Friday, August 8, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Word Of God Should Cause Grief and Restoration", 8/10/14




2 Corinthian 1:23,24,2:1-11


The Apostle Paul was addressing the previous issue of adultery that was allowed in

Church that should have been corrected. A man in the Church was having an affair

with his father's wife. Paul's decision was firm. The unrepentant member had to be put out of the Church to shame him into repentance. Some of the members were grieved over this decision.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    



V:23. " I call God as my witness that it was in order to spare you that I did not return to   Corinth."

 A. Paul in consideration of the grief of the congregation decided to delay his return

      to check on the progress of the Corinthians.

     1. The hearts of the members of Corinthian Church were obviously pierced by what

          they were required to do in order to restore Christian order and unity in the

     2. Paul did not want to grieve them any more by his presence.

 B. Sometimes it is best to give the Church time to heal from the wounds of their

     punishment before challenging them to move forward. 

    1. It takes time for people to get comfortable with doctrines of God that had not

        been previously enacted.

    2. Sometimes we get distracted by what we want or feel rather than following the

        commands of God.

        a. Our attachment to someone can cause us to loose focus on what is right before


        b. You can't let a fire burn down a house because you like the color of the flame.

        c. Adultery is a fire that will destroy the family.

        d. The fabric of the Church is based on family unity.


V:24. "Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it  is by faith you stand firm."

A. Since Paul was the shepherd of the Corinthian Church, he had the authority to

    command the Church to conform to the doctrine of Jesus Christ.

   1. Paul wanted the Church to return to their formal joy before returning to visit with


    2. Paul encourage the Church to stand firm in their faith.

       a. Standing firm in our faith means following God's commands.

       b. Standing firm in our faith means role modeling the righteousness of God.

 B. The Church should derive their joy from following the commands of God.

    1. When we get comfortable with the Lord's commands we will find joy in

         our obedience.

    2. Some of God's commands does not agree with our fleshly desires.

    3. What God commands us to do always works to good of the body of Christ.    


V.2:1. " So I made up my mind that I would not make another painful visit to you."

  A. It may be that Paul was disappointed with the failure of the Church to follow the

       the doctrines he had taught them.

     1. May be Paul wanted to get his mind right before he addressed the congregation

         again in person.

     2. When get angry and upset, it takes time for us to calm down.

     3. When you are upset with another person, you may say the right thing in the
          wrong   tone.

          a. Instead of reconciling others back to the body we can easily push them away.

 B. Paul decide in himself that if he came to the Church it would be painful for them

     and for him, especially if order had not been restored.

   1. Paul considered  the state of the Church and his affect on their joy. 

   2. He would rather stay away until he could be comfortable in their


   3. We should always be considered of how our actions might affect other

       believers in the wrong direction.


 V.2:2. "For if I grieve you, who is left to make me glad but you whom I have grieved?"

  A. Paul derived his joy from the spiritual growth and development of the believers.

       1. If he grieved other believers, he would also be grieved.

       2. As parents, we can understand when we have to discipline our children, we are

           also grieved.

          a. Sometimes we have to relive what we have done to see if their is any change
              in  behavior.

         b. Sometimes we have review what we have done to reevaluate the effectiveness
            of our own actions.

   B. There is no way to discipline someone without feelings being hurt.

       1. There will always be someone criticizing what you do in the name of the Lord.

       2. As the shepherd of the God's people, you have to follow God's commands

           not the desires of others.

      3. God is not concerned about our feeling. But He is concerned about our

          a. God does not want anyone to perish because of their sins.


 V:3. " I wrote as I did so that when I came I should not be distressed by those who ought  to make me rejoice. I had confidence in all of you, that you would all share my joy."

 A. Paul wrote in strong language  to get the Church body to clear up any disorder and

      deal with the sin that was continuing among them.

    1. Paul expressed his confidence that after being given Godly instructions, the

        members of the Church would act quickly to restore the unity in the body.

    2. God is no respecter of person.

        a. No matter who the disruptive person is related to, he must be counseled and

            disciplined when necessary.

        b. The Word of God was not given that we may feel good in our sins.

        c. The Word of God was given so that we are convicted of our sins and

            run toward the righteousness of God.

 B. We should be joyful when love is shown in the Church body through

         necessary discipline.

     1. Love requires discipline when necessary to keep the body reconciled to Christ.

     2. The Bible says that a man who does not discipline his child, does not love him.


V:4. " For I wrote you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears,
   not   to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you."

 A. It should be out love that we correct a believer who is going astray.

     1. It is not our job to criticize, but it is our job to bring to ones attention

         the errors of their ways to bring them back to right fellowship with the Lord.

     2. We are our brothers keeper and we should do everything we can to direct them

          in the ways of the Lord.

 B.    Paul was grieved and distress when he heard that the Church was falling away
        from   God.

     1. He was grieved and distressed to burden the Church with the truth of the Word

         regarding their sins.

     2. Paul's grief and distress was do to his love for the body of Christ.


V:5. " If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of  you, to some extent — not to put it too severely."

 A. Paul states that those who grieve the Church with their disobedient behavior, also

      grieve him.

     1. Paul was made to suffer by Christ for the sake of preaching the Gospel of Jesus

         Jesus Christ.

     2. Just as Jesus grieved for his own people who rejected him. Paul also grieved for

         those who rejected the Gospel after hearing the Gospel.

 B. Individual Churches grieve for their own, but Paul's grief was for all who rejected

      the Gospel though out his missionary trips.

     1. The grief of the Churches were not more than they could handle.

     2. God will not put more on you then you can handle.

     3. Personal grief is necessary for spiritual growth and maturity.

     4. Handling problems in the Church according to the Word of God strengthens

         the Church.


 V:6. " The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him."

  A. Paul turned his attention to the man in the Church that had to be disciplined

       for the sin he brought into the Church.

     1. The punishment inflicted fitted the sin.

         a. A man was put out of the Church to bring him back to the church.

         b. He stepped away from God in his adultery.

         c. The punishment was designed to cause him to quit his adulterous

             relationship, repent and return to fellowship.

  B. It is normal for believers who don't have a good understanding of the

       Word  to get upset when the truth is applied to them or someone they


      1. The problem is that we have a fleshly definition of love. 

          a. Some think that love means not hurting someone's feelings.

      2. God's love is designed to cure the soul not ones feeling.

      3. God's love is always just and fair and has as it's objective the kingdom of God.

      4. The Word of God is not given to make you feel better, but make you more

           like Christ.   

 V:7. " Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be

   overwhelmed by excessive sorrow."

 A. Forgiveness is automatic.

     1. All our sins were nailed to the cross with Jesus and covered with His blood.

     2. Repentance and restoration to body is up to the believer in sin.

  B. When we are wronged, we should not be unforgiving, because God is

       constantly forgiving us.

     1. The man in sin should be comforted with the truth that he has been forgiven

         and can return to fellowship in the Church as soon as he repents of his sins.

     2. Once he returns, the Church should treat him as God's redeemed.

        a. Once we repent and ask for forgiveness, we are restored to fellowship

            with the Father.


 V:8. " I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him."

  A. As a body of believers we must comfort those in sin with the knowledge that they  

       were never without our love even though they are not in fellowship with us.

      1. Those who repent of their sins need to know that it was because of God's love

          for them that they were punished.

      2. There are consequences for our disobedience,

          a. The consequences are a result of God's love.

   B. Those that God called out of  the darkness will be chastised for their sins.

       1. Like the potter, God may have to shatter our lives to reshape us into useable


       2. Sin is rebellion against God. The God  we serve is a jealous God.

          a. The God we serve will act on our behalf with discipline to restore us

               to Himself.


 V:9 "The reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in


 A. The Christian life is a test that will result in a testimony to the goodness of God.

     1. At the start of the earthly ministry of Jesus, He was led to the wilderness to be


     2. It was The Father's design to temp His Son before His preaching ministry


     3. We are not exempt from temptations but assured that temptations will come our

         way for our strengthening and spiritual maturity.

  B. In the Garden of Eden, Adam was given one command to test his obedience to the


       1. The Word from the Lord was not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge and of

             Good and Evil.

       2. The command came with a punishment for disobedience; death.

       3. Because of Adam's sins, we were all born in sin.

  C. It is God's design that we should live.

       1. The way to eternal life is faith in His Son which is  evidenced by our obedience

            to God's commands.


 V:10. " If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven — if there

   was anything to forgive — I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake."

 A. The love of our brothers is the command of God.

     1. We show our love by our willingness to forgive and move forward to comfort
          and  restore the brother to fellowship.

     1. Our love for others cannot be conditional on their behavior.

     2. God's love for us is not conditional on our behavior but on our redemption.

     3. The redemption we have is through the Son, Jesus Christ.

 B. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

    1. Love and redemption glorifies God the Father.

    2. There should be no one we can't forgive, because their forgiveness does not rest

        with us.

    3. We should forgive because it clears our conscience.

    4. We should forgive because it makes us right with the Father.


 V:11. "In order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes."

    A. Satan is the author of all sin.

         1. Sin in mankind begin with Satan deception of Eve in the Garden of Eden.

         2. Satan is the father of lies.

         3. There is no truth in him.

             a. He seeks to steal, kill and destroy.

             b. Satan's objective is to destroy any relationship with Jesus.

    B. We know of some of his schemes to deceive man into rejecting the Word of God.

         1. By ourselves, we are no match for his deceptions.

         2. With the power of the Holy Spirit we can recognize his presence and reject

             his schemes.

    C. One of Satan's tools of deception is an unforgiving spirit.

        1. Satan will use our unforgiving spirit against us.

        2. When we can't forgive, we can't see our own sins.

        3. When we can't forgive, we destroy our own fellowship with the Father.

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