Thursday, August 1, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Celebrate the Lord's Goodness" 8/4/13



Nehemiah 8:13-18

Feast of Booths Restored


V:13. " Then on the second day the heads of fathers' households of all the people, the priests and the Levites were gathered to Ezra the scribe that they might gain insight into the words of the law."

 A. The study of the Word is the  beginning of a renewal with God.

     1. As recorded in verse 8 of this Chapter , The Book Of The Law was read to the


        a. The Word was translated by Ezra so that it could be understood by the people
            of  Israel.

        b. After hearing the Word, they were grieved because of their short comings.

        c. There is spiritual growth in the chastisement by the Word.

        d. The Word is having it's effect when it cause us to look at ourselves in
            comparison to the righteousness of God.

        e. They were instructed to rejoice because of the goodness of God. 

        f. After being convicted by the Word to change, our grief should turn to joy
          because  God has given us another chance to pursue His righteousness.


 B. The reading of the Word of God should  convict us.

     1. The Word should cause us to want to follow God's commands.

     2. The Word should remind us of God's mercy and grace.

 C. The leaders and the heads of household gathered together for a deeper study and

     understanding of God's Word.

    1. Parents are responsible for the study of God's Word.

    2. It is the parents responsibility to teach the Word of God to their children.

    3. Fathers should take the lead in teaching their families.

    4. Fathers must set the examples for the family to follow.


V:14. " They found written in the law how the Lord had commanded through Moses that the sons of Israel should live in booths during the feast of the seventh month."

 A. God commands us to reflect on our past and His goodness to us.

    1. The Israelites wondered in the desert for 40 years.

       a. They lived in tents.

       b. God commanded them to build  booths as a reminder of His love and care for


     2. When we reflect on our past and how God has brought us to the present, we are

          reminded of the goodness of God.

     3. If  had not been for God on our side, we certainly would not have made it to the


 B. God has a reason for His planned celebrations and festivals.

    1. When we set aside a time of refection and worship, it keeps us mindful that God
         is in control.

    2. When we reflect on our past and the goodness of God its gives us hope for the

    3. When we reflect our past and the goodness of God, it should promote a spirit of


 C. Obedience to God's commands always brings the blessing of God into our lives.

     1. We are blessed to know that God is in control.

     2. We are blessed to know that God has a plan for us. 

     3. We are blessed to know that God has His eye on us.

     4. People of this great hope don't despair as the world despairs.


D. We need the regular scheduled time of celebration because we can easily get so

      wrapped up in daily activities that there is no time for God.

     1. We need this regular scheduled time of celebration so we can take a break from

          work to enjoy the fruits of our work.  

      2. We need this regular scheduled  time of celebration so we can rest.

      3. We need this regular scheduled time of celebration to worship God and give
          His praise.


V:15. " So they proclaimed and circulated a proclamation in all their cities and in Jerusalem, saying, "Go out to the hills, and bring olive branches and wild olive branches, myrtle branches, palm branches and branches of other leafy trees, to make booths, as it is written."

 A. Once you know what God has commended you to do, you just do it!!

     1. Planning a celebration for God takes time and effort.

     2. Everybody should get involved in the preparation of the celebration.

     3. Everybody has a job to do.

     4. We should get excited planning a celebration for God.

     5. Our excitement causes others to become excited.

 B. Unity is required for a great celebration.

     1. Every family was required to go out and get the material to build their own

     2. You get more out of a celebration when you are involved in the planning and


 C. You get more out of the celebration when you follow God's plan for the

     1. There is a closeness to God that come from following His commands.

     2. We learn to hear God talking to us when we seek His guidance through His

     3. God specified five different types of branches that people were get to build the


         a. Who can know the reason God gave this instruction?

         b. It may not make human sense, but it is God's instructions.

         c. When we do what God requires us to do, it will make sense in the end.

         d. Eventually. God will reveal to us the reason for His instructions.    

         e. Even if He does reveal the reason for His instructions, they will work to our



V:16. " So the people went out and brought them and made booths for themselves, each on his roof, and in their courts and in the courts of the house of God, and in the square at the Water Gate and in the square at the Gate of Ephraim."

 A. During the Christmas holidays, families decorate their homes, and buy Christmas

      trees to decorate in anticipation for the celebration of Christ birth.

   1. There is a lot of fun in getting prepared for this day of celebration.

   2. A celebration brings families together.

   3. A celebration is a reason for families to work together. 

 B. Jerusalem was the center of activity for Israel's celebration.

    1. The Israelites were celebrating their deliverance out of the desert into the promise


       a. God provided for all their ancestors needs during the forty years in the desert.

       b. The desert was a temporary home.

       c.  In the desert they were constantly on the move.

       d. Jerusalem was their permanent home.

       c. Jerusalem was God's chosen destination for His people.

    2. The church is the center of Christian celebrations.  

    3. We should come together often to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord

         Savior Jesus Christ.

    4. Before our relationship with Jesus, we were in the desert of a worldly life.                                                                                                                                                     

        a. In Jesus we have a permanent home.

        b. We should celebrate our home in Jesus.



V:17. " The entire assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and lived in them. The sons of Israel had indeed not done so from the days of Joshua the son of Nun to that day. And there was great rejoicing. "

 A. There is joy and there is great joy.

      1. There are celebrations and there are celebrations with great enthusiasm.

      2. This renewed celebration was with great joy, began with the study of God's

      3. There is more interest in something new than something old.

      4. When the Israelites first got into the promise land, there was greater joy in

           celebrating the Feast of Booths.

      5. As time past, the joy in the celebration faded.

  B. The Israelites had experienced a different desert while in the seventy years of

       captivity in Babylon.

      1. It was a desert from their home town, Jerusalem.

      2. It was a desert from the freedom in the promised land.  

      1. Having been delivered out of captivity, they celebrated the Feast of Booths

          with great Joy.

      2. Everyday is a day of deliverance for the believer.

         a. We are constantly being delivered from the hands of the enemy.

         b. God's grace and mercy is constantly falling fresh on us.

         c. We have reasons for great rejoicing daily. 



V:18. " He read from the book of the law of God daily, from the first day to the last day. And they celebrated the feast seven days, and on the eighth day there was a solemn assembly according to the ordinance."

 A. A daily study of God's Word keeps us in tuned to the will of God.

      1. During the feast, the Israelites studied the Word of God daily.

      2. To know the will of God, we must study God's Word daily.

 B. Everyday is a day of celebration for believers.

     1. With Jesus as our Lord and Savior we have much to celebrate.

     2. We have been saved from ourselves.

     3.We have God's daily provisions and protection.

     4. We serve a God who promises to provide all our needs.

     5. We have a promised Home with Jesus.  



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