.
    2. She may have been physically beautiful along with her spiritual
    3. She had a clear sight of God's purpose for her life.
    4. She devoted her life to serving others.
    5. She used what God blessed her with to bless others.
    6. She spent her time and resources helping others.

V:37. " It happened in those days that she fell sick, and died. When they had washed her, they laid her in an upper chamber."
A. Your acts of charity does not prevent tragedy from happening to you.
    1. God allows bad things to happen to good people.
    2. Just because God allows some bad in your life does not mean He is
        displeased with you.
    3. The bad in your life is no indication that God does not honor your prayers.
B. While the text does not say it, I suggest that when Tabitha got sick, the
     prayers of her friends went up to God.
   1. The text says she died.
   2. Her friends served her even in her death.
       a. They cleaned her up.
       b. They placed her in an  upper bed chamber.
  3. Even in their death, we can honor our friends by preparing them for burial.   

V:38. " As Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, imploring him not to delay in coming to them."
A. What goes around comes around.
    1. Tabitha served others while she was alive.
    2. After her death, other disciples immediately began working
        on her behalf.
B. To exercised their faith in the Apostle Peter as a man of God and his
     power to heal, the disciples sent for him.
   1. A person of faith knows that it is not over until God says its over.
   2. Obviously, the disciples held positions of respect in the community because
       they were able to persuade two men to go to Peter with a request to
       come to Joppa immediately.
  3. Your service never goes unnoticed by the Father.
  4. He will come to you when you need Him.
  5, He will send someone to help.

V:39. " Peter got up and went with them. When he had come, they brought him into the upper chamber. All the widows stood by him weeping, and showing the coats and garments which Dorcas had made while she was with them."
A. When called to serve, we must minister to others in need,
    1. Service means spending time with those  in need.
    2. Many times service means responding immediately to the request of
B. The text says upon receiving the  request, Peter immediately went to Joppa.
    1. Nothing in the text says Peter was told that Tabitha was dead.
    2. Nothing in the text says Peter was told why the disciples requested his presence.
    3. Our reputation of service, honest and truth can open doors of blessing for
    4. Even when we cannot do anything for ourselves, God has some one in place
        to come to our rescue.
    5. The disciples could not do anything for Tabitha, but they called on the man they   
         knew  had a special relationship with Jesus,
C. The evidence of your faithfulness can sometimes show up in the testimony
      of those you serve.
     1. Tibitha may have supported herself by making and selling clothes in the
     2. We do know that she showed her love and compassion for those in need
          by making clothes for them.
     3. The women she helped showed up weeping with the garment she made for
      4. After you are gone to be with the Lord, people will remember the good you
          have done.

V:40. " Peter put them all out, and kneeled down and prayed. Turning to the body, he said, "Tabitha, get up!" She opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up."
A. Those who see death as the end, mourn and cry.
    1. Those who see death as the hope of the resurrection, pray and rejoice.
    2. Peter put the mourners out of the room.
    3. Perhaps, Peter did not want to be distracted by those who were stuck on death.
B. It was not by Peter's power that Tabitha would be raised but by the faith he
    had in Jesus Christ.
   1. Peter was an eye witness to the resurrection of Lazarus and son of a widower
       at Nain by his Lord and Savior Jesus.
   2. Peter was an eye witness to the resurrection of Jesus.
   3. He had no doubt of Jesus words; I am the resurrection and the life.
   4. We must proceed in faith by what we know about God.
C. Peter kneeled and prayed to the Lord Jesus, probably remembering His
    words; whatever you ask the Father in My Name will be done for you.
   1. While Peter was praying, his focus was on the Lord Jesus.
   2, He receive his confidence in his works and perhaps his purpose from  Jesus.
   3. After Peter's prayer, he turn toward the lifeless body of Tabitha, the object
       of his work.
D. With faith, confidence and purpose, Peter commanded Tabitha to get up and
     life returned to her. 
   1. She opened her eyes, having regained consciousness, saw Peter and sat up.
   2. I certainly can testify to this miracle.
      a. Doing the flu season of 2018, I cough and the breath was drawn out of me,
          I lost consciousness and fell to the floor.
     b. By the grace of God, He returned His breath to me, and I regained consciousness.
     c. Because of God's miraculously power we live from moment to moment. 
   3. What God did for Tabitha, He continuously does for us.  

V:41. " He gave her his hand, and raised her up. Calling the saints and widows, he presented her alive."
A. Let us not forget that Tabitha was dead and God raised her from the dead,
   1. We all were dead in our sin until we had an encounter with Jesus.
   2. With the measure of faith He, Jesus gave us, we confessed Him as Lord
        Savior and received eternal life.
B. We too were presented alive to the Church of Jesus Christ.
   1. Notice, Peter did not touch Tabitha, until Christ bought her back to life.
   2. Death is the origination of sin. Life is in the righteousness of God.
   3. I suggest that The Apostle Peter did not want to own any credit for the
   4. God reversed the effect of sin and put Tabitha in the hand of Peter.
   5. Tabitha had a new testimony; "I was dead, but now I live in Christ."

V:42. " And it became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord."
A. God always has a reason why He allows trouble into your life.
    1. Having heard of Tabitha's death and resurrection, many believed.
    2. Tabitha's good works were not enough to draw a large crowd to Christ.
    3. It was the news of her death and resurrection that many came to believe
        in Christ.
B. Sometimes people need to hear your testimony to come to Christ.
   1. God's miracles are all around us, but many times we are blind to them.
   2. Sometimes it take a tragedy to open our eyes to the power of God.
   3. Large crowds followed Jesus because of the miracles He did.
       a. The miracles were the drawing card to the message of eternal life
           through faith in Christ Jesus,
       b. Believers know the Gospel truth, which we are commanded to proclaim
           to all around us.
   4. It is our duty to proclaim the miracle of life that is in us.
V:43. " It happened, that he stayed many days in Joppa with one Simon, a tanner."
 A. A good minister, when he finds fertile ground, plants seeds of eternal life.
    1. The planting had begun with a miracle, and the harvest of discipleship must
        proceed with the teaching of the Word of God.
    2. God creates your situations to draw many to Himself.
    3. Out of our trials and tribulations comes opportunities to bless others
        with our testimonies of the goodness of God.
B. God accommodates us in the work we do for Him.
    1. Once in Joppa, the Lord provided a place for Peter to reside.
    2. Peter was welcomed in the home of Simon, a tanner.
    3. A tanner is a leatherworker.
    4. God placed Peter in the home of a man who could afford
        to provide for him doing his ministry.


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way North
Houston, Texas 77041

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