Psalm 89:35-37,
Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:18-22
1000 BC
Psalms 89:35-37
V:35 "Once I
have sworn by My holiness; I will not lie to David."
A. God can not lie.
1. God has no
need to lie.
2. God keeps His
3. God made an oath
to David by his holy essence.
B. God swore by
1. This is an
unconditional covenant.
2. This covenant
did not depend on David or any of his descendants.
3. This covenant
did not depend on what David did or did not do.
4. David was the
agent God used to make His covenant.
a. David was
the first in a line of kings through which Jesus made His
entry into
the world as a man.
b. The Word
became flesh.
C. God is truth.
1. God swore by
His truth.
2. The truth is a
standard that cannot be measured.
3. The truth is a
standard that can not be fully understood.
4. When we try to
understand God's truth, we are limited by our finite minds.
D. God swore by his
1. God's standard
of righteousness is well beyond our human comprehension.
2. When we try to
approach the holiness of God, we are limited by our fleshly
3. Because our
minds are corrupt, understanding God's holiness is beyond us.
a. The Lord
said there is none righteous, no not one.
4. God swore by a
standard that we cannot approach or fully understand.
E. God swore by His
1. If God does not
uphold His covenants, He would dishonor Himself.
2. If God does not
uphold His covenants, He would make Himself a liar.
V:36 "His descendants shall endure forever And his
throne as the sun before Me. "
A. God's covenant
with David
1. In this
covenant, God is dealing with the physical and the spiritual.
a. There was
the physical throne of David.
b. There is
the spiritual throne of David fulfilled through Jesus Christ.
2. In this
covenant, God is dealing with the temporal and the eternal.
a. The last physical king over Israel
in the line of David was Jehoiahim.
Jer 32:4-5 Jer 36:30
Jer 32:4-5 Jer 36:30
b. Israel ,
including Jerusalem were taken
captive by Nebuchadnezzar, King of
3. The forever
spiritual King in the line of David is Jesus Christ
B. The throne of
David is forever in the presence of God.
1. The throne of
David is protected by God.
2. The throne of
David was ordained by God.
2. The spiritual
throne of David is God.
V:37. "It shall
be established forever like the moon, And the witness in the sky is
A. The moon is
forever present.
1. The moon
shines brightly in the sky at night.
2. The moon is a
witness to the Glory of God.
3. God, the
Father is glorified in His Son.
B. Jesus the eternal
King reigns forever.
1. His kingdom is
not of this world. John 18:36
2. Jesus is the
Bright and Shining Star that lights up the hearts of every believer.
3. Jesus is
faithful to His purpose, His promises and His mission.
C. Jesus is the
eternal throne from the line of David.
740 BC
Isaiah 9:6-8
V:6. " For a child will be born to us, a son will be
given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will
be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace."
A. During the time of
the writing of Isaiah¸ Israel was living in a time of conflict
themselves and God the Father.
1. They built
altars to idol gods and worshipped them.
2. The called on
their idol gods for protection and provisions.
3. They
repeatedly committed spiritual adultery.
B. God was angry with
1. They were under
the judgment of God which would be fulfilled 160 years later
with the
Babylonian exile.
2. Jerusalem
would be destroyed, the temple destroyed and the people taken
captive for 70
years. ( 609-539 BC approximate dates)
C. In the mist of
their terrible sin, God gave them the prophecy of the coming
1. In the mist of
the announcement of the coming judgment, God reminded them that
He would keep
His covenants with Abraham and David.
2. In the mist of Israel 's
corruption, God promised redemption through Jesus Christ.
D. By the time Jesus
was born in the flesh, Israel
was under Roman occupation.
1. Jerusalem
was rebuilt, the temple was built and the worship of God restored.
E. God gave Israel
the characteristics of the coming Messiah.
1. He would be
born in the flesh.
a. He would
be born to a family in Israel .
b. The messiah
would be a male.
2. He would be
the eternal ruler of Israel .
a. Jesus is
the ruler of the hearts of all believers.
b. Jesus is the standard by which we should
c. Jesus is
the standard by which we should treat one another.
3. Jesus is the
Wonderful Councilor.
a. Jesus does
wonderful things well beyond our imagination.
b. Jesus, the Son
of God, fulfilled His promise by giving His life for our sins.
c. Jesus is the
mediator between us and God, the Father.
d. Jesus made
it possible for us to be in the presence of God with His shed blood
on the
e. Our prayers
to the Father in the name of Jesus are answered according to His
f. He makes all
things possible for us.
4. Jesus is our
a. The fear of
the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
b. Jesus knows
the end from the beginning.
c. He orders our
d. He guides us
to an understanding of all truths.
5. Jesus is a Mighty
a. All power
over heaven and earth has been given to Him.
b. Jesus is our
strength and our salvation.
c. When we are
weak, He is strong.
d. His strength
is perfected in our weakness.
e. He is
f. There is
nothing to hard for Jesus.
g. Jesus makes
it possible for believers to move mountains.
6. Jesus is the Eternal Father.
a. Jesus is the
father of eternity.
b. Abraham is the
father of faith because he believed God.
c. Jesus is the
father of eternity because through His death, He made eternal life
possible for
all believers.
7. Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
a. Jesus death on
the cross reconciled the world to the Father. Rom 5:10 . 2 Cor 5:19
b. We were once
enemies of the cross. Believers are at peace with the Father. Php
c. Belief in
Jesus brings peace and Joy to our lives.
V:7. " There will be no end to the increase of His
government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To
establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and
forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this."
A. Those who have
been predestine to be call out of the world will continue to come
to a belief in Christ until the end of this age. Eph chapter 1
to a belief in Christ until the end of this age. Eph chapter 1
1. We are in the
Church Age, which will end with the second coming of Christ.
2. The number of
believers in Christ will continue to increase through out the
Church age.
3. At the end of
the Church Age, the Church will be taken to heaven and reign with
Christ for a
1000 years. 1 Th 4:16-17, Rev
B. The throne of
David will exist forever through Christ Jesus, our king.
1. The Lord,
Himself will see that His plan of redemption is completed.
2. The promised redemption of man was made first
in the Garden of Eden. Gen 3:15
Through out the Bible, God repeatedly confirms His promise of a redeemer
Jesus is that promised redeemer.
Matthew 1:18-22
V:18. " Now the
birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed
to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy
Spirit. "
A. The Lord planned
out all events concerning the birth of Jesus Christ.
1. The time of
His birth. Daniel 9:25
2. The place of
His birth. (Bethlehem Mic 5:2)
c. The family line of His birth. Isa 9:6-7
d. The mother
who would birth him.
e. The condition
of His birth.
B. God chose a
virtuous woman to be the mother of Jesus.
1. She was a
2. She was
a. She was
engaged to Joseph, yet she accepted the assignment of becoming
with Jesus by the Holy Spirit before her wedding ceremony.
b. She did
not concern herself with public opinion.
c. She
trusted God with her life.
i. She
risked being stoned to death.
ii. She
allowed God to handle the consequences of her pregnancy before
3. She was a
grateful woman. She sung praises to God for her selection.
4. She was a
thoughtful woman.
a. Spent
the first three months of her pregnancy with her cousin Elizabeth who
was in
the 6th month of a miracle pregnancy.
V:19. " And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man
and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. "
A. What God proposes, man opposes.
1. The Father said
that there is none righteous, no not one.
Rom 3:10
2. The Bible does
not give us the conversation that David had with Mary when she
told him
about her pregnancy.
3. It did not make
any difference what Mary said, Joseph did not believe her.
B. Joseph was not
acting out of compassion or love.
1. Joseph followed
the law to come to his decision.
2. The law said
stone her, but Joseph thought to send her away and let someone
else stone
3. There was no
way Mary would have been able to escape the judgment of the
C. Joseph would not
disgrace her, but the community would.
1. Joseph was
considered righteous, but his action would not save Mary from
V:20. " But when he had considered this, behold, an
angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of
David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been
conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit."
A. The Lord always
comes to the rescue of the righteous.
1. When others
have written you off, God has your back.
2. Joseph was
ready to put an end to his relationship with Mary, but God was Her
protector and
B. When no one will
talk up for you, God will.
1. God had to
straighten out Joseph's mind.
2. Joseph was
afraid to do what God planned for him to do.
3. Joseph was
concerned about his reputation.
C. Joseph would not
listen to Mary, but he listened to the angel of the Lord.
1. The angel was
a stranger to Joseph, but Mary was his friend.
2. The angel
appeared in a dream, but Mary appeared in person.
3. We have to be
careful that we do not take our spouses for granted.
D. When the Lord
speaks, we should listen and act.
1. Some things
in God's plan for us, may not make human sense.
2. The Word of
God is the truth whether we can understand it or not.
3. What God
directs us to do will be confirmed in His Word.
E. Mary's pregnancy
was a miracle by the power of the Holy Spirit.
1. God performs
miracles in our lives daily.
2. Sometimes we
miss the miracles that are in front of us because we are looking
for the
3. Joseph would
have missed the best thing that ever happen to him if he had
not listen to
the Holy Spirit.
a. Before we
make any decisions, we should go to God in prayer.
b. We have the
Word which will confirm our mission from God.
V:21 "She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name
Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."
A. God reminded
Joseph of His purpose, His Mission and His will.
1. God reminded
Joseph that He was the son of David.
2. God reminded Joseph that Mary was to be
his wife.
3. God reminded
Joseph that he would be the earthly father of Jesus.
B. God reminded
Joseph of His Mission.
1. Jesus would be
born in the flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit.
2. Mary would be
the vessel that God used to house the Spirit of Jesus in the flesh.
3. Joseph and
Mary would be the earthly parents of Jesus.
C. God reminded
Joseph of His will.
1. Jesus would be
born to save His people from their sins.
2. The people of
Jesus are all who accept Him as their personal Savior.
V:22. " Now all this took place to fulfill what was
spoken by the Lord through the prophet."
A. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of God's promise for a
1. The God we
serve is a God of love.
2. God so loved
the world that He gave His only begotten Son for the sins of all
B. In the Garden of
Eden, God promised a redeemer who is Jesus Christ.
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