Thursday, April 12, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Cleaning The Temple" 4/15/2012


JOHN 2:13- 22

V:13. “ And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.”

A. There
are some celebrations in the Church that you should not miss.

1. The Jews celebrated the day
that the death angel passed over the people of

just prior to their release from slavery and their exodus from Egypt.

2. The communion celebration
represents the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

a. Believers should make it their
business to be at Church when communion is being


b. We should constantly remind
ourselves of the supreme sacrifice Christ made

for us to save our souls.

c. We should constantly remind
ourselves of the continuous love of Jesus for us.

V:14. “ And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and
doves, and

the changers of money sitting.”

A. Jesus is aware of our presence in the Church.

1. Jesus knows why we are in the Church.

2. He knows if we are there to worship

3. He knows if we are there to promote ourselves.

4. In the temple unblemished animals were
sold to those who came

to Worship to be offered for a
sacrifice according to the Law.

B. Three things points to the spiritual corruption of the

1. Those who were
in charge of temple worship allowed an outside influence

to operate inside
the temple walls.

2. Those who purchased the animals at the temple failed to
follow God’s

command to bring a
sacrificial offering from their produce.

3. They were not devoted enough to the
Lord to make an effort

to bring on their
journey to the temple a sacrifice from what

God had blessed
them with.

a. Entry to the temple was limited or made inaccessible to
the Gentiles.

b. Gentiles
could only enter the outer court which was blocked by

the sale of animals.

c. Gentiles could not go into the other inner courts to

C Operating in the temple were money changers, who for a
fee would change

any foreign currency to the
acceptable temple currency.

1. Operating in the temple were
businesses making a profit that corrupted the purity of the worship experience.

V:15. “And
when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple,
and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew
the tables.”

A. Jesus
cleaned the temple of those who made it impure.

1. He
got rid of selfish gain, selfish ambition and personal agendas.

2. Jesus
is pure, therefore His temple ought to be pure.

3. Jesus is righteous, therefore
nothing but righteousness ought to exist in His temple.

4. The worship of the Lord ought
to be pure and undefiled.

5. The body is the temple of the

a. Because of His death, his
righteousness was imputed to all who believe.

b. His blood on
the cross cleansed us of all unrighteousness before the Father.

B. The
Lord has a way of getting rid of those who corrupt His worship.

V:16. “And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence;
make not my

Father's house an house of merchandise.”

A. The
church is not the place to run a personal business.

1. The only business in the Church is the business of
promoting the Gospel

of Jesus Christ.

2. The only merchandise sold in the Church should be that
which supports

the Church and builds up the Body of Christ.

B. The
Church is the property of the Father.

1. When we bring into Church our person agendas, we make the

House a house of merchandise.

a. The Father's house is for prayer and worship. Isa 56:7, Mat 21:13

V:17. “And his
disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me

A. This
is proof that the disciples studied the scriptures under Jesus.

1. They
recalled the words of Psalms 69:9.

2. Jesus
revealed Himself in the Old Testament to His disciples.

B. Jesus
had a zeal(a fervent mind) for promoting the righteousness of the Father

which was evident in all of His actions.

1. He
cleansed the temple.

2. Jesus
showed His zeal teaching the word.

3. Jesus
showed His zeal by sacrificing His life for the sins of the world.

C. We
believers in the Lord Jesus ought to have a zeal for doing the will of

the Father.

1. The world will see Jesus in us when our minds are made up
in following

the commands of Jesus.

2. When we are focused on the Lord we will not follow the

3. When we are
focused on the Lord we will stand out from the crowd.

V:18. “Then
answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto

us, seeing that thou doest these things.”

A. The
Jews wanted to know what authority did Jesus have to challenge their

way of doing things.

1. The Jews wanted to know what right did Jesus have getting
into their way of doing business in the Church.

B. There
is only one way in the Church and that is the WAY of Jesus Christ.

1. There is only one business in the Church and that is the

of building up the body of Jesus Christ.

C. There
is only one authority in the Church and that is the Word of Jesus Christ.

1. You
can tell when someone is pushing their own agenda in the Church.

a. They get upset when presented with the Word.

b. Folk
don’t want to hear the Word when it does not agree with their agenda.

D. The Church is under the dispensation of Grace.
Eph 3:2

1. The word “dispensation” is from the
Greek word “okonomian” which

means house manager
or house administration.

2. The Church is managed
by Grace and not by individual agendas.

3. Some folk get
upset when presented with the house rules.

V:19. “Jesus answered
and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days

I will raise it.”

A. They wanted a sign or a miracle to show
that Jesus had a divine commission to

change their way of doing things.

1. Jesus gave them
the supreme example of His authority.

2. He had the
authority to lay down His life and take it back up again

establishing a
new temple in His name.

B. The Church
building is the place of worship and not the main building.

1. Jesus has a
temple without walls.

2. You can’t count
the number of seats in the Church of Jesus Christ.

C. Jesus is the
“chief corner stone” of the Church.

1. Jesus
is the chief builder of the Church.

2. Jesus
was not talking about the temple building, but His body.

3. Jesus
enlighten us about His death and resurrection.

a. He would die in the flesh.

b. He
would live again in His resurrected body.

c. His spirit would be absent from His body for three

4. Jesus authority
was above the comprehension of man.

a. No man has the power to lay his life down and take it up

b. Jesus had the power and He used it voluntarily to save man.

V:20. “Then said
the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear
it up in
three days?”

A. Man sees the physical, but he
has trouble understanding the spiritual.

1. Jesus spoke of
His death and resurrection.

a. His voluntary death at the hands of the Jews.

b. His resurrection by His own power.

2. The Jews could only see what was in front of them, the temple

a. They had no view of the kingdom of God, only the
kingdom of the world.

b. The Jews were speaking of man’s limited
power. But Jesus

spoke of the unlimited, undefined power
of God.

B. When we
study Jesus, we must keep in mind that His focus is the eternal salvation

of man and not his physical existence.

1. Jesus will provide for all of our
needs and some of our wants.

2. Our wants will never override the will
of the Father for us.

But he spake of the temple of his body."

A. Jesus is giving us basis doctrine.

1. The world can not understand the Word
of God. 1 Cor

a. The Jews heard the Word and counted
it as foolishness.

B. Believers understand the Word through the
power of the Holy Spirit.

John 14:26

C. The three days represent His death burial and resurrection.

1. Jesus would tear down the old religion
under the Law and establish a

new religion in His body. 1 Peter

2. Jesus established His Church as the
sanctuary for God's elect. John 17:24

3. God's elect was foreknown before the
foundation of the world. Eph 1:4

D. Jesus death on the cross fulfilled all the
requirements of the law. Mat

1. Jesus established a new covenent in His
blood. Luke 20:20, Heb 8:13

V:22. “ When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples
remembered that he had said this unto
them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.”

A. The disciples heard the Word. Although they didn’t understand it,

they did not count
it as foolishness.

1. The disciple would
in time recall the Word they heard with


2. God will not put
more on us than we can bare.

3. The disciples could
not handle the death and resurrection of Jesus at this


4. They heard the Word,
but the Lord kept them blind to it until the right


B. We will not always understand the Word when we hear it.

a. In time, God will
make it clear to us.


JOHN 2:13- 22

V:13. “ And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.”

A. There
are some celebrations in the Church that you should not miss.

1. The Jews celebrated the day
that the death angel passed over the people of

just prior to their release from slavery and their exodus from Egypt.

2. The communion celebration
represents the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

a. Believers should make it their
business to be at Church when communion is being


b. We should constantly remind
ourselves of the supreme sacrifice Christ made

for us to save our souls.

c. We should constantly remind
ourselves of the continuous love of Jesus for us.

V:14. “ And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and
doves, and

the changers of money sitting.”

A. Jesus is aware of our presence in the Church.

1. Jesus knows why we are in the Church.

2. He knows if we are there to worship

3. He knows if we are there to promote ourselves.

4. In the temple unblemished animals were
sold to those who came

to Worship to be offered for a
sacrifice according to the Law.

B. Three things points to the spiritual corruption of the

1. Those who were
in charge of temple worship allowed an outside influence

to operate inside
the temple walls.

2. Those who purchased the animals at the temple failed to
follow God’s

command to bring a
sacrificial offering from their produce.

3. They were not devoted enough to the
Lord to make an effort

to bring on their
journey to the temple a sacrifice from what

God had blessed
them with.

a. Entry to the temple was limited or made inaccessible to
the Gentiles.

b. Gentiles
could only enter the outer court which was blocked by

the sale of animals.

c. Gentiles could not go into the other inner courts to

C Operating in the temple were money changers, who for a
fee would change

any foreign currency to the
acceptable temple currency.

1. Operating in the temple were
businesses making a profit that corrupted the purity of the worship experience.

V:15. “And
when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple,
and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew
the tables.”

A. Jesus
cleaned the temple of those who made it impure.

1. He
got rid of selfish gain, selfish ambition and personal agendas.

2. Jesus
is pure, therefore His temple ought to be pure.

3. Jesus is righteous, therefore
nothing but righteousness ought to exist in His temple.

4. The worship of the Lord ought
to be pure and undefiled.

5. The body is the temple of the

a. Because of His death, his
righteousness was imputed to all who believe.

b. His blood on
the cross cleansed us of all unrighteousness before the Father.

B. The
Lord has a way of getting rid of those who corrupt His worship.

V:16. “And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence;
make not my

Father's house an house of merchandise.”

A. The
church is not the place to run a personal business.

1. The only business in the Church is the business of
promoting the Gospel

of Jesus Christ.

2. The only merchandise sold in the Church should be that
which supports

the Church and builds up the Body of Christ.

B. The
Church is the property of the Father.

1. When we bring into Church our person agendas, we make the

House a house of merchandise.

a. The Father's house is for prayer and worship. Isa 56:7, Mat 21:13

V:17. “And his
disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me

A. This
is proof that the disciples studied the scriptures under Jesus.

1. They
recalled the words of Psalms 69:9.

2. Jesus
revealed Himself in the Old Testament to His disciples.

B. Jesus
had a zeal(a fervent mind) for promoting the righteousness of the Father

which was evident in all of His actions.

1. He
cleansed the temple.

2. Jesus
showed His zeal teaching the word.

3. Jesus
showed His zeal by sacrificing His life for the sins of the world.

C. We
believers in the Lord Jesus ought to have a zeal for doing the will of

the Father.

1. The world will see Jesus in us when our minds are made up
in following

the commands of Jesus.

2. When we are focused on the Lord we will not follow the

3. When we are
focused on the Lord we will stand out from the crowd.

V:18. “Then
answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto

us, seeing that thou doest these things.”

A. The
Jews wanted to know what authority did Jesus have to challenge their

way of doing things.

1. The Jews wanted to know what right did Jesus have getting
into their way of doing business in the Church.

B. There
is only one way in the Church and that is the WAY of Jesus Christ.

1. There is only one business in the Church and that is the

of building up the body of Jesus Christ.

C. There
is only one authority in the Church and that is the Word of Jesus Christ.

1. You
can tell when someone is pushing their own agenda in the Church.

a. They get upset when presented with the Word.

b. Folk
don’t want to hear the Word when it does not agree with their agenda.

D. The Church is under the dispensation of Grace.
Eph 3:2

1. The word “dispensation” is from the
Greek word “okonomian” which

means house manager
or house administration.

2. The Church is managed
by Grace and not by individual agendas.

3. Some folk get
upset when presented with the house rules.

V:19. “Jesus answered
and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days

I will raise it.”

A. They wanted a sign or a miracle to show
that Jesus had a divine commission to

change their way of doing things.

1. Jesus gave them
the supreme example of His authority.

2. He had the
authority to lay down His life and take it back up again

establishing a
new temple in His name.

B. The Church
building is the place of worship and not the main building.

1. Jesus has a
temple without walls.

2. You can’t count
the number of seats in the Church of Jesus Christ.

C. Jesus is the
“chief corner stone” of the Church.

1. Jesus
is the chief builder of the Church.

2. Jesus
was not talking about the temple building, but His body.

3. Jesus
enlighten us about His death and resurrection.

a. He would die in the flesh.

b. He
would live again in His resurrected body.

c. His spirit would be absent from His body for three

4. Jesus authority
was above the comprehension of man.

a. No man has the power to lay his life down and take it up

b. Jesus had the power and He used it voluntarily to save man.

V:20. “Then said
the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear
it up in
three days?”

A. Man sees the physical, but he
has trouble understanding the spiritual.

1. Jesus spoke of
His death and resurrection.

a. His voluntary death at the hands of the Jews.

b. His resurrection by His own power.

2. The Jews could only see what was in front of them, the temple

a. They had no view of the kingdom of God, only the
kingdom of the world.

b. The Jews were speaking of man’s limited
power. But Jesus

spoke of the unlimited, undefined power
of God.

B. When we
study Jesus, we must keep in mind that His focus is the eternal salvation

of man and not his physical existence.

1. Jesus will provide for all of our
needs and some of our wants.

2. Our wants will never override the will
of the Father for us.

But he spake of the temple of his body."

A. Jesus is giving us basis doctrine.

1. The world can not understand the Word
of God. 1 Cor

a. The Jews heard the Word and counted
it as foolishness.

B. Believers understand the Word through the
power of the Holy Spirit.

John 14:26

C. The three days represent His death burial and resurrection.

1. Jesus would tear down the old religion
under the Law and establish a

new religion in His body. 1 Peter

2. Jesus established His Church as the
sanctuary for God's elect. John 17:24

3. God's elect was foreknown before the
foundation of the world. Eph 1:4

D. Jesus death on the cross fulfilled all the
requirements of the law. Mat

1. Jesus established a new covenent in His
blood. Luke 20:20, Heb 8:13

V:22. “ When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples
remembered that he had said this unto
them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.”

A. The disciples heard the Word. Although they didn’t understand it,

they did not count
it as foolishness.

1. The disciple would
in time recall the Word they heard with


2. God will not put
more on us than we can bare.

3. The disciples could
not handle the death and resurrection of Jesus at this


4. They heard the Word,
but the Lord kept them blind to it until the right


B. We will not always understand the Word when we hear it.

a. In time, God will
make it clear to us.


JOHN 2:13- 22

V:13. “ And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.”

A. There
are some celebrations in the Church that you should not miss.

1. The Jews celebrated the day
that the death angel passed over the people of

just prior to their release from slavery and their exodus from Egypt.

2. The communion celebration
represents the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

a. Believers should make it their
business to be at Church when communion is being


b. We should constantly remind
ourselves of the supreme sacrifice Christ made

for us to save our souls.

c. We should constantly remind
ourselves of the continuous love of Jesus for us.

V:14. “ And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and
doves, and

the changers of money sitting.”

A. Jesus is aware of our presence in the Church.

1. Jesus knows why we are in the Church.

2. He knows if we are there to worship

3. He knows if we are there to promote ourselves.

4. In the temple unblemished animals were
sold to those who came

to Worship to be offered for a
sacrifice according to the Law.

B. Three things points to the spiritual corruption of the

1. Those who were
in charge of temple worship allowed an outside influence

to operate inside
the temple walls.

2. Those who purchased the animals at the temple failed to
follow God’s

command to bring a
sacrificial offering from their produce.

3. They were not devoted enough to the
Lord to make an effort

to bring on their
journey to the temple a sacrifice from what

God had blessed
them with.

a. Entry to the temple was limited or made inaccessible to
the Gentiles.

b. Gentiles
could only enter the outer court which was blocked by

the sale of animals.

c. Gentiles could not go into the other inner courts to

C Operating in the temple were money changers, who for a
fee would change

any foreign currency to the
acceptable temple currency.

1. Operating in the temple were
businesses making a profit that corrupted the purity of the worship experience.

V:15. “And
when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple,
and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew
the tables.”

A. Jesus
cleaned the temple of those who made it impure.

1. He
got rid of selfish gain, selfish ambition and personal agendas.

2. Jesus
is pure, therefore His temple ought to be pure.

3. Jesus is righteous, therefore
nothing but righteousness ought to exist in His temple.

4. The worship of the Lord ought
to be pure and undefiled.

5. The body is the temple of the

a. Because of His death, his
righteousness was imputed to all who believe.

b. His blood on
the cross cleansed us of all unrighteousness before the Father.

B. The
Lord has a way of getting rid of those who corrupt His worship.

V:16. “And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence;
make not my

Father's house an house of merchandise.”

A. The
church is not the place to run a personal business.

1. The only business in the Church is the business of
promoting the Gospel

of Jesus Christ.

2. The only merchandise sold in the Church should be that
which supports

the Church and builds up the Body of Christ.

B. The
Church is the property of the Father.

1. When we bring into Church our person agendas, we make the

House a house of merchandise.

a. The Father's house is for prayer and worship. Isa 56:7, Mat 21:13

V:17. “And his
disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me

A. This
is proof that the disciples studied the scriptures under Jesus.

1. They
recalled the words of Psalms 69:9.

2. Jesus
revealed Himself in the Old Testament to His disciples.

B. Jesus
had a zeal(a fervent mind) for promoting the righteousness of the Father

which was evident in all of His actions.

1. He
cleansed the temple.

2. Jesus
showed His zeal teaching the word.

3. Jesus
showed His zeal by sacrificing His life for the sins of the world.

C. We
believers in the Lord Jesus ought to have a zeal for doing the will of

the Father.

1. The world will see Jesus in us when our minds are made up
in following

the commands of Jesus.

2. When we are focused on the Lord we will not follow the

3. When we are
focused on the Lord we will stand out from the crowd.

V:18. “Then
answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto

us, seeing that thou doest these things.”

A. The
Jews wanted to know what authority did Jesus have to challenge their

way of doing things.

1. The Jews wanted to know what right did Jesus have getting
into their way of doing business in the Church.

B. There
is only one way in the Church and that is the WAY of Jesus Christ.

1. There is only one business in the Church and that is the

of building up the body of Jesus Christ.

C. There
is only one authority in the Church and that is the Word of Jesus Christ.

1. You
can tell when someone is pushing their own agenda in the Church.

a. They get upset when presented with the Word.

b. Folk
don’t want to hear the Word when it does not agree with their agenda.

D. The Church is under the dispensation of Grace.
Eph 3:2

1. The word “dispensation” is from the
Greek word “okonomian” which

means house manager
or house administration.

2. The Church is managed
by Grace and not by individual agendas.

3. Some folk get
upset when presented with the house rules.

V:19. “Jesus answered
and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days

I will raise it.”

A. They wanted a sign or a miracle to show
that Jesus had a divine commission to

change their way of doing things.

1. Jesus gave them
the supreme example of His authority.

2. He had the
authority to lay down His life and take it back up again

establishing a
new temple in His name.

B. The Church
building is the place of worship and not the main building.

1. Jesus has a
temple without walls.

2. You can’t count
the number of seats in the Church of Jesus Christ.

C. Jesus is the
“chief corner stone” of the Church.

1. Jesus
is the chief builder of the Church.

2. Jesus
was not talking about the temple building, but His body.

3. Jesus
enlighten us about His death and resurrection.

a. He would die in the flesh.

b. He
would live again in His resurrected body.

c. His spirit would be absent from His body for three

4. Jesus authority
was above the comprehension of man.

a. No man has the power to lay his life down and take it up

b. Jesus had the power and He used it voluntarily to save man.

V:20. “Then said
the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear
it up in
three days?”

A. Man sees the physical, but he
has trouble understanding the spiritual.

1. Jesus spoke of
His death and resurrection.

a. His voluntary death at the hands of the Jews.

b. His resurrection by His own power.

2. The Jews could only see what was in front of them, the temple

a. They had no view of the kingdom of God, only the
kingdom of the world.

b. The Jews were speaking of man’s limited
power. But Jesus

spoke of the unlimited, undefined power
of God.

B. When we
study Jesus, we must keep in mind that His focus is the eternal salvation

of man and not his physical existence.

1. Jesus will provide for all of our
needs and some of our wants.

2. Our wants will never override the will
of the Father for us.

But he spake of the temple of his body."

A. Jesus is giving us basis doctrine.

1. The world can not understand the Word
of God. 1 Cor

a. The Jews heard the Word and counted
it as foolishness.

B. Believers understand the Word through the
power of the Holy Spirit.

John 14:26

C. The three days represent His death burial and resurrection.

1. Jesus would tear down the old religion
under the Law and establish a

new religion in His body. 1 Peter

2. Jesus established His Church as the
sanctuary for God's elect. John 17:24

3. God's elect was foreknown before the
foundation of the world. Eph 1:4

D. Jesus death on the cross fulfilled all the
requirements of the law. Mat

1. Jesus established a new covenent in His
blood. Luke 20:20, Heb 8:13

V:22. “ When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples
remembered that he had said this unto
them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.”

A. The disciples heard the Word. Although they didn’t understand it,

they did not count
it as foolishness.

1. The disciple would
in time recall the Word they heard with


2. God will not put
more on us than we can bare.

3. The disciples could
not handle the death and resurrection of Jesus at this


4. They heard the Word,
but the Lord kept them blind to it until the right


B. We will not always understand the Word when we hear it.

a. In time, God will
make it clear to us.

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