Thursday, August 9, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus, Our Salvation", 8/12/2012


Isaiah 9:2-7

The Northern Kingdom of Israel had been over run and corrupted by the Phoenicians and the Arabians. They had become crude and uneducated  (Acts 2:7) and were prone to violence (John 18:11). It was well known that Galilee was a bad area in which nothing good was expected (John 7:52). Out of this bad area came Jesus Christ      (Mat 21:11), our Lord and Savior. God can bring good out of any bad situation. It was God's divine planfor Jesus to appear like us; weak and powerless so that He could gain salvation for the whole world with His death on the cross.


V.2. "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined."

 A. In our darkest hour, God is light.

    1. In trouble times, God is peace.

    2. In sadness, God is Joy.

    3. In sickness, God is health.

    4. In death, God is life.

    5. In doom and gloom, God is hope.

B. In all that we do, we can count on God to be present.

    1. God is always aware of our circumstances.

    2. In all our ways, acknowledge the Lord and He will direct our paths.

C. The light of God shines because of His great love for us.

    1. The region of Galilee had been overrun and corrupted by a foreign nation.

    2. Some thought that there was nothing good in Galilee. John 7:52

    3. God can bring good out of the worst situation.

    4. Jesus our Lord and Savior home town was Galilee.

V:3. "Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil."

 A. It is God that gives the increase in our lives.

     1. It is God that gives us families and true friends.

     2. The Body of Christ increases as we testify to the goodness of the Lord.

     2. God is the cause of our joy.

 B. When God is in your life, trouble has no reign in your heart.

     1.When it rains, sometimes it pours.  God is in control of the rain.

     2. When one person is against you, others may join in, but they are no match for God.

 C. Trouble is an opportunity for God to get the Glory.

     1. We can count it all joy when we put our trust in the Lord.

     2. Joy increases, when Christ reigns in your life.

V:4. "For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian."

 A. We were born in sin, therefore slaves to the flesh.

     1. The Israelites were under attack by foreign governments because of their sins

          against God.

         a. After a time of punishment, God restored them to freedom.

         b. The Lord chastises those that He loves.

     2. It was Christ who relieved us from the burden of sin with His death on the cross.

        a. Sin burdens the mind with guilt and oppresses the spirit.

        b. Jesus freed us from the penalty and the guilt of sin.

        c. Jesus set us free to serve and worship the Lord.

 B. Under the weight of sin we labor for no real and lasting benefit.

     1. Under grace, our labor stores treasures in heaven.

 C.  The Lord give us hope by reminding us of how He delivered His people in the past.

     1. God instructed Gideon to use 300 men to bring down an enemy with an army of

         thousands. Judges 7:7

     2. God is all powerful and uses the weak to bring down the strong.

     3. Christ is our Gideon.

     4. Your enemies are no match for God.

         a. God is more than the whole world against you.

V:5. "For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire."

 A. The Lord will do battle for those He loves.

     "Confused noise"

    1. The soldiers of this time wore war shoes which covered their feet and legs.

        a. They were covered with iron hooks and nails.

        b. This armor made a lot of noise when they marched. (confused noise)

    2. "Garments rolled in blood".

        a. The garments the soldiers wore were dipped in human blood.

    3. God gives the picture of the army of the enemy as well equipped and capable of  

        mass destruction.  

        a. Today, war has the noise of gun fire.

        b. There is bloodshed and lost of life in war.

        c. Property is destroyed by fire.

    4. Nothing is to hard for God. Gen 18:14

        a. God will take charge of your  battles and the enemy will not succeed.  Mal 4:1

        b. God can cause the enemy to hear His voice and confused them in battle.

        c. The enemy can easily be destroyed by God and their armor burned in a fire. 

            Psalms 46:9-10

 B. Jesus is our great deliverer. Zac 9:9-10

    1. Jesus fights our battles.


V:6. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

 A. The prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ.

     1."A child is born; a son is given to us"

        a. Jesus the Son of God, took on human flesh and became the son of man.

        b. The Son of God took off His glory, stepped down from  heaven and humble

            Himself before man.

        c. He did this not for Himself, but for us.

        d. He is the gift of God to us. Acts 4:12

 B. "And the government shall be upon his shoulder."

    1. All power over heaven and earth was given to Him.

    2. He was sent by the Father to die for our sins.

    3. He was crucified, but on the third day He arose.

    4. He ascended back to heaven and was given control of the universe.

 C. "He is called Wonderful. "

     1. Wonderful=pele= a miracle

     2. The Spirit of God revealed Himself to us in the form of a man.

     3. He performed miracles to get our attention and to show us His glory.

 D. " He is called Counselor."

     1. The whole Bible is His counsel.

        a. He recorded and preserved His Word throughout time for a guide to us.

        b. His life on earth is a role model for us to follow.  

        c. He revealed the righteousness of the Father with His life on earth.

 E. "He is called the Mighty God".

      1. He is omnipotent; "all powerful."

      2. He is omnipresence; "everywhere all the time."

      3. He is omniscience: " has all knowledge."

      4. He created the heavens and the earth. Job 38:4-5

F. He is "The Everlasting Father".

     1. He is Alpha and Omega. Rev 1:8

         a. He has no beginning and no ending. Rev 22:13

         b. Everything exist in Him.

         c. Everything has their beginning in Him. Gen 1:1

G. He is the "Prince of Peace."

    1. He was sent by the Father to reconcile the world to the Father. Col 1:20

    2. Jesus death on the cross made peace between man and God. Eph 2:16

    3. Jesus gives the believer peace. John 14:27

V:7. "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."

 A. "Of the increase of his government and Peace there shall be no end."

      1. The world's population shall continue under the control and authority of the Prince

           of Peace.

      2. The Son of God, the Prince of peace shall never cease to extend and promote peace.

      3. He shall never cease to extend peace to all believers.  

 B. " Upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom."

     1. Jesus was born into a line of Kings by the power of the Holy Spirit.

         a. He does not have the blood of kings, but the blood of righteousness.

         b. He was born into a line of kings. He existed before any man was created.

         c. David reigned over the people of Israel.

         d. Christ reigned over all people.

         e. David reigned over all Jews.

         f. Christ reigns over Jews and Gentiles alike.

 C. "To order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even

        for ever."

      1. David reign was temporary. Christ reign is forever.2

      2. Christ is the foundation for the government of justice and righteousness.

      3. The government of Christ is firm. It will never change.

 D. " The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."

     1. Zeal=qinah= God's intense desire to accomplish His purpose.

     2. Because of the zeal of the Lord, the work of the Lord is sure.

         a. The spread of the Gospel is sure.

         b. Salvation is sure.

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