Thursday, September 27, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Love, Our Greatest Gift" 9/30/2012



Hebrews 13:1-3, 1 Cor 13:1-13



This text emphasizes Love.  It focuses on who God is. He is Love. It is not an attribute. It is not a characteristic. It is who He is.


God wants us to be like Him. The greatest desire of man should be to be like the Lord.



Hebrews 13:1. "Let brotherly love continue."

A. Brotherly Love = philadelphia= kindness, good will, friendship

    1. Let us comfort and support one another.

    2. Let us be one family and be in unity with one another.

    3. Let us support the welfare of each other.

B. Be careful to remove all impediments to brotherly love.

   1. Remove any jealousy.

   2. Remove any envy.

   3. Remove any competition.

   4. Remove any hates.

   5. Remove any selfishness.

   6. Remove any lust in the heart.

C. Continue your love.

   1. Continue growing and striving together.

   2. Let nothing hinder your love.

      a. Don't let differences of opinion or ideas destroy togetherness.

      b. Don't let differences of interpretation of doctrine tear you apart.

V.13:2. "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

A. Be hospitable to strangers.

    1. Do it with a cheerful heart.

    2. Do it willingly.

    3. Do it with  a humble spirit.

    4. Make it our business and our occupation.

B. Strangers may hold blessing that God has for us.

   1. Strangers may have the answer to that which troubles us.

   2. Strangers may hold the key to doors that are closed to us.

   3. Strangers may be the opportunity to use the gifts that God has given us.

C. Every man coming to Jesus finds friendship, fellowship and love.

   1. We are told that it is more blessed to give than receive.

   2. Abraham received an angel who blessed him and Sarah with the promise from
       God of a future son.

   3. Mary received an angel who blessed her with the Son of God.  

 D. Angels are messengers of God. We never know when they will show up in our

    1. I know a woman who has a daughter who was born with a skin allergy that caused

        her to itch all the time. Doctors could offer no cure. By chance, she met a woman

        that gave her the solution to the problem. The simple over the counter treatment

        cured the problem. She was at the end of her rope and didn't know what to do. An

        angel showed up with the answer to her prayers.

Hebrews 13:3. "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."

A. Take note of those that are in trouble.

     1. But more than remembering, we must force ourselves to consider their trouble as 
         our own.

     2. If we can feel their pain we can be moved with compassion to be helpful.

B. We must careful to consider that but by the Grace of God that their situation is not


    1. It is the compassion that we have for others that draws us closer together in love.

    2. If we suffer in the heart as others suffer, we can appreciate the God that can bring

        about relief.

    3. We have a duty and a responsibility to be constantly in prayer for others.


1 Cor 13:1.  "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."

 A. Tongues = gloossais = language of a particular people.

      1. Speak= laloo= emit a voice

      2. Charity= agapeen=affection, good will, benevolence

          a. It is used for the love of God and Christ toward men. John 15:13

          b. It is used for the love of men toward God. 1 John 4:21

          c. It is used for the love of men toward men,  Rom 13:9

          d. This Word is what God is.  God is love. 1 John 4:16-19

 B. Though= ean=a conditional particle, "If"

     1. Though is also a connective particle.

        a. In this case it is connecting verse 13:1 with verse 12:31; "A more excellent

        b. Love or Charity is the better gift.

        c. Love should be pursued first.

        b. Love is the prerequisite to proper use of God's gifts.

    2. The apostle Paul is not saying that there is a gift of the language of angels. He is

         saying that "If" you had that gift it is not better than "Love".

        a. Angels are perfect, therefore their language is more exalted than man.

        b. Certainly they communicate with God to bring a message to man.

        c. In all cases in the Bible where angels spoke to man, they spoke in a language
            that  man could understand.  Some examples are Abraham, Jacob, Mary and

    3. Gifts without love are useless.

       a. The key issue here is that gifts are given for the love of man, not man for the
           love of gifts.

       b. God gave us gifts that they may be used to edify the body of Christ.

       c. The use of gifts without love is noise without focus. 

 V.13:2. "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing."

A. Prophecy= profeeteian= prediction, an utterance inspired by God, to a thing that can

     only be known by divine revelation.

B. "Understand all mysteries"

    1. If I could understand the mysteries of nature and if I could understand what others

        cannot understand, this would be useless without Love.

    2. Love causes one to use one's gifts without being puffed up.

    3. Love causes one to use one's gifts to the benefit of others.

C. "Though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains"

    1. It takes a strong faith to move mountains. I don't think you can have that level of

        faith without love.

        a. Jesus had that kind of faith, but He is Love.

        b. Faith without love is ineffective.

    2. It is the love of God that is the cause of a strong mature faith.

        a. It is the love of your neighbor that puts faith into action.  

V:3. "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing."

 A.  "Feed the poor"=peoomisoo= to feed by putting a bit or crumb into the mouth.

      1. This would imply time and tenderness.

      2. If this is done without love, then it is done out of selfish motives.

          a. Selfish motives never pleases God.

 B. "Though I give my body to be burned"

      1. Burned = kaucheesoomai= to glory, for boasting

      2. All boasting about self is selfish.

      3. If I get the glory, God does not get the glory that is due Him.

      4. What I do out of love for others gives God the glory.

      5. When God gets the glory, I get the profit.


V:4. "Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up."

A. Love suffers long.

     1. Love suffers the weakness of others.

     2. Love suffers the ignorance of others.

     3. Love suffers the errors of others.

     4. Love suffers the evil of others.

     5. Love never runs out.

B. Love is kind.

    1. Kind=chreesteuetai=gentle, tender, compassionate.

    2. Love considers the needs and position of others.

C. "Love envieth not".

    1. Love does not desire what others have.

    2. Love is not grieved by the possessions of others.

D. Love does not vaunt itself.

    1. Vaunteth itself= perprereuetai= boast, brag, does not desire to be noticed

    2. Love is confident in itself.

    3. Love does not need anybody else to validate it.

E. Love is not puffed up

    1. Puffed up = not inflated

    2. Love does not have an elevated sense of importance.

    3. Love is full of humility.


V:5. "Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil."

A. "Love does not behave itself unseemly."

    1. Love is never out of place.

       a. Love does not force it's opinions on others.

       b. Love does not force others to do what they have no desire to do. (except as it

           relates to parenting).

   2. Love does not seek its own.

       a. Love is not selfish. Love seeks the welfare of others.

       b. Love does not seek only it's happiness but the happiness of others also.

       c. Love does not just seek its own comfort, but the comfort of others also.

B. Love is not easily provoked.

    1. Love does not sweat the small stuff.

    2. Love does not get bent out of shape because things are not going as planned.

    3. Love does not get upset when others won't take good advice.

    4. Love does not get angry at the evil of others.

C. Love thinks no evil.

    1. Love thinks the best of others even if the best is not evident.

    2. Love seeks the positive qualities of others.

    3. Love considers the good in everybody.

    4. Love considers that we all got issues, and no issues are worst than others.

V.13:6. "Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth."

 A.  Love does not find joy in falsehood.

     1. Love finds joy in the truth.

     2. Love finds joy in the Word which is the truth.

 B. Love does not depend on others for the truth.

    1. Love seeks the truth for itself.

    2. Love does not listen to gossip, but waits for the truth to avail itself.

C. Love does not follow unrighteousness.

    3. Love seeks the righteousness of God.

V:7. "Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."

 A. Love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

    1. Love over looks certain things.

    2. Love bears the evil of others.

    3. Love conceals that which needs to be concealed.

    4. Love keeps secrets.

 B. Love believes all things.

    1. Love takes a person at his word until his word is found to be untrue.

    2. Love sees a person as he is not by what is said of him.

C. Love hopes all things.

    1. Love looks for the best in others.

    2. Love expects the best out of others.

    3. Love is willing to help others achieve their best.

D. Love endures all things.

    1. Love draws its strength from the Lord.

    2. Love does not depend on itself.

    3. Love depends on God.



V:8. "Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away."

A. Love never fails because the source of love is not of man but of God.

    1. God is love and His love never ceases.

    2. God's love is not dependant on man.

    3. Man is the object of God's love.

    4. God uses man as a vessel of His love.

    5. God has an unlimited number of people He can use to dispense His love.

    6. There are two things that never fail; God's love and God's Word.

B. Prophecies will fail.

   1. There will come a time when all the prophecies of God are fulfilled.

   2. Those who have the gift of prophecy will see their end in death.

   3. In the New Heaven and the New Earth there will be only one event;

       praise and worship of the Lord.

C. The gift of tongues (languages of men) will cease.

    1. Even today there is no need for the gift of languages. We have computers and

       cell phones that can translate one language into another language.

    2. We have language teachers who can teach any foreign language.

    3. Technology has outdated the need for the gift of languages.

    4. In heaven, there will be only one language.

D. The gift of  knowledge will vanish away.

    1. On the internet we can find information on any subject.

    2. Those who study the Word of God have the indwelling of the

        Holy Spirit as their teacher.

    3. In Heaven there will be no need for knowledge, because everything will be

       a. God is omniscience. In His presence, everything will be known.

E. God is love and He can never cease to exist.



V:9. "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

 A. Our knowledge on earth is limited compared to the unlimited knowledge of the Lord.

     1. We can process only a small amount of that which is before us.

     2. We have no knowledge of heavenly things.

     3. The Bible is closed. God has given us in His Word all He wants us to know.

          Rev 22:9.

     4. Man can only know what God inspires Him to know. 2 Tim 3:16

         1. God will not inspire you to know anything that is not in His Word. Ecc 1:9

V:10. "But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away."

A. The current heaven and the current earth with all of its imperfections will be

     done away with. 2 Peter 3:13, Rev 21:1

   1. God will create a new heaven and a new earth. Rev 21:1

   2. God will give light to all that are saved. Rev 22:5

      a. The light of the Lord is perfect.



V:11. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

A. The Apostle Paul now speaks of the maturity of the Church and the maturity of

     individual members of the Body of Christ.

   1. The Church is now in its mature state. We have the Bible, the Word of God in it's
       completed form.

   2. The books of the Bible were written by men inspired by God. These books were
       collected and put together in what we know as the Bible by men I believed were
       also inspired by God. We have verified  accuracy of the work of this latter group
       with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
   3. All believers have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Rom 8:9, 1 John 3:24

       a. The Holy Spirit is our teacher to understand God's Word.  John 14:26

B. Because the Church is in its mature state, the two gifts mention in this text,

     prophecy and tongues (languages) take a less important role.

   1. Love is the greatest asset of the Church.

       a. Love is the excellent way to glorify God.


V:12. "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

 A. While we are on this earth, we have only partial knowledge.

     1. Mirrors in Paul's time were made of polish metal.

     2. The image was dim.

     3. A mirror can only reflect what is in front of it.

        a. A mirror cannot reflect what is behind it.

        b. A mirror cannot reflect into the future.

        c. A mirror cannot reflect what is in heaven.

    4. The image of the mirror is only partial.

 B. Like a mirror, our knowledge of the world, nature and heaven is limited.

    1. When we get to heaven in the presence of the Father, all things will be made
         known to us.



V:13. "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity."

A. Faith is the Christian foundation.

    1. We come to Christ by Grace through faith.

B. Christian Hope in the Word of God.

    1. Our hope, peace, joy and provisions are in the Word of God.

    2. Our eternal hope is presented in the Word of God.

C. Love, agape love is the greatest gift of all.

    1. It is because of God's love that He created the heavens and the earth.

    2. It is because of God's love that He created man.

    3. It is because of God's love that He redeemed man after the fall with the death of
        His Son.

    4. It is because of God's love that believers have a heavenly home.

    5. Love is the greatest Gift of all.


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