Psalms 110:1-4. Acts
2:22-24, 29-32
Psalms 110:1-4 ( The
Prophecy 1000 BC est)
V:110. " The Lord says to my Lord: "Sit at My
right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet."
A. The Lord = Yehovah= the self existing one, the eternal
1. My Lord= Adoni=
sovereign, controller, master owner
2. The Eternal
Father said to the Eternal Son sit at my right hand.
3. The Person of
the Father said to the Person of the Son sit at my right hand.
B. The right hand of
the Father is the power side.
1. All power over
heaven and earth was given to Jesus, the Eternal Son. Mat 28:18
2. The Bible says
that everything was made by Jesus and nothing was made
Him. John 1:3
3. Jesus our Lord
and Savior, has power that cannot be measured.
4. The engine in
our cars are rated by horse power. Electricity is rated in
5. We don't have a
measurement for the power of Jesus.
6. All we can say
is what His power has done and what His power is doing and
what His power
will do.
C. David had a
history with Jesus.
1. David said, Jesus
had the power to put all His enemies under His feet.
2. Jesus has the
power to subdue all the powers that arise against you.
3. We must
understand that there is nothing to hard for Jesus.
V:2. " The Lord will stretch forth Your strong scepter
from Zion , saying, "Rule in
the midst of Your enemies."
A. David was king
over Israel .
1. The Lord did
not get rid of his enemies. He ruled in the mist of his enemies.
2. Jesus is the
everlasting King on the throne of David.
3. The enemies of
Jesus still exist. Jesus is the ruler over His friends and his
B. In all our life
time, we will have enemies. It is our enemies that forces us to call on
1. We really don't
know all of our enemies.
a. They may be
sitting in our mist with smiling faces ready to bring us down.
b. Jesus is
the Lord over your enemies.
c. With Jesus,
you have protection against your enemies.
2. When you let
Jesus be the ruler over your life, your enemies don't have a chance.
3. Jesus rules
from His heavenly throne.
V:3 "Your people will volunteer freely in the day of
Your power; In holy array, from
the womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You as the dew."
A. When David was
King of Israel, he had a volunteer army that was ready to serve
and fight for their land.
and fight for their land.
1. Jesus is Lord
over the Body of Christ, which includes all believers.
2. As believers,
we should be ready and willing to serve Christ at all times.
3. We have all
been gifted and equipped for the service.
4. On earth, we
are the army of the Lord.
B. Our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father.
1. Jesus is
clothed in Glory.
2. When He was
born in the flesh, he walked in the Glory of the Lord.
C. Jesus is our role
model of righteousness.
1. Jesus is the
good news and the Gospel of our lives.
2. With His Word,
we find power for living.
3. The Word of the
Lord is always fresh each day.
4. The Spirit of
the Lord is youthful and never changes.
5. Our hearts are refreshed daily when we study
and meditate on the Word of the
V:4. " The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind,
"You are a priest forever
According to the
order of Melchizedek."
A. Before the birth
of Jesus in the flesh, Israel
had High priests who communicated
with God and
made intercessions for them.
1. The High
Priest instructed Israel
in the Law of Moses.
2. According to
the Law, the High Priest offered sacrifices for the sins of Israel .
B. The death and
resurrection of Jesus, ended the judgment of the Law and began the
Age of Grace.
1. Jesus is now
seated at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us.
2. Jesus holds a
three fold office.
a. He is our
high Priest.
b. He is our
c. He is our
3. He is the final
sacrifice for all sins, past, present and future.
a. Jesus
fulfilled all the requirements of the Law with His death on the cross.
b. The death
of Jesus on the cross satisfied God's demand for justice for the sins
of the world.
c. The blood
of Jesus is the atonement for our sins.
Lev 9:7, Rom 3:25
C. Jesus is the High
Priest in the order of Melchizedek.
1. Melchizedek
was the first noted high priest of God.
2. Melchizedek
was the King of Salem
3. Abraham paid tithes
to Melchizedek.
4. Melchizedek
worshipped the true and living God.
5. Melchizedek
was a type of Christ.
6. The name
"Melchizedek" means "king of righteousness".
7. Jesus is the
everlasting and righteous King of Kings forever.
Acts 2:22-25 ( The
Prophecy Fulfilled, 33 AD est.)
V:22. "Men of Israel ,
listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with
miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst,
just as you yourselves know."
A. This is the first
sermon of the new empowered Church.
1. The church was
powered with the giving of the Holy Spirit.
Act 2:4
2. Peter preached
the Good news, the Gospel of Jesus Christ to men from every
nation under
the sun. Act 2:5,6
3. The day of the
first Gospel preaching to the Church was the day of Pentecost.
(50 days
after the ascension of Jesus back into
B. This first sermon
was to a group of men who believed in God, but didn't know His
1. They had been
taught the Word of God without Jesus in the Word.
2. There are many
religions that teach a god with no Jesus.
3. There are
religions that teach Jesus as a prophet of God, but not the Son of God.
4. There are
religions that teach Jesus as the Son of God but not equal to God.
C. One way of
identifying Jesus in our lives is by the wonders, signs and miracles
He performs in
our lives daily.
1. Every believer
is an eye witness to the works of Jesus in their lives.
2. We received the
gift of the Holy Spirit which gives us incite into the Word.
a. It is the
enlightenment of the Holy Spirit that makes us aware of Jesus in our
D. God prepared for
the spread of the Gospel by assembling men from every nation
in Israel
on the day of Pentecost to hear Peter's sermon.
Acts 2:5
1. Having heard
the Gospel, these men would take the Word back to their countries.
2. God performed a
miracle for them to confirm His message.
a. Every man
heard Peter speak in his own language at the same time. Acts 2:8
b. The
disciples were not trained in these different languages, yet the Word was
heard in the
language of each nation.
V:23 "This Man, delivered over by the predetermined
plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless
men and put Him to death. "
A. Jesus came first
to the Jews who rejected Him as their King.
1. Jesus was condemned
and crucified by His own people.
2. Those who were
in charge of the Word rejected the Word in their mist.
3. Those in
charge of the Word were blinded by their teaching and their traditions.
a. They
brought false charges against Jesus and presented Him to the
government to be crucified.
b. On the
Friday before the Passover, they traded the life of Jesus for a
c. They were
so caught up in their own ideology, that they broke God's
commands to kill Jesus. (Thou shall not lie, thou shall not kill).
commands to kill Jesus. (Thou shall not lie, thou shall not kill).
b. They
willfully committed sins to kill our Jesus who had no sin.
B. God the Father
planned the death of His own Son by the hands of evil men.
1. The death of
Jesus was no surprise to the God the Father.
2. The plan to
crucify Jesus for the sins of man was first voiced by the
Father in
the Garden of Eden thousands of years beforehand. Gen 3:15
C. God prepares the
hearts of His elect to accepted His Son. Mat 24:31, 1 Pet 1:1
1. God also
hardens the hearts of some to reject His Son.
2. God harden the
heart of the Pharaoh of Egypt so that he could not
receive His Word to release the
Israelites. Exodus 10:1
a. The Pharaoh's rejection of the Word
gave God the opportunity to
show His
b. Sin was
allowed into God's perfect creation for His Glory.
D. God harden the
hearts of the Chief Priest, the Pharisees and the Scribes of
1. These were men
who studied the Word but were left blind by the Lord.
2. They had the
Messiah in their mist but they could not recognize Him.
V:24 "But God raised Him up again, putting an end to
the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power."
A. God put His own Son to death to raise Him up
1. When the first
sin was committed by Adam in the Garden of Eden, death was put
in the
forecast for all mankind. Romans 5:12
2. What God made
perfect was made imperfect by the sin of one man.
3. God immediately
activated His perfect solution; the death of His perfect Son.
B. With sin in the
world, death held the power over man preventing Him from
fellowship with Father and inheriting eternal life.
fellowship with Father and inheriting eternal life.
1. The shed blood
of Jesus on the cross, covered the sins of all mankind establishing
the way for
man to eternal life.
a. Jesus said,
I Am the Way The Truth And The Life.
John 14:6
b. Jesus is the
way to salvation.
c. Jesus is the
truth about salvation.
d. Jesus is the
Eternal Life.
2. Death had no
power over Jesus.
a. Man did not
take His life. He volunteered it by the will of the Father. Jn 10:17,18
b. He had the
power to lay down His life and the power to take it up again.
c. While Jesus
was dying on the cross, God was reconciling the world to Himself.
2 Cor 5:18 ,19
3. Jesus had to be
lifted up on the cross to draw us to Himself. Jn 3:14
a. If I be
lifted up, I will draw all men to me. Jn 12:32
C. The agony of death
is the eternal burning of non believers in the fire of Hell.
1. With Jesus as
our Savior, it is impossible for death to hold us in its' power.
2. With Jesus as
our Savior, we have escaped the eternal fire of Hell and will enter
into Heaven.
into Heaven.
Acts 2:28-33
V:29 "Brethren, I may confidently say to you regarding
the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us
to this day."
A. Moses delivered
God's people from the bondage of slavery. He died and His body
was buried in
the mountain by God.
1. Abraham was
the father of faith. He died and his body was buried in a tomb.
2. David was a
man after God's own heart, yet he died and his body is in a tomb.
B. All these men
believed God, obeyed His commands and are included in the Lamb's
book of Life.
1. Jesus death and
resurrection secures a place in heaven for all believers.
2. Jesus died, but
there is no tomb with His name on it.
3. Jesus died but
He was raised up again
4. Jesus died but
He is alive and lives in our hearts.
V:30 "And so, because he was a prophet and knew that
A. God made a
covenant with David that His throne would be a throne forever
with His seed reigning.
1. Jesus is that
promised seed through the line of David.
2. God keeps his
promises in His time.
3. We may not see
all His promises fulfilled in our life time, but they are sure.
4. We have the
evidence of God keeping His promises.
5. Jesus is the
fulfillment of all God's promises.
B. David died before
his son was made king, but he believed it to be so.
1. Faith is
believing that the promises of God are true even though we don't have
any evidence in our lives at the present moment.
any evidence in our lives at the present moment.
2. Faith is
believing that a mountain is moved even though it's in front of us.
3. Faith is
believing that we can have what God says we have even though we don't
possess it at this moment.
V:31 "He looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of
A. David believed the
Word of God, that the Christ that had not been born in the flesh,
would die and be
resurrected some time in the future.
1. Faith in God
believes what He says is true the moment you hear it.
A. We have the
testimony of the Word, the Prophets and the Holy Spirit that
Jesus was
resurrected from the dead.
1. He was
resurrected on the third day.
2. He walked the
earth for 40 days.
3. He ascended
into heaven before the eyes of his disciples.
B. The Jesus we serve
is alive and well, seated at the right hand of the Father.
Mark 16:19
V:32 "This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are
all witnesses. "
A. Peter was an eye
witness to the death of Jesus.
1. Peter was an
eye witness to the resurrected Jesus.
2. Peter was an
eye witness to the ascension of Jesus into the clouds. Lk 24:51
3. Peter was an
eye witness to the miracles of Jesus.
4. Peter was
empowered to do the works of Jesus doing his life time.
B. We can believe
Peter because His words are inspired by God and are confirmed by
prophecies of the Old Testament and the eye witnesses of the other disciples.
1. The Lord will
come again to receive His Church to Himself in heaven. Jn 14:3
2. We must stay
encouraged by the Word that God has preserved though out
the ages for
our enlightenment and convictions.
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