Thursday, May 1, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "How To Handle Temptation", 5/4/2014



Deuteronomy 6:13-16, Matthew 4:4-11


The Israelites were about to enter into the promise land after 40 years of

 wondering in the desert. The old faithless generation that came out of Egypt had

 died out and a new generation had been prepared by God to receive the land promised

 to Abraham 500  (?)plus years  earlier.


Deuteronomy 6:13-16

V:13. " Fear the Lord your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name."

  A. The promise land was inhabited by people who worshipped idol gods.

      1. They made up laws to govern themselves.

      2. They fashioned idols gods to worship according to their evil beliefs.

      3. They made laws to condom whatever the mind could imagine.

  B. The Holy Father did not want His people corrupted by the environment they

       were about to enter.

     1. The best way not to be corrupted by your environment is the fear the Lord.

     2. Temptations are all around us.

     3. We cannot fight temptation by ourselves.

     4. We need the guidance and the direction of the Lord to keep from falling prey to

          the devils persuasions.   

     5. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

     6. Obedience to the Word of the Lord is the only sure guide away from corruption.

 C. We are commanded to serve the Lord only.

     1. We serve the true and living God.

     2. All other gods are false and are created from the evil imaginations of man.

     3. We are God's chosen people and He commands us to pay attention to Him and

          Him alone.

     4. An idol mind is the devils work shop.

 D. Take oaths only in the name of the Lord.

    1. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.

    2. It is a virtue of the believer to always be truthful.

    3. We certainly should never tie our lies and deceptions to the Lord.

    4. We must always remember that the body is the Temple of the Lord.

    5. Whatever we do for ourselves affects the whole body.

    6. Nothing we do affects us only. 

    7. God want to partner with us to see the His will is done through us.

        a. God is the full and sufficient security that our work through Him will be



V:14. " Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you."

  A.  The company we keep has a way of affecting us.

      1. A little leaven can leaven the whole dough.

      2. How can two walk together unless they agree.

      3. We are in the world, but not part of the world.

      4. The believers job is to influence the world around them to be like Christ.

          a. We should not be influenced by the world to be like the world.

          b. The believer should infect the world with the joy and peace he/she has

             in the Lord. 

           c. We should not go anywhere with the idea of enjoying the world's pleasures

               for our pleasure.

            d. This is how Satan draws us into idol worship.

V:15. " For the Lord your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will 
   burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land."

 A. The Lord is always with us. We are never out of His presence.

     1. The Lord is jealous of those who belong to Him.

     2. We belong to the Lord and He chastises those He loves.

     3. We grieve the Lord with our disobedience.

     4. Our behavior can cause the Lord to become angry with us.

         a. The Bible contains the record of God's  anger toward Israel because of their  

             disobedient behavior.

         b. God allowed their cities to be destroyed, their families killed and even allowed

             the temple He designed for worship in Jerusalem to be burnt to the ground.

         c. He is as jealous for us today as He was yesterday.

V:16. " Do not test the Lord your God as you did at Massah."

    A. We must be careful not to test God as Israel did in the past.

        1. Do not think that yesterday is the past and God has changed.

        2. God reminds us daily that He is in charge.

            a. When a plane drops out of the radar and can't be found, that is God

                reminding us that He can allow the unthinkable to take place.

    B. Don't think that just because you are in church, that God want send some trouble

         your way.

       1. God has a way of waking us out of our self confident attitude.

           a. Don't grumble against God because times are tough.

           b. Praise God in tough times.

           c. It is the tough times that should draw us closer to God.

       2. We need the help of God to get through each day.

       3. We are not our own and we can't live on our own power.

The plan of the Lord for our lives includes temptations by the Satan. Jesus, after being baptized by John The Baptist was led by the Spirit to be tempted. Temptations are a test to see how much we love the Lord. Temptations often points to weakness in our faith.

Temptations can also point to some things we need to get rid of to grow spiritually.


Jesus was led to the wilderness where He fasted and prayed for 40 days. Fasting and prayer prepares us to resists the temptations of life. Jesus was starting His ministry on earth and needed constant communication and strengthening from the Father to complete

His journey on earth. Notice Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to a place of prayer and


Matthew 4:3-11



V:3. "The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."

 A. Our spirits are housed in the flesh, a weak part of the body.

     1. The Devil keeps track of us and knows our weaknesses.

     2. He will show up in our hour of weakness.

     3. Jesus had fasted for forty days. The Devil knew He was hungry.

     4 .The Devil's first temptation of Jesus targeted the weakness in the flesh.

  B. This temptation also targeted His Sonship.

     1. "If you are the Son of God".

     2. The Devil would have you believe that if God does not satisfy your every desire,

          you are not His child.

     3. The Devil would have you believe that if God does not answer your prayers, He

         does not care.

  C. This first temptation also challenged Jesus authority over creation.

     1. Jesus created everything out of nothing.

     2. By the words of Jesus everything that was made came into being.

     3. We must always remember that there is no problem to big for Jesus.

   D. The Devil's will cause you to lose sight of what is important in life.

      1. After 40 days in  the wilderness, Jesus needed more than just bread.

      2. Jesus needed water to satisfy His thirst.

      3. He needed a bed to lay His head.

   E. This first temptation of the Devil challenged the will of God for Jesus.

      1. It was God's will that Jesus fasted for forty days.

      2. It was the will of God that Jesus be tested  and strengthen for the ministry

          He was starting.


V:4. " Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every

  word that comes from the mouth of God."  Due 8:3

 A. The only proper response to the temptations of life is the Word.

     1. Faith in the Word is the key to resisting temptations.

     2. The most important tool a believer has for living in this world is knowledge of

         the Word of God.

         a. We are commanded to seek first the kingdom of God and all things we need

            will  be given to us.

         b. In all your getting, get an understanding of the Word.

 B. Jesus is not denying that we do not need bread.

    1. Jesus provides bread to sustain us.

    2. Jesus is reminding us, that we need the Word more than we need bread.

    3. Ignoring the Word can lead to death.

    4. Obedience to the Word assures the necessities of life.

    5. Following the Word keeps us in fellowship with the Father.

    6. Yielding to temptations breaks our fellowship with Father.



 V:5. " Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. "

 A. Notice Jesus allowed Himself to be tempted by the Devil.

     1. Temptations are part of life.

         a. You can't run from temptations.

         b. You will be confronted by temptations.

  B. The Devil took Jesus to the Highest point of the temple.

     1. Jesus said, If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to myself.

     2. There is always a flaw in the Devil's temptations.

         a. Jesus is higher than any point on earth.

         b. You can not get any higher than Jesus.

  C. The Devil took Jesus to that which was a weak representative of the holy city.

     1. Jesus is the Holy City.

     2. The Devil can not offer you anything of value.

     3. All that is valuable belongs to the Lord.   


V:6. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: "He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone."

 A. The Devil knows the Word.

     1. When the Devil sees that you rely on the Word, he will misquote the Word and

          present it out of it's context.  Psalms 91:11-12

     2. In Psalms 91, God was talking about those who faithfully serve Him, not those

         who seek a frivolously test of His power.

 B. God hates the proud.

     1. The Devil will lift you up to bring you down.

     2. The Devil will have you believe that if you are a child of God, you can ask

          anything and it will be done.

          a. The Devil will leave out "asking in His will".

  C. Just because you claim a relationship with God, does not give you the liberty to

      direct  His will for your purposes.

      1. We should never get so holy that we think we are in charge of God's Holiness.

      2. We should never get so proud that we think we can make our will be God's will.


V:7. " Jesus answered him, "It is also written: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."

 A. It is our knowledge of the Word that prevents us from considering ourselves more

      highly than we should.

    1. We have no need to test the Lord's power, because it is all around us.

    2. We can't call up God's angels to prove our relationship to Him.

 B. God's angels of protection are always there in times of need.

    1. Trying to prove His love is not a time of need.


 V:8 "Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms  of the world and their splendor. "

 A. The Devil never gets tired of tempting you.

      1. He will never give up on bring you down.

      2. If he can not get you at one level, he will try another level.

      3. If can't get you one way, he will try another way.

      4. If a small bribe want get you, perhaps a much bigger bribe will get you.

      5. The Devil is persistent and good at his job.

      6. You must be better at following the will of the Father.

 B. The mountain tops are much higher than the top of the temple.

     1. Jesus allowed Himself to be led to a high mountain.

     2. There is always a flaw in the Devil's thinking.

     3. Jesus sat on the right hand of the throne of God which over looks all creation.

         a. The Devil could not show Jesus anything new. Jesus created everything.

         b. The Devil can not reach the height of Jesus.

     4. If our eyes are focused on the things of the world, we can never see the things of


        1. If our desires are focused on the things of the world, we will never desire the

            the things of heaven. 

        2. If you are going to show me something, show me heaven.


V:9. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me."

 A. Satan's ultimate desire is that you trade your worship of the Lord  for the worship

     of things.

     1. Satan's ultimate desire is that you trade heaven for hell.

     2. Satan's ultimate desire is that you trade the eternal for the temporary.

 B. Satan will promise you what He want deliver.

     1. Satan has a habit of promising what he does not own.

 C. We must not get in the habit of believing that we can have anything we can dream.

     1. It is a popular saying among Christians that if you can believe it you can have it.

         a. God never promised you that.

         b. This belief was probably lifted from Matthew 9:23 where Jesus was focused

             on healing a man's son.

         c. He did promise that you can have what is in His will for you. John 14:14

     2. God never promised that everybody will be rich in worldly stuff.

         a. It is God's desire for some folk to remain poor.

         b. All you need to do is look at the story of Lazarus and the rich man.

         c. God's design for Lazarus was that he would die poor of the riches of the world

             so he could gain the riches of heaven.    Luke 16:23

     3. Look at the widower who offered her last penny  to the Lord.   Mark 12:43

         a. Jesus did not change her financial state on earth, but counted her offering

            as more than all the rich folk's offerings combined.

         b. His grace was sufficient for her needs.

V:10 Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord

         your  God, and serve him only."

  A. We have to be careful that our worship does not change from God to worldly stuff.

       1. One way testing of your worship is to consider what you give the highest


       2. If your highest priority is your job, that is where your worship is.

       3. If your highest priority is family, that is where your worship is.

  B. Every thing in the world is temporary. God is permanent.

      1.  One way to test your worship is to answer the question, who do I serve the


          a. Do I spent more time thinking about me or God?

          b. Do I give God part of a day and the world the rest of my time?

     2. Is serving God a priority or just something I do when it is convenient?

         a. Do I see my job as a way of serving God?

         b. Do I separate God from work?

         c. Do I call on God only when I have a problem or do I call Him all day long?

  C. Serving God only is a command not an option.

      1. You can not serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other.

      2. You have to tell the Devil to get out of your life.

      3. Resist the Devil and he will flee.

V:11. " Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. "

  A. The angels of the Lord are always standing guard when you are under attack by

       the Devil. 

     1. When you are tempted, the Lord will always provide a way out.

     2. The Lord will never put more on you than you can handle.

 B. Serve the Lord with gladness and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

     1. You should serve the Lord because He has all power.

     2. You should serve the Lord because He is a great provider.

     3. You should serve the Lord because He is a great doctor.

     4. You should serve the Lord because He is great lawyer.

     5. You should serve the Lord because He is a great protector.

     6. You should serve the Lord because He is good all the time.

     7. You should serve the Lord because He said so.




Rev. Mitchell

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