Thursday, February 21, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Faith In Action", 2/13/2013



Colossians 4:1-6


V:1. "Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven."

 Since slavery is no longer condoned by society,  we will focus on being masters of the


 A. We all have a master.

     1. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is our master.

         a. He is just and treats all believers as equals.

         b. We have different positions in the body of Christ, but we are all equal.

         c. His grace and mercy flows equally on all believers.

 B. The believer should be a master of his faith.

      The believer should become a role model to the world in promoting Christian
      values and attitudes.

     1. The believer should strive to be a master in promoting love.

     2. The believer should strive to be a master in promoting compassion.

     3. The believer should strive to be a master in service to Jesus.

     4. The believer should strive to be a master in promoting honesty.

     5. The believer should strive to be a master in promoting justice.

     6. The believer should be a master in worshiping the Lord.

 B. In the world, there will be people who are overseers of others.

    1. Everyone should receive just and equal treatment.

    2. Just and equal treatment still does not always happen when a non-believer is the


    3. Just and equal treatment does not always happen even when a Christian is the


 C. We should always be just and equal when dealing with others.

    1. You never know who is watching.

        a. It could be a bystander who admire something about you.

        b. It could be someone who is impressionable and thus want what you have.

     2. If we inspire someone, we should inspire them toward a Christian life.

        a. Our lives should be a molded in the image of Christ.

        b. When we find ourselves in a position of leadership, we should strive to be like



 V:2. "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving."

  A.  The most important engagement for a Christian is prayer time with the Lord.

      1. The believer has a duty and an obligation to be constantly in prayer with the


      2. We are command to pray without ceasing.

      3. Our prayers keeps us in tuned with the Lord.

 B. Believers should be watchful.

      1. Watchful=gregorountes= keep awake

      2. Believers should be spiritual alert at all times.

          a. A dull prayer life allows opportunity for Satan to enter into our thoughts.

 C. Prayer is our time to communicate with the Lord, our love and devotion to Him.

     1. Prayer is time to express our thanks to the Father for His grace and mercy.

     2. Prayer is our time to make our requests known to the Father

     3. Prayer is the time for the believer to intercede on behalf of others.

     4. Prayer is a time to ask the Father for guidance and direction.

         a. God understands what we need when we don't know what we need.

         b. Our prayers gets the attention of the Father.

 D. We should be thankful that we have the opportunity to go to God in prayer.

    1. We should be thankful that we have the mind to go to the Father.

    2. We should express our thanks to the Father for all that He does for us.

    3. We should express our thanks to the Father for current and future blessing.

    4. We should be thankful for answered prayers.

    5. We should be thankful for our salvation.

    6. We should be thankful for the faithful work of other believers.


V:3. "Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds."

 A. We should always pray for the Church and the outreach missions.

      1. We should be continually in prayer for all missionary ministers.

          a. We should pray for their health and strength in the Lord Jesus Christ.

          b. We should pray for their provisions and protection.

      2. We should pray that God will use them where ever they are located.

         a. We should pray that doors of opportunity be opened for them to spread the


 B. We should pray that the Holy Spirit  continue to increase their knowledge and

     understanding of the Word.

     1. We should pray that the Holy Spirit  guide their teaching so that the hearers

        will be blessed by the Word.  

     2. We should pray that the Holy Spirit continue to encourage the 

         missionary ministers though all situations, adverse and none adverse.

C. We should pray for families and unity of the families in Christ Jesus.

    1. We should pray for the health and welfare of the families in the body of Christ.

    2. We should pray for the spiritual growth and maturity of families in the Lord.


V:4. "That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak."

 A.  It is the duty of the congregation to pray for the Pastor as he prepares the Word to

       be preached and taught.

     1. We should pray that God give pastors wisdom to understand the Word.

     2. We should pray that God give pastors method to preach and teach the Word

          so that it can be understood by the hearers.

  B. We should pray that minds hearts of the hearers be open to the Word.


V:5. "Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time."

  A. The believer should display Christian values in word and deed at all times.

      1. The world judges the believer on his/her actions and not on what is professed.

      2. Our faith in Jesus ought to transform us into walking roles models of Him.

      3. The only Church the World knows maybe the Church they see in us.

  B. Since faith comes by hearing, we have to profess the Word that world will hear it.

    1. Time is not on our side. We never know when life will end.

    2. Therefore we must make the best of our time by professing Christ in all

         we do and say.

    3. God gives us opportunities in our daily activities to proclaim Christ to

        those we come in contact with.

       a. We can be here today and gone today.

       b. The hearer can be here today and gone today.


V:6. "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."

 A. Our conversations should always be guided by the Holy Spirit.

     1. We should speak with love and compassion.

     2. We should never be harsh in our conversation.

 B. Every question asked of a believer can be answered with love with the guidance of
      the Spirit.

     1. We should never say what we think, but what the Word of God says.

     2. We should always be truthful.

          a. The truth sometimes hurts, but it can be said with love and encouragement.

     3. The truth is always helpful but not always wanted.

 C. We are surrounded by the world.

     1. We must be wise enough to respond with the Word of God and not be affected by

          world views.

     2. Every conversation is an opportunity to express our faith in Jesus and to promote

         Christian values.














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