Thursday, June 26, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "A Call To Unity", 6/29/14



1 Corinthians 1:10-17


V:10. " I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought."

A. This is a call to the members of the Church to be unified.

    1. If we can't get together on the inside of the Church, how can we expect someone

        from the outside to join in with us.

    2. This call is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

        a. Jesus is the head of the Church.

        b. Jesus is the authority of the Church.

 B. God wants the members of the Church to be in complete agreement.

     1. For us to be in complete agreement, we have to ensure that Jesus is the center

         of our activities.

     2. To be in complete agreement, we have to study the Word together.

     3. We have to put aside our differences and first find where we agree.

          a. If we can find where we agree, maybe we can work around our


          b. If we can agree on Jesus Christ and Him crucified, then everything else

              is minor.

          c. There are some things that are not worth arguing about. 

          d. If our disagreements does not involve Christian doctrine, we can

              compromise or let the disagreeing party have his/her way.

      4. We should all strive to have the mind of Christ.

         a. Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.   Phil 2:5

         b. If we all strive toward the mind of Christ, all our differences will


 C. We should make it our business to pursue unity among the brethren. 

     1. Satan and his demons are unified in seeking to destroy the Church.

     2. Satan is on a mission to corrupt that which he can't destroy.

        a. Disunity in the Church is a means to Satan's end.

        b. If Satan can create enough mess in the Church so

            nothing gets done, he will have been successful.

        c. We must see disunity for what it is, a tool to disrupt the forward

            progress of the Church.


  V:11. " My brothers, some from Chloe's household have informed me that there are

   quarrels among you."

 A. The results of disunity is quarrels.

      1. Disunity divides the Church.

      2. Disunity can drive people away from the Church.

 B. Disunity in the Church has a way of getting outside the Church.

     1. If our disunity gets outside the Church, who would want to join

         the Church?

      2. Disunity can interrupt the spiritual growth of those in the Church.

      3. Disunity can affect our ability to draw unbelievers to the Church.

  C. Problems that are in the Church can only be resolved in the Church.

      1. You only have three people you should take your disagreements to.

      2. Take it to Jesus.

         a. Jesus can fix it.

         b. If Jesus don't fix it, it may not need to be fixed.

         c. Check yourself to make sure you are not the problem.

     3. Take your disagreement to the person you have a problem with.

         a. We should be able to resolve the problem among ourselves.

         b. How can you edify Christ if you can't edify your brother?

     4. As a last resort, if it affects the Church, take it to the pastor.

         a. The discussion stops at the Pastor.

         b. The Pastor is the anointed Angel of the Church.

     5. We should never discuss our issues outside the Church.

         a. The moment you do, you are spreading disunity up and down

             the street.

         b. You become the Devil's tool to break up Christian unity.

         c. You become a stumbling block to Christian growth and maturity.

  D. I say this out of Love and respect.

       1. If you can not find it in your heart to make peace between you and your

           brother or sister, it would be better for you to leave him or her alone.

       2. If you sow seeds of disunity among the brethren, you will reap the same in your



V:12 "What I mean is this: One of you says, "I follow Paul"; another, "I follow Apollos"; another, "I follow Cephas"; still another, "I follow Christ."

 A. We must be careful to separate Biblical matters from none Biblical matters.

     1. We do not argue Biblical matters.

         a. Biblical matters require careful Bible study to obtain the correct


         b. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

         c. We preach no other Gospel but Jesus Christ.

         d. The Word is the authority. Our opinions are not the authority.


      2. The Good News is not centered around any preacher.

         a. Preachers are the servants God uses to teach Jesus Christ.

         b. Preachers come and preachers go.

         c. The Gospel is forever.

  B. Paul, Apollos and Cephas were God's preachers.

      1. They were shepherds of the flock of Jesus Christ.

      2. They were given the authority to preach Jesus.

      3. Preachers are not to be worshipped.

      4. Preachers are selected to lead us in the Worship of Jesus Christ.

  C. We should not be concerned about whose preaching, but who he is



V:13. " Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name   of Paul? "

  A. No preacher can save you.

      1. Preachers can only lead you to Christ.

      2. The job of a preacher is to help the sheep of Jesus Christ grow in Christ.

  B. Christ who is the Son of God and one with God, stepped down out of heaven

       to die on the cross for the atonement of our sins.

       1. Christ was without sin and therefore the only one acceptable to God, the Father

           as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.

        2. It is through Christ and Him only that we can stand justified before the Father.

  C. Salvation is obtained through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus


      1. We are baptized into the death of Jesus and resurrected into a new life with


      2. Baptism is not obtained through any other person.

      3. There is no Savior other than Jesus Christ.

 D. There is but one Lord, one spirit and one Jesus.

      1. All three are one.

      2. Lordship is not given to any man.

      3. There is only one to be worshipped.


V:14. " I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius. "

  A. The Apostle Paul, the preacher of Jesus Christ was careful to claim that baptizing

       by him would save no one.

      1. Water baptism is just an outward sign of a spiritual baptism into Jesus Christ.

      2. It is the Holy Spirit that does the baptizing.

  B. Paul had the gift of healing and the Gift of raising people from the dead.               

       (Acts 20:9-10)

      1. Paul could not save.

      2. His job was to teach salvation through Jesus Christ.

      3. Paul was careful not to claim any honor for himself, but to give all honor

          to Jesus.


V:15. " So no one can say that you were baptized into my name."

  A. It is the job of the preacher to baptize believers in the name of Jesus Christ.

      1. This water baptism is out of obedience to the command of Jesus Christ.

           Mat 28:19.

      2. The angels of the Church are God's pastors who deliver the message of the

           baptism of Jesus Christ.

      3. By no other name can believers be baptized.

  B. The spiritual Baptism takes place when a believer accepts Christ as his personal


     1. This spiritual baptism is not by human hand.

     2. All the pastors can do is to  lead the God elect's to Christ, where He takes over.

         a. The new man begins in Christ.

         b. Regeneration begins in Christ.

         c. Sanctification begins in Christ.

         d. Purification begins in Christ.

         e. Atonement of sins begins in Christ.

         f. Christ finishes all that He begins.


V:16. "(Yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don't remember if  I  baptized anyone else.)

 A. Paul's focus was not on what he had done, but what Christ had done through him.

     1. Paul wanted no popularity for himself.

     2. Paul did not want the praise of men.

     3. Paul did not want to be lifted up by man.

 B. All Paul wanted was for us to see Jesus through his preaching of the cross.

     1. My brothers and sisters in Christ our ultimate objective is to see Jesus.

     2. We need to see Jesus in our lives.

     3. We need to see Jesus in our work.

     4. We need to see Jesus in our praise.

     5. We need to see Jesus in our prayers

     6. We need to see Jesus as our heavenly Savior.


17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel — not with words of

 human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

 A. There is POWER in the Word.

     1. That POWER is the Holy Ghost Power.

     2. That POWER is the wisdom of the Lord.

     3. That POWER is the saving power.

     3. That POWER is the light of the world.

     4. That POWER is preaching power.

     5. That POWER is cleaning power.

     6. That POWER is loving power.

     7. That POWER is forgiving power.

     8. That POWER is uplifting power.

     9. That POWER gives hope for eternal life.

     10. That POWER is Jesus Power.

 B. Paul had a love for the Church of Jesus Christ.

     1. Paul didn't want our focus wasted on him.

     2. Paul didn't want our praise wasted on him.

     3. Paul didn't want our praise wasted on man

     4. Paul wanted our praise and honor focused on Jesus.


My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, strive for unity in the Church.

If we can keep our focus on the reasons for our call into the Body of Christ, there

would be find joy in the in being unified in Christ.

    1. We were called to be Holy.

    2. We were called  to fellowship.

    3. We were called to Glorify God.  


We all must work together to accomplish the mission that God purposed for us.




Rev. Mitchell, Asst Pastor of GMBC

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