Saturday, December 13, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Worship The Lord", 12/15/2014



Psalms 95:1-7


V:1. " Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. "

A. One of the obligations of every believer is to find Joy in the Lord.

    1. It is by the grace of God that we were chosen before the foundation of the earth.

    2. We did nothing to deserve the gift of salvation.

    3. The gift of eternal life should bring joy to our hearts.

    4. The knowledge that we are not doomed to hell, but destine to Heaven is the

        reason for great joy.

 B. We have an obligation to share this Good News with others.

     1. We make a lot of noise at foot ball games.

          a. We shout all throughout the game.

          b. We pay for the privilege to shout.

          c. We don't get a gift to go to the games.

          d. The players get paid, but we get our pockets drained.

     2. Jesus gave us the gift of salvation by sacrificing His life for our sins before we were


         a. Jesus keep giving us favor all our lives.

         b. Jesus does not charge us for His favor.

     3.  We Ought to shout for Joy about the goodness of Jesus.

 C. A rock is a hard, solid material.

      1. You can stand on a rock,

      2. You can build on rocks.

      3. Jesus is our rock.

          a. Our salvation is eternal.

          b. In Jesus our salvation is sure.

          c. We can depend on Jesus.

          b. Jesus has shown His dedication to us by His shed blood on  the cross.


V:2. " Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song."

 A. There not but one proper way to come in the presence of God.

      1. We must consider what He has done for us and come with thanksgiving.

      2. Often times we come first with our complaints.

      3. We make a complaint out of what He has blessed us with.

      4. We should come to God thanking Him for what He has done before asking

          for more blessings.

      5. We should find a way to turn our complaints to words of praise.

          a. Don't complain about your job. Praise God for a job.

          b. Don't complain about your neighbors. Thank God for neighbors.

          c. Don't complain about your spouse. Praise God for a spouse.


 B. When we think about what Jesus did for us on the cross, we ought to honor Him

       with our lips from the depths of our hearts.

      1. We owe God all our praise and honor.

      2. We ought to honor God with songs of praise.

      3. Music and songs of praise are pleasing to God.

      4. The angel fly around the throne singing Holy, Holy, Holy.    Isa 6:3

      5. When Jesus was born, it was a heavenly host of angels who praise Him

          in the mist of the lowly shepherds in the night time.    Luke 2:13

  C. God inhabits the praise of His people.     Psalms 22:3

      1. It was Paul and Silas who praise God in the middle of the night

          from their jail cell.

         a. The gates of their cells flew open and the chains that bound them fell of

            as a result of their praise.     Acts 16:25-26

          b. As a result of their praise, all the prisoners witness the glory of God.

          c. As a result of their praise, the captain of the jail and his family accepted

              Christ as their Savior.

       3. Praise lifts our hearts.

       4. Praise liberates.

       5. Praise breaks shackles.

       6. Our praise excites others.


V:3. " For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods."

 A. Defn:

      1. Lord = El= Strength, Almighty

      2. God= Yehavoh= Self Existence, Eternal

      3. Great = Gadowl = elder, exceedingly, high, long,

      4. King= Melek= Royal

      5. gods= elohiym= angels, judges, magistrates

      6. The Almighty, Self Existence Elder is Royal above angels and men.

 B. There is no one term that fully describes God.

     1. God describes Himself in terms of His characteristics  and what He does.

     2. God told Moses to tell the Pharaoh of Egypt that the  "I Am" sent him.   Ex 3:14

     3. In Revelation, God describes Himself as Alpha and Omega.   Rev  1:8

     4. In Isaiah, God describes Himself as Lord and God.    Isa 45:6,7, Isa 45:22,23

     5. In Isaiah, God describes Himself as Redeemer and Creator.  Isa  44:24

 C. There is no one comparable to God.

     1. There is no one higher than God.

     2. There is no one with more authority than God.

     3. There is no one with more power than God.

     4. There is no one with more knowledge than God.

 D. God is King of kings.

    1. God is the maker of everyone.

    2. Can someone or something made by God be more than God?

V:4. " In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him."

 A. God is the creator of the universe and everything beyond what we can discover.

      1. Any distance we can measure or imagine will not describe the outer

          limits of God's creation.

      2. God maintains all we can discover and all that we will never be able to discover.

          a. Scientist are constantly discovering some outer distance that God created.

          b. Archeologists are constantly unearthing some things that God created in

              ancient times. 

      3. We serve an awesome God that cannot be measured in human terms.

      4. We may never understand the magnitude of what He has done or will do.  Job 11:7

 B.   We can see the highest mountain peaks and may observe the deepest valleys.

      1. All that we observe belongs to God.

      2.  No matter how much effort we put into something, it still belongs to God.

      3. We would be foolish to take credit for what God enables us to do. 


V:5. " The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land."

 A. God informs us in Genesis chapter 1, that in the beginning the earth

      was formless and void.

     1. The universe was dark and covered  with water.  Gen 1:2

     2. God separated the water into seas  to make dry land.  Gen 1:9

 B. The God we serve made order out of disorder.

     1. He took what was void and made something of immeasurable value.

     2. All that God did in His creative process benefits man.

     3. God had no need of heaven or earth, but He desired the company of man.

     4. The Triune God said, "Lets make man in our own likeness and image"

     5. God made us so that we could communicate with Him.

     6. God made us to praise and give Him glory.


V:6. " Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker."

 A. It is our duty to worship the Lord.

      1. Because He is high and we are low, we must humble ourselves and bow down

          before Him.

      2. Bending knees is the position of the subjects of a King.   Isa 45:23

 B. God made us and He knows what is best for us.

     1. It is best for us to worship the Lord.

     2. It is our worship that gets God's attention.

     3. It is our obedience that pleases God.     John 2:6

     4. Our worship keeps our focus on God.

     5. Our worship keeps us humble before God.

     6. Our worship keeps us praising God.

     7. Our worship keeps us dependent on God.

     8. Our worship keeps us in awe of God.

     9. Our worship keeps us thankful of His goodness.

     10. Our worship reminds us of His righteousness.


V:7. " For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice."

 A. It is by the grace of God that He chose us to be His people.

      1. By choosing us as His people, God obligated Himself to take care of us.

      2. By choosing us, God obligates Himself to protect us.

      3. By choosing us, God obligates Himself to train us in His righteousness.

      4. By choosing us, God obligates Himself to chastise us.

 B. Notice, God gives us a choice to hear His voice or reject His voice.

     1. If we hear His voice we will be obedient to Him

     2. If we hear His voice, we will worship Him.

     3. If we hear His voice, we will shout with joy.   

     4. If we hear His voice, we will praise His Name.




Rev. M. Mitchell,   Asst Pastor of GMBC


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