Thursday, April 3, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Is Your Worship For Real', 4/6/2014



Isa 56:6-7, Jer 7:9-11. Mark 11:15-19


True worship is important to the Lord. During Old Testament times, the Law was the guideline to praise and worship. The Lord designed His Temple in Jerusalem as the place

for worship for the nation of Israel.  Worship became routine and the spirit of Worship

was lost. The Law was the tutor for worship until grace came. The death and resurrection of Jesus was the beginning of the age of Grace. True worship according to God's design

is not always maintained by the Church established in Jesus name.



Isaiah 56:6-7

V:6 "Also the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord, To minister to Him, and to love the name of the Lord, To be His servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath And holds fast My covenant."

 A. Everyone from all nations are welcome in the House of the Lord.

     1. There is a qualification for Church membership.

         a. You need a relationship with the Father.

         b. Jews and Gentiles need a relationship with the Father.

     2. A relationship with the Father is established through faith in Jesus Christ.

B.  Every believer in Jesus is a minister of the Lord.

    1. Every believer has the authority to preach the Gospel of Jesus.

    2. Every believer has the responsibility to teach how salvation is obtained

        through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus shed on the cross.

C. Every believer has been transformed from a servant of the world to a servant

     of the Lord.

    1. Believers should put the Lord first in their lives.

    2. You cannot serve two masters.

        a. There is no in between. It is either the Lord or the world.

        b. It is through our service that we learn to trust the Lord.

 D. The Jews were commanded to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

     1. The Lord commanded a day of worship.

     2. Jesus was raised from the death on Sunday morning.

        a. The day of worship for believers was changed to Sunday.

        c. The Jews were under the Law. Believers are under Grace.

        d. Everyday for believers is a day of worship.

 C. Believers should hold fast to the Word of God.

     1. The law was given to teach us obedience to the Lord.

     2. The law was also given to teach the importance of sacrifice.

     3. The law was given to teach us how to worship the Lord.

V:7. " Even those I will bring to My holy mountain And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples."

 A. The body is the temple of the Lord.

     1. No one can come to the Lord but through Jesus Christ.  Jn 6:37

     2. No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws them.

     3. Worship begins in the heart. Worship does not begin in the physical building

         called the church.

 B. Those who dedicate themselves to the Lord will find peace and joy.

     1. Since we are the Lord's House, we should continue in prayer.

     2. When prayer cease, worldly events takes its place.

     3. When our focus is on the Lord, we can easily offer ourselves as a living sacrifice.

 C. Our prayers and offerings are acceptable to the Lord when we summit ourselves

     to His commands.

  D. God is no respecter of person.

      1. Your color, race or nationality does not matter to the Lord.

      2. What matters to the Lord is obedience to His commands.



Jeremiah 7:9-11

V:9 "Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery and swear falsely, and offer sacrifices to Baal and walk after other gods that you have not known."

 A. God is not interested in your words.

     1. God is interested in your commitment and devotion.

     2. We say a lot of things. But do we mean what we say.

     3. We say we love the Lord, but do we show our love by what we do.

 B. God list five of His commands that we so often violate.

     1. Do we steal?

        a. Taking what is not yours is stealing.

        b. The first thing Christians steal is God's tithes and offering. Mal 3:10

        c. We pay ourselves first and give God what is left over.

        d. We miss Church one Sunday and fail to bring the missed tithe to the

            Church the next Sunday.

     2. Do we murder?

        a. We may not physically kill someone. We kill their spirit with our


        b.. Instead of building up someone, we tear them down.

            a. Instead of looking for the good, we focus on the bad.

            b. We are full of negative comments, but no positive reinforcement.

      3. Do we swear falsely?

         a. Do we promise God we are going to do something, but fail to

             follow through.

         b. Do we make excuses for not serving the Lord.

         c. Do we find ourselves saying yes to the Lord, but really mean no.

      4. Do we offer sacrifices to idol gods?

        a. Is there anything we like more than God?

        b. Can we find time for football, basketball, and golf, but can't

            find time to study God's Word?

        c. Do we trust our jobs more than we trust the Lord?

        d. When we say we love the Lord, is it a statement that sounds good,

            but is never put into practice?

     5. Do we commit adultery?

        a. Is there any thing more important to you than God?

        b. Is serving God first or somewhere between first and last on your

            list of priorities?

        c. Do you volunteer to serve or do you have to be dragged into serving?

        d. If you had extra money, would you increase your offering to the Lord

            or would you find something else to buy first?


V:10. " Then come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My name, and say, 'We are delivered!' — that you may do all these abominations? "

 1. When you come to Church on Sunday, do you remember what you didn't

      do for the Lord.  Do you make an effort to do what you know you are

      commanded to do?

 2. Are all your prayers all about what God can do for you and not what you can

     do for God?

 3. Does the Word preached on Sunday convict you to be more like Jesus, or allow

     you to stay the same?

 4. Do you find yourself saying you are going to change for the Lord, but

     find that you stay the same?


V:11. "Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of robbers in your sight? Behold, I, even I, have seen it," declares the Lord.

 A. Has Church become a place to socialize and not a place to grow?

     1. Has Church become an opportunity to be with friends and not an opportunity

         to be a friend to Jesus?

     2. Is worship an act of your emotions, a display for others or an expression of

         love for the Lord?

     3. If your worship is an expression of your love for the Lord, what evidence

         can you supply that it is Love?

 B. Are you robbing the Lord of His worship by showing up on Sunday just to

     be entertained by the choir or the preaching?

    1. If you knew in advance that a particular preacher was preaching, would

        you stay home?

    2. If you spent God's money on Saturday night, would you show up on Sunday

        and ask for forgiveness. Or would you say it is no big deal?

    3. Do you ever get up on Sunday morning and say this is the day I am going

        to stay at home and relax?



Mark 11:15-19

 V:15. " Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves."

 A. Jesus gets upset when your worship in God's temple is not for real.

     1. Church is not the place to conduct business.

     2. Church is not the place to push your personal agenda.

 B. We dishonor the Lord when we come to Church for anything other than prayer and


    1. The temple in Jerusalem had a large outer court called the court of the Gentiles.

    2. In this large outer court, money changers set up tables to convert the Roman

        and Greek money into the Jewish coinage to pay the annual half  shekel Temple


      a. The system was corrupt with a profit been made with the exchange.

      b. The selling of unblemished doves for sacrifice was permitted.

     c.   Traffic through the outer court to other parts of the city was also permitted.

  3. The outer court had become a place of commerce.

  4. Jesus cleared out the outer court to return it to its divine purpose of worship and


D. We must be careful to keep our hearts and minds clear of the clutter of the world

     so our worship is continuous.

    1. When our focus is on the Lord, daily worship is possible.

    2. Seek the Lord first and all things needed will be added to us.

    3. This promise of the Lord should give us confidence to trust the Lord with our



V:16. " And He would not permit anyone to carry merchandise through the temple."

  A. The Lord holds the authority over our lives.

       1. The Lord has reserved believers for His worship and glory and will not allow

           the worries of the world to consume us.

       2. We are the Lord's temple and every day is a day of praise and worship.

 B. When our focus is not on the Lord, the merchandise of the world will consume us.

      1. It is not God's design for us to be concerned with the things that are temporal.

      2. It is God's design that we be focused on the things that are eternal.

 C. How do we live in this world which is materialistic and not be affected by it?

     1. Everyday new gadgets are invented and presented  to us for our consumption.

     2. These new gadgets makes life  simpler  and sometimes more enjoyable.

     3. We must keep in mind that nothing made by man has any lasting value.

          a. Only the things we do for the Lord are eternal.

          b. Joy does not exist in things, but in the Lord.

          c. The love of material things will soon bring misery.

          d. The love of the Lord brings joy.  



V:17. " And He began to teach and say to them, "Is it not written, 'MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL THE NATIONS'? But you have made it a ROBBERS' DEN."

 A. Prayer is our communication with the Father.

     1. Prayer is universal.

     2. The method of prayer never changes.

     3. The effectiveness of prayer never diminishes.

 B. God commands us to pray without ceasing.

    1. Constant prayer is constant communication with the Father.

    2. A diminished prayer life, robs God of our worship, our devotion, our

        communication with Him and our love for Him.

    3. When we focus on the merchandize of the world, we cannot focus on the Lord.

       a. Gradually our focus on worldly items will rob God of our trust in Him.

       b. Gradually our focus on worldly items will rob God of His worship.



V:18. " The chief priests and the scribes heard this, and began seeking how to destroy Him; for they were afraid of Him, for the whole crowd was astonished at His teaching."

 A. The world hates the teaching of the Lord.

     1. The world hates the truth which is Jesus Christ.

     2. Those who hold worldly authority, hate the authority of Jesus.

 B. Jesus was crucified because He taught the truth about the righteousness of the

    1. Men are lovers of themselves. Jesus taught the Love of God and the love of


    2. Men pride themselves in their possessions. Jesus taught us to resist the proud and

        seek to be humble.

    3. Men taught an eye for an eye. Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek.

 C. The Devil knows Jesus, fear Him, but will not follow Him.

     1. The Devil know the truth, but practice deception.

     2. We should not be surprised that the world goes in the wrong direction as we  
         follow Jesus.

     3. Following the crowd leads to destruction, corruption and eternal damnation.

     4. Following Jesus leads to peace, joy and eternal life.



V:19. " When evening came, they would go out of the city."

  A. There is a morning time when believers must work serving the Lord.

      1. While it is day, we must make it our duty to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

      2. While it is day, we must pursue the righteousness of the Lord.

  B. There is a night time when no man can work.

     1. This life is but a short period of time which will soon come to an end.

     2. We have to make a choice for Jesus while it is still day time.

     3. No choices will be made when the lights go out.

     4. Our choices end at the moment of death.

  B. The Lord is coming back for His Church.

     1. All believers will leave this city called the world and be taken to the Holy City of

         the Lord.

     2. If you want to be counted in the Lambs Book of Life, make God's temple a 
         house  of  prayer.

     3. While it is day, let us learn to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.


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