Thursday, January 19, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Praise Is What I Do", 1/22/2017


Psalms 104:1-4, 25-30

"V:1.  Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty."
A. The greatness of the Lord can be seen in His works.
    1. God is spirit and no one has seen him at anytime.
    2. God reveals His awesomeness before our eyes for all to see.
    3. Believers and non believers cannot deny that the earth is an awesome creation.
    4. The universe is boundless. Our current technology will not allow us to
         know how big it is.
    5. Any new knowledge of stars, moons and planets just tells that the universe
        is bigger than we can imagine.
 B. The writer's  focus is on the magnificent  earth and it's atmosphere and
      therefore  he burst out in a Psalm of praise to God the creator.
    1. The Psalmist  praise of the Lord, started from within his heart.
         a. From deep in his soul, praise began.
         b. This probably was not a one time praise, but an on going adoration of God.
    2. He claimed the Lord to be his Lord.
        a. God is personal.
        b. We have a relationship with Him.
        c. When we become God's people, He becomes our God.
  C. Consider the Psalmist's approach to the Lord.
       1. The word 'bless'' is the Hebrew word "barak" which is from a root word which
            means to kneel.
       2. The word barak  is an act of adoration
       3. Every head shall bow and ever knee shall bend before the Lord.
  D. He addresses the Lord for who He is.
      1. The word Lord is Yehovah  which is self existent.
      2. God does not depend on anything or anybody
      3. The Hebrew for God is Elohiym which means the Supreme God,
           the one true God.  
      4. The Lord is the one Supreme, self existent God. 
      5. His character is lifted up, glorious and excellent.

V:2. " Covering Yourself with light as with a cloak, Stretching out heaven like a tent curtain. "
A. God created light on the first day of creation
     1. Jesus said, " I am the light of the world".
        a. Without Jesus, the world would be full of darkness.
     2. God is full of wisdom and knowledge.
     3. God is omniscience; all knowing
     4. Out of what was originally formless and void came order and beauty.
         a. He spoke and it was so.
         b. There is power in the Word of God.
         c. Believers are empowered by the Word of God.
 B. He created the earth and covered it with a sky.
     1. God created an atmosphere suitable for His creation to exist.
     2. God created the sun to warm the earth, and the sky to filter out
         harmful rays.
     3. God considered our well being doing His creative process.

V:3-4 " He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind;
4 He makes the winds His messengers, Flaming fire His ministers."
A. God is spirit.
    1. He has no shape or form.
    2. He is spread across the entire spectrum of His creation.
    3. God is omnipresence; He is everywhere all the time.
    4. Where can we go and not be in the presence of the Lord?
    5. God's people are never alone.
 B. Originally, in His creative process, everything was immersed in water.
    1. God separated the waters from the heavens and  from the waters of the earth.
    2, He made heaven His throne.
    3. Angels are God's created angelical beings, camped around His throne.
        a. They are his messengers equipped with the power to carry out His commands.  
        b. They give Him praise continuously.
        c. We would do good to follow the angels example.   
    4. From time to time God used His angels to carry out special missions
        for Him and to bring man special messages.
       a. We all have a special message about Jesus.
       b. It is our job to spread  the good news about salvation.
       c. After all, the Lord made man a little lower than His angels.

V:25. There is the sea, great and broad, In which are swarms without number, Animals both small and great. "
A. God created the seas and filled them with an abundance of creatures capable of
     reproducing themselves and to feed on each other.
    1. God contained the  seas in a permanent place  and made them self sufficient.
    2. 70 percent of the earth is covered with water.
    3. God's abundance for man stretches across the seas.
 B. God created nature so that everything is dependant on his resources.
    1. God created us so that we are dependant on nature.
    2. Everything living is interdependent on something in nature.
    3. We are directly dependant on the grace and mercy of God.
    4. Because we are dependant we owe God our highest praise.
    5. There is a line from a song that says, "Praise is what I do."

V:26-27. " There the ships move along, And Leviathan, which You have formed to sport in it.
27 They all wait for You To give them their food in due season."
A. God made the seas as a source of labor and pleasure for man.
    1. God gave man the intellect to build ships to transport good and services
        from one land mass to another.
    2. The seas are used for travel for business and pleasure.
    3. The earth's land masses are separated by bodies of water.
 B. By God's divine design, the earth is populated with people of
      different nations with different languages and different resources.
    1. The glory of the Lord is shown in His creativity.
    2. The power and the authority of the Lord is shown in the vastness of
        His creation.
    3. All we have to do is observe our universe to see God in action.
    4. When we look and see praise ought to fill our hearts.

V:28-29. " You give to them, they gather it up; You open Your hand, they are satisfied with good.
29 You hide Your face, they are dismayed; You take away their spirit, they expire And return to their dust."
A. God is the provider for all His creation.
    1. Everything is dependant on God for it's existence.
    2. Consider the rain.
         a. When God open the clouds the rain waters the crops.
         b. Man and animals are dependant on God's rain.
    3. After a fresh rain the ground is soften and worms come to the
        surface for birds to feed on.
B. God is the controller of  life.
    1. Man has and average life span of 70 years.  Psalm 90:10
    2. It is God who controls every breath we take.
    3. As long as He gives us breath we live.
    4. At an appointed time, He will take our breath away and we will die.
    5. Good news for us, absent from the body present with the Lord.

V:30. " You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; And You renew the face of the ground."
A. God is continuously active in His creation.
     1. Life on earth is continuous because God is active in creating new life.
     2. The ground is continuously being rejuvenated for new growth.
B. The Lord is to be praise for His works.
     1. The Lord should be praised because He is Lord.
     2. We should continuously meditate  on the goodness of the Lord so that our
          praise is continuous.   


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Texas 77040

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