Zechariah 9:9, Matt
V:9. " Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout,
Daughter of Jerusalem ! See, your
king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a
donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."
A. This is the day
the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
1. There is
never a day that we should not set our minds on joy.
2. Joy is a
state of the mind.
3. We can choose
joy or we can choose sadness.
B. The Lord Himself,
gave us the reasons for joy.
1. First, He
calls us His daughters.
2. Second, we are particular daughters.
a. We are
daughters of Zion . Daughters of heaven.
b. We are
daughters of a particular city; the city of Jerusalem .
c. We are His chosen people.
d. The city
of Jerusalem was His holy city, the
center of religious activity.
e. Jerusalem
was the city where sacrifices were made for the atonement of sin
and the sanctification of God's people.
C. The Lord gave us a
command to Shout!
1. Every day He
gives us breath is a day to Shout!
2. The Lord
gives us the reason we ought to Shout.
a. The King
of Kings came to us.
b. We don't
have to go to the King, He makes Himself available to us.
4. The King of
Kings came bearing gifts to His people.
a. He came
in righteousness.
b. He came
to transfer His righteousness to us.
c. He came
to be our salvation.
d. He is the
only one qualified to be our salvation because of His righteousness.
D. He did not come
like worldly kings, high with a show of might and pride.
1. Our King
came with a gentle essence.
a. Our King
came lowly to identify with the lowly.
b. Our King
came to draw us to Himself.
c. Our King
did not come to rule by force but to rule by love.
d. Our King
did not come for Himself. He came for our sakes.
2. Our King did
not come on a horse in violation of God's command. Duet. 17:6
a. Horses were
animals of war.
b. Donkeys
were animals of labor.
3. Our King
came on donkey.
a. He came
on a colt that has never been ridden.
b. He came
on a fresh colt.
c. He came
on colt that had not experienced the harshness of life.
d. Jesus
came to bring freshness to our lives.
e. He came
to gives us a new life in Him.
4. The labor of
Jesus on the cross is our reason to Shout.
Matthew 21:1-11
V:21. "As they approached Jerusalem
and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives , Jesus sent
two disciples."
A. Much of the work
of the Lord is done by His disciples.
1. Jesus involves
us in the business of the Father.
2. When we serve
the Lord, we learn more about the Lord.
3. Our service
bring us into a closer relationship with the Lord.
B. Jesus sent His
disciples out in pairs.
1. On our journey
for the Lord, we must support each other.
2. Upon the word
of two or three a thing can be confirmed.
3. God made Adam,
but did not leave him alone.
a. God gave
Eve as His help meet.
b. She was
there for conversation and support.
c. She was an
equal partner with Adam in the work of the Lord.
C. God does not send
His people to barren places.
1. He approach Jerusalem .
a. Jerusalem
is a Greek word meaning the "vision of peace".
2. Bethphage was a place where fig trees grew.
a. The city
derived its name from its produce.
b. Beth =
beeyt= house
c. Phage= phag
= a green fig.
3. Mount
of Olives was known for it's olives trees.
4. Jesus the Great
Land owner is the fruit of our
a. He came to
bring peace to men.
b. Jesus is
the mediator between God and man.
c. Jesus came
that we might have an abundant life.
5. Jesus said,
the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
b. We are the
fruit of the labor of Jesus on the cross.
c. Having been
processed through faith, we become His laborers.
d. Faith in
Jesus produces works.
V:2 "Saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of
you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie
them and bring them to me."
A. Jesus is all about
family, even among His creatures.
1. The Lord would
not separate the donkey from her colt.
2. He had need of
two animals, the donkey, and the colt.
a. One well
worked and one fresh.
b. The mother
of the colt had been in use by it's owner.
c. The colt
was young, and had never been ridden.
d. Jesus
brings freshness into the lives of those who love Him.
B. Whenever Jesus
sends us out, He has prepared what we shall find.
1. Even though
Jesus had not arrived at the place, He knew what He needed
was placed
there ready for His use.
2. Jesus knew the
condition and the position of both animals.
a. He knew
that there would be no problem in obtaining them.
C. The Jesus we serve,
knows all our needs.
1. Before we go
looking for something, Jesus knows where we will find it.
2. We should lean
on Jesus to guide our way.
a. The steps
of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
b. The grace
of Jesus is sufficient for those who have faith in Him.
V:3. " If anyone says anything to you, tell him that
the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away."
A. Jesus prepares the
heart of men to receive His Word.
1. It is our job
to carry the Gospel message and leave the reception of the Word
to Jesus.
2. It is the Word that convicts the heart of a
person to respond to Jesus.
3. We are vessels
that Jesus has prepared to carry the Word to the world.
B. Believers should
not be concerned how they will be received.
a. There are
waiting hearts ready for the Word that Jesus prepared for
you to
deliver to them.
b. Somebody, somewhere
needs the Word of God from YOU.
V:4. " This took place to fulfill what was spoken
through the prophet."
A. God spoke and
confirmed what He said.
1. Everything
concerning the life of Jesus was foretold hundreds of years before
it was done.
2. God revealed to
Zechariah that Jesus would come into Jerusalem
riding on a
donkey 490 years
before He fulfilled this prophecy.
B. The fulfillment
of prophecies are sure evidence that God keeps His Word.
1. We should
trust God and not doubt His Word.
1. Worry is a
decision to not trust God.
2. Worry is a
decision to not give God a chance to bring peace into your life.
V:5 "Say to the
Daughter of Zion, 'See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey,
on a colt, the foal of a donkey."
A. God does not
change, revise or update His Word.
1. God does not need
to be reminded of what He said.
2. God is the
same today as He was yesterday.
B. God lives in the
1. God put us in a time zone call life.
2. Our life time
is in God's presence.
3. When God
revealed His Word, it was the truth as if it was done.
V:6. " The disciples went and did as Jesus had
instructed them."
A. Obedience is the
key to success in Jesus.
1. We do not need
a discussion with anyone about the directions Jesus gives us.
2. We can tell people
what Jesus said to us, but we do not need their approval to
follow His
3. We should not
look for anyone's opinion on what to do about
what Jesus
said to do.
B. What Jesus tells
us is always the best for us.
1. Notice that
there are two verbs in the verse.
a. They went.
b. When God say
go, you should go without hesitation.
2. They did.
a. Going without
doing is of no use,
b. Going without
doing, does not serve God.
c. It is the doing
that brings success.
V:7. " They brought the donkey and the colt, placed
their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them."
A. It was the colt
that Jesus sat on.
1. The colt had
never been ridden.
2. You do not
ride a colt until it has been trained to carry you on his back.
B. Everything is
under the control of Jesus.
1. Under Jesus,
the colt was tamed immediately.
2. It is possible
that the colt was not aware that Jesus was on his back.
C. The disciples
honored Jesus by placing their cloaks on the back of the donkey.
1. Jesus was seen
as King riding into His city.
2. We owe Jesus
our honor.
3. We owe Jesus
our obedience and our respect.
8 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while
others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.
A. When something
good begins to unfold, emotions may run high.
1. It is good for
everyone to praise and worship Jesus.
2. The disciples
of Jesus didn't have much, but they did what they could.
3. They didn't
have a red carpet, but they made a carpet with their coats and
B. They had Church in
the street leading into Jerusalem .
1. We should be
excited to praise our King.
2. Our worship
should be real and not fake for a show to others.
3. We should not
worship God because others are doing it.
a. We should
worship God because we love God and we recognize
His love
for us.
b. When the
crowd is gone, our worship should still be going on.
4. Church
attendance is not the start of worship.
a. Worship in
our hearts and should be continuous.
b. When we get
together for worship, we draw Jesus into our service.
V:9 "The crowds that went ahead of him and those that
followed shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he
who comes in the name of the Lord!"
"Hosanna in the highest!"
A. Jesus was in the
middle of their praise.
1. There was a crowd
before Him, and there was a crowd behind Him.
B. Hosanna means
"save now."
1. The crowd
recognized Jesus as their Messiah.
2. They called on
Jesus to save them.
3. They recognized
Jesus as a descendant from the line of David.
C. The crowd's
excitement was do to their expectation that Jesus would
replace the Roman rule over them.
1. They wanted
freedom to do as they pleased.
2. They remembered
the promise that God made to them of a Messiah.
3. They considered
that Jesus was sent from the Father to restore a
King on
David's throne.
D. Jesus rules our
hearts and controls all governments from Heaven
1. The crowd did
not realize that Jesus came to die on the cross and
not to be
their physical King.
a. Jesus came
to be the king of our hearts.
2. The crowd
blessed Him when they thought they had something to gain.
a. They cursed
Jesus with the cry to crucify Him when they couldn't have
their way.
b. The crowd
was easily influence by a few men and their motives.
3. You can not
have a crowd mentality when you worship Jesus.
4. You should be
able to praise Jesus with no one around you.
5. Your praise
should not be based on the praise of others.
V:10. " When Jesus entered Jerusalem ,
the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?"
A. When you get
excited about Jesus, others will get interested in your praise.
1. There will
always be some who do not know Jesus.
2. Some plant the
seeds of the Gospel.
3. Some water
seeds that which have been planted by others.
4. You will not
always know how your words about the Lord affects others.
B. The Word of God
has the power to draw all people to Jesus.
1. When we honor
Jesus with our praise, others will join in with us.
2. Some weak in
their faith, wait on you to start praise and worship.
V:11. " The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the
prophet from Nazareth in Galilee ."
A. We should always
have a testimony for Jesus.
1. God used the
emotions of the crowd to raise the interest of those who had no
knowledge of
2. Jesus entry
into Jerusalem raised the emotions
of the entire city.
B. His disciples
responded by identifying Jesus a prophet from Galilee .
1. We should
respond with a testimony that Jesus is the Son of God, our Lord and
2. We should
always tell others that the way to salvation is through faith in Jesus
a. Jesus is
the way, the truth and the life.
b. There is no
way to the Father but through Jesus.
3. We should tell
others that Jesus came down from heaven to die on the cross for
our sins.
4. We should tell
others that God so loved the world that whoever believes in Him
has eternal life.
has eternal life.
5. Our praise is
always effective and affects those around us.
Rev. Melvin Mitchell, Ast Pastor Of GMBC
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