Friday, August 30, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, God The Great Creator. 9/1/2013

                                           GOD THE GREAT CREATOR

Psalms 104:5-9, 24-30


V:5.  "He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved."

 A. We serve a powerful God.

     1. We serve a very creative God.

     2. God created the earth out of nothing.

     3. God set the earth in an orbit that didn't previously exist.

     4. God positioned the earth so that it could not move out of it's orbit.

 B. Man can destroy himself, but he cannot destroy what God has created.

     1. Man can make his environment hostile, but he cannot destroy it.

     2. It is because of His love that God protects man from himself.


V:6. "You covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains."

 A. God covered the entire earth with water.

      1. Water covered the highest mountain.

      2. God created enough water the earth.

         a. The volume of water to cover the entire earth can't be calculated.

         b. We have no idea how high above the highest mountain the water stood.

 B. In  Genesis 7:24, God flooded the earth with water because of the sinfulness of


      1. Water covered the highest mountain.

      2. Only Noah and his family were saved. 

      3. The God we serve can do some things that we can't possible understand.


V:7. " But at your rebuke the waters fled, at the sound of your thunder they took to


  A. The God we serve is an awesome God.

      1. By His Word, the earth was spoken into existence.

      2. By His Word the earth was covered with a blanket of water.

 B. By a sound from the Lord, the water moved.

     1. The last time I checked, water does not respond to my voice.

     2. The water was alarmed or frightened by thunder of the Lord.

     3. The water moved quickly at the thunder of the Lord.

     4. The disciples of Jesus was in a ship and the sea was rough. Jesus said peace be
          still and the waves calmed down. Mark 4:39.

         a. Water and wind respond to their maker.

         b. The last time I checked, water and wind do not have a mind to think or ears to


         b. We have been blessed with both, how much more should we respond?


V:8.  "They flowed over the mountains, they went down into the valleys, to the place you assigned for them."

 A. The Lord is in control of His universe.

    1. God assigned the waters a place so that the mountains and the valleys and dry
        land  could be revealed.

    2. One would wonder what did God do with all the excess water.

    3. Did God cause the water to evaporate?

    4. Did God speak to the water and a portion of it disappeared ?

 B. God could have spoken and the depth of the rivers, oceans and seas opened up.

    1. The God we serve is awesome.

    2. All of God's creative process is a small portion of His glory.


V:9. "You set a boundary they cannot cross; never again will they cover the earth."

  A. God is the ultimate authority.

      1. Man is not the authority.

      2. God set boundaries that cannot be changed.

  B. God spoke and everything was created.

     1. God spoke and everything was placed in His order.

     2. God spoke and an environment suitable for life came into existence.



Psalms 104:24-30

V:24. " How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures."

 A. God is omniscience. He knows everything.

     1. There is nothing for God to discover.

     2. There is nothing for God to learn.

     3. God did not have to figure out how to do anything.

 B. All knowledge is God's.

    1. He reveals to us only what He wants us to understand.

    2. Everything was made according to His wisdom.

 C. God filled the earth with all the creatures.

    1. Some of God creatures we know of and some yet to be known.

    2. God did not tell us all that He created.

    3. He gave us a mind to explore His creation and come to know it.


 V:25. " There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number living things both large and small."

 A. God laid out His earth with enough room for everything.

    1. God is not on a remolding program.

    2. The earth will not run out of space for God's creatures.

 B. God created the seas and stocked them with His creatures.

    1. The seas are big, wide and deep enough for all the sea animals.

    2. The animals will always have more than enough room to move around.

 C. God setup a food chain to sustain His creatures.

    1. God gave his creatures a desire to survive by feeding on His creation.

    2. God needed no help in deciding on the shape, size and color of his creatures.


V:26. " There the ships go to and fro, and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there."

 A.  God made it possible for water to be heavy enough to support the ships built

     with the proper volume to float.

     1. The weight of a ship has a downward pressure.

     2. Water has an upward pressure.

     3. As long as the weight of  the ship does not exceed the upward pressure of the

         the water, it will float.

 B. God created large sea animals to swim in His seas.

     1. The whale is the largest animal we know.

     2. Perhaps others existed that we do not know .

     3. Dinosaurs do not exist today, but we have uncovered their bones.

        a. We know what they look like, and how big they were.

        b. We know what they ate.

        c.  We are not sure why they died out, but we know they existed.

    4. Likewise, there existed large sea animals that God named leviathans.

       a. We have not discovered their bones, but they did exist.

       b. God does things according to His way.


V:27. " These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time."

  A. God made ample provisions for all His creatures.

      1. Animals have a need to eat and God provides all they need.

      2. The sea creatures do not worry or plan anything but exist in God's plan.

  B. All sea creatures are dependant on God for their survival.

     1. Sea creatures are dependant without knowledge of their dependence.

     2. We are dependant on God and should be grateful for our dependence.  


V:28. "When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things."

 A. Sea creatures eat what God provides without complaining.

     1. Sea creatures do not store food, they eat what God provides.

     2. They cannot anticipate their needs, but God fulfills their needs.

     3. They receive what they need on a day to day basis.

 B. It would be great if we live with confidence that God will always provide our

    1. We have a promise from Jesus that whatever we ask the Father in his name will

         be provided.

    2. Our problem is trusting in God's Word.

        a. God will only give good things.

        b. His favor is on us.

        c. All we have to do is to receive His blessings with joy.


V:29. " When you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to the dust."

 A. God is in control of all life.

     1. Animals are easily disturbed by any change in their environment.

     2. Some changes causes them to retreat and others causes them to attack for their

         protection and survival.

     3. God is in control of all their activities.

B. God controls the span of their life.

    1. He gives breath for life.

    2. At the appointed time, God takes away their breath and animals die.

    3. Animals have no concept of life or death. They exist from day to day.

    4. We have a concept of life and death, but we also exist from day to day according
        to  the will of God.

    5. God formed Adam from the dust of the earth.

        a. He breath his spirit into him and he became a living soul. Gen 2:7

        b. When a person dies, his body returns to dust.

        c. When a person dies, his spirit returns to the Lord. Ecc 12:7


V:30. " When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth."

 A. God constantly renews His creation with new life.

    1. Some die and more are born.

    2. God controls the population of man and animals on earth.

        a. He gives life and He takes away life.

        b. When animals die they cease to exist.

        c. When a person dies, his spirit returns to the Lord.

        d. The saved will be blessed into heaven.

        e. The unsaved will receive eternal damnation.

  B. The God we serve is a just God giving eternal life to those who except Jesus as
       their personal Savior.

     1. God created and maintains the earth and all it's inhabitants for His glory.

     2. We are give to God glory for His mercy endures forever.



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