Thursday, June 16, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Happy Endings" 6/19/2016


Zephaniah 3:9-14, 20

Because of their disobedience, the Lord decided to destroy Israel and send it's
people into Babylonian captivity for seventy years.  At the same time, the Lord
decided that their troubles wouldn't last always and He would restore them to
Himself.  God's Grace and Mercy is abounds while He declines us.

V:9. "Then I will purify the speech of all people, so that everyone can worship the Lord together."
A. The Lord can fix us.
    1. It does not matter how broken we are or what we have been through, Jesus
        can fix it.
   2. In deed we are a very perverse people.
      a. Surely our sins have grieved  the Lord.
      b. At times our language has been hurtful to each other and even to ourselves.
      c. Jesus gave us two great commands; Love the Lord with all your heart and
          Love your neighbor as yourself.
      d. We find it difficult to keep these two commands.
      e. But the Lord who loves us, will restores us to the condition where we can keep
          these two important commands..
 B. This  prophecy will have it's complete fulfillment at the second coming of Christ.
    1. He will transform our minds to His ways.
    2. He will set in us a pure language; His Word.
        a. We will call on Him and honor His name.
        b. We will serve Him and Him only.
        c. We will all be on one accord.
        d. We must believe He will do what He said.
    3. We will worship the Lord in spirit and truth.
C. The Good News is He will reform us in spite of our sinful nature.
    1. Our transformation is not based on us, but God's love for us.
    2. We can't earn His promises or be to bad to receive them.

V:10. " My scattered people who live beyond the rivers of Ethiopia  will come to present their offerings."
A. After the 70 year captivity, the Lord instructed the King of Persia to
     release Israel and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.  Ezra 1:2-3 
   1. Through Christ we are all adopted brothers and sisters.   Rom 8:23,  Eph 1:5
   2. The true Israel are all those who believe in Jesus Christ.
B. 70 years After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Titus came and destroyed
     Jerusalem and burned down the temple.
    a. The nation of Israel was scattered.
    b. The temple in Jerusalem has not been rebuilt.
    c. After World War One, with the help of the United Nations, Israel was reformed back
        into a nation (around 1948).
    d. Israel as a nation has not accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.

C. What God wants from us is  living sacrifice: our bodies. Romans 12:1.
    1. It takes a total commitment to God  to become a living sacrifice.
    2. Lord create in us a clean heart so we can be what you created us to be.

V:11. " On that day you will no longer need to be ashamed, for you will no longer be rebels against me. I will remove all proud and arrogant people from among you. There will be no more haughtiness on my holy mountain."
A.  "That Day" is the time after the second coming of Christ.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
    1. Christ will come again and take His Church into heaven to reign with Him.
    2. There will be a seven year tribulation when Christ will wage war with Satan.
        a. The destruction upon the earth will be so severe, that if Christ didn't
            stop it, no flesh would survive.   Mark 13:19-29,  Matt 24: 22-31
        b. Satan will be bound for a thousands years. Rev 20:2-6
        c. We will reign on earth with Christ  during the thousand years.
B. After the rapture of the Church, only none believers will be left on earth to go through
    the seven years of tribulation.
    1. Those left will include the none believing Jews.  Luke 17:30-36
    2. Those who survive the tribulation will enter into the thousand year reign
         of Christ.

V:12. " Those who are left will be  lowly and humble, for it is  they who will trust in the name of the Lord."
A. Those who survive the tribulation will be traumatized by the events and will be poor
     in spirit.
   1. They will trust the Lord because He will rule in their presence.
   2. God will fulfill His promise that all Israel will be saved.   Rom 11:26
B. During the thousand year reign of Christ a new nation of Israelites will
     grow up obedient to Christ.  Isa 59:20
   1. In this way, God will fulfill His promise that all Israel will be saved.

V:13 The remnant of Israel will do no wrong; they will never tell lies or deceive one another. They will eat and sleep in safety, and no one will make them afraid."
A.  With Satan bound for a thousand years, there will be no one to deceive Israel.
    1. All unbelievers will have been purged doing the tribulation.
    2. The remnant of Israel who endure the tragedy of the tribulation will be
        eye witnesses to the power and glory of God.
   3. They will be a revived people focused on the righteousness of the Lord.
 B. The remnant of Israel will speak the language of God which is His Word.
     1. They will practice the righteousness of God.
     2. They will speak only the truth
C. They will enjoy the provisions of the Lord.
     1. They will enjoy the protection of the Lord.
     2. They will enjoy the comfort of the Lord.

V:14 . "Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout aloud, O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem!"
A. It will be a happy ending.
    1. Everyday in the Lord ought to be  happy endings.
    2. We ought  to end sadness and began in Joy.
    3. We ought to end worry and began in confidence.
    4. We  ought to end frustrations and began in peace.
    5. We ought to end envy and jealousy and began in praise.
    6. We ought to end fear and began in the power of the Lord.
    7. We ought to end hate and began in love.
B. Praise and worship ought to be the order of the day.
    1. In fact, start your day with praise and worship.
    2. God inhabits the praise of His people.   Psalms  22:3

V:20. " On that day I will gather you together and bring you home again. I will give you a good name, a name of distinction, among all the nations of the earth, as I restore your fortunes before their very eyes. I, the Lord, have spoken!"
A. This is Good News because we know how our story will end.
    1. Our Story will end in heaven.
    2. Our story will end in the presence of the Lord.
    3. Our story will end in complete redemption.
    4. Our story will  end in the righteousness of the Lord.
B. Our story will end in eternity.
    1. Our story will end in God's Glory.
    2. Our story will in  the riches of the Lord.
    3. Our story will end in the joy of the Lord.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas                 For a complete listing of my lessons go to                      

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