Thursday, October 25, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Witness For Jesus", 10/28/2012


ACTS 8:26-39


V:26. "And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert."

 A. When we are done with one mission, God has another mission to keep us busy.

    1. Philip had completed his work in Samaria; preaching and making disciples.

    2. In obedience to the Lord, he followed the directions of an angel.

    3. There are times when the Lord will send us to a desert area.

    4. The desert may be a place without a church or the start of a new church without a


        a. Anyone without God as the center of their lives is in the desert.

        b. Anyone without Jesus as their personal Savior is in the desert.

    5. The Word, once preached moves out from it's origin.

 B. The Lord did not tell Philip what his mission was, only that he was needed in a

      different area.

    1. We should never get to comfortable in our position during God's work.

       a. God may move us to do another task at any time.

       b. He may move us out of the city into the desert to accomplish his mission.

    2. We should always be willing and available to the Lord to take on new



V:27. "And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship."

 A. When we become obedient to the commands of God, He  will reveal His purpose

      to us.

     1. Those who work for the Lord can accomplish great things in the presence of

         men and women.

     2. Philip was placed by God in the presence of the Chief Financial Officer of the

         Nation of Ethiopia.

     3. Philip, a Jew and deacon of the Church had teaching business with a highly placed

         African Official.

     4. This African Official worshipped the Lord long before many of the modern

         religions of the area developed.

 B. The young and the old, the small and the great need to be taught the Word of God.

      1. This African Official had power, authority and connections, but he saw a need to

          worship the Lord.


V:28. "Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet."

 A. This African Official was riding in a chauffer driven limousine, studying the Word

      of God.

    1. He was a smart man. He handled the finances of his country.

    2. He was a wise man. 

         a. He was returning from vacation where he worshipped the Lord.

         b. He used his free time studying the Word of God.


V:29. "Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot."

 A. Once we get started on a mission for the Lord, God reveals more of His plan to


    1. We should always be open to directions from the Lord.

    2. The spirit of believers receives inspiration from the Holy Spirit.

    3. To do God's work, we have to go where the work is.

    4. To help someone, you need to get close to them.

    5. To help someone, you have to join in with them to know their needs.

B. To be effective in the ministry, you have to be obedient to the Holy Spirit.

    1. You have to listen to the Lord.

    2. You have to be willing to work.

    3. You have to go when called.

 C. God can open doors that we don't know exist.

    1. God will place us in the mist of people who need a Word from Him.

    2. Our testimony and knowledge of Jesus are effective in the spread of the Gospel.


V:30. "And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?"

 A. Philip "ran".

     1. When God says go, you ought to run in obedience.

     2. The opportunity that is here today, may not exist tomorrow.

     3. The African Official was on the move.

         a. Philip had to catch him while he was in his sight.

 B. Notice what happen when Philip got close to the official.

    1. He observed. He heard the man reading the Bible

    2. He investigated. He asked the man if he understood what he was reading.

    3. He applied his knowledge.

    4. There are three basic steps in Bible Study.

       a. Observation:  Observe the text.

       b. Investigation: Interpret the text.

       c. Application:  Apply the text to your life.

 C.  Asking questions is the quickest way to engage a person in conversation.

     1. Asking questions about their interest is a sure way to determine their knowledge

         of the subject.

     2. If you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your conversation, you will ask the right

         questions that are particular to the needs of the listener.

V:31. "And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him."

 A. God placed Philip in the mist of a man reading the scripture to have Bible Study.

     1. God places His ministers in the right place at the right time to spread the         


     2. God ensures that those He call, will get the understanding they need.

 B. Philip was asked to join the African Official in His chariot  for Bible Study.

    1. When we join with others in Bible Study our understanding is increased.

 C. This official had the right attitude for learning.

    1. He was humble. He knew what he did not know.

    2. He was willing to learn.

    3. He had a desire to understand the Word of God. 

    4. He took advantage of the teacher that God placed in front of Him.

 C.  A good student of God makes time for Bible Study.

    1. A good student makes a place for a teacher.

    2. A good student gets close to his teacher.



V:32.-33 "The place of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth.


 V:33. "In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth."

 A. The African Official was reading in the book of Isaiah the prophecy of the coming

      of Jesus Christ, His rejection, His obedience to the Father in death and His


 1. Even though the man was in the desert, he did not have a desert mentality.

     a. A desert mentality is devoid of the Word of God.

     b. A desert mentality is stuck on this world and the things in this world.

     c. A desert mentality is blind to the promises of God.

     d. A desert mentality has no concept of eternity.

 2. This man had a kingdom mentality.

    a. This man was on the move.

    b. He was just passing through. The desert was not his home.

    c. This man was seeking God through the study of His Word.

    d. You have to pass through the desert to reach the kingdom.

 B. God knows where you are.

    1. You can't get lost in the desert from God.

    2. God prepares us to accept the Gospel.

       a. He came to Jerusalem to worship the Lord, but he missed the Gospel

       b. He was studying the Word that proclaimed the coming of the Gospel.

    3. Once his heart was ripe for the Gospel, God sent Him a teacher.

      a. Once his heart was right, his mind was open to the Gospel

 C. God was quick to tell His nationality, his worldly position, his authority,

     but He did not tell us his name.

   1. This man represents us all.

   2. No matter how much or how little we got, if we don't have Jesus we don't

       have anything of lasting value.

 D. The Gospel moves in high places by ordinary people like us.

V:34. "And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man?"

A. This man was wise.

    1. He studied the Word for himself.

    2. He asked questions to gain an understanding.

    3. He knew who to ask to get answers.

        a. He was reading aloud to his driver, but his driver didn't know.

        b. He asked a teacher who had an understanding.

 B. If you don't know, don't be afraid to ask questions to get answers.


V:35. "Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus."

 A. A good teacher listens to the questions of his students.

      1. In the questions are the students' interest and lack of knowledge.

 B. A good teacher uses the questions as a start to his teaching.

     1. No matter where you start in the Bible, you can teach Jesus Christ.

     2. Jesus is the author of the Word.

         a. Jesus is the Word.

         b. Jesus is the Word that became flesh.

    3. The Word is personal.

       a. The Word teaches the salvation of man through faith in Jesus.

 C. There is no way to preach the Word without preaching Jesus Christ.

     1. Our interest in the Word is God's directions to us out of the world.


V:36. "And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?"

 A. A good teacher teaches Jesus and redemption in the baptism of His blood.

     1. Water baptism is an outward sign of an inward change in the heart.

     2. The water baptism represents the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

 B. The desire to be baptized represents the conviction in the heart to accept Jesus as


    1. The African official had a personal desire to know the Word of God.

    2. His knowledge of the Word resulted in his desire to be baptized.

 C. This official concluded that time was not on his side.

     1. He took the opportunity to be baptized immediately.

     2. Time is not on our side.


V:37. "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."

 A. The first step in redemption is a confession of faith in Jesus Christ.

     1. Confession must be from the heart.

     2. Confession without belief in Jesus is worthless.

 B. There is no real baptism without faith in Jesus.

 C. We must believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

     1. We must believe that Jesus had a divine nature and a human nature.

     2. We must believe that Jesus came down from heaven and took on human flesh.

     3. We must believe that the blood that Jesus shed on the cross covers our sins.

V:38. "And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him."

 A. There is nothing more important than your spiritual baptism in Jesus Christ.

     1. Your work is not that important.

     2. Your time is not that important.

     3. Your position is not that important.

 B. You have a choice to accept or reject Jesus.

     1. The African Official chose Jesus.

     2. You have to stand still and accept Jesus where you are.

 C. Notice the correct water baptism commanded by Christ.

     1. Baptism is by emersion.

     2. They went down into the water.

     3. This water baptism represents our going down into the blood of Jesus.

     4. This baptism represents our covering in the blood of Jesus.



V:39. "And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing."

 A. Water baptism represents complete emersion by the Holy Spirit.

    1. This passage gives us the existence of the Holy Trinity.

        a. We have God the Father.

        b. We have God the Son.

        c. We have God the Holy Spirit.

 B. The power of the Holy Spirit is shown.

    1. The man was baptized by the Holy Spirit.

        a. Philip did the water baptism.

        b. The Holy Spirit did the spiritual baptism.

    2. Philip was carried away by the Spirit.

       a. The Man rode in a horse drawn chariot.

       b. Philip rode in the Spirit of God.

       c. The spirit carries us into an understanding of God's Word.

       d. The Spirit gives us guidance and directions.

       e. When the work was completed with the African official, the Spirit moved Philip

           his next assignment.

     3. The work of the Lord is never complete.

        a. We must continue in our efforts to bring others to Christ.

        b. Jesus said, "The poor will always be with you."


C. The man went away rejoicing.

   1. Salvation is our reason for rejoicing.

   2. We rejoice because of the work of Jesus was completed on the cross for us.

   3. We rejoice because heaven is our hope.

   4. Like the African Official, this is not our home, we are just passing through.

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