Thursday, February 9, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Be Watchful So That You Don't Fall Away", 2/12/2017


Galatians 4:8-20

V:8 "However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which
       by nature are no gods."
 A. How is it that when you were in the world you followed the ways of the world?
     1. How is it when you were in the world you were held bound by ways of the world?
     2. When you were in the crowd, you readily followed the crowd.
     3. When you were in the crowd you had a crowd appetite.
     4. When you were in the dark, you had an appetite for darkness
     5. When you were in the world, you lack the wisdom of God.
     6. When you were in the world, the world was your god.
     7. Since idol gods are nothing, you had nothing for a god.
B. The world, your idol god, provided nothing of value.
    1. The world, your idol god, was a constant drain on your emotions,
        your trust and your pocketbook.
    2. The world, your idol god, drove a wedge between you and your neighbor.
    3. People spent thousands of dollars to get to the super bowl and came away with
        nothing but an experience.
       a. An experience for some that ended in frustration and disappointment.
       b. An experience that made the rich richer and the majority poorer.
       c. They experienced the excitement for a few hours, now it is just a memory
   4. Let me give you an example of how much influence the world has on us, the
       ( I not trying to make anyone feel quilt, but making a point about our focus.
         There is nothing wrong with having a good time, but put God first)
      a. Just before the super bowl there was a plea  from the pulpit
          to help a totally incapacitated deacon of a church who lost everything he                 
          owned in a fire.
      b. The majority of the church walked out without helping, headed straight
          to their destination and some I am sure, to a super bowl party.
      c. The majority of the church missed an opportunity to participate in
          the grace of giving.     2 Cor 8:7
      d. We give our money to the world which gives back nothing.
      e. We give up the finer things in life for things that have no lasting value.
      f. We have the SUPER BOWL OF FAITH which we exercise only when we
          need something for ourselves.


V: 9. " But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is  
          it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which
          you desire to be enslaved all over again?"
A.  Now that you know God, you are no longer blind but in the light.
     1. Now that you know God, you are no longer without the wisdom of God.
     2. Now that you know God, you have been freed from the bondage of the world.
     3. Now that you know God, you have access to all God's commands and
         the power of the Holy Spirit to understand them.
     4. Now that you know God, you have the power and the authority of God to live
         a successful and profitable life.
     5. Now that you know God, you have experienced the grace and mercy of God.
     6. Now that you know God, you know the love of God.
B. How is it that you know the eternal God and still turn back to the control of
     idols and worthless gods of this world?
    1. How is it that knowing what the truth is, that you turn back to false things?
    2. How is it that knowing the light, you turn back to darkness?
    3. How is it that knowing what true value is, that you turn to things that are
    4. How is it that having been freed from the troubles and frustrations of life
        that we run back to them?

 V:10. " You observe days and months and seasons and years."
A. Paul makes the case, I know you are not dumb.
    1. You know the days, the months the years and the seasons.
    2. Not only that, you know what is to be done in each of these
        time frames.
 B. I know you have street knowledge and know how to
       take care of yourself in this worldly environment.
     1. I know that you are blessed by the almighty God.
     2. You are not using the God given gifts you have.
     3. If you were using  God gifts, you would not look
         like the world.

 V:11. " I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain."
 A. The Word of God cannot return void.
    1. We have knowledge of the Word of God, but lack the wisdom of
        God to apply the Word to our lives.
    2. The Apostle Paul was concerned that the Galatians, having experienced
        the Glory of God through their conversion were back sliding and
        falling away.
   3. The Apostle Paul was concerned that instead growing in Christ, the
       Galatians were allowing themselves to be bound by the Jewish traditions
       and rules of the Law.
B. Knowledge of God and faith in God are two different concepts.
    1. All believers have a knowledge of God, but not all believers
        exercise faith in God.
    2. Pastors and teachers proclaim the Word of God with the hope that
        there will be conviction of hearts and noticeable change in the
        lives of the hearers.   

 V:12-13. " I beg of you, brethren, become as I am, for I also have become as you are.
        You have done me no wrong; 13 but you know that it was because of a bodily
         illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time;"
A. Paul reminded the Galatians that He was a Jew and once zealous of the Law and its
     traditions. Paul laid all that aside to take on the Christian faith.   Acts 22:3
   1. Paul admonished the Galatians to become like him.
   2. He encouraged the Galatians to put away the traditions of the Law to fully
       embrace their faith in Jesus Christ.
 B. Paul had an illness that may have detained him in Galatia for a time.   2 Cor 12:9
    1. However, the Galatians received the message of God and professed
       their faith in Jesus Christ during that time.
    2. Initially the Galatians embraced Paul and became one with him in the faith.

 V:14.  "And that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition you did not despise or  
           loathe, but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself."
A. You cannot let you personal conditions stop you from proclaiming the
     word of God.
   1. Paul's illness turned out to be an a blessing to the Galatians.
   2. When we minister to others, that favor will be returned to us.
B. The Galatians received the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a church was formed.
   1. Our personal conditions may become a catalyst to the growing faith of
       another individual.
   2. Initially the Galatians received the Word of God gladly because it freed them from
       hopelessness of the Law and gave them a new hope in Jesus Christ.

 V:15. " Where then is that sense of blessing you had? For I bear you witness that, if
           possible, you would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me."
A. Initially the Galatians were so excited about their new faith in Jesus that they
     would have gone to any length to embrace Paul.
   1. As time went, their excitement for the Gospel died out and was replaced
       again with the hopelessness of the Law.
   2. There were those who may have been waiting for Paul to leave Galatia so that
       they could impose the traditions of the Law as a condition of their salvation.
B. This proves that continued Bible study is necessary to maintain our faith in the
      Word of God.
   1. Satan is always on the job trying to find a weakness in our knowledge of the
       Word to push false doctrine into our beliefs.
   2. There is nothing more profitable than personal study and meditation of the Word.

 V:16-17. " So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? 17 They eagerly seek
        you, not commendably, but they wish to shut you out so that you will seek them."
A. The Jews who opposed the Christian doctrine made Paul an enemy to the Jewish
        faith and their traditions.
    1. While Paul was away establishing churches in other areas, Satan was busy
         undermining the Christian Church.
    2. We have to be on guard and watchful because a weak faith can easily be destroyed.
B. The enemy wants to shut you out of the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior
     Jesus Christ.
    1. The truth is, once we confess our faith in Jesus we are sealed to the day of
         redemption.     Eph 4:30
     2. Ignoring that fact, Satan wants you to feel hopeless in your redeemed state.
     3. It is Satan's desire to make you think God is your enemy when trials
         show up in your life.
     4. If  Satan can keep your focus on the your circumstances rather than the God
         who controls your circumstances, he will succeed in sucking the joy out
         of your life.

V:18. " But it is good always to be eagerly sought in a commendable manner, and not only when I am present with you."
A. It should be our aim to present ourselves as angels of light so that world is
     drawn to us.
    1. If we lift up Jesus in our talk and actions, He will draw men to himself.
        John 12:32
    2. We should resist the temptations to walk in darkness, so others can see
         our devotion to Christ.
  B. We ought to be Church folk in the Church and outside the Church.
     1. Evangelism gets it's promotion in the Church but is put into
         action outside the Church.
     2. In the Church, we are talking mostly to believers, but it is outside the Church
         where we will find  the unsaved.   Matt 28:19

 V:19-20. " My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you —   
          but I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone, for I am
          perplexed about you."
 A. It is our job to pray for believers constantly, because we can easily be drawn away
      from Christ by our environment.
    1. Prayer is a labor of love for the Gospel and those in Christ.
    2. It is our job to mother the weak with encouragement and love as they grow
        stronger in their faith.
 B. We can't be around the weak in Christ all the time, but we can offer our prayers
       to God continuously.
    1. Paul makes his plea personal; he says "my children".
    2. He takes responsibility for his children.
    3. Parents should never give up on their children
    4. The prayers of the righteous accomplishes much.
    5. Prayer is a powerful tool that we must exercise.
    6. Our prayers changes lives.
    7. We never know how God works in our children lives
         because of our constant prayer.


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 77040

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