Thursday, July 21, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Holy Spirit At Work In Your Life",7/24/2016


Romans 5:1-11

V;1-2. " Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,  through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. "
A. We have been Justified before the Father.
      1. Justification means rendered innocence.
      2. Before the Father, it is as if we never sinned or our sins have been removed.
B. The justification is through our faith in the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.
     1. Before our faith in Jesus, we were enemies of God.
     2. Before Jesus we were held captive by Satan.
C. We have peace with God through Jesus Christ.
    1. Because we have peace with God through Jesus, we can have peace within
    2. We have access to God's Grace, that is access to the favors of God.
    3. All the promises of God are available to us.
    4. God is the supplier of all our needs and is our protector
D. Because we have faith in Jesus, we find Joy in God's glory.
   1. We can recognize God's glory in creation.
   2. We can recognized the hand of God in our lives.
   3. We can recognize and appreciate what God is doing for us
       in the  present.
  4. Since we have a history with God, we have hope for tomorrow.
      a. Hope that everything is going to work out for our good.
      b. Hope to have faith to do the best I can do and  leave the rest to Jesus.

V:3-4. " Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope. "
A. Because of our relationship with Jesus, we can see the advantage of our troubles.
   1. Our troubles serve to strengthen our faith.
   2. A strong faith enables us to endure tough times.
   3. Because we have faith in Jesus, we are targets of Satan and should expect
       trouble to come our way from time to time.
   4. Because we know Jesus, we know He will make our troubles work out for
       our good.

V:5. " And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. "
A. Our testimony encourages others to hope in Jesus.
    1. We are not ashamed to promote the Gospel of Jesus because  we know that He died
        on the   cross to save our souls.
    2. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever
        believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
B. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that helps us understand God's love
     displayed through the death of His Son.

V:6-7. " You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. "
A. Christ death on the cross was a planned death. Christ died at just the right time.
    1. Christ death on the cross was a purposed death. He died for the ungodly.
    2. Christ death on the cross was a selected death.  He died for God's elect.
        a. He was selected by the Father because He was righteousness.
        b. He was selected because there is no sin in Him and He is one with the Father.
    3. Christ death is power enabling . The powerless gained power .
B. Christ death on the Cross is true love.
    1. I am not sure I would die for a good man.
    2. Christ died to save us form our worst sins.

V:8. : But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
 A. God's love for us has noting to do with anything we have done.
     1. God's love for us has everything to do with Him.
     2. God is Love.
     3. There is no comparison between our love and God's Love
     4. Any love we have is motive driven.
     5. Any love we have is flesh driven.
     6. Any love we have, has self in it.
     7. Any love we have is corrupted.
 B. God showed His Love for us by sacrificing what He Loved.
    1. God's Love for us is eternal.
       a. It has no beginning time.
       b. It has no ending time.
       c. God  gave us time to show us how original and  independent
           His Love is.
       d. The time He gave us for a beginning of His Love is before the foundation
            of the earth, which really is no definite time.   Eph 1:4-5

 C. God's Love for us has no cause.
      1. He chose us in Jesus before the foundation of the earth.  
      2. Therefore we have no part in His Love.

V.9. " Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him!"
A. God's Love for us has it origin in God Sovereign desire to save us from His eternal
   1. We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity, deserving His wrath.
   2. But according to His will, He sent His Son  as  payment for our sins,
       rendering us innocence of all charges.   .
B. It is the Blood of His Son shed on Calvary that is the atonement for our sins.
    1. Calvary  is the evidence of God's love for us.
    2. Calvary is the evidence of God election of us.

V:10-11. " For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!  Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. ":
A. Our former unredeemed life was an enemy of God.
    1. We were oppose to God's way.
    2. We hated his commands.
    3. We were violent toward God and His principles.
    4. We were selfish with hate in our hearts.
    5. We ran toward sin seeking the darkness of the world.
    6. We sought temporary happiness with no thought of lasting joy.
B. Our redeemed state is one of reconciliation with God.
   1. Any man in Christ is a new creation.
   2. Through the death of Jesus we are made one with God.
   3. Our character is changed to be in harmony with God.
   4. We now have an eternal relationship with God.
   5, That relationship we have is eternal and perpetual..
   6. We have fellowship with God through confession of our sins and repentance,
C. Jesus, through God's election gave up His earthly life so we could inherit
     eternal life.
   1. Jesus death on the cross was the beginning of  His intercession before the
      Father on our behalf.
   2. Being reconciled with the Father, we have peace with Him.
   3. Being reconciled with Father, we are enabled to experience Jesus Joy.
   4. Our Joy in the Lord   is our confidence in His ever presence in our lives.
D. The Holy Spirit that indwells us reminds us continuously of the debt
     that Jesus satisfied with the Father for us.
    1. The Holy Spirit that indwells us reminds us of what God has done for us
        through His Son, which should inspire us to an attitude of gratefulness.
    2. The Holy Spirit that indwells us reminds us of the Word of Jesus and
        the command to be His disciples in service and dedication.

The Holy Trinity, One God in Three Persons work together to draw us in
the likeness and the image of them. God the Father planned our eternal
existence. God the Son died  to atone our sin debt. God the Holy Spirit
reminds us of every Word of God and empowers us to be grateful for His
Grace and Mercy. 


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas

For a complete list of my lessons visit my blog


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