Thursday, January 31, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Awesomeness of Jesus", 2/3/13



Colossians 1:15-20


V:15: "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature."

 A. The image of the invisible refers to the divine nature of Jesus.

      1. Jesus is the perfection of the Father.

      2. Jesus and the Father are one.

      3. The image and nature of God is perfectly revealed in Jesus.

      4. Because of our belief in Jesus, we are being transformed into His likeness.

 B. "The First born of every creature" shows Christ relationship to creation and His


      1. Christ was first to be in communion with the Father before any other
         communion began.

      2. Christ was first to be in a relationship with the Father before any other
          relationship began.

      3. In Christ were the first thoughts of creation before any creation began.

      4. Christ was first in eternity past with the Father which has no beginning.

      5. Christ is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.


V:16. "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him."

 A. " For by Him were all things created."

     1. The origin of creation is Christ.

     2. Everything came into being because of His creative thoughts and His creative


     3. Christ is the first cause of everything.

B. "That are in heaven and that are in earth"

    1. It is beyond my comprehension to know that if Christ has no beginning,   also

        heaven and the throne of God has no beginning.

    2. The Apostle Paul said , I was called up to the third heaven. He did not explain the

         three heavens. 2 Cor 12:2

         a. Some say that the sun, the moon, the stars and  all  of the planets occupy the
            first heaven.

         b. Some say the abode of the Angels occupy the second heaven.

         c. Some say the throne of God is the third heaven.

   3. Perhaps in His creative order, Christ allocated space for the three heavens.

       1. Everything that exists, has its beginning with Christ.

       2. We have not discovered everything that exists.

            a. We are discovering more and more of Christ creation in the earth, in the seas

                 and in space as science and technology improves.

       3. The vastness of Christ creation is well beyond my limited knowledge.

 C. "Visible and invisible"

       1. One of the reasons we cannot know the awesomeness of Christ creation is
           because  he made some things invisible to us.

       2. The earth is visible, but heaven is invisible.  

           a. Air is invisible. I exist in it, but I can't see it.

           b. People we can see, angels we cannot see.

  D. "Weather they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities or powers"

      1. The reference here may be to angels; the rank, power and authority entrusted

          to them. (Eph 1:21)

          a. God created an unnumbered host of angels with different positions and rank.

          b. There are the Seraphim and the Cherubim.

          c. Three are called by name; Michael, Gabriel and Satan the fallen angel.

     2. God used angels as His messengers throughout the Old and the New Testaments.

  E. "All things were created by Him and for Him".

      1. All things were created by Christ for His glory.

   2. We exist in this earth for the glory of Christ.

       a. The earth was created by Christ with the right environment for the life of man.

       b. To this date, we have not discovered any other planet with the right

           for life. All planets were created for His glory.

       c. It should be our desire to give Christ glory and honor for creating us.


V:17. "And he is before all things, and by him all things consist."

 A. Christ existed eternally and everything flows from Him.

     1. Christ is before all things in time and above all things in rank.

 B. The word "consist" is the Greek word " sunistao" which means to strengthen or

      stand with.

    1. Everything is maintained by Christ.

       a. Everything has its beginning in Christ and cannot continue to exist without
    2. Christ is active in His creation.


V:18. "And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence."

A. Christ is the head of the body and the body is defined as His Church.

     1. Christ is the head of all who believe in Him as their personal savior.

     2. The Church has many leaders, but Christ is the head of all of them.

         a. It is Christ who guides and governs the Church.

         b. The Church is the assemble or congregation of the redeemed people of God.

     3. Membership in the body comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

 B. "Who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead."

     1. The Church began with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

         a. Christ was the first to be raised from  the dead into immortality.

     2. We who believe, die to self and are resurrected into a new life with Christ.

 C. "In all things He might have the preeminence"

     1. Christ is first in rank, power , honor and dignity in the Church.

     2. Christ is the first to be raised from the dead into immortality and is seated at the

         right hand of the Father.

     3. All power over heaven and earth was given to Christ.

     4. All believers were given to Him by the Father.

     5. He is the Shepherd, the provider and protector of all believers.

     6. He made all believers so that they would know His voice and follow after Him.


V:19. "For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell."

 A. In the original Greek wording, the word "Father" is not present in this verse.

      1. But whom would Jesus please other than the Father?

          a. A voice from heaven was heard which was, "This is my Son whom I love,

              with Him I am well pleased." Matt 3:17

      2. It pleased the Father that His creation and plan of redemption were complete

          in His Son.

          a. The Father reconciled the world to Himself through Jesus Christ. 
              2 Cor 5:18-19

 B. The sin of Adam, separated man from God.

      1. The death and resurrection of Christ reconciled man back to God.  Gal 4:4

 C. Christ is the fullness of righteousness.

      1. Christ is the fullness of wisdom.

      3. Christ is the fullness of power.

      4. Christ is the fullness of all blessings.

V:20. "And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven."

 A. The awesomeness of Christ is that His shed blood on the cross is the payment for
      the sins of the world.

    1. We cannot count the sins committed by all men against God in the past, the
         present or the future.

    2. Yet all sins are covered by the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross one Friday


    3. Christ who is spirit, had to take on human flesh filled with blood to die for the
        sins of man.

    4. There is something special about His blood, because not animal blood or

        any other human blood has the power to save.

    5. There is something special about this blood because it never dries up.

    6. There is something special about this blood because it never looses it power to

    7. There is something special about His blood because there is no sin to big or to
        awful that it cannot reconcile the sinner to the Father.

 B. Sin has it origin in Heaven.

     1. Lucifer, an angel of God, a cherub in the host of angel, made perfect by God
        sinned against God. Isa 14:12

     2. This Lucifer was cast down from heaven and is now known as Satan, the father
         of lies.  Eze 28:12-16   

     3. The blood of Jesus atoned for all the sins that separated man from God in




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