Nehemiah 13:15-22
V:15. " In those days I saw men in Judah
treading winepresses on the Sabbath and bringing in grain and loading it on
donkeys, together with wine, grapes, figs and all other kinds of loads. And
they were bringing all this into Jerusalem
on the Sabbath. Therefore I warned them against selling food on that day."
A. The Israelites had
the Word from the Lord to "Remember The Sabbath And To
Keep It Holy."
1. They had the
Word but they ignored the Word.
2. They had been
in captivity for seventy years because they ignored the Word.
3. Their city had
been destroyed and the temple burned down because they were
B. God delivered them
back into the promise land and they returned to being disobedient.
1. God is same
today as He was in the past. He does not change.
2. God punished Israel
for their sins and He is capable of doing it again.
3. Some people
refuse to learn from there past mistakes.
C. The job of God's
leaders is to look after the flock.
1. When we see
others in the body of Christ going astray, we have a responsibility
to warn them of
their errors.
2. The Sabbath
was designed as a day of rest for themselves and their animals.
a. The
animals used in planting and harvesting needed a day of rest.
b. The
Sabbath was designed as a day of worship.
c. The
Israelites went back to their old ways before their captivity.
d. Not only
were they going astray, but they were leading others
of the Body of Christ astray.
3. We
are all God's leaders in some way and have a responsibility to proclaim the
Word be doers
of the Word.
V:16. " Men from Tyre
who lived in Jerusalem were bringing
in fish and all kinds of merchandise and selling them in Jerusalem
on the Sabbath to the people of Judah ."
A. To Worship the
Lord in Spirit and truth, we must separate ourselves from the
1. The world
never takes a break from the pursuit of profit.
2. There is this
never ending desire to buy and sell goods and services.
3. This desire
feeds on it's self and knows no boundaries.
4. This desire is
controlled by the human flesh.
B. The Christian man
shall not live by bread alone but by every Word of the Lord.
1. Abiding in the
Word is the way to sure profit for the believer.
2. God commands
us to set aside a day for worship.
3. Failure to
worship the Lord is a recipe for destruction.
V:17. " I rebuked the nobles of Judah
and said to them, "What is this wicked thing you are doing — desecrating
the Sabbath day? "
A. All
unrighteousness is sin and we should be constantly reminded of this fact.
1. The Jewish
community was commanded to observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.
2. It was a
serious violation to work on the Sabbath day.
3. Continuously
ignoring God's commands will lead to our destruction.
4. The Israelites
had a history of disobedience and a history of God's wrath.
B. The Israelites
were under the dispensation of the Law and the penalty of the Law.
1. Jesus death on
the cross fulfilled all the requirements of the Law by establishing
the age of
2. Jesus was
resurrected on Sunday, establishing a new day of worship.
3. We are encouraged
to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable
to the Lord.
a. This is
continuous worship of the Lord.
b. As
believers, we have to be careful to put God first.
c. If we do
not put God first, He becomes a second to our worldly desires.
C. David said,
"I was glad when they said let us go into the house of the Lord."
1.We are not
under the penalty of the Law.
2. It is through
the Law that we learn the righteousness of the Lord.
3. It is through
the Law that we understand that all have sinned and fall short
of the Glory
of God.
4. We must be
careful to follow God and not the ways of the world.
V:18. " Didn't your forefathers do the same things, so
that our God brought all this calamity upon us and upon this city? Now you are
stirring up more wrath against Israel
by desecrating the Sabbath."
A. There are times
when we need to be reminded of how bad we were and how God
dealt with us.
1. Some of the
bad thing that happened to us were a result of our disobedient
2. You can't
claim bad luck as the reason for your situation.
3. Sometimes God
punishes us by putting us through difficult times.
B. Disobedience can stir up God's wrath against us.
1. It is to our
benefit to follow God's commands.
2. God can cause
things to work out in our favor. according to our obedience.
3. God can cause
things to work out against us, according to our disobedience.
V:19. " When evening shadows fell on the gates of Jerusalem
before the Sabbath, I ordered the doors to be shut and not opened until the
Sabbath was over. I stationed some of my own men at the gates so that no load
could be brought in on the Sabbath day."
A. Leaders have a
responsibility to take action that will benefit God's people.
1. Nehemiah, the
Governor of people saw the disobedience of the Israelites and
corrective actions.
2. He closed the
gate to the city so that outside traders could come not come to
to do business
on the Sabbath.
3. He ordered the
Israelites to observe the Sabbath, as God commanded.
B. Sometimes God has
to shut doors to keep us out of trouble.
1. We can't get to
busy living that we can't live for God.
2. The best living
we can experience is living with the Lord.
C. Sometimes God has
to shut us down so we can focus on Him.
1. I am of the
opinion that some illness that put us on our backs are designed to
to give us
rest and cause us to focus on the Lord.
2. When we are on
our backs, it is easy to look up and see the Lord.
3. We load ourselves
up with all kinds of activities that burdens us
to the point
that we don't have time for God.
V:20. " Once or twice the merchants and sellers of all
kinds of goods spent the night outside Jerusalem .
A. Satan is busy all
the time.
1. Just because
you have decided to follow God does not prevent Satan from
temptations to you.
2. I believe your
decision to follow God is an invitation for Satan to test your
B. The gates were
shut, but the traders still showed up for business outside the gates.
1. If Satan can't
get to you in the Church, he will catch you on your way out of the
2. If Satan can't
get to you during the day, He will try you in the night time.
3. Satan does not
run out of time. He will try to temp you all day and all night.
4. Believers have
to arm themselves with the Word to resist the devil.
V:21. " But I warned them and said, "Why do you
spend the night by the wall? If you do this again, I will lay hands on
you." From that time on they no longer came on the Sabbath."
A. You have to give
Satan notice.
1. As for me and
my house, we will serve the Lord.
2. You cannot
allow the demands of the world to shut down you worship.
B. You have to watch
your night time.
1. Satan is the
father of darkness.
2. At all times
you must put on the full armor of God.
C. You have to warn
Satan that he is already defeated and that you hold the victory
with Jesus
V:22. " Then I commanded the Levites to purify
themselves and go and guard the gates in order to keep the Sabbath day holy.
Remember me for this also, O my God, and show mercy to me according to your
great love."
A. All believers are
priests of God.
1. We have the
Word of God to guide us into His righteousness.
2. God stands
guard over His people.
3. Jesus Christ is
our gate keeper.
B. Our job is to repent of our sins and follow God's
1. We should ask
God the Father to remembers us in good times and bad times
and keep us
from harm and danger.
2. God loves those
who follow His commands.
3. The mercy of God
endures forever because of His love shown through
the death of
His Son on the cross.
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